48 research outputs found

    Fast Mixing for the Low Temperature 2D Ising Model Through Irreversible Parallel Dynamics

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    We study tunneling and mixing time for a non-reversible probabilistic cellular automaton. With a suitable choice of the parameters, we first show that the stationary distribution is close in total variation to a low temperature Ising model. Then we prove that both the mixing time and the time to exit a metastable state grow polynomially in the size of the system, while this growth is exponential in reversible dynamics. In this model, non-reversibility, parallel updatings and a suitable choice of boundary conditions combine to produce an efficient dynamical stability

    Fast mixing for the low temperature 2d Ising model through irreversible parallel dynamics

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    We study metastability and mixing time for a non-reversible probabilistic cellular automaton. With a suitable choice of the parameters, we first show that the stationary distribution is close in total variation to a low temperature Ising model. Then we prove that both the mixing time and the time to exit a metastable state grow polynomially in the size of the system, while this growth is exponential in reversible dynamics. In this model, non-reversibility, parallel updatings and a suitable choice of boundary conditions combine to produce an efficient dynamical stability

    Shaken dynamics: an easy way to parallel MCMC

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    We define a Markovian parallel dynamics for a class of spin systems on general interaction graphs. In this dynamics, beside the usual set of parameters JxyJ_{xy}, the strength of the interaction between the spins σx\sigma_x and σy\sigma_y, and λx\lambda_x, the external field at site xx, there is an inertial parameter qq measuring the tendency of the system to remain locally in the same state. This dynamics is reversible with an explicitly defined stationary measure. For suitable choices of parameter this invariant measure concentrates on the ground states of the Hamiltonian. This implies that this dynamics can be used to solve, heuristically, difficult problems in the context of combinatorial optimization. We also study the dynamics on Z2\mathbb{Z}^2 with homogeneous interaction and external field and with arbitrary boundary conditions. We prove that for certain values of the parameters the stationary measure is close to the related Gibbs measure. Hence our dynamics may be a good tool to sample from Gibbs measure by means of a parallel algorithm. Moreover we show how the parameter allow to interpolate between spin systems defined on different regular lattices.Comment: 5 figure

    On Diffusion Limited Deposition

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    We propose a simple model of columnar growth through {\it diffusion limited aggregation} (DLA). Consider a graph G_N\times\realmathbb{N}, where the basis has NN vertices GN:={1,,N}G_N:=\{1,\dots,N\}, and two vertices (x,h)(x,h) and (x,h)(x',h') are adjacent if hh1|h-h'|\le 1. Consider there a simple random walk {\it coming from infinity} which {\it deposits} on a growing cluster as follows: the cluster is a collection of columns, and the height of the column first hit by the walk immediately grows by one unit. Thus, columns do not grow laterally. We prove that there is a critical time scale N/log(N)N/\log(N) for the maximal height of the piles, i.e., there exist constants α<β\alpha<\beta such that the maximal pile height at time αN/log(N)\alpha N/\log(N) is of order log(N)\log(N), while at time βN/log(N)\beta N/\log(N) is larger than NχN^\chi for some positive χ\chi. This suggests that a \emph{monopolistic regime} starts at such a time and only the highest pile goes on growing. If we rather consider a walk whose height-component goes down deterministically, the resulting \emph{ballistic deposition} has maximal height of order log(N)\log(N) at time NN. These two deposition models, diffusive and ballistic, are also compared with uniform random allocation and Polya's urn

    Sampling from a Gibbs measure with pair interaction by means of PCA

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    We consider the problem of approximate sampling from the finite volume Gibbs measure with a general pair interaction. We exhibit a parallel dynamics (Probabilistic Cellular Automaton) which efficiently implements the sampling. In this dynamics the product measure that gives the new configuration in each site contains a term that tends to favour the original value of each spin. This is the main ingredient that allows to prove that the stationary distribution of the PCA is close in total variation to the Gibbs measure. The presence of the parameter that drives the "inertial" term mentioned above gives the possibility to control the degree of parallelism of the numerical implementation of the dynamics.Comment: 21 page

    A probabilistic proof of Cooper and Frieze's "First Visit Time Lemma"

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    In this short note we present an alternative proof of the so-called First Visit Time Lemma (FVTL), originally presented by Cooper and Frieze in its first formulation in [21], and then used and refined in a list of papers by Cooper, Frieze and coauthors. We work in the original setting, considering a growing sequence of irreducible Markov chains on nn states. We assume that the chain is rapidly mixing and with a stationary measure having no entry which is too small nor too large. Under these assumptions, the FVTL shows the exponential decay of the distribution of the hitting time of a given state xx -- for the chain started at stationarity -- up to a small multiplicative correction. While the proof of the FVTL presented by Cooper and Frieze is based on tools from complex analysis, and it requires an additional assumption on a generating function, we present a completely probabilistic proof, relying on the theory of quasi-stationary distributions and on strong-stationary times arguments. In addition, under the same set of assumptions, we provide some quantitative control on the Doob's transform of the chain on the complement of the state xx

    Phase transitions for the cavity approach to the clique problem on random graphs

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    We give a rigorous proof of two phase transitions for a disordered system designed to find large cliques inside Erdos random graphs. Such a system is associated with a conservative probabilistic cellular automaton inspired by the cavity method originally introduced in spin glass theory.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figure

    Effects of boundary conditions on irreversible dynamics

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    We present a simple one-dimensional Ising-type spin system on which we define a completely asymmetric Markovian single spin-flip dynamics. We study the system at a very low, yet non-zero, temperature and we show that for empty boundary conditions the Gibbs measure is stationary for such dynamics, while introducing in a single site a ++ condition the stationary measure changes drastically, with macroscopical effects. We achieve this result defining an absolutely convergent series expansion of the stationary measure around the zero temperature system. Interesting combinatorial identities are involved in the proofs