259 research outputs found

    Epistemological Approaches to Dialogic Teaching in a Conventional Setting - Critical Review

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    Book review for Dialogic Pedagogy Journal: This is a review of the book 'Inspiring dialogue: Talking to learn in the English classroom' by Juzwik et al. (2013), New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 162 pages, $ 32 (paper). The review looks critically at the theoretical framework of the book and compares it to the ontological tradition of Baktinian dialogue. The review aims to find the strengths of the book and meanwhile exposes its weaknesses in light of the interpretation of the Bakhtin's circle and modern Bakhtinian scholars of dialogic pedagogy

    Dialogic Pedagogy and Educating Preservice Teachers for Critical Multiculturalism

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    The study investigates the potentials of educating preservice teachers for critical multiculturalism through dialogic pedagogy. The study findings suggest that dialogic pedagogy experienced some successes in encouraging preservice teachers to revise their worldview about certain topics in the multicultural curriculum about which they were not initially open to dialogue. The study should contribute to the literature of dialogic pedagogy and multicultural education in terms of suggesting more democratic educational approaches toward teaching the controversial topics of the multicultural curriculum

    Dialogic Multicultural Education Theory and Praxis: Dialogue and the Problems of Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society

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    The purpose of this theoretical article is to highlight the role that dialogic pedagogy can play in critical multicultural education for pre-service teachers. The article starts by discussing the problematic that critical multicultural education poses in a democratic society that claims freedom of speech and freedom of expression as a basic tenet of democracy. Through investigating research findings in the field of critical multicultural education in higher education, the author argues that many of the educational approaches-including the ones that claim dialogue to be their main instructional tool- could be described as undemocratic, and thus have done more harm than good for the multicultural objectives. On the other hand, the author argues that dialogic pedagogy could be a better approach for critical multicultural education as it promises many opportunities for learning that do not violate the students’ rights of freedom of expression and freedom of association. Throughout this article, the author tries to clarify the difference between dialogic pedagogy and other conceptualizations of dialogue in critical multicultural education arguing for the better suitability of dialogic pedagogy for providing a safer learning environment that encompasses differing and at times conflicting voices

    The in silico investigation of the perplexity of synergistic duality: inter-molecular mechanisms of communication in Bcr–Abl.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Due to their important role in normal cellular physiology, protein kinase activity is tightly regulated and their aberrant activation can lead to cancer. Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a blood cancer described by unregulated growth of myeloid cells caused by a fusion protein, Bcr-Abl, a constitutively active form of the Abelson tyrosine kinase (Abl). Drug targeting of either the ATP binding pocket or allosteric pocket has led to durable therapeutic response, however the development of drug resistance still poses a major clinical challenge. Recent studies exploring synergistic inhibition as an effective approach, by dual targeting of Bcr-Abl using both catalytic and allosteric binding inhibitors. This thesis implements the use of advanced computational tools to unravel molecular insights to aid in the suppression of the emergence of resistance to Bcr-Abl when Nilotinib and ABL001 are co-administered to target both the catalytic and allosteric binding site of Bcr-Abl protein, respectively. Our studies revealed co-binding induced a stable Bcr-Abl protein structure, increased the degree of compactness of binding site residues around Nilotinib and subsequently improved the binding affinity of Nilotinib. Findings in this thesis further provide an atomistic perspective underlying the developed resistance of Nilotinib by point mutation at the catalytic active site only and both catalytic and activation loop sites. We also recognized and rationalized the structural interplay of this single and double mutation upon co-binding of Nilotinib with the novel inhibitor, ABL001. Our findings report the distortion of the overall conformational landscape of Bcr-Abl fusion oncoprotein caused by the mutation, resulting in a reduction of binding affinity of Nilotinib upon single binding. Interesting, co-administration with ABL001 impacted by the mutation results in a more compact and stable protein conformation. Findings reveal a structural mechanism by which the novel inhibitor ABL001 stabilizes Bcr-Abl fusion oncoprotein upon co-binding with Nilotinib, thus suppressing Nilotinib resistance. We also provide vital conformational dynamics and structural mechanisms of the mutant enzyme at the catalytic site-ligand interaction and mutant enzyme at both catalytic and activation loop ligand interactions which could potentially shift the current therapeutic protocol in chronic myeloid leukemia treatment, thus aiding in the design of novel inhibitors with improved therapeutic features against the mutant proteins


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    Objective: Iron overload is a serious, potentially fatal disorder characterized by the deposition of excess iron within tissues leading to functional impairment and reduced life expectancy. The present study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of melatonin in protecting rats against iron overload-induced toxicity.Methods: Twenty-four adult male rats were randomly divided into four groups: the control, iron overload group, melatonin group and iron overload+melatonin group. Rats received ferric hydroxide poly maltose at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight (three doses per week) for four weeks through intra peritoneal injections and received the melatonin subcutaneously (10 mg/kg/day) for four weeks.Results: In iron overloaded rats, the iron status markers: serum, hepatic and renal tissues iron, Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC), transferrin and transferrin saturation percentage (TS %) were significantly increased, while a marked decrease in Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity (UIBC) was demonstrated. The oxidative stress marker malondialdehyde (MDA) was significantly increased while a marked decrease in the catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities as well as in reduced glutathione (GSH) content accompanied with increased levels of metallothionein (MT) in hepatic and renal tissues were demonstrated. In addition, the liver and kidney functions were disturbed. Co-treatment with melatonin, significantly improved iron overload-induced alterations as indicated by the attenuation of the iron status disturbances, the reduction of the indices of liver and kidney functions and lipid peroxidation product and elevation of antioxidants and MT.Conclusion: The study showed the potential effect of melatonin against iron overload–induced toxicity through its chelating effect on iron, elevation of MT and improvement of antioxidant status.Â

    Effect of Coping Strategies Program on Quality of Life among Emergency Clinic Nurses Working at Night Shift

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    Context: The night shift work can have a negative impact on job performance, sleep, physical and emotional health, social life, family life, and level of job-related stress for nurses.Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of coping strategies program on quality of life among emergency clinic nurses working at night shift. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was utilized to fulfill the aim of this study. The study was conducted at Emergency Clinic affiliated to Benha University Hospital. A convenience sample was used to achieve the aim of this study. It includes all nurses (60 nurses) who worked at night shift at Emergency Clinic. Three tools utilized in this study: Three tools were utilized in this study: Structured interviewing questionnaire to assess nurses' data, ways of coping scale for measuring coping abilities of nurses working at night shift. It included 45 items comprising eight subscales. The quality of life scale, which was designed for measuring the quality of life for nurses, consisted of 34 items categorized based on the quality of life in three domains. Results: A result reveals a significant difference between nurses' quality of life and their coping abilities post-program implementation (P= 0.001) compared to the pre-intervention level. A positive significant correlation coefficient between nurses coping strategies and their quality-of-life post-program implementation (r= 0.40, p=<0.05).Conclusion: This study concluded that the coping strategies program was effective, and its results had a drastic improvement in coping abilities and quality of life for nurses working at night shift. The study suggested establishing continuous educational programs for nurses working on the night shift at the emergency clinic unit about coping strategies & their effect on their quality of life

    Narracja W Artystycznym Reportażu Radiowym

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    Artykuł skupia się na narratorze i narracji w audialnych dziełach dokumentalnych. Celem tego artykułu jest określenie możliwych w featurze poziomów i kategorii narracji. Pytania badawcze związane są z możliwymi kategoriami narratora w featurze. W tekście jest przedstawiono również klasyfikację tekstów pisanych i mówionych w przełożeniu na grunt audycji radiowych. Artystyczne gatunki radiowe są określane jako formy narracyjne1, Joanna Bachura- Wojtasik do tych form zalicza słuchowisko, reportaż i feature2, który stanowić będzie podstawę moich rozważań w tym artykule. Badaczka przez radiowe formy narracyjne rozumie „audialne teksty kultury prezentujące wydarzenia, bohaterów, historię, wyrażane za pomocą słów i tzw. dźwiękowej scenografii, oparte na wydarzeniach fikcyjnych bądź non-fiction”3. Feature jest gatunkiem dokumentalno-artystycznym, w którym proporcje prawdy i fikcji, sztuka i fakty determinowane są wizją twórcy oraz jego założeniami koncepcyjnymi4. Postać narratora jest przez twórców często wykorzystywanym elementem, jego obecność stała się podstawą do wyodrębnienia trzech odmian gatunkowych feature’a5. Badacze tego typu realizacji do opisu i analizy kategorii narratora i szeroko pojętej narracji korzystają z teorii literaturoznawczych. Mimo iż reportaż radiowy i słuchowisko są gatunkami szerzej opracowanymi narratologicznie, feature pozostaje wciąż na marginesie badań, zwłaszcza w kontekście szczegółowych opracowań. Celem tego artykułu jest określenie możliwych w featurze poziomów i kategorii narracji oraz zaadaptowanie literaturoznawczej perspektywy narratologicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem opracowań Gerarda Genette’a, na artystyczne realizacje radiowej typu feature. Pytania badawcze, jakie sobie stawiam, związane są z możliwymi kategoriami narratora w featurze, sposobem przełożenia pojęć bliskim literaturze czy filmowy — na przykład fokalizacji — na język dźwięków.Статтю присвячено наратору і нарації в документальних аудіотворах. Її метою є окреслення можливих feature-рівнів і категорій нарації. Визначено дослідницькі питання, пов’язані з можливими категоріями наратора у feature. У статті представлено також класифікацію аудіо- і візуальних текстів в їхній адаптації до радіопередач. Художні якості радіопередачі окреслюються як нараційні форми. До останніх можуть зараховуватися власне радіопередача, репортаж і feature. Під нараційними радіоформами розуміють аудіотексти культури, що за допомогою слів і так званої звукової сценографії, породжених фікшн- і нон-фікшн-дійсністю, презентують події, героїв, історію тощо. Feature становить собою документально-художній жанр, де пропорції правди і фікції, мистецтво і факти детермінуються візією творця, а також його концептуальними настановами. Постать наратора при цьому є часто використовуваним ним (творцем) елементом, його присутність послугувала підставою для виокремлення трьох генологічних різновидів feature. Дослідники цього типу комунікації при описі та аналізі категорій наратора та широко усвідомлюваної нарації користаються інструментаріями літературознавчих теорій. Незважаючи, що радіорепортаж і радіопередача генологічно і наратологічно більш опрацьовані, feature усе ще залишається на маргінесі досліджень, особливо в контексті детальних напрацювань. Метою цієї статті є окреслення можливих рівнів і категорій нарації feature в літературознавчій наратологічній перспективі, а також в контексті напрацювань Жерара Жене стосовно художніх радіореалізацій типу feature. Дослідницькі питання пов’язані з можливими категоріями наратора у feature, зі способом перекладу понять, близьких до літератури чи фільмографії, — таких як фокалізація, — на мову звуків

    Experimental Radio Drama in the Perspective of Experimental Drama Studio and New Radio Dramas Productions

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    The main aim of this publication ist to identify, classify and describe radio dramas that were made for Studio Eksperymentalnych Form Teatralnych (Experimental Drama Studio) and as a Nowe Słuchowiska/New Radio Dramas project. I will also provide a description of sound and voice materials of so-called experimental radio dramas. In the first part, the article explains the experimental radio drama genre. It shows the drama subgenres and determinants of experimental drama pattern. In the second part, the article is focused on broadcasts made by Studio Eksperymentalnych Form Teatralnych (Experimental Drama Studio) and in the project New Radio Dramas