31 research outputs found

    Fairness of recommender systems in the recruitment domain: an analysis from technical and legal perspectives

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    Recommender systems (RSs) have become an integral part of the hiring process, be it via job advertisement ranking systems (job recommenders) for the potential employee or candidate ranking systems (candidate recommenders) for the employer. As seen in other domains, RSs are prone to harmful biases, unfair algorithmic behavior, and even discrimination in a legal sense. Some cases, such as salary equity in regards to gender (gender pay gap), stereotypical job perceptions along gendered lines, or biases toward other subgroups sharing specific characteristics in candidate recommenders, can have profound ethical and legal implications. In this survey, we discuss the current state of fairness research considering the fairness definitions (e.g., demographic parity and equal opportunity) used in recruitment-related RSs (RRSs). We investigate from a technical perspective the approaches to improve fairness, like synthetic data generation, adversarial training, protected subgroup distributional constraints, and post-hoc re-ranking. Thereafter, from a legal perspective, we contrast the fairness definitions and the effects of the aforementioned approaches with existing EU and US law requirements for employment and occupation, and second, we ascertain whether and to what extent EU and US law permits such approaches to improve fairness. We finally discuss the advances that RSs have made in terms of fairness in the recruitment domain, compare them with those made in other domains, and outline existing open challenges

    Project Re•center dot Vision: disability at the edges of representation

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    The representational history of disabled people can largely be characterized as one of being put on display or hidden away. Self-representations have been a powerful part of the disability rights and culture movement, but recently scholars have analysed the ways in which these run the risk of creating a ‘single story’ that centres the experiences of white, western, physically disabled men. Here we introduce and theorize with Project Re•Vision, our arts-based research project that resists this singularity by creating and centring, without normalizing, representations that have previously been relegated to the margins. We draw from body becoming and new materialist theory to explore the dynamic ways in which positionality illuminates bodies of difference and open into a discussion about what is at stake when these stories are let loose into the world

    Gender Monstrosity

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    Deadgirl (2008) is based around a group of male teens discovering and claiming ownership of a bound female zombie, using her as a sex slave. This narrative premise raises numerous tensions that are particularly amplified by using a zombie as the film’s central victim. The Deadgirl is sexually passive yet monstrous, reifying the horrors associated with the female body in patriarchal discourses. She is objectified on the basis of her gender, and this has led many reviewers to dismiss the film as misogynistic Torture Porn. However, the conditions under which masculinity is formed here – where adolescent males become "men" by enacting sexual violence – are as problematic as the specter of the female zombie. Deadgirl is clearly horrific and provocative: in this article I seek to probe implications arising from the film’s gender conflicts

    Introduction to EJES special journal issue on ‘Feminist Interventions in Intermedial Studies'

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    Abstract The feminist project has radicalised text/image relationships in myriad ways, disrupting the contours of discipline and medium. The multifaceted recyclings of a transdisciplinary methodology remind us that although in the past decades text/image studies has become an established academic research field in the first decades of the twenty-first century, its subversive potential to challenge cultural hegemonies has not diminished. On the contrary, intermedial fusions remain loaded with political and ethical issues that are in search of sites of resistance for marginalised, othered social subjects and meanings. The introduction explains how this special journal issue emerges from and is addressed to the politically significant network of feminist researchers -- artists, theoreticians, activists -- we believe we share ties with on account of putting the study of intermediality in the service of 'constructing a radically new understanding of our world in all its horror and hope' (Pollock, 1988: 22)