12 research outputs found

    Early queen infection shapes developmental dynamics and induces long-term disease protection in incipient ant colonies

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    Infections early in life can have enduring effects on an organism's development and immunity. In this study, we show that this equally applies to developing ‘superorganisms’––incipient social insect colonies. When we exposed newly mated Lasius niger ant queens to a low pathogen dose, their colonies grew more slowly than controls before winter, but reached similar sizes afterwards. Independent of exposure, queen hibernation survival improved when the ratio of pupae to workers was small. Queens that reared fewer pupae before worker emergence exhibited lower pathogen levels, indicating that high brood rearing efforts interfere with the ability of the queen's immune system to suppress pathogen proliferation. Early-life queen pathogen exposure also improved the immunocompetence of her worker offspring, as demonstrated by challenging the workers to the same pathogen a year later. Transgenerational transfer of the queen's pathogen experience to her workforce can hence durably reduce the disease susceptibility of the whole superorganism

    Social immunity modulates competition between coinfecting pathogens

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    Coinfections with multiple pathogens can result in complex within‐host dynamics affecting virulence and transmission. While multiple infections are intensively studied in solitary hosts, it is so far unresolved how social host interactions interfere with pathogen competition, and if this depends on coinfection diversity. We studied how the collective disease defences of ants – their social immunity – influence pathogen competition in coinfections of same or different fungal pathogen species. Social immunity reduced virulence for all pathogen combinations, but interfered with spore production only in different‐species coinfections. Here, it decreased overall pathogen sporulation success while increasing co‐sporulation on individual cadavers and maintaining a higher pathogen diversity at the community level. Mathematical modelling revealed that host sanitary care alone can modulate competitive outcomes between pathogens, giving advantage to fast‐germinating, thus less grooming‐sensitive ones. Host social interactions can hence modulate infection dynamics in coinfected group members, thereby altering pathogen communities at the host level and population level

    Epigenetic Regulation of Telomere Maintenance for Therapeutic Interventions in Gliomas

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    High-grade astrocytoma of WHO grade 4 termed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a common human brain tumor with poor patient outcome. Astrocytoma demonstrates two known telomere maintenance mechanisms (TMMs) based on telomerase activity (TA) and on alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). ALT is associated with lower tumor grades and better outcome. In contrast to ALT, regulation of TA in tumors by direct mutation and epigenetic activation of the hTERT promoter is well established. Here, we summarize the genetic background of TMMs in non-malignant cells and in cancer, in addition to clinical and pathological features of gliomas. Furthermore, we present new evidence for epigenetic mechanisms (EMs) involved in regulation of ALT and TA with special emphasis on human diffuse gliomas as potential therapeutic drug targets. We discuss the role of TMM associated telomeric chromatin factors such as DNA and histone modifying enzymes and non-coding RNAs including microRNAs and long telomeric TERRA transcripts

    Protection against the lethal side effects of social immunity in ants

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    Many animals use antimicrobials to prevent or cure disease [1,2]. For example, some animals will ingest plants with medicinal properties, both prophylactically to prevent infection and therapeutically to self-medicate when sick. Antimicrobial substances are also used as topical disinfectants, to prevent infection, protect offspring and to sanitise their surroundings [1,2]. Social insects (ants, bees, wasps and termites) build nests in environments with a high abundance and diversity of pathogenic microorganisms — such as soil and rotting wood — and colonies are often densely crowded, creating conditions that favour disease outbreaks. Consequently, social insects have evolved collective disease defences to protect their colonies from epidemics. These traits can be seen as functionally analogous to the immune system of individual organisms [3,4]. This ‘social immunity’ utilises antimicrobials to prevent and eradicate infections, and to keep the brood and nest clean. However, these antimicrobial compounds can be harmful to the insects themselves, and it is unknown how colonies prevent collateral damage when using them. Here, we demonstrate that antimicrobial acids, produced by workers to disinfect the colony, are harmful to the delicate pupal brood stage, but that the pupae are protected from the acids by the presence of a silk cocoon. Garden ants spray their nests with an antimicrobial poison to sanitize contaminated nestmates and brood. Here, Pull et al show that they also prophylactically sanitise their colonies, and that the silk cocoon serves as a barrier to protect developing pupae, thus preventing collateral damage during nest sanitation

    Comparison of human recombinant protein coatings and fibroblast-ECM to Matrigel for induced pluripotent stem cell culture and renal podocyte differentiation

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) offer great opportunities within the 3R framework. In the field of toxicology, they may contribute greatly to the reduction and eventually replacement of animal models. However, culturing hiPSC as well as the differentiation of hiPSC into target cells that are used for toxicity testing, mainly depend on the presence of extracellular matrix (ECM) coatings. The most widely used ECM coating is Matrigel, an animal product that is derived from mice sarcomas. Drawbacks of Matrigel are widely recognized and include batch-to batch variations, usage of animal rather than human material and ethical concerns for its production. While alternative coatings exist, factors such as higher cost and limited characterizations may hinder a broader uptake by the scientific community. Here, we report an extensive comparison of three commercial human ECM coatings, vitronectin, laminin-511 and laminin-521, to Matrigel in three different hiPSC lines in long term culture (< 9 passages). Characterization included expression of pluripotent markers in a genome-wide transcriptomics study (TempO-Seq), capacity to differentiate into embryoid bodies and karyotype stability by analyzing copy number variations by shallow DNA sequencing. Furthermore, a low-cost alternative, decellularized ECM produced by human neonatal dermal fibroblasts was analyzed. In addition, all alternative coatings were tested for hiPSC differentiation into renal podocyte-like cells in a genome-wide transcriptomics screen. Our results showed that all tested coatings were highly comparable to the animal-derived Matrigel for both hiPSC maintenance and differentiation into renal podocyte-like cells. Furthermore, decellularized fibroblast ECM could be a novel attractive low-cost coating

    Early queen infection shapes developmental dynamics and induces long-term disease protection in incipient ant colonies

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    Infections early in life can have enduring effects on an organism’s development and immunity. In this study, we show that this equally applies to developing “superorganisms” – incipient social insect colonies. When we exposed newly mated Lasius niger ant queens to a low pathogen dose, their colonies grew more slowly than controls before winter, but reached similar sizes afterwards. Independent of exposure, queen hibernation survival improved when the ratio of pupae to workers was small. Queens that reared fewer pupae before worker emergence exhibited lower pathogen levels, indicating that high brood rearing efforts interfere with the ability of the queen’s immune system to suppress pathogen proliferation. Early-life queen pathogen-exposure also improved the immunocompetence of her worker offspring, as demonstrated by challenging the workers to the same pathogen a year later. Transgenerational transfer of the queen’s pathogen experience to her workforce can hence durably reduce the disease susceptibility of the whole superorganism

    Ants avoid superinfections by performing risk-adjusted sanitary care

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    Being cared for when sick is a benefit of sociality that can reduce disease and improve survival of group members. However, individuals providing care risk contracting infectious diseases themselves. If they contract a low pathogen dose, they may develop low-level infections that do not cause disease but still affect host immunity by either decreasing or increasing the host’s vulnerability to subsequent infections. Caring for contagious individuals can thus significantly alter the future disease susceptibility of caregivers. Using ants and their fungal pathogens as a model system, we tested if the altered disease susceptibility of experienced caregivers, in turn, affects their expression of sanitary care behavior. We found that low-level infections contracted during sanitary care had protective or neutral effects on secondary exposure to the same (homologous) pathogen but consistently caused high mortality on superinfection with a different (heterologous) pathogen. In response to this risk, the ants selectively adjusted the expression of their sanitary care. Specifically, the ants performed less grooming and more antimicrobial disinfection when caring for nestmates contaminated with heterologous pathogens compared with homologous ones. By modulating the components of sanitary care in this way the ants acquired less infectious particles of the heterologous pathogens, resulting in reduced superinfection. The performance of risk-adjusted sanitary care reveals the remarkable capacity of ants to react to changes in their disease susceptibility, according to their own infection history and to flexibly adjust collective care to individual risk