61 research outputs found

    Significance of CD44 and CD24 as Cancer Stem Cell Markers: An Enduring Ambiguity

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    Cancer stem cell population is a subset of cells capable of dictating invasion, metastasis, heterogeneity, and therapeutic resistance in tumours. Eradication of this rare population is a new insight in cancer treatment. However, prospective identification, characterization, and isolation of these CSCs have been a major challenge. Many studies were performed on surface markers for potential identification and isolation of CSCs. Lack of universal expression of surface markers limits their usage and no best combination of markers has yet been confirmed to identify CSCs capable of initiating and metastasizing tumours. CD44, a hyaluronic acid receptor, is one of the most commonly studied surface markers, which is expressed by almost every tumour cell. CD24, a heat stable antigen, is another surface marker expressed in many tumour types. However, their expression and prognostic value in isolating CSCs are still an enduring ambiguity. In this critical review, we assess the role of CD44 and CD24 in tumour initiation, development, and metastasis. We mainly focus on analysing the significance of CD44 and CD24 as CSC surface markers in combination or with other putative markers in different types of cancer

    Non‐coding RNAs in cancer immunotherapy: Predictive biomarkers and targets

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    Background: To date, standardising clinical predictive biomarkers for assessing the response to immunotherapy remains challenging due to variations in personal genetic signatures, tumour microenvironment complexities and epigenetic onco‐mechanisms. Main body: Early monitoring of key non‐coding RNA (ncRNA) biomarkers may help in predicting the clinical efficacy of cancer immunotherapy and come up with standard predictive ncRNA biomarkers. For instance, reduced miR‐125b‐5p level in the plasma of non‐small cell lung cancer patients treated with anti‐PD‐1 predicts a positive outcome. The level of miR‐153 in the plasma of colorectal cancer patients treated with chimeric antigen receptor T lymphocyte (CAR‐T) cell therapy may indicate the activation of T‐cell killing activity. miR‐148a‐3p and miR‐375 levels may forecast favourable responses to CAR‐T‐cell therapy in B‐cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. In cancer patients treated with the GPC3 peptide vaccine, serum levels of miR‐1228‐5p, miR‐193a‐5p and miR‐375‐3p were reported as predictive biomarkers of good response and improved overall survival. Therefore, there is a critical need for further studies to elaborate on the key ncRNA biomarkers that have the potential to predict early clinical responses to immunotherapy. Conclusion: This review summarises important predictive ncRNA biomarkers that were reported in cancer patients treated with different immunotherapeutic modalities, including monoclonal antibodies, small molecule inhibitors, cancer vaccines and CAR‐T cells. In addition, a concise discussion on forthcoming perspectives is provided, outlining technical approaches for the optimal utilisation of immunomodulatory ncRNA biomarkers as predictive tools and therapeutic targets

    Inhibitory Immune Checkpoint Receptors and Ligands as Prognostic Biomarkers in COVID-19 Patients.

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by SARS-CoV-2. During T-cell activation, the immune system uses different checkpoint pathways to maintain co-inhibitory and co-stimulatory signals. In COVID-19, expression of immune checkpoints (ICs) is one of the most important manifestations, in addition to lymphopenia and inflammatory cytokines, contributing to worse clinical outcomes. There is a controversy whether upregulation of ICs in COVID-19 patients might lead to T-cell exhaustion or activation. This review summarizes the available studies that investigated IC receptors and ligands in COVID-19 patients, as well as their effect on T-cell function. Several IC receptors and ligands, including CTLA-4, BTLA, TIM-3, VISTA, LAG-3, TIGIT, PD-1, CD160, 2B4, NKG2A, Galectin-9, Galectin-3, PD-L1, PD-L2, LSECtin, and CD112, were upregulated in COVID-19 patients. Based on the available studies, there is a possible relationship between disease severity and increased expression of IC receptors and ligands. Overall, the upregulation of some ICs could be used as a prognostic biomarker for disease severity. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2022 Al-Mterin, Alsalman and Elkord.

    SARS-CoV-2 infection and lung cancer : potential therapeutic modalities

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    Human coronaviruses, especially SARS-CoV-2, are emerging pandemic infectious diseases with high morbidity and mortality in certain group of patients. In general, SARS-CoV-2 causes symptoms ranging from the common cold to severe conditions accompanied by lung injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome in addition to other organs’ destruction. The main impact upon SARS-CoV-2 infection is damage to alveolar and acute respiratory failure. Thus, lung cancer patients are identified as a particularly high-risk group for SARS-CoV-2 infection and its complications. On the other hand, it has been reported that SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein binds to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2), that promotes cellular entry of this virus in concert with host proteases, principally transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2). Today, there are no vaccines and/or effective drugs against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Thus, manipulation of key entry genes of this virus especially in lung cancer patients could be one of the best approaches to manage SARS-CoV-2 infection in this group of patients. We herein provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the role of ACE-2 and TMPRSS2 genes, as key entry elements as well as therapeutic targets for SARS-CoV-2 infection, which can help to better understand the applications and capacities of various remedial approaches for infected individuals, especially those with lung cancer

    Immune evasion in cancer: mechanistic basis and therapeutic strategies

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    Cancer immune evasion is a major stumbling block in designing effective anticancer therapeutic strategies. Although considerable progress has been made in understanding how cancers evade destructive immunity, measures to counteract tumor escape have not kept pace. There are a number of factors that contribute to tumor persistence despite having a normal host immune system. Immune editing is one of the key aspects why tumors evade surveillance causing the tumors to lie dormant in patients for years through “equilibrium” and “senescence” before re- emerging. In addition, tumors exploit several immunological processes such as targeting the regulatory T cell function or their secretions, antigen presentation, modifying the production of immune suppressive mediators, tolerance and immune deviation. Besides these, tumor heterogeneity and metastasis also play a critical role in tumor growth. A number of potential targets like promoting Th1, NK cell, γδ T cell responses, inhibiting Treg functionality, induction of IL-12, use of drugs including phytochemicals have been designed to counter tumor progression with much success. Some natural agents and phytochemicals merit further study. For example, use of certain key polysaccharide components from mushrooms and plants have shown possess therapeutic impact on tumor-imposed genetic instability, anti-growth signaling, replicative immortality, deregulated metabolism etc. In this review, we will discuss the advances made towards understanding the basis of cancer immune evasion and summarize the efficacy of various therapeutic measures and targets that have been developed or are being investigated to enhance tumor rejection