18 research outputs found

    Determination of microplastic polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) in environmental samples using thermal analysis (TGA-DSC)

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    Microplastics are increasingly detected in the environment and the consequences on water resources and ecosystems are not clear to date. The present study provides a cost-effective and straightforward method to determine the mass concentrations of polymer types using thermal analysis. Characteristic endothermic phase transition temperatures were determined for seven plastic polymer types using TGA-DSC. Based on that, extracts from wastewater samples were analyzed. Results showed that among the studied polymers, only PE and PP could be clearly identified, while the phase transition signals of the other polymers largely overlap each other. Subsequently, calibration curves were run for PE and PP for qualitative measurements. 240 and 1540mg/m3 of solid material (12µm to 1mm) was extracted from two wastewater effluent samples of a municipal WWTP of which 34% (81mg/m3) and 17% (257mg/m3) could be assigned to PE, while PP was not detected in any of the samples. The presented application of TGA-DSC provides a complementary or alternative method to FT-IR analyses for the determination of PE and PP in environmental samples

    Environmental Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis have a higher probability to act as a recipient in conjugation than clinical strains

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    Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis (MAH) is a widespread opportunistic pathogen that can be isolated from environment (dust, soil and water) and patients with lung or lymphnode infection. In our previous research we revealed the pronounced genetic diversity in MAH by identifying eight different types of a newly described genomic island. In order to identify mechanisms of such horizontal gene transfer we now analyzed the ability of 47 MAH isolates to inherit the conjugative plasmid pRAW from M. marinum. A higher percentage of environmental isolates (22.7%) compared to clinical isolates (8%) had the capacity to function as recipient in conjugal plasmid transfer. Genetic analysis showed additionally that environmental isolates contained more genes homologous to genes present on conjugative mycobacterial plasmids than clinical isolates. Comparative analysis of the genomes of the isolates pointed to a possible association between the ability to act as recipient in conjugation and the structure of a genomic region containing the radC gene and a type I restriction/modification system. Finally we found that uptake of pRAW decreased the resistance against various antibiotics

    Co-occurrence of targetable mutations in Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients harboring MAP2K1 mutations

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    Background: MAP2K1 mutations are rare in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and considered to be mutually exclusive from known driver mutations. Activation of the MEK1-cascade is considered pivotal in resistance to targeted therapy approaches, and MAP2K1 K57 N mutation could be linked to resistance in preclinical models. We set out this study to detect MAP2K1 mutations and potentially targetable co-mutations using a molecular multiplex approach. Methods: Between 2012 and 2018, we routinely analyzed 14.512 NSCLC patients with two next-generation sequencing (NGS) panels. In a subset of patients, fluorescence in-situ hybridization was performed to detect rearrangements or amplifications. We assessed clinical parameters and co-occurring mutations and compared treatment outcomes of different forms of systemic therapy. Results: We identified 66 (0.5%) patients with MAP2K1 mutations. Both adenocarcinoma (n = 62) and squamous cell carcinoma (n = 4) histology. The presence of the mutations was linked to smoking, and transversions were more common than transitions. K57 N was the most frequent MAP2K1 mutation (n = 25). Additional mutations were found in 57 patients (86.4%). Mutations of TP53 were detected in 33 patients, followed by KEAP1 mutations in 28.1%. 24 patients (36.4%) had either MAP2K1-only or a co-occurring aberration considered targetable, including EGFR mutations, a BRAF V600E mutation and ROS1 rearrangements. Outcome analyses revealed a trend toward benefit from pemetrexed treatment. Conclusion: Our analysis shows that MAP2K1-mutated NSCLC patients might frequently present with potentially targetable aberrations. Their role in providing resistance in these subtypes and the possible therapeutic opportunities justify further analyses of this rare NSCLC subgroup

    Stratified Medicine for Mental Disorders

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    There is recognition that biomedical research into the causes of mental disorders and their treatment needs to adopt new approaches to research. Novel biomedical techniques have advanced our understanding of how the brain develops and is shaped by behaviour and environment. This has led to the advent of stratified medicine, which translates advances in basic research by targeting aetiological mechanisms underlying mental disorder. The resulting increase in diagnostic precision and targeted treatments may provide a window of opportunity to address the large public health burden, and individual suffering associated with mental disorders. While mental health and mental disorders have significant representation in the “health, demographic change and wellbeing” challenge identified in Horizon 2020, the framework programme for research and innovation of the European Commission (2014–2020), and in national funding agencies, clear advice on a potential strategy for mental health research investment is needed. The development of such a strategy is supported by the EC-funded “Roadmap for Mental Health Research” (ROAMER) which will provide recommendations for a European mental health research strategy integrating the areas of biomedicine, psychology, public health well being, research integration and structuring, and stakeholder participation. Leading experts on biomedical research on mental disorders have provided an assessment of the state of the art in core psychopathological domains, including arousal and stress regulation, affect, cognition social processes, comorbidity and pharmacotherapy. They have identified major advances and promising methods and pointed out gaps to be addressed in order to achieve the promise of a stratified medicine for mental disorders.ISSN:0924-977XISSN:1873-786

    Armazenamento de melão 'Orange Flesh' minimamente processado sob atmosfera modificada Storage of 'Orange Flesh' mellons minimally processed and packaged under modified atmosphere

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    O aumento da demanda por produtos minimamente processados traz um grande desafio para a ciência e tecnologia de alimentos, considerando-se a escassez de informações sobre a manutenção da qualidade desses produtos. O armazenamento desses em condições adequadas é um ponto fundamental para o sucesso dessa tecnologia. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da atmosfera modificada ativa na conservação do melão tipo Orange Flesh minimamente processado. Os frutos, após o processamento, foram embalados sob atmosfera modificada (AM Passiva- Controle, AM Ativa com 5% de CO2 e 5% de O2 e AM Ativa com 10% de CO2 e 2% de O2), armazenados em câmara fria (6 ± 1 ºC e UR 85 ± 5%) durante 8 dias e as amostras retiradas para análises de pH, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), açúcares solúveis totais (AST), firmeza, pectina total (PT), pectina solúvel (PS), e as enzimas pectinametilesterase (PME) e poligalacturonase (PG) a cada 2 dias de armazenamento. A atmosfera modificada ativa pouco influenciou no comportamento das variáveis pH, acidez total titulável (ATT), firmeza e pectina total com relação á atmosfera modificada passiva. No entanto, menor solubilização de pectinas foi detectada nas amostras armazenadas sob atmosfera com 10% de CO2 e 2% de O2. Não foram detectadas atividades das enzimas pectinametilesterase e poligalacturonase nos tratamentos analisados.<br>The increase of the demand for products minimally processed brings a great challenge for the food science and technology, considering the shortage of information about the maintenance of the quality of those products. The storage of those products in appropriate conditions is a fundamental point for the success of such technology. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the active modified atmosphere on the quality and conservation of the 'Orange Flesh' melons processed minimally. The fruits, after the processing, were wrapped under modified atmosphere (Passive MA - Control, Active MA- with 5% of CO2 and 5% of O2 and Active MA with 10% of CO2 and 2% of O2), stored in a cold chamber (6 ± 1 ºC and 85 ± 5% RH) during 8 days and sampled for analyses of pH, total soluble solids, tritable acidity, total soluble sugars, firmness, total pectin, soluble pectin and pectinametylesterase and polygalacturonase activities every 2 days of storage. The variables firmness, total acidity and total pectin were not affected by the active modified atmosphere. However, smaller solubilization of pectins were detected in melons under atmosphere with 10% of CO2 and 2% of O2. Enzymatic activity was not detected in fruits from all treatments