8 research outputs found

    Padrão de intervenções de enfermagem realizadas em vítimas de trauma segundo o Nursing Activities Score

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    Objetivo Identificar el patrón de las intervenciones de enfermería en víctimas de trauma en las primeras 24 horas en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). Método Estudio prospectivo, realizado en la UCI de un hospital de São Paulo, Brasil. Se utilizó el Nursing Activities Score (NAS) para identificar las intervenciones de enfermería. Resultados La muestra fue de 200 pacientes, en su mayoría hombres, edad media 40,7 años, víctimas de accidentes de tráfico. El promedio NAS fue de 71,3% y el patrón de las intervenciones de enfermería incluye las actividades de monitoreo y valoración; investigaciones de laboratorio; medicación, excepto fármacos vasoactivos; procedimientos de higiene; cuidar de los drenajes; movilización y posicionamiento; apoyo y cuidado de familiares y pacientes; tareas administrativas y de gestión; apoyo respiratorio; cuidado de las vías aéreas artificiales; y tratamiento para mejorar la función pulmonar. Las intervenciones de monitoreo y movilización hubo la necesidad de atención más allá de la que normalmente exigen los pacientes de la UCI. Conclusión Los resultados de este estudio aportan importantes contribuciones a la planificación de las acciones encaminadas a la creación de capacidades y el diseño del equipo de enfermería en la unidad de críticos.Objective To identify the pattern of nursing interventions performed on trauma victims in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Method Prospective study performed in the ICU of a hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Nursing interventions were identified using the Nursing Activities Score (NAS). Results The sample consisted of 200 patients, most of them male, with a mean age of 40.7, victims of transport accidents. The NAS mean was 71.3%. The pattern of nursing interventions identified included monitoring and titration, laboratory investigations, medication (with the exception of vasoactive drugs), hygiene procedures, caring for drains, mobilization and positioning, support and care of relatives and patient, administrative and managerial tasks, respiratory support, care of artificial airways, treatment for improving lung function, and quantitative urine output measurement. The monitoring and mobilization interventions required care beyond what is normally required by ICU patients. Conclusion The results of this study provide important contributions to plan training activities and to size ICU nursing team.Objetivo Identificar o padrão de intervenções de enfermagem realizadas em vítimas de trauma nas primeiras 24 horas de internação na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Método Estudo prospectivo, realizado na UTI de um hospital em São Paulo, Brasil. O instrumento Nursing Activities Score (NAS) foi utilizado para identificar as intervenções de enfermagem. Resultados A casuística foi composta por 200 pacientes, a maioria homens, com idade média de 40,7 anos, vítimas de acidentes de transporte. A média do NAS foi de 71,3% e o padrão de intervenções de enfermagem identificado incluiu as atividades de monitorização e controles; investigações laboratoriais; medicação, exceto drogas vasoativas; procedimentos de higiene; cuidados com drenos; mobilização e posicionamento; suporte e cuidado aos familiares e pacientes; tarefas administrativas e gerenciais; suporte respiratório; cuidado com vias aéreas artificiais; e tratamento para melhora da função pulmonar. Nas intervenções de monitorização e mobilização, houve a necessidade de cuidados além do normalmente requerido por pacientes de UTI. Conclusão Os resultados desta pesquisa trazem importantes contribuições para o planejamento de ações que visem a capacitação e o dimensionamento da equipe de enfermagem na unidade crítica

    Risk Factors and Characterization of Plasmodium Vivax-Associated Admissions to Pediatric Intensive Care Units in the Brazilian Amazon

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    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium vivax is responsible for a significant proportion of malaria cases worldwide and is increasingly reported as a cause of severe disease. The objective of this study was to characterize severe vivax disease among children hospitalized in intensive care units (ICUs) in the Western Brazilian Amazon, and to identify risk factors associated with disease severity. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In this retrospective study, clinical records of 34 children, 0-14 years of age hospitalized in the 11 public pediatric and neonatal ICUs of the Manaus area, were reviewed. P. falciparum monoinfection or P. falciparum/P. vivax mixed infection was diagnosed by microscopy in 10 cases, while P. vivax monoinfection was confirmed in the remaining 24 cases. Two of the 24 patients with P. vivax monoinfection died. Respiratory distress, shock and severe anemia were the most frequent complications associated with P. vivax infection. Ninety-one children hospitalized with P. vivax monoinfections but not requiring ICU were consecutively recruited in a tertiary care hospital for infectious diseases to serve as a reference population (comparators). Male sex (p = 0.039), age less than five years (p = 0.028), parasitemia greater than 500/mm(3) (p = 0.018), and the presence of any acute (p = 0.023) or chronic (p = 0.017) co-morbidity were independently associated with ICU admission. At least one of the WHO severity criteria for malaria (formerly validated for P. falciparum) was present in 23/24 (95.8%) of the patients admitted to the ICU and in 17/91 (18.7%) of controls, making these criteria a good predictor of ICU admission (p = 0.001). The only investigated criterion not associated with ICU admission was hyperbilirubinemia (p = 0.513)]. CONCLUSIONS: Our study points to the importance of P. vivax-associated severe disease in children, causing 72.5% of the malaria admissions to pediatric ICUs. WHO severity criteria demonstrated good sensitivity in predicting severe P. vivax infection in this small case series

    Manaus Fluvial Mobile Emergency Care Service: profile of the attendance, users and factors related to the worsening of the attendees.

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    Introdução: Manaus dispõe de um Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (SAMU) fluvial que atende a população que reside em comunidades ribeirinhas dos rios Negro e Amazonas. Tem-se observado várias iniciativas de atendimento pré-hospitalar (APH) com uso desse tipo de transporte; no entanto, não foram encontradas na literatura informações sobre esses serviços, perfil dos usuários e fatores associados a desfechos indesejáveis do atendimento. Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil dos usuários, aspectos do atendimento do SAMU fluvial de Manaus e identificar fatores relacionados ao agravamento no APH fluvial. Método: Estudo descritivo correlacional realizado em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, a coleta de informações foi retrospectiva e teve como fonte os registros dos atendimentos realizados pelo SAMU fluvial de Manaus de 2009 a 2015. Na segunda etapa, a coleta de dados foi prospectiva; indivíduos com 15 anos ou mais, atendidos pelo SAMU fluvial no período de seis meses (janeiro a junho de 2016), tiveram informações coletadas desde a chamada na Central de Regulação até a chegada à base fluvial. Pacientes encaminhados para hospitais tiveram a coleta de informações estendida até a saída hospitalar. Testes de associação foram aplicados considerando as características do atendimento e usuário perante o agravamento do paciente, identificado por meio das mudanças do Rapid Emergency Medicine Score (REMS) entre o atendimento inicial e final do SAMU fluvial. Resultados: Entre 2009 e 2015, o SAMU fluvial de Manaus realizou 2.002 atendimentos, a maior parte em comunidades do Rio Negro e próximas da base fluvial. A grande maioria dos atendidos pelo SAMU fluvial foi removida para Manaus (92%), variando o tipo de embarcação mais frequentemente utilizada no transporte ao longo dos anos e com ajustes na tripulação da modalidade Unidade de Suporte Avançado (USA) após 2015. Foi baixa a frequência de procedimentos nos atendimentos (média 1,5 procedimento), porém o acesso venoso foi realizado em quase todos os usuários (97,8%). Houve grande variabilidade dos tempos de APH. As médias do tempo de resposta (84 minutos) e total de APH fluvial (172 minutos) foram bastante elevadas. A maioria dos pacientes removidos foi encaminhada para hospital (44,9%) ou serviço de pronto atendimento (37,1%). A frequência de homens e mulheres atendidos foi semelhante e os usuários com menos de 35 anos predominaram. As causas mais frequentes dos atendimentos foram as relacionadas a sintomas, sinais e achados anormais e causas externas de morbidade e mortalidade. Os parâmetros fisiológicos e o valor médio do REMS inicial, 2,7 (dp = 3,6), indicaram baixo risco de morte dos pacientes. No entanto, a mortalidade hospitalar dos internados foi de 8,7%. Dos pacientes transportados pelo SAMU fluvial, 68,5% mantiveram o quadro clínico, 18,0% pioraram e 13,5% melhoraram durante o atendimento. Houve associação entre piora e local de destino dos usuários (p=0,037), também com as ocorrências relacionadas a contato com serpentes venenosas (p= 0,039) e dor aguda (p= 0,005). Conclusão: No geral, os resultados mostraram peculiaridades do SAMU fluvial de Manaus em relação a serviços terrestres que necessitam ser consideradas no planejamento, implementação e avaliação do APH fluvial.Introduction: Manaus has a fluvial Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU) that serves the population who lives in riverside communities of Negro and Amazon rivers. Several prehospital care initiatives (APH) have been observed regarding this type of transportation. However, information on these services, users\' profiles and factors associated with undesirable outcomes were not found in the literature. Objective: To characterize the profile of the users and aspects of Manaus fluvial SAMU and to identify factors related to the worsening in fluvial APH. Method: Descriptive, correlational study carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the information collection was retrospective and was based on the records of the services performed by Manaus fluvial SAMU from 2009 to 2015. In the second stage, data collection was prospective. Individuals aged 15 years and older attended by fluvial SAMU in the six-month period (January to June 2016) had information collected from the call to the Regulation Center until arrival at the fluvial base. Patients referred to hospitals had information collection extended until hospital discharge. Association tests were applied considering the characteristics of care and user before the patient\'s worsening, identified through the changes of the Rapid Emergency Medicine Score (REMS) from the initial care until the final care by fluvial SAMU. Results: From 2009 to 2015, Manaus fluvial SAMU carried out 2,002 visits, mostly in communities of Rio Negro and near the fluvial base. The vast majority of people served by the fluvial SAMU were removed to Manaus (92%). The type of boat most frequently used has changed over the years. Additionally, there were adjustments to the Advanced Support Unit (USA) crew after 2015. The frequency of procedures occurred during management was low (mean 1.5 procedure), but venous access was performed in almost all patients (97.8%). There was great variability of APH times. The mean response time (84 minutes) and total fluvial APH (172 minutes) were quite high. The majority of patients removed were referred to hospital (44.9%) or emergency care (37.1%). The frequency of men and women attended was similar and users less than 35 years old predominated. The most frequent causes of the visits were related to \"symptoms, signs and abnormal findings\" and \"external causes of morbidity and mortality\". The physiological parameters and the mean value of the initial REMS, 2.7 (SD = 3.6), indicated a low risk of death related to the patients. However, in- hospital mortality was 8.7%. Considering the patients transported by fluvial SAMU, 68.5% maintained the clinical presentation, 18.0% worsened and 13.5% improved during the care. There was an association between worsening and destination of the users (p = 0.037), as well as occurrences related to contact with venomous snakes (p = 0.039) and acute pain (p = 0.005). Conclusion: In general, the results showed peculiarities of Manaus fluvial SAMU related to terrestrial services that need to be considered in the planning, implementation and evaluation of fluvial APH

    Detailed clinical information from 24 children 0–14 years old, admitted to any of the pediatric or neonatal ICUs in Manaus, from 2004 to 2009, with parasitological diagnosis of <i>P. vivax</i>.

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    <p>y years; mo: months; d: days; NA: Non-available; ARDS: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome; ARF: Acute Renal Failure; PIM: Pediatric Index of Mortality; ITP: Immune Trombocytopenic Purpura.</p>*<p><b>Viral encephalitis</b> confirmed by autopsy; diagnosis of <b>malnutrition</b> confirmed by body mass index (BMI) Z-score <−2; <b>rotavirus gastroenteritis</b> confirmed by immunochromatographic rapid test in the stool; <b>cystic fibrosis</b> suggested by lung biopsy; <b>sepsis</b> confirmed by two positive blood cultures; <b>G6PD deficiency</b> confirmed by qualitative Brewer's test; <b>lung empyema</b> confirmed by computed tomography; <b>urosepsis</b> confirmed by both positive urine and blood culture; <b>ITP</b> confirmed by ASH criteria; ARDS defined as acute bilateral lung infiltrates and a PaO<sub>2</sub>∶FiO<sub>2</sub><200 mmHg.</p

    Clinical information from 10 children 0–14 years of age admitted to any of the pediatric or neonatal ICUs in Manaus, from January 2004 to December 2009, with parasitological diagnosis of <i>P. falciparum</i> or mixed infection (<i>P. falciparum/P. vivax</i>).

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    <p>Y: years; mo: months; d: days; NA: Non-available; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; ARF: acute renal failure; PIM: Pediatric Index of Mortality.</p>*<p><b>Malnutrition</b> confirmed by body mass index (BMI) Z-score <−2; <b>rotavirus gastroenteritis</b> confirmed by immunochromatographic rapid test in the stool; <b>sepsis</b> confirmed by two positive blood cultures; <b>G6PD deficiency</b> confirmed by qualitative Brewer's test; <b>congenital cardiopathy</b> confirmed by echocardiogram; <b>sickle cell anemia</b> confirmed by electrophoresis; ARDS defined as acute bilateral lung infiltrates and a PaO<sub>2</sub>:FiO<sub>2</sub><200 mmHg.</p>**<p>Blackwater fever.</p