26 research outputs found

    Possibilities of utilization of selected technological processes for reduction of Alternaria toxins content in wheat

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    Potreba za potpunijom informacijom o važnosti kontaminacije useva Alternaria toksinima su nedavno dobili na značaju. Imajući u vidu toksičnost metabolita koje produkuju pojedine vrste gljive iz roda Alternaria u sistemu od njive do trpeze uticalo je na to da se u sklopu istraživanja u oblasti mikotoksikologije registruje porast interesovanja za Alternaria toksine i gljive koje ih produkuju. S obzirom na činjenicu da sa naših prostora nema dostupnih podataka o prirodnoj kontaminaciji pšenice sa Alternaria toksinima, a o ponašanju Alternaria toksina tokom procesa prerade pšenice nema dostupnih podataka u naučnoj literaturi, proizišli su ciljevi ove doktorske disertacije. Osnovni cilj planiranih istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je bio sagledavanje uticaja konvencionalno primenjenih mehaničkih (čišćenje i suvo mlevenje) i hidrotermičkih (ekstrudiranje) tehnoloških postupaka na redukciju prisutnih Alternaria toksina u pšenici. Primenom postupaka čišćenja pšenice uobičajenih u praksi rada silosne i mlinske čistione postiže se značajna redukcija prisustva svih ispitivanih Alternaria toksina u zrnenoj masi.U postupku mlinskeprerade pšenice, čak i u slučaju prerade pšenice u kojoj je sadržaj pojedinih Alternaria toksina ispod granice detekcije u frakcijama mlevenja pšenice u koje dospevaju periferni delovi pšeničnog zrna, odnosno kasnijim prolazištima krupljenja i mlevanja, kao i sporednim proizvodima meljave, može se očekivati povišen sadržaj Alternaria toksina. Optimalni efekti procesa ektrudiranja u slučaju korišćenja jednopužnog ekstrudera ostvaruju se u slučaju visoke vlage polaznog materijala (w=24%) velike brzine protoka materijala (q=25 kg/h) i srednje brzine obrtanja puža ekstrudera (v=390 obrtaja/min) pri čemu se postiže redukcija TeA=60-65 %, AOH=90 % i AME=95 %. Dodatni cilj je bio da se sagleda učestalost pojave Alternaria toksina, i stekne preliminarni uvid u pojavu i opseg koncentracije Alternaria toksina u pšenici sa teritorije Vojvodine sa ciljem da se dobiju preliminarni podaci o uticaju proizvodne godine, lokaliteta i najkarakterističnijih klimatskih uslova na pojavu Alternaria toksina u pšenici, kao i da se sagleda uticaj uslova introdukovane stimulacije i inhibicije kontaminacije pšenice sa Alternaria spp. na sadržaj Alternaria toksina u pšenici. Analiza učestalosti incidencije Alternaria toksina u pšenici sa područja Vojvodine ukazuju na evidentnu pojavu značajnog broja partija pšenice kontaminirane sa TeA, praćenu sporadičnom pojavom partija kontaminiranih sa AOH i AME. Kako prosečne, tako i maksimalne koncetracije TeA u pšenici iz Vojvodine proizvedene u trogodišnjem periodu od 2011. do 2013. godine bile su više od zvanično objavljenih višegodišnjih podataka od strane Evropske agencije za bezbednost hrane (EFSA). Utvrñene koncentracije AME i AOH u pšenici iz Vojvodine su daleko niže od koncentracije TeA kao najčešćeg kontaminenta iz grupe Alternaria toksina. Preliminarno ima indicija da se najviše, ekstremne koncentracije ispitivanih Alternaria toksina u pšenici iz pojedinih proizvodnih godina i iz najugroženijih regiona mogu povezati sa višim prosečnim dnevnim temperaturama sa jedne i povećanom sumom padavina u maju i junu sa druge strane u odnosu na dugogodišnji prosek (1981-2010). Inokulacija pšenica sa Alternaria tenuissima dovodi po povećanja koncentracije TeA u zrnenoj masi u odnosu na netretiranu pšenicu, dok tretman iste pšenice fungicidom utiče na smanjenje prisutva ovog Alternaria toksina što ukazuje da infekcija prodire u zrno u većem obimu kod inokulisanih uzoraka pšenice, dok je u netretiranim i zaštićenim manje izražena. Koncetracija Alternaria toksina u plevi pšenice je značajno viša u odnosu na zrnenu masu ovršene pšenice što ukazuje na izvesnu zaštitnu funkciju pleve od prodiranja Alternaria toksina u unutrašnji deo endosperma zrna pšenice. Krajnji cilj istraživanja je bio da se na osnovu dobijenih podataka o efikasnosti primenjenih tehnoloških postupaka u pogledu redukcije Alternaria toksina u pšenici i podataka u učestalosti i uzrocima pojave Alternaria toksina u pšenici da okvirna procena mogućnosti smanjenja rizika od pojave visokih udela Alternaria toksina u proizvodima prerade pšenice na tržištu. U lancu proizvodnje, prometa, skladištenja i prerade pšenice kao proizvodi sa niskim rizikom u pogledu pojave i koncentracije Alternaria toksina mogu se istaći bela brašna i hidrotermički obrañeni proizvodi, kao što su naprimer ekstrudirani proizvodi od pšenice. Kao proizvodi visokog rizika u pogledu pojave i koncentracije Alternaria toksina ističu se pleva dobijena tokom žetve pšenice, nečistoće dobijene u procesu silosnog postupka čišćenja pšenice, tamne frakcije brašna dobijene u postupku mlevenja pšenice i sporedni prozvodi mlevenja pšenice – mekinje i osevci.The need for more complete information about the importance of contamination of crops with Alternaria toxins recently gained in importance. The toxicity of metabolites produced by certain species from Alternaria genus in the whole supply chain resulted in the area of mycotoxicological research in increased interest for Alternaria toxins and fungi producing them. Having in mind that there are no available data about natural contamination of wheat with Alternaria toxins in the region of Serbia, and not any data is available in academic literature about the influence of processing procedures on Alternaria toxins in wheat, the aims of this PhD thesis have been defined. The basic aim of this dissertation was to investigate the influence of conventional mechanical (cleaning and dry milling) and hydrothermal (extrusion) technological processes on reduction of Alternaria toxins present in wheat. The application of wheat cleaning processes common in wheat warehouses and mills significant reduction of concentration of all investigated Alternaria toxins is achieved. In wheat milling process, even for wheat with concentration of Alternaria toxins under the limit of detection, in fraction containing peripheral kernel parts, including last break and milling flows and by products, increased concentration of Alternaria toxins can be expected. Optimal effects of extrusion process with application of single screw extruder are achieved in the case of high raw material moisture (w=24%), high capacity (q=25 kg/h) and medium speed of extruder screw rotation (v=390 rpm) when reduction of TeA=60-65%, AOH=90% and AME=95% is achieved. Additional aim was to obtain data about the frequency of Alternaria toxins including occurrence and ranges of concentration of Alternaria toxins in wheat for the region of Vojvodina with the aim to obtain preliminary data about the influence of production season, locality and the most characteristic climatic conditions on occurrence of Alternaria toxins in wheat, as well as to perceive the influence of introduced stimulation and inhibition of wheat contamination with Alternaria spp. on concentration of Alternaria toxins in wheat. Analysis of frequency of occurrence of Alternaria toxins in wheat from the region of Vojvodina points out at evident incidence of significant number of wheat lots contaminated with TeA accompanied with sporadic occurrence of lots contaminated with AOH and AME. Both, average and maximal concentrations of TeA in wheat produced in Vojvodina in the period from 2011 to 2013 were above the official multiannual data published by European Food Safety Agency (EFSA). Concentrations of AME and AOH in wheat from Vojvodina were far under the concentrations of TeA as the most frequent contaminant from the group of Alternaria toxins. Preliminary there are indications that the highest concentrations of analysed Alternaria toxins in wheat from certain production seasons and the most affected production regions can be related with higher average daily temperatures at one, and increased sum of precipitation at the other hand in comparison to multiannual average (1981-2010). Inoculation of wheat with Alternaria tenuissima resulted in increased concentration of TeA in comparison to non-treated wheat, while the treatment of the same wheat with fungicide influences at decrease of the same Alternaria toxins, pointing out that the infection penetrates to higher extent into inoculated wheat while in non-treated and protected wheat this process is less expressed. Concentration of Alternaria toxins in wheat chaff is much higher in comparison to harvested wheat pointing out at certain protective function of chaff in the process of penetration of Alternaria toxins into inner kernel parts. Final aim of the research was to provide the general assessment of possibilities for reduction of risk of occurrence of high Alternaria toxins concentrations in wheat products at the market based on obtained data about efficiency of applied technological processes for reduction of Alternaria toxins in wheat products and obtained data on frequency of occurrence of Alternaria toxins. In the wheat supply chain white flours and hidrothermically processed like extruded wheat products can be emphasized as the products with low risk regarding Alternaria toxins. As the high risk products regarding Alternaria toxins chaff obtained during harvesting, impurities obtained in wheat cleaning processes, dark flours obtained in wheat milling process and wheat milling by-products, shorts and bran, can be emphasized

    Possibilities of utilization of selected technological processes for reduction of Alternaria toxins content in wheat

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    Potreba za potpunijom informacijom o važnosti kontaminacije useva Alternaria toksinima su nedavno dobili na značaju. Imajući u vidu toksičnost metabolita koje produkuju pojedine vrste gljive iz roda Alternaria u sistemu od njive do trpeze uticalo je na to da se u sklopu istraživanja u oblasti mikotoksikologije registruje porast interesovanja za Alternaria toksine i gljive koje ih produkuju. S obzirom na činjenicu da sa naših prostora nema dostupnih podataka o prirodnoj kontaminaciji pšenice sa Alternaria toksinima, a o ponašanju Alternaria toksina tokom procesa prerade pšenice nema dostupnih podataka u naučnoj literaturi, proizišli su ciljevi ove doktorske disertacije. Osnovni cilj planiranih istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je bio sagledavanje uticaja konvencionalno primenjenih mehaničkih (čišćenje i suvo mlevenje) i hidrotermičkih (ekstrudiranje) tehnoloških postupaka na redukciju prisutnih Alternaria toksina u pšenici. Primenom postupaka čišćenja pšenice uobičajenih u praksi rada silosne i mlinske čistione postiže se značajna redukcija prisustva svih ispitivanih Alternaria toksina u zrnenoj masi.U postupku mlinskeprerade pšenice, čak i u slučaju prerade pšenice u kojoj je sadržaj pojedinih Alternaria toksina ispod granice detekcije u frakcijama mlevenja pšenice u koje dospevaju periferni delovi pšeničnog zrna, odnosno kasnijim prolazištima krupljenja i mlevanja, kao i sporednim proizvodima meljave, može se očekivati povišen sadržaj Alternaria toksina. Optimalni efekti procesa ektrudiranja u slučaju korišćenja jednopužnog ekstrudera ostvaruju se u slučaju visoke vlage polaznog materijala (w=24%) velike brzine protoka materijala (q=25 kg/h) i srednje brzine obrtanja puža ekstrudera (v=390 obrtaja/min) pri čemu se postiže redukcija TeA=60-65 %, AOH=90 % i AME=95 %. Dodatni cilj je bio da se sagleda učestalost pojave Alternaria toksina, i stekne preliminarni uvid u pojavu i opseg koncentracije Alternaria toksina u pšenici sa teritorije Vojvodine sa ciljem da se dobiju preliminarni podaci o uticaju proizvodne godine, lokaliteta i najkarakterističnijih klimatskih uslova na pojavu Alternaria toksina u pšenici, kao i da se sagleda uticaj uslova introdukovane stimulacije i inhibicije kontaminacije pšenice sa Alternaria spp. na sadržaj Alternaria toksina u pšenici. Analiza učestalosti incidencije Alternaria toksina u pšenici sa područja Vojvodine ukazuju na evidentnu pojavu značajnog broja partija pšenice kontaminirane sa TeA, praćenu sporadičnom pojavom partija kontaminiranih sa AOH i AME. Kako prosečne, tako i maksimalne koncetracije TeA u pšenici iz Vojvodine proizvedene u trogodišnjem periodu od 2011. do 2013. godine bile su više od zvanično objavljenih višegodišnjih podataka od strane Evropske agencije za bezbednost hrane (EFSA). Utvrñene koncentracije AME i AOH u pšenici iz Vojvodine su daleko niže od koncentracije TeA kao najčešćeg kontaminenta iz grupe Alternaria toksina. Preliminarno ima indicija da se najviše, ekstremne koncentracije ispitivanih Alternaria toksina u pšenici iz pojedinih proizvodnih godina i iz najugroženijih regiona mogu povezati sa višim prosečnim dnevnim temperaturama sa jedne i povećanom sumom padavina u maju i junu sa druge strane u odnosu na dugogodišnji prosek (1981-2010). Inokulacija pšenica sa Alternaria tenuissima dovodi po povećanja koncentracije TeA u zrnenoj masi u odnosu na netretiranu pšenicu, dok tretman iste pšenice fungicidom utiče na smanjenje prisutva ovog Alternaria toksina što ukazuje da infekcija prodire u zrno u većem obimu kod inokulisanih uzoraka pšenice, dok je u netretiranim i zaštićenim manje izražena. Koncetracija Alternaria toksina u plevi pšenice je značajno viša u odnosu na zrnenu masu ovršene pšenice što ukazuje na izvesnu zaštitnu funkciju pleve od prodiranja Alternaria toksina u unutrašnji deo endosperma zrna pšenice. Krajnji cilj istraživanja je bio da se na osnovu dobijenih podataka o efikasnosti primenjenih tehnoloških postupaka u pogledu redukcije Alternaria toksina u pšenici i podataka u učestalosti i uzrocima pojave Alternaria toksina u pšenici da okvirna procena mogućnosti smanjenja rizika od pojave visokih udela Alternaria toksina u proizvodima prerade pšenice na tržištu. U lancu proizvodnje, prometa, skladištenja i prerade pšenice kao proizvodi sa niskim rizikom u pogledu pojave i koncentracije Alternaria toksina mogu se istaći bela brašna i hidrotermički obrañeni proizvodi, kao što su naprimer ekstrudirani proizvodi od pšenice. Kao proizvodi visokog rizika u pogledu pojave i koncentracije Alternaria toksina ističu se pleva dobijena tokom žetve pšenice, nečistoće dobijene u procesu silosnog postupka čišćenja pšenice, tamne frakcije brašna dobijene u postupku mlevenja pšenice i sporedni prozvodi mlevenja pšenice – mekinje i osevci.The need for more complete information about the importance of contamination of crops with Alternaria toxins recently gained in importance. The toxicity of metabolites produced by certain species from Alternaria genus in the whole supply chain resulted in the area of mycotoxicological research in increased interest for Alternaria toxins and fungi producing them. Having in mind that there are no available data about natural contamination of wheat with Alternaria toxins in the region of Serbia, and not any data is available in academic literature about the influence of processing procedures on Alternaria toxins in wheat, the aims of this PhD thesis have been defined. The basic aim of this dissertation was to investigate the influence of conventional mechanical (cleaning and dry milling) and hydrothermal (extrusion) technological processes on reduction of Alternaria toxins present in wheat. The application of wheat cleaning processes common in wheat warehouses and mills significant reduction of concentration of all investigated Alternaria toxins is achieved. In wheat milling process, even for wheat with concentration of Alternaria toxins under the limit of detection, in fraction containing peripheral kernel parts, including last break and milling flows and by products, increased concentration of Alternaria toxins can be expected. Optimal effects of extrusion process with application of single screw extruder are achieved in the case of high raw material moisture (w=24%), high capacity (q=25 kg/h) and medium speed of extruder screw rotation (v=390 rpm) when reduction of TeA=60-65%, AOH=90% and AME=95% is achieved. Additional aim was to obtain data about the frequency of Alternaria toxins including occurrence and ranges of concentration of Alternaria toxins in wheat for the region of Vojvodina with the aim to obtain preliminary data about the influence of production season, locality and the most characteristic climatic conditions on occurrence of Alternaria toxins in wheat, as well as to perceive the influence of introduced stimulation and inhibition of wheat contamination with Alternaria spp. on concentration of Alternaria toxins in wheat. Analysis of frequency of occurrence of Alternaria toxins in wheat from the region of Vojvodina points out at evident incidence of significant number of wheat lots contaminated with TeA accompanied with sporadic occurrence of lots contaminated with AOH and AME. Both, average and maximal concentrations of TeA in wheat produced in Vojvodina in the period from 2011 to 2013 were above the official multiannual data published by European Food Safety Agency (EFSA). Concentrations of AME and AOH in wheat from Vojvodina were far under the concentrations of TeA as the most frequent contaminant from the group of Alternaria toxins. Preliminary there are indications that the highest concentrations of analysed Alternaria toxins in wheat from certain production seasons and the most affected production regions can be related with higher average daily temperatures at one, and increased sum of precipitation at the other hand in comparison to multiannual average (1981-2010). Inoculation of wheat with Alternaria tenuissima resulted in increased concentration of TeA in comparison to non-treated wheat, while the treatment of the same wheat with fungicide influences at decrease of the same Alternaria toxins, pointing out that the infection penetrates to higher extent into inoculated wheat while in non-treated and protected wheat this process is less expressed. Concentration of Alternaria toxins in wheat chaff is much higher in comparison to harvested wheat pointing out at certain protective function of chaff in the process of penetration of Alternaria toxins into inner kernel parts. Final aim of the research was to provide the general assessment of possibilities for reduction of risk of occurrence of high Alternaria toxins concentrations in wheat products at the market based on obtained data about efficiency of applied technological processes for reduction of Alternaria toxins in wheat products and obtained data on frequency of occurrence of Alternaria toxins. In the wheat supply chain white flours and hidrothermically processed like extruded wheat products can be emphasized as the products with low risk regarding Alternaria toxins. As the high risk products regarding Alternaria toxins chaff obtained during harvesting, impurities obtained in wheat cleaning processes, dark flours obtained in wheat milling process and wheat milling by-products, shorts and bran, can be emphasized

    Mogućnost primene alternativnih žita (prosa i ječma) za poboljšanje tehnološkog kvaliteta hleba od brašna loših tehnoloških osobina

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    The aim of the study was to examine does it possible to improve bread properties of the bread based on wheat flour of poor technological quality by substitution of barley and millet flour. For that purpose were examined chemical properties of raw materials (Wheat flour of extremely poor technological quality (WFPQ), dehulled wholegrain barley flour (DWBF) and decorticated millet flour (DMF)), as well as rheological properties of doughs (WFPQ flour and mixtures of DWBF and DMF with WFPQ in ratios 10:90 and 30:70) and end-use quality of control and composite breads. The substitution of the small amount of WFPQ with DMF (10%) improved most of the bread properties, whereas the sensory properties stay almost the same. Also, substitution of the high amount of DMF (30 %) neither showed effects of improvement and worsening for to the most of technological properties. On the other hand, substitution with DWBF has negative impact on the most technological properties of composite bread.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita mogućnost primene brašna od ječma i prosa za poboljšavanje tehnoloških osobina hleba proizvedenog od brašna lošeg tehnolološkog kvaliteta supstitucijom određenog procentualnog udela u osnovnoj recepturi hleba. Zbog toga je ispitan hemijski sastav sirovina (pšeničnog brašna izuzetno lošeg tehnološkog kvaliteta (WFPQ), integralnog brašna od oljuštenog ječma (DWBF) i integralnog brašna od oljuštenog prosa (DMF)), reološke osobine testa (od WFPQ i smešama od DWBF i DMF sa WFPQ u odnosu 10:90 i 30:70) i tehnološke osobine kontrolnog i mešanih hlebova (zapremina hleba, spec. zapremina hleba, visina vekne, boja kore i sredine, Texture Profile Analyses (TPA) sredine hleba i senzorna analiza hleba). Zamenom male količine WFPQ sa DMF (10%) poboljšane su tehnološke osobine hleba: zapremina, visina vekna, boja kore i TPA pokazatelji; dok su senzorne osobine hleba ostale skoro iste kao kod kontrolnog hleba. Takođe, zamenom veće količine DMF (30%) nije se dobilo niti poboljšanje niti pogoršavanje većine tehnoloških pokazatelja. Supstitucijom DWBF u osnovnoj recepturi hleba poboljšali su se neki reološki pokazatelji i boja kore, dok je većina tehnoloških pokazatelja mešanog hleba bila lošija od kontrolnog hleba. Može se očekivati da će zamenom veće količine WFPQ sa DMF i DWBF doći do boljeg poboljšavanja nutritivnih osobina hleba nego u slučaju zamene male količine DMF i DWBF jer su hemijske analize pokazale da su DMF i DWBF boljih nutritivnih osobina od WFPQ

    The influence of drought on the occurrence of aflatoxins in maize

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    In this study, a total of 78 maize samples harvested during September and October 2012 in Vojvodina were analyzed. Presence of aflatoxins (AFs) was deter­mined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Among the 78 analyzed maize samples, even 44 (56.4%) samples were contaminated with AFs. Concentration interval between 1-10 μg/kg, 10-50 μg/kg and 50-80 μg/kg were found in 23.1%, 17.9% and 15.4% of analyzed maize samples, respectively. It was supposed that prolonged drought during spring and summer of 2012 had a great influence on high contamination frequency and concentration of AFs. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46001

    Climate change: the impact on aflatoxin contamination in cereals

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    It is considered that one of the greatest food safety concerns worldwide is aflatoxins (AFs) contamination of cereals, due to its carcinogenic effects, high number of associated notifications in cereal based food and feed products, as well as in milk and dairy products. AFs produced mainly by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, are the most toxic and frequent contaminants of cereals, especially in areas with hot and humid climates. Changes in temperature and water availability related to global climate changes (increased temperature, heavy rainfalls, and droughts) are modulating factors of filamentous fungi growth and production of mycotoxins. Amongst all favouring factors, environmental factors (temperature, water activity (aw) and relative humidity (RH)) and climate change have been identified as the primary factors

    The Effect of Biotic Stress in Plant Species Induced by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’—An Artificial Neural Network Approach

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    Infections with phytoplasma present one of the most significant biotic stresses influencing plant health, growth, and production. The phytoplasma ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ infects a variety of plant species. This pathogen impacts the physiological and morphological characteristics of plants causing stunting, yellowing, leaf curling, and other symptoms that can lead to significant economic losses. The aim of this study was to determine biochemical changes in peony (Paeonia tenuifolia L.), mint (Mentha × piperita L.), and dill (Anethum graveolens L.) induced by ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ in Serbia as well as to predict the impact of the biotic stress using artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. The phylogenetic position of the Serbian ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ strains originated from the tested hosts using 16S rRNA (peony and carrot strains) and plsC (mint and dill strains) sequences indicated by their genetic homogeneity despite the host of origin. Biochemical parameters significantly differed in asymptomatic and symptomatic plants, except for total anthocyanidins contents in dill and the capacity of peony and mint extracts to neutralize superoxide anions and hydroxyl radicals, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed a correlation between different chemical parameters and revealed a clear separation among the samples. Based on the ANN performance, the optimal number of hidden neurons for the calculation of TS, RG, PAL, LP, NBT, •OH, TP, TT, Tflav, Tpro, Tant, DPPH, and Car was nine (using MLP 8-9-13), as it produced high r2 values (1.000 during the training period) and low SOS values. Developing an effective early warning system for the detection of plant diseases in different plant species is critical for improving crop yield and quality

    The Effect of Biotic Stress in Plant Species Induced by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’—An Artificial Neural Network Approach

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    Infections with phytoplasma present one of the most significant biotic stresses influencing plant health, growth, and production. The phytoplasma ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ infects a variety of plant species. This pathogen impacts the physiological and morphological characteristics of plants causing stunting, yellowing, leaf curling, and other symptoms that can lead to significant economic losses. The aim of this study was to determine biochemical changes in peony (Paeonia tenuifolia L.), mint (Mentha × piperita L.), and dill (Anethum graveolens L.) induced by ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ in Serbia as well as to predict the impact of the biotic stress using artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. The phylogenetic position of the Serbian ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ strains originated from the tested hosts using 16S rRNA (peony and carrot strains) and plsC (mint and dill strains) sequences indicated by their genetic homogeneity despite the host of origin. Biochemical parameters significantly differed in asymptomatic and symptomatic plants, except for total anthocyanidins contents in dill and the capacity of peony and mint extracts to neutralize superoxide anions and hydroxyl radicals, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed a correlation between different chemical parameters and revealed a clear separation among the samples. Based on the ANN performance, the optimal number of hidden neurons for the calculation of TS, RG, PAL, LP, NBT, •OH, TP, TT, Tflav, Tpro, Tant, DPPH, and Car was nine (using MLP 8-9-13), as it produced high r2 values (1.000 during the training period) and low SOS values. Developing an effective early warning system for the detection of plant diseases in different plant species is critical for improving crop yield and quality

    Changes in Fusarium and Aspergillus Mycotoxin Content and Fatty Acid Composition after the Application of Ozone in Different Maize Hybrids

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    Mycotoxins in maize represent a great threat to human health. For this reason, novel technics such as ozone treatment are used to reduce the content of maize mycotoxins. However, there is little knowledge about the effect of ozone treatment on maize quality parameters. This study investigated the changes in Fusarium and Aspergillus mycotoxins and the changes in fatty acids during the ozone treatment of maize samples. Sixteen maize hybrids were visually tested for the naturally occurring ear rot severity and treated with three different concentrations of ozone (40, 70, and 85 mg/L). Mycotoxin content in maize samples was determined using a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system, whereas dominant fatty acids were determined using gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Ozone treatments could be successfully applied to reduce the content of mycotoxins in maize below the detection limit. Ozone treatments increased the content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and decreased the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), i.e., linoleic acid (36.7% in relation to the lowest applied ozone concentration), which negatively affected the nutritional value of maize.This article is part of the activities of the Center of Excellence for Innovations in Breeding of Climate-Resilient Crops - Climate Crops, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia

    Impact of Climate Changes on the Natural Prevalence of Fusarium Mycotoxins in Maize Harvested in Serbia and Croatia

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    Ongoing climate change may affect the susceptibility of plants to attacks by pathogenic, mostly mycotoxigenic fungi with a consequent increase in the presence of mycotoxins. Fusarium fungi represent one of the most important producers of mycotoxins, and are also important pathogens of agricultural crops. Therefore, the main aim of the study was to estimate the impact of weather parameters on the natural occurrence of Fusarium mycotoxins, such as deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisins B1 and B2 (FUMs), zearalenone (ZEN), T-2, and HT-2 toxins (T-2/HT-2) in maize samples harvested from two neighboring countries, Serbia and Croatia, during a four-year production period (2018–2021). The frequency and contamination level of examined Fusarium mycotoxins varied by maize year of production and could be linked to weather conditions per investigated country. Among them, FUMs were found to be the most common contaminants (84–100%) of maize in both Serbia and Croatia. Additionally, a critical assessment of Fusarium mycotoxins occurrence in the last 10 years (2012–2021), for both Serbia and Croatia, was done. Results pointed out the highest contamination of maize from 2014, especially with DON and ZEN, in connection to extreme levels of precipitation observed in both Serbia and Croatia, whereas FUMs occurred with high prevalence from each of the ten investigated years


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    ABSTRACT: Aflatoxins (AFs), one of the most toxic and the strongest natural carcinogens can be found in a variety of food commodities, including cereals. For that purpose, the aim of this study was to investigate occurrence of AFs (AFB1, AFG1, AFB2 and AFG2) in 130 cereal samples