40 research outputs found

    The Influence of Growing Media Composition and Volume of Nutrient Solution Application on The Growth and Yield of Cherry Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller.) With Drip Irrigation Hydroponic System

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    The increasing growth and production of cherry tomatoes, especially in the lowlands, is influenced by water, humidity, and crop cultivation technology. This research aimed to identify the appropriate composition of planting media and the volume of nutrient solutions for the growth and production of cherry tomatoes with drip irrigation hydroponic systems. This research was conducted at Perumahan Royal Sumatra's Screenhouse, Medan Tuntungan (± 32 m above sea level), from March to August 2017. The research used Completely Randomized Factorial Designs with two treatment factors, consisted of M1 planting media (husk charcoal), M2 (cocopeat), M3 (husk charcoal and cocopeat) and watering volume V1 (150 ml nutrient AB mix), V2 (250 ml nutrient AB mix) V3 (350 ml nutrition AB mix). The results showed that the composition of the growing medium had a significant effect on the diameter of the stem at 3-12 weeks after planting and the amount of fruit weight, while the volume of nutrient solution significantly affected the stem diameter at 3-12 weeks after planting, plant length, number of fruit and fruit weight


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    The Characteristics of Employees Related to the Accuracy and Completeness of Filling in Medical Record Documents at the Pardamean Health Center, Pematangsiantar City in 2019. Thesis, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Health Institute of Deli Husada Deli Tua .(Supervised by: Ns. Selamat Ginting, S.Kep, M.Kes)   The quality of medical records at the hospital is one determining factor of the quality of service. The aim of the research was to analyze the relationship between the employment status, knowledge, motivation, expertise, and the duration of work of the physician with the completeness of the medical record datasheet resume during hospitalization. This research was a quantitative research survey analytic approach, with a cross-sectional study design. The population was 55 doctors, the sample in this study was the entire population, data analysis was chi-square, and multiple logistic regressions. The results showed that there was a relationship between employment status and knowledge with the completeness of the medical record data. There was no relationship between motivation and skills with the completeness of the medical record data. There was a relationship between the duration of work with the completeness of the medical record data. This study suggests the development of human resources through education and training, guidance to the physicians on the filling of medical record and document, provide internal training regarding the determination of the main diagnosis in accordance with the ICD-10, improved knowledge of the completeness of filling medical records. Motivating doctors fill medical records through career development, promotion, and providing feedback with reward and punishment


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    To improve the quality of health services and assess the performance of a good and efficient Puskesmas is one of the results of filling out medical records in inpatient rooms (Depkes RI, 2005). The technical guideline for managing medical records at a Puskesmas is to regulate the process of recording medical record activities starting at the time of patient acceptance, recording while the patient is receiving medical services to handling medical record files. A medical record file is a form of a health information system in a health center. In PERMENKES No. 31 of 2019, the Puskesmas Information system is an arrangement that provides information to assist the decision-making process in implementing the management of the Puskesmas in achieving its activity targets. Recording is a series of activities to document the results of observations, measurements, and/or calculations at each step of the health effort carried out by the Puskesmas. Furthermore, data collection by observation was carried out to determine the process of filling out medical records and the results of filling out medical records. The results of the analysis will be made into a strategic issue which will then be followed up with a focus group discussion, so that it can produce recommendations in an effort to improve the completeness of medical records at the Talun Kenas Health Center


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    Dari survey awal dilihat melihat bahwa petugas di bandara Kualanamu tidak semua rutin menggunakan Alat  Pelindung Diri (APD) khususnya masker selama bekerja.  Begitu juga tindakan mencuci tangan jarang dilakukan. Tidak menggunakan APD saat bekerja, ataupun tidak mencuci tangan setelah melakukan pekerjaannya ada beberapa kemungkinan antara lain tidak adanya SOP yang mengharuskan menggunakan APD dan mencuci tangan, ada SOP tapi pengawasan yang minim dan tidak adanya sanksi ataupun  teguran yang diberikan kepada petugas, sarana dan prasarana yang  kurang, kurangnya kepedulian untuk menggunakan APD dan mencuci tangan yang  berkaitan dengan perilaku seseorang. Di Bandara petugas bandara Kualanamu yang berhadapan langsung dengan penumpang/pengunjung bandara Kualanamu  yang jumlahnya lebih dari 10000 orang per hari sangat rentan tertular penyakit menular Covid-19 maka sangat dibutuhkan upaya peningkatan keberdayaan petugas bandara untuk terhindar dari COVID 19. Metode kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah melakukan pendampingan dan pembinaan dalam pencegahan COVID 19 , dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu: pendampingan petugas kebersihan dan kesehatan pelabuhan dalam melakukan analisis situasi, melakukan tahapan advokasi kepada pimpinan dari masing masing petugas kesehatan, tahapan pemberdayaan petugas kebersihan dan petugas Kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk Pemberdayaan Petugas Bandara Kuala Namu International Airport (KNIA)  Dalam Mencegah Covid 19 Tahun 2020 ini telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, dimana semua pihak yang terlibat sangat antusias dan berperan aktif dalam kegiatan tersebut

    The Economic Feasibility of Sweet Potatos Farming by Using Selected N Fertilization

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    Sweet potato is normally cultivated in wet land after rice or in dry land during rainy season. N fertilization is commonly applied to increase sweet potato yield. Therefore, the economic feasibility of using selected N fertilizer in sweet potato farming in dry land was studied. Three improved varieties, namely Jago (white-fleshed), Beta 2 (orange-fleshed), and Antin 2 (purple-fleshed) were grown at the Experimental Station of Muneng, East Java and treated with six N fertilization as follows: F1= 0 N fertilization as a check; F2= 50 kg/ha of Urea; F3= 100 kg/ha of Urea; F4= 100 kg/ha of ZA; F5= 200 kg/ha of ZA; and F6= 5,000 kg/ha of manure. The treatment is assumed to be economically viable if the value of Marginal Benefit Cost Ratio (MBCR) is greater than 1. The results showed that the combination of  F2 with Beta 2, F3 with Antin 2, and F5 with Beta 2 were viable with the MBCR value of 17.13, 25.85, and 11.61, respectively. Although the data was limited, the study tentatively concludes that profitable N fertilization for sweet potato farming considerably depends on differences in yield, N fertilizer source and dose, as well as selling price of particular variety.JEL Classification: C93, D24, Q1


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    Desain eksperimen adalah suatu rancangan percobaan yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi yangberhubungan dengan atau diperlukan untuk persoalan yang sedang diteliti dapat dikumpulkan. Percobaan yangdibuat adalah percobaan ekstraksi DNA bawang putih. Tujuan dari percobaan ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapabanyak takaran garam, sabun, dan kadar alkohol yang efektif agar menghasilkan volume DNA bawang putih yangsebanyak mungkin untuk keperluan medis lanjutan, seperti klonning, untuk menangani kelainan-kelainan genetik danpenemuan obat-obat baru, pada bidang pertanian, peternakan, kehutanan untuk meningkatkan produk-produk baiktanaman maupun hewan unggul maupun di bidang lingkungan dalam hal mengatasi polutan serta perannya dalamkemajuan produksi pangan. Data diperoleh dari percobaan yang dilakukan dengan melihat berapa banyak volumeDNA bawang putih yang keluar. DNA bawang putih yang diamati berupa benang-benang putih dan halus yangmengapung ke permukaan cairan. Volume yang didapat merupakan data primer yang akan digunakan untukpengolahan data keterkaitan antara taraf faktor jumlah garam, jumlah sabun, dan kadar alkohol terhadap volumeDNA bawang putih yang dihasilkan. Hasil pengujian kenormalan data dengan uji Anderson Darling maka diperolehbahwa nilai p-value=0,2540 sedangkan α = 0,05 sehingga data yang didapat berdistribusi normal. Dalam pengujianhomogenitas varians terhadap jumlah sabun, jumlah garam dan kadar alkohol dapat digunakan uji Bartlet. Pengujianhomogenitas varians melalui uji Bartlett, diperoleh bahwa varians untuk interaksi faktor jumlah sabun, jumlahgaram, dan kadar alkohol adalah sama. Hasil perhitungan ANAVA menunjukkan untuk setiap perlakuan didapatkanHo diterima yang artinya setiap taraf faktor tidak memberikan efek signifikan terhadap perubahan volume DNAbawang putih. Persamaan regresi yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda, sehingga diperoleh persamaanregresi Y = 9,367+ (-0,079)X1 + 0,975 X2 + 0,625 X3. Dari perhitungan persamaan regresi didapat untuk hubunganjumlah sabun(X1), jumlah garam(X2), dan kadar alkohol (X3). Koefisien korelasi antara jumlah sabun (X1) denganperubahan volume DNA bawang putih (Y) sebesar -0,8679 yang artinya bahwa untuk faktor jumlah sabun memilikihubungan terbalik terhadap perubahan volume DNA bawang putih. Sebaliknya, koefisien korelasi jumlah garam (X2)dan kadar alkohol (X3) dengan perubahan volume DNA bawang putih (Y) didapatkan sebesar 0,411 dan 0,2635 yangartinya bahwa untuk faktor jumlah garam memiliki hubungan searah dengan perubahan volume DNA bawang putih

    Assistance equipment refill filter water to meet drinking water needs in pondok Tahfidz Quran Al Fitrah

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    Water serves to transport minerals, vitamins, proteins and other nutrients throughout the body. Body temperature balance will greatly depend on water, because water is a lubricant of the body's tissues as well as pads of joints, bones, and muscles. Once the importance of water for human survival so that the availability and sustainability of water for living things must be maintained. In the life of modern society in Indonesia today, the supply of clean water to a community is usually supplied by local government-owned water companies. But due to network limitations or production capacity, often not all communities can enjoy the clean water facilities. Islamic boarding schools are religious-based educational facilities whose management is still constrained by funding problems. So the facilities are always in a limited state. As is the case with the Quran Al-Fitrah tahfidz Islamic boarding school, which is located in Namo Rambe, which has difficulty in providing clean water to be drunk at the boarding school


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    PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang insektisida dengan produk obat nyamuk bakar (coil). PT. XYZ melakukan proses produksi sesuai dengan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) yang telah ditetapkan , namun pada kenyataanya masih ditemukan produk yang tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang diinginkan perusahaan (cacat). Identifikasi kecacatan coil basah dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode Seven Tools. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga jenis kecacatan yang terjadi yaitu coil terpotong sebanyak 4757 dc, coil retak sebanyak 3307 dc dan coil renggang sebanyak 2375 dc. Faktor penyebab kecacatan umumnya dipengaruhi viskositas tepung onggok yang berperan sebagai perekat adonan coil. Hasil control chart menunjukkan jumlah produk cacat yang berada diluarcontrol yaitu sebesar71,43%. Hasilbrainstormingyang dirincikan pada cause and effect diagram, didapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan tingginya kecacatan yaitu faktor manusia dan mesin. Langkah selanjutnya adalah menetapkan faktor penyebab kecacatan dengan metode FMEA. Jenis kecacatan terpotong memiliki nilai RPN tertinggi pada faktor manusia yang kurang inisiatif sebesar 240.Jenis kecacatan retak memiliki nilai RPN tertinggi pada faktor mould bermasalah sebesar 256