14 research outputs found

    Karyotype and Growth Analysis of UV-induced Soybean (Glycine max L.)

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    Karyotype and growth analysis of Soybean (Glycine max L.) after exposed to Ultraviolet light had been done. The objective of this research was to investigate karyotype design and vegetative growth of soybean induced with UV light. The experiment was Completely Randomized Designed with 2 treatment factors. The first factor was Ultraviolet light by 3 levels: 10, 20 and 30 Watt and the second was the length of UV exposure by 3 levels: 5, 10, and 15 minutes. Each treatment was replicated 2 times and the plant that was not exposed to UV used as control. The karyotype was observed by squash method. The results showed that the intensity and duration of UV light has no effect on the number of chromosomes but the light has effect on the number of chromosomes type. Statistical analysis showed that the increase in UV energy up to 30 Watt and time exposure of 15 minutes, caused the increase on height, number of leaves, flowers, the fresh and dry weight of plant, and chlorophyll concentration compared to untreated plants

    Retardan Variation of Paclobutrazol in VW (Vacin & Went) Media Towards the Artificial seeds Viability of the Dendrobium sp.

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    The research of the variation of paclobutrazol retardant in VW (Vacin & Went) media toward the viability of artificial seeds of Dendrobium sp. had been carried out at the Laboratory of Physiology and Plant Tissue Culture, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of North Sumatra, Medan. The purpose of the study was to obtain the best combination of paclobutrazol treatments and the storage time on the viability of artificial seeds of Dendrobium sp. This study used a factorial completely randomized design by two factors, which were six levels of paclobutrazol 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 ppm, and 2 levels of storage duration times (0; 2; 4 weeks). The statistical analysis of the data  showed that the combination of paclobutrazol treatments and storage times significantly affected the growth time of plb Dendrobium sp. as well as the wet weight and the dry weight (P < 0.05). Paclobutrazol concentration of 4 ppm and storage period of 4 weeks (P4L2) gave the best effect in delaying the growth of synthetic seeds of Dendrobium sp. with an average growth of 21.6 days. The 2 ppm treatment of paclobutrazol and the 4 weeks storage time (P2L2) gave the highest wet weight and dry weight by an average of 0.198 grams and 0.007760 grams, respectively

    Mitigation and Innovation in Making Natural Handwash Made from Coffee Grounds in Dusun X Batangkuis Deli Serdang Schools Towards Face-to-Face Schools

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    The government's desire to reopen and implement offline education has become a hot topic of discussion lately. The risk of spreading covid 19 to children is the concern of many people. For this reason, mitigation and prevention efforts need to be carried out to reduce the potential for the spread of covid 19. One effort that can be done is to make hand washing a good habit. The activity was carried out by providing training in making liquid hand soap for the community, especially teachers and school students in Dusun X to socialize how to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in schools. Activities are carried out through 5 (five) stages which include (1) Survey (2) Soap Making Test (3) Socialization; (4) Soap-making skills training; (5) Monitoring and Evaluation. It is hoped that the manufacture of natural handwash can be used for schools and school children in Dusun X Batangkuis Deliserdang to prevent covid 19 from going to face-to-face school in 2021

    Uji Potensi Bakteri Kitinolitik dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Rhizoctonia Solani Penyebab Rebah Kecambah pada Kentang Varietas Granola

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    A study on assay the potential of chitinolytic bacterial isolates to inhibit the growth of Rhizoctonia solani causal agent of damping-off on potato was carried out in Laboratory of Observation Pest and Disease, Medan Johor, UPT. Protection of Crops and Holticulture 1 and Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. Two out of six isolates of chitinolytic bacteria showed capabilities to inhibit of R. solani growth. The most effective isolates to inhibit the growth of R. solani were Enterobacter sp. BK15 and Bacillus sp. BK13, that were able with inhibition zone of 2.05 and 2.35 cm, respectively. These two isolates also showed to be able to reduce fungal infection by 31.25% and 37.5%, respectively

    Seleksi Bakteri Penambat Nitrogen Dan Penghasil Hormon Iaa (Indole Acetic Acid) Dari Rizosfer Tanah Perkebunan Kedelai (Glycine Max L.)

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    Rizosphere bacteria can be used to fix nitrogen and produce IAA (Indol Acetic Acid) as biofertilizer to support plant growth. The ability of rhizosphere bacteria can be improved using biotechnology. The aim of this study is to select the most potential nitrogen fixing and IAA producing bacteria. Nitrogen fixing and IAA producing bacteria were isolated using JNFB and Luria Bertani + L-tryptofan medium respectively. The ability of nitrogen fixing bacteria were tested by ARA method, while the ability of IAA producing bacteria were investigated by spectrophotometer technique of 535 nm. The highest IAA concentration was produced by isolate I3 which was 33.3 ppm and the highest concentration of nitrogen was yielded by isolate N3 which was 29.93 ppm. Both N3 isolate and I3 isolate potentially as biofertilizer known as PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria)

    Utilization of Google Class Room in improving learning quality for lecturers and students at the USU department of biology FMIPA

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    Community service activities titled Transforming Organic Waste into Organic Fertilizer in Namo Bintang Village in May - November 2019. This activity aims to convert organic waste into organic fertilizer that has economic value, and does not endanger the environment. The method used is counseling, lectures and training as well as monitoring and evaluation with the community directly to the field. Utilization of Google Class Room is done in several places in the Biology department with the approval of the Chair of the Department. The activity was carried out by means of counseling and lectures, explaining the theory and techniques of using Google Class Room, which was followed by a group of Lecturers and Students in the Biology department at USU FMIPA.The training was conducted by a group of Lecturers and Students in the Biology department of USU FMIPA separately. All carry out this activity by proactively conducting training to get results in the form of the Google Class Room application. The equipment for using Google Class Room is only a laptop, smartphone and internet package. And finally the monitoring and evaluation of the success of monitoring work in the field will be carried out by going directly to the field together, monitoring by visiting to find out whether lecturers and students have been able to do it themselves. In addition, the relationship will be carried out by telephone to overcome the problems that arise . In general, community service activities have been successfully carried out and seen a good cooperative relationship between the Higher Education, especially the Implementation Team, the village community realizes the importance of saving the environment from at the same time improving life expectancy because it can make its own fertilizer / compost. &nbsp


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    The Study aims to see used of POC from tofu and coconut water waste has a significant effect in the growth of black soybean (Glycin soja L.) on the parameters of stem height, number of branches and leaves, and the number of stem diameters of black soybean plants. The research was conducted from September to December 2021 in kayu besar street, Batangkuis district. The study used RAK on 2 factorials, namely the treatment of giving POC from tofu and coconut water and concentrations at the levels of 0%, 15%, 20%, and 25%.The data analysis technique used the one way ANOVA test at a significant level of 5%and the DMRT test. The results showed that the use of POC from coconut air and air had a significantly different effect at a concentration of 25% better than other concentrations, namely 20%, 15%, and 0%. This study gave a better effect on the use of POC than those without fertilizers due to the addition of nutrients provided to increase the growth of black soybean plants.Key words: Black Soybean, POC, Water Tofu, Water Coconut.

    Genotype by environment analysis on multi-canopy cropping system towards harvest in soybean

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    The multi-canopy cropping system is a new way to increase the number of soybeans grown. It is based on the idea of vertical agriculture. Short and tall plants are grown on the same hill in this method. The tall plants form a canopy, so the vertical space can be used to grow crops. The study aimed to determine how breeding programs could be used to create rice varieties for a multi-canopy cropping system. The tests were done in the dry and wet seasons at the Universitas Sumatera Utara in Medan, Indonesia. For plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, and number of pods, the genotype x canopy system interaction effect was significant. Over the two seasons, the average yield of the multi-canopy cropping system was 6.61 t ha−1 compared to 5.59 t ha−1 for the monoculture. The average yield of seven genotypes in two cropping systems, monoculture and multi-canopy, was 5.59 t ha−1 and 6.62 t ha−1. The mean average agronomic traits over monoculture and multi-canopy plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, and number of pods were 67.63 cm, 28.83, 8.00, and the number of pods 154.42. The AMMI analysis shows most of the differences between genotype x environment. The first group is made up of the environment during the dry season and the wet season. The mean net assimilation rate of soybean genotypes under multi-canopy and monoculture systems monoculture and multi-canopy was 1.81 μg cm2 d−1 and 2.87 μg cm2 d−1. The tall and short genotypes in multi-canopy have the highest yield, so they could be used to breed rice varieties that do well in multi-canopy