2,343 research outputs found

    State of the art of plastic sorting and recycling : Feedback to vehicle design

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    Today car manufacturers are beginning to integrate recycling constraints in the first stages of the design of a new car due to their concern regarding the effects of car design on the recovery of material after End-of-Life Vehicle treatment. Improved understanding of the recycling process can help designers to avoid contaminants in the recycled product and improve the efficiency of current and new sorting methods. The main goal of this paper is to describe the state of the art of the technical efficiency of recovery channels for plastics in Europe in order to define requirements for automotive plastic part design. This paper will first present the results of a survey on industrial and innovative recycling technologies mainly originating from the mining sector, and secondly a simplified methodology for car design integrating plastic recycling constraints. This methodology concerns material association and compatibility, the type of assemblies favourable to better recycling, and better reuse of recycled products in cars.Renault Research Direction FR TCR LAB 1 13, Service 641000-Recycling Engineering, 1 avenue du Golf, 78288 Guyancourt Cedex, Franc

    Fundamental limits for learning hidden Markov model parameters

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    We study the frontier between learnable and unlearnable hidden Markov models (HMMs). HMMs are flexible tools for clustering dependent data coming from unknown populations. The model parameters are known to be identifiable as soon as the clusters are distinct and the hidden chain is ergodic with a full rank transition matrix. In the limit as any one of these conditions fails, it becomes impossible to identify parameters. For a chain with two hidden states we prove nonasymptotic minimax upper and lower bounds, matching up to constants, which exhibit thresholds at which the parameters become learnable

    Contributions from diversity objectives and realities in a large international project

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    Diese Studie untersucht die ‘Contributions from diversity’ in einem Grossprojekt im Fachbereich Management development in der aegyptischen Telekommunikations-industrie. Gleichzeitig manifestiert die Arbeit, wie Diversitaet einen Beitrag zu anderen Disziplinen traegt, in diesem Fall die Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie zu Wirtschaft. Besonderer Augenmerk liegt auf der Interaktion dreier Gruppen, naemlich die Interaktion unter den Projektmitgliedern, die Interaktion zwischen den Projektmitgliedern und den Teilnehmern des TelekommunikationsÂŹunternehmens, und die Interaktion mit Individuen, die nur peripher am Projekt beteiligt waren. Die wissenschaftliche Leistung ist in der WidersprĂŒchlichkeit zwischen dem eigentlichen Projektziel begruendet, dem Unternehmenswachstum, welches jeden Anspruch an Diversitaet ignoriert und dem Prozess dieses Ziel zu erreichen, die aus den Interaktionen gewachsene Diversitaet, welche letztendlich wesentlich zum Projekterfolg beitrug. Methodisch praesentiert die Arbeit einen 2-stufigen Prozess: a) die hauptsaechlich qualitative teils auch quantitative Datenanalyse beinhaltet das Identifizieren von Mustern, Kodieren von bedeutungstragenden Wiederholungen, sowie die Benennung signifikanter Iterationen. Das Ergebnis der mehrfachen Wiederholung dieses Prozesses fuehrte zur Entwicklung des Models ‘The three lenses of diversity’, bestehend aus der ‘Lens of multiple identity’, der ‘Lens of perception’, und der ‘Environmental lens’; b) die Anwendung dieses Models, The three lenses of diversity auf die in dichter Beschreibung praesentierten Interaktionen der genannten drei Gruppen, um die ‘Contributions from diversity’ zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit sind: Diversitaet exisitiert nicht per se, sie ist ein in einer Interaktion entstehender Prozess. Diversitaet entsteht aus der dialogischen Beziehung von ‘multiple affiliations’ mit ‘belonging’ und ‘othering’, welche wiederum unter der Auswirkung externer Einfluesse steht. Dieser Prozess entscheidet ueber Erfolg oder Misserfolg im Beziehungsaufbau im Rahmen von internationalen Grossprojekten.This study explores the contributions from diversity to a large and complex manage-ment development project in the Egyptian telecommunication industry. At the same time it makes manifest how diversity in the form of different disciplines can contribute to others, in this case the fields of cultural anthropology and business. Specifically, the research concentrates on the interaction of three stakeholder groups involved in this project, which are the interaction among project team members, the interaction between team members and programme participants and finally, the inter-action with individuals external to the project. The contribution this study makes to knowledge lies in the gap between the actual pro-ject objective, namely growing the business across the globe, which largely ignored any aspect of diversity, and the process of achieving this result, that is, the presence of diversity as elicited in interactions, which were one of the key contributors for the suc-cess of the project. The methodology comprises a 2-step process, which is a) mainly a qualitative but also quantitative data analysis which included identifying patterns, coding meaningful repeti-tions, and labelling significant iterations. Completing this process several times led to the development of the new framework ‘Three lenses of diversity’, which consists of the lens of multiple identity; the lens of perception; and the environmental lens; and b) the application of the framework onto the interaction of the three stakeholder groups, cap-tured in thick descriptions in order to identify the contributions from diversity. Findings are that diversity is not just there; it is a process, which is created from interaction. Diversity is generated from the dialogical relationship of multiple affiliations with belonging and othering under the influences from the external environment, and can so shape the success or failure in building relationship on complex projects

    Profil dan Prevalensi Pasien Hipertensi Essensial serta Penggunaan Obat Antihipertensi di Prolanis Puskesmas Kecamatan Duren Sawit Periode Januari 2017 – Januari 2018

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    Hipertensi merupakan manifestasi gangguan keseimbangan hemodinamik sistem kardiovaskular, dengan patofisiologi multi faktor. Pengobatan hipertensi ditujukan untuk mencegah peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran penderita hipertensi dan penggunaan obat antihipertensi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain cross sectional retrospektif berdasarkan rekam medic pasien Prolanis di Puskesmas Kecamatan Duren Sawit Periode Januari 2017 – Januari 2018. Sebanyak 61 rekam medik pasien yang didiagnosis hipertensi dan menerima terapi obat antihipertensi tunggal maupun kombinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Amlodipine sering diresepkan karena memiliki kontraindikasi paling sedikit. Ditemukan hanya 15 pasien (24,6%) dating memeriksakan diri setiap bulan dengan kehadiran 100%. Pasien perempuan usia diatas 50 tahun lebih banyak dibandingkan jumlah pasien laki-laki. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah Puskesmas diharapkan semakin meningkatkan kegiatan Prolanis dari segi edukasi guna tercapainya target pengobata

    Zur Diachronie der Modalverben: 'sollen' zwischen TemporalitÀt, ModalitÀt und EvidentialitÀt

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der allgemeinen Frage nach dem VerhĂ€ltnis von ModalitĂ€t und TemporalitĂ€t diskutiert der Artikel exemplarisch die diachrone AusprĂ€gung temporaler, reportiver und epistemischer Modalverblesarten des Modalverbs ‚sollen‘. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Verwendung von mhd. ‚suln‘ + Inf. zum Ausdruck zukĂŒnftigen Zeitbezugs, die aus zwei Perspektiven problematisiert wird: WĂ€hrend sich aus der TemporalitĂ€tsperspektive eine Beschreibung als „Futur-Periphrase“ als unzureichend erweist, um die Polysemie der Form erfassen zu können, greift gleichermaßen aus der ModalitĂ€tsperspektive eine Ableitung aus dem lexikalischen Quell-Konzept zu kurz. Unter Bezugsetzung der zeitreferentiellen Werte und modalen Bedeutungskomponenten wird dagegen argumentiert, dass sich futurische wie evidentiell-epistemische Lesarten unter Bezug auf eine ‚de dicto‘-Komponente aus der relationalen Struktur des Modalverbs ableiten lassen. Aus dieser Perspektive ergibt sich ein modifizierter Blick auf die „Futur-Periphrasen“, dessen Konsequenzen abschließend am empirischen Datenmaterial zu diskutieren sind

    State of the art of plastic sorting and recycling : Feedback to vehicle design

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    Today car manufacturers are beginning to integrate recycling constraints in the first stages of the design of a new car due to their concern regarding the effects of car design on the recovery of material after End-of-Life Vehicle treatment. Improved understanding of the recycling process can help designers to avoid contaminants in the recycled product and improve the efficiency of current and new sorting methods. The main goal of this paper is to describe the state of the art of the technical efficiency of recovery channels for plastics in Europe in order to define requirements for automotive plastic part design. This paper will first present the results of a survey on industrial and innovative recycling technologies mainly originating from the mining sector, and secondly a simplified methodology for car design integrating plastic recycling constraints. This methodology concerns material association and compatibility, the type of assemblies favourable to better recycling, and better reuse of recycled products in cars.Renault Research Direction FR TCR LAB 1 13, Service 641000-Recycling Engineering, 1 avenue du Golf, 78288 Guyancourt Cedex, Franc

    Alternative solutions for challenging environments: a look at UNICEF-assisted ecosan projects worldwide

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    This paper summarises information from 20 UNICEF-assisted ecological sanitation projects in 12 countries. The projects varied widely in size from 95 users for a project with household urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) in Bangladesh up to 23,000 users under emergency conditions in Zimbabwe. They share characteristics of purpose, scope, challenges, opportunities and sanitation technologies, which were mainly UDDTs and composting toilets. Specific insights are given for the projects in Bangladesh and Rwanda where large-scale ecological sanitation „ecosan‟ programs are currently underway. We discuss the potential to scale-up initiatives by providing increased technical back-up support to users, greater linkages with community-led total sanitation and with income generation initiatives via higher agricultural yields. In the context of growing urbanisation and hydro-geological challenges, this paper highlights that “ecosan technologies” (such as UDDTs) can be a suitable technical solution where pit-based toilets are impossible to be implemented sustainably

    Inhibition of HIV-1 integrase nuclear import and replication by a peptide bearing integrase putative nuclear localization signal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The integrase (IN) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has been implicated in different steps during viral replication, including nuclear import of the viral pre-integration complex. The exact mechanisms underlying the nuclear import of IN and especially the question of whether it bears a functional nuclear localization signal (NLS) remain controversial.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we studied the nuclear import pathway of IN by using multiple <it>in vivo </it>and <it>in vitro </it>systems. Nuclear import was not observed in an importin α temperature-sensitive yeast mutant, indicating an importin α-mediated process. Direct interaction between the full-length IN and importin α was demonstrated <it>in vivo </it>using bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay (BiFC). Nuclear import studies in yeast cells, with permeabilized mammalian cells, or microinjected cultured mammalian cells strongly suggest that the IN bears a NLS domain located between residues 161 and 173. A peptide bearing this sequence -NLS-IN peptide- inhibited nuclear accumulation of IN in transfected cell-cycle arrested cells. Integration of viral cDNA as well as HIV-1 replication in viral cell-cycle arrested infected cells were blocked by the NLS-IN peptide.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our present findings support the view that nuclear import of IN occurs via the importin α pathway and is promoted by a specific NLS domain. This import could be blocked by NLS-IN peptide, resulting in inhibition of viral infection, confirming the view that nuclear import of the viral pre-integration complex is mediated by viral IN.</p
