50 research outputs found

    Better Phonological Short-Term Memory Is Linked to Improved Cortical Memory Representations for Word Forms and Better Word Learning

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    Language learning relies on both short-term and long-term memory. Phonological short-term memory (pSTM) is thought to play an important role in the learning of novel word forms. However, language learners may differ in their ability to maintain word representations in pSTM during interfering auditory input. We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investigate how pSTM capacity in better and poorer pSTM groups is linked to language learning and the maintenance of pseudowords in pSTM. In particular, MEG was recorded while participants maintained pseudowords in pSTM by covert speech rehearsal, and while these brain representations were probed by presenting auditory pseudowords with first or third syllables matching or mismatching the rehearsed item. A control condition included identical stimuli but no rehearsal. Differences in response strength between matching and mismatching syllables were interpreted as the phonological mapping negativity (PMN). While PMN for the first syllable was found in both groups, it was observed for the third syllable only in the group with better pSTM. This suggests that individuals with better pSTM maintained representations of trisyllabic pseudowords more accurately during interference than individuals with poorer pSTM. Importantly, the group with better pSTM learned words faster in a paired-associate word learning task, linking the PMN findings to language learning.Peer reviewe

    Contribution des codes mĂ©moriels Ă  l’apprentissage lexical

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    En psychologie, l’acquisition de nouveaux lexĂšmes a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă  partir d’expĂ©riences d’apprentissage par association. Nous savons ainsi que les lexĂšmes sont d’autant plus faciles Ă  mĂ©moriser qu’ils sont douĂ©s de signification. Cependant, notre comprĂ©hension des processus mĂ©moriels en jeu est longtemps restĂ©e superficielle. Des recherches rĂ©centes en neuropsychologie, sur le dĂ©veloppement du vocabulaire chez l’enfant apprenant sa langue maternelle (LM), ainsi que sur l’apprentissage d’une langue Ă©trangĂšre (LE), ont mis en Ă©vidence l’importance de la mĂ©moire de travail phonologique dans le processus d’apprentissage. La capacitĂ© de mĂ©morisation de l’orthographe est Ă©galement un facteur potentiellement important, qui contribue aux diffĂ©rences inter-individuelles dans la capacitĂ© d’apprendre du vocabulaire. Nous prĂ©sentons dans cet article un cadre d’apprentissage du vocabulaire dans lequel des processus de reprĂ©sentation spĂ©cifiques au mode de prĂ©sentation (oral/Ă©crit) dans la mĂ©moire de travail contribuent Ă  un processus de mĂ©morisation basĂ© sur le sĂ©mantisme du lexĂšme, processus qui sert Ă  incorporer le nouveau lexĂšme dans un lexique organisĂ© sĂ©mantiquement. Ce cadre d’apprentissage sert ensuite de base de discussion de certaines difficultĂ©s d’apprentissage, ainsi que de leur traitement rĂ©mĂ©dial.The psychology of learning new vocabulary items has been approached in traditional associative learning experiments. These experiments showed that the more meaningful the items to be learnt were, the easier they were to remember. Nevertheless, our understanding of the memory processes involved has long remained rather superficial. Recent research in neuropsychology, native language vocabulary development and foreign-language learning points to the importance of phonological working memory in the learning process. The ability to remember word spellings is another potential factor contributing to individual differences in word learning ability. A framework for word learning is described in which modality-specific representational processes in working memory support a semantically driven memory encoding process, which serves to incorporate the new item into a semantically organised lexicon. Different types of foreign-language learning difficulties are discussed on the basis of this learning framework and some suggestions for their remediation are made

    Localization of Syntactic and Semantic Brain Responses using Magnetoencephalography

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    Electrophysiological methods have been used to study the temporal sequence of syntactic and semantic processing during sentence comprehension. Two responses associated with syntactic violations are the left anterior negativity (LAN) and the P600. A response to semantic violation is the N400. Although the sources of the N400 response have been identified in the left (and right) temporal lobe, the neural signatures of the LAN and P600 have not been revealed. The present study used magnetoencephalography to localize sources of syntactic and semantic activation in Finnish sentence reading. Participants were presented with sentences that ended in normally inf lected nouns, nouns in an unacceptable case, verbs instead of nouns, or nouns that were correctly inflected but made no sense in the context. Around 400 msec, semantically anomalous last words evoked strong activation in the left superior temporal lobe with significant activation also for word class errors (N400). Weaker activation was seen for the semantic errors in the right hemisphere. Later, 600-800 msec after word onset, the strongest activation was seen to word class and morphosyntactic errors (P600). Activation was significantly weaker to semantically anomalous and correct words. The P600 syntactic activation was localized to bilateral sources in the temporal lobe, posterior to the N400 sources. The results suggest that the same general region of the superior temporal cortex gives rise to both LAN and N400 with bilateral reactivity to semantic manipulation and a left hemisphere effect to syntactic manipulation. The bilateral P600 response was sensitive to syntactic but not semantic factors.Peer reviewe

    Semantic Cortical Activation in Dyslexic Readers

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    The combined temporal and spatial resolution of MEG (magnetoencephalography) was used to study whether the same brain areas are similarly engaged in reading comprehension in normal and developmentally dyslexic adults. To extract a semantically sensitive stage of brain activation we manipulated the appropriateness of sentence-ending words to the preceding sentence context. Sentences, presented visually one word at a time, either ended with a word that was (1) expected, (2) semantically appropriate but unexpected, (3) semantically anomalous but sharing the initial letters with the expected word, or (4) both semantically and orthographically inappropriate to the sentence context. In both subject groups all but the highly expected sentence endings evoked strong cortical responses, localized most consistently in the left superior temporal cortex, although additional sources were occasionally found in more posterior parietal and temporal areas and in the right hemisphere. Thus, no significant differences were found in the spatial distribution of brain areas involved in semantic processing between fluent and dyslexic readers. However, both timing and strength of activation clearly differed between the two groups. First, activation sensitivity to word meaning within a sentence context began about 100 msec later in dyslexic than in control subjects. This is likely to result from affected presemantic processing stages in dyslexic readers. Second, the neural responses were significantly weaker in dyslexic than in control subjects, indicating involvement of a smaller or less-synchronous neural population in reading comprehension. Third, in contrast to control subjects, the dyslexic readers showed significantly weaker activation to semantically inappropriate words that began with the same letters as the most expected word than to both orthographically and semantically inappropriate sentence-ending words. Thus, word recognition by the dyslexic group seemed to be qualitatively different: Whereas control subjects perceived words as wholes, dyslexic subjects may have relied on sublexical word recognition and occasionally mistook a correctly beginning word for the one they had expected.Peer reviewe

    Differential recall of derived and inflected word forms in working memory: Examining the role of morphological information in simple and complex working memory tasks

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    Working memory (WM) has been described as an interface between cognition and action, or a system for access to a limited amount of information needed in complex cognition. Access to morphological information is needed for comprehending and producing sentences. The present study probed WM for morphologically complex word forms in Finnish, a morphologically rich language. We studied monomorphemic (boy), inflected (boy+'s), and derived (boy+hood) words in three tasks. Simple span, immediate serial recall of words, in Experiment 1, is assumed to mainly rely on information in the focus of attention. Sentence span, a dual task combining sentence reading with recall of the last word (Experiment 2) or of a word not included in the sentence (Experiment 3) is assumed to involve establishment of a search set in long-term memory for fast activation into the focus of attention. Recall was best for monomorphemic and worst for inflected word forms with performance on derived words in between. However, there was an interaction between word type and experiment, suggesting that complex span is more sensitive to morphological complexity in derivations than simple span. This was explored in a within-subjects Experiment 4 combining all three tasks. An interaction between morphological complexity and task was replicated. Both inflected and derived forms increased load in WM. In simple span, recall of inflectional forms resulted in form errors. Complex span tasks were more sensitive to morphological load in derived words, possibly resulting from interference from morphological neighbors in the mental lexicon. The results are best understood as involving competition among inflectional forms when binding words from input into an output structure, and competition from morphological neighbors in secondary memory during cumulative retrieval-encoding cycles. Models of verbal recall need to be able to represent morphological as well as phonological and semantic information.Peer reviewe

    Cortical activation during spoken-word segmentation in nonreading-impaired and dyslexic adults

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    We used magnetoencephalography to elucidate the cortical activation associated with the segmentation of spoken words in nonreading-impaired and dyslexic adults. The subjects listened to binaurally presented sentences where the sentence-ending words were either semantically appropriate or inappropriate to the preceding sentence context. Half of the inappropriate final words shared two or three initial phonemes with the highly expected semantically appropriate words. Two temporally and functionally distinct response patterns were detected in the superior temporal lobe. The first response peaked at ∌100 msec in the supratemporal plane and showed no sensitivity to the semantic appropriateness of the final word. This presemantic N100m response was abnormally strong in the left hemisphere of dyslexic individuals. After the N100m response, the semantically inappropriate sentence-ending words evoked stronger activation than the expected endings in the superior temporal cortex in the vicinity of the auditory cortex. This N400m response was delayed for words starting with the same two or three first few phonemes as the expected words but only until the first evidence of acoustic–phonetic dissimilarity emerged. This subtle delay supports the notion of initial lexical access being based on phonemes or acoustic features. In dyslexic participants, this qualitative aspect of word processing appeared to be normal. However, for all words alike, the ascending slope of the semantic activation in the left hemisphere was delayed by ∌50 msec as compared with control subjects. The delay in the auditory N400m response in dyslexic subjects is likely to result from presemantic–phonological deficits possibly reflected in the abnormal N100m response.Peer reviewe

    Short-Term Memory for Serial Order Moderates Aspects of Language Acquisition in Children With Developmental Language Disorder : Findings From the HelSLI Study

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    Previous studies of verbal short-term memory (STM) indicate that STM for serial order may be linked to language development and developmental language disorder (DLD). To clarify whether a domain-general mechanism is impaired in DLD, we studied the relations between age, non-verbal serial STM, and language competence (expressive language, receptive language, and language reasoning). We hypothesized that non-verbal serial STM differences between groups of children with DLD and typically developing (TD) children are linked to their language acquisition differences. Fifty-one children with DLD and sixty-six TD children participated as part of the HelSLI project in this cross-sectional study. The children were 4-6-year-old monolingual native Finnish speakers. They completed several tests of language and cognitive functioning, as well as new game-like tests of visual and auditory non-verbal serial STM. We used regression analyses to examine how serial STM moderates the effect of age on language. A non-verbal composite measure of serial visual and auditory STM moderated cross-sectional development of receptive language in the children with DLD. This moderation was not observed in the TD children. However, we found more rapid cross-sectional development of non-verbal serial STM in the TD children than in the children with DLD. The results suggest that children with DLD may be more likely to have compromised general serial STM processing and that superior non-verbal serial STM may be associated with better language acquisition in children with DLD.Peer reviewe

    Understanding developmental language disorder -The Helsinki longitudinal SLI study (HelSLI): A study protocol

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    BackgroundDevelopmental language disorder (DLD, also called specific language impairment, SLI) is a common developmental disorder comprising the largest disability group in pre-school-aged children. Approximately 7% of the population is expected to have developmental language difficulties. However, the specific etiological factors leading to DLD are not yet known and even the typical linguistic features appear to vary by language. We present here a project that investigates DLD at multiple levels of analysis and aims to make the reliable prediction and early identification of the difficulties possible. Following the multiple deficit model of developmental disorders, we investigate the DLD phenomenon at the etiological, neural, cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial levels, in a longitudinal study of preschool children.MethodsIn January 2013, we launched the Helsinki Longitudinal SLI study (HelSLI) at the Helsinki University Hospital (http://tiny.cc/HelSLI). We will study 227 children aged 3–6 years with suspected DLD and their 160 typically developing peers. Five subprojects will determine how the child’s psychological characteristics and environment correlate with DLD and how the child’s well-being relates to DLD, the characteristics of DLD in monolingual versus bilingual children, nonlinguistic cognitive correlates of DLD, electrophysiological underpinnings of DLD, and the role of genetic risk factors. Methods include saliva samples, EEG, computerized cognitive tasks, neuropsychological and speech and language assessments, video-observations, and questionnaires.DiscussionThe project aims to increase our understanding of the multiple interactive risk and protective factors that affect the developing heterogeneous cognitive and behavioral profile of DLD, including factors affecting literacy development. This accumulated knowledge will form a heuristic basis for the development of new interventions targeting linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of DLD.<br /