145 research outputs found

    Predicting the Image of Turkey and the Prime Minister Erdoğan Through Content Analysis of National News Media Coverage of Davos Incident

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    Using content analysis of four national newspapers in Turkey and applying framing analysis, this study examines how the selected newspapers framed the image of Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan and national image of Turkey after the Davos incident in World Economic Forum 2009. The analysis showed that the newspapers differ in their portrayal of the incident and in their construction of the image of Prime Minister Erdoğan and Turkey. Newspapers in the republican-laic side of the political spectrum in Turkey assessed the incident in negative terms and reflected a more negative image for both Prime Minister Erdoğan and Turkey, whereas newspapers with a conservative-democrat line portrayed more positive images


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      This study aims to examine the research trends and results of bibliometric mapping analyses of the articles that have been conducted about the Flipped Classroom Model in the field of education in the last ten years. For analysis purposes, 126 articles were accessed from Web of Science for the years between 2010 and 2019. In total, 63 articles were selected from among the articles for bibliometric as well as content analysis. According to the bibliometric analysis the most frequently mentioned keywords are flipped classroom, active learning, and chemical education research, and that many of the articles have focused more on motivation in recent years. The content analysis determines that the variables including not only perception and motivation, but also academic achievement/performance have been the most common topics mentioned in the academic articles. Accordingly, achievement tests, questionnaires and scales have been preferred as data collection tools, and university students appear to have been mostly preferred as a sample group. The quantitative approach has been mostly used as the type of method in the articles in the last decade

    Okul Öncesi Dönem Çocuklarının Duygusal Yüz İfadelerini Yansıtan İnsan Figürü Çizimlerinde Kullandıkları Renklerin İncelenmesi

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    The aim of this study is to examine the facial expressions and color preferences used by orphaned children, children who have experienced an earthquake and children living with their parents.The sample of the study included 85 children, 27 of whom had experienced the great earthquakes in Bolu and Gölcük in 1999, 21 orphans living in Keçiören Atatürk Child Care Center and 37 children living with their families. Regular A4 white paper and coloring pens were used as data collecting tools, and children were asked to draw human figures with happy, scared, surprised, sad and aggravated facial expressions, respectively. Children were told that they were allowed to use whichever colors they wanted.. The children’s drawings, each reflecting different facial expressions, were examined to ascertain which, and how many, colors had been used. The results of the study revealed that the majority of the children who had experienced an earthquake and the orphaned children used only one or two colors, while the majority of the children living with their families used at least two or more different colors. It was found that the children who had experienced an earthquake particularly chose black as the color to reflect all of the facial expressions. It was seen that the colors used by orphans and by the children living with their families showed differences according to the facial expressions illustrated.Bu araştırmanın amacı, korunmaya muhtaç çocukların, depremi yaşayan çocukların ve ailesi ile yaşayan çocukların duygularını dışa vurmalarında, yüz ifadeleri ve renk tercihlerini incelemektir. Çalışmanın örneklemini, Bolu ve Gölcük depremini yaşamış 27 çocuk ile Ankara ilinde Keçiören Atatürk Çocuk Yuvası’nda kalan 21 korunmaya muhtaç çocuk ve ailesi yanında yaşayan 37 çocuk olmak üzere toplam 85 çocuk oluşturmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak A4 boyutunda beyaz kağıtlar ve renkli boya kalemleri çocuklara dağıtılmış ve çocuklardan sırasıyla mutlu, korkmuş, şaşırmış, üzgün ve öfkeli bir insan figürü çizmeleri istenmiştir. Çocukların renk tercihlerinde serbest oldukları belirtilmiştir. Çocukların yaptığı her biri farklı bir yüz ifadesini yansıtan resimler, kullanılan renk sayısına ve kullanılan renklere göre incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, korunmaya muhtaç ve depremi yaşayan çocukların çoğunluğunun tek veya iki renk kullandığını, aileleri ile yaşayan çocukların çoğunluğunun ise en az iki ya da daha fazla renk kullandığını ortaya koymaktadır. Özellikle depremi yaşamış çocukların tüm yüz ifadelerini yansıtan insan figürü çizimlerinde siyah rengi tercih ettikleri bulunmuştur. Korunmaya muhtaç çocukların ve ailesi ile yaşayan çocukların en yüksek oranda kullandıkları renklerin yüz ifadelerine göre değişiklik gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Her iki grup incelendiğinde; ailesi ile yaşayan çocukların kullandıkları renklerin kullanım yüzdelerinin, korunmaya muhtaç çocukların kullanım yüzdelerine göre daha yüksek olduğu da ulaşılan önemli bulgulardandır


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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi akademik personelinin davranışsal önyargıları ile finansal okuryazarlık düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi tespit etmektir. Ayrıca örneklemde yer alan üniversitenin fakülte, yüksekokul ve meslek yüksekokullarında görevli akademik personelin davranışsal önyargıları ile finansal okuryazarlık düzeylerinin benzer ve farklı noktalarının neler olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bunlara ek olarak, akademik personelin cinsiyet, unvan ve gelir durumu gibi demografik özellikleri ile davranışsal önyargıları ve finansal okuryazarlık düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi akademik personeline online anket uygulanmıştır. Anketler üniversitenin tüm akademik personeline yönlendirilmiş olup 379 katılımcıya ulaşılmıştır. Uygulanan anket ile elde edilen veriler SPSS paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonuçlarına göre ankete katılan akademik personelin yüksek düzeyde finansal okuryazar olmasına rağmen yine de orta düzeyde davranışsal önyargıların etkisi altında kaldığı tespit edilmiştir. Akademisyenlerin davranışsal önyargıları ile finansal okuryazarlık düzeyi arasında pozitif yönlü ve çok zayıf bir ilişki tespit edilmiş olup akademisyenlerin finansal okuryazarlık düzeyleri davranışsal önyargılarını %21,3 oranında etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Donatılı kil zemin üzerine oturan yüzeysel şerit temellerin taşıma kapasitesi

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    Many researchers investigated the behavior of surface foundations constructed on reinforced sand (Omar et al. 1993; Khing et al. 1993; Yetimoglu et al. 1994; Das ve Omar 1994; Adams & Collin 1997). However most of the problematic foundation soils are of cohesive nature. Therefore in this study the effect of reinforcing cohesive foundation soils was investigated. Normally the cohesive soil excavated would be replaced by a granular fill. This means that improvement will be obtained due to the geosynthetic reinforcement but also because of the soil exchange. In order to see the effect of geosynthetic reinforcement alone, in this study the backfill was considered to have the same properties as the natural cohesive soil. The foundation behavior is assessed using limit equilibrium and finite element method (FEM). In this study the finite element code, Plaxis was used. A parametric study was conducted. Safety factors were calculated by using the "Phi-c reduction" method in the finite element analyses. In the "Phi-c reduction" approach the shear strength parameters tan  and c of the soil are successively reduced until failure occurs. The soil was modeled as Mohr-Coulomb model and the reinforcement as a linear elastic material. In the analyses, no specific interaction model between soil and reinforcement was used. The analyses presented in this study involve strip foundations on clay soil. The problem was analyzed under plane strain condition. The material properties were chosen in accordance with those in the literature to represent a clay soil. The soil parameters adopted were:  = 15 kN/m3; E = 25000 kPa (500 * c);  = 0.30;  = 0o;  = 0oand c = 100, 75, 50, 37.5, 25, 12.5 kN/m2. Footing thickness was chosen as 0.143 m and was placed directly on the surface without any embedment. Geosynthetic axial stiffness per unit width was selected as J=2000kN/m to represent a typical geogrid (Deb et. al. 2007). For the finite element analyses, vertical boundary was chosen to have only horizontal fixity and bottom boundary has both horizontal and vertical fixity. The size of the finite element mesh used was the same for all the analyses. It was chosen to be large enough to reduce the boundary effects to a negligible level. Factor of Safety (GS) for bearing capacities of unreinforced soil were calculated first by Limit Equilibrium analysis and then by FEM. The footing width (B=2.5, 5, 10 and 20 m), cohesion of the foundation soil (c=50 and 100 kPa), and surcharge load on footing (100 and 200 kPa) were varied to assess their influence on the safety factor of the shallow foundation. A good agreement was achieved between bearing capacity calculated using limit equilibrium approaches and finite element solutions. The finite element analysis gave factor of safety values directly proportional to cohesion of the clay soil as expected. In order to investigate the influence of the reinforcement on the factor of safety, a parametric study was conducted using different reinforcement configurations. Number of reinforcement layers, depth of the first reinforcement, vertical spacing of reinforcement layers, width of reinforcements and cohesion values of soil were chosen as variables in the analyses. Results obtained are summarized below: As the number of reinforcement layer increases (from one to six), the safety factor increases as well. Regardless of total number of reinforcement layers, the foundation width did not have a significant effect on the bearing capacity. The depth of the first reinforcement varied between 0.05B and 0.7B. The most efficient initial reinforcement depth was found as 0.4B. The vertical spacing between horizontal reinforcement layers (H) were taken as 0.025B, 0.05B and 0.1B. When six reinforcement layers were used, increase in the factor of safety values were calculated as: 7.5%, 12% and 17% for H/B values of 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 respectively. The reinforcement lengths analyzed were L=B; L=2B; L=3B; L=4B and L=5B. The increase in bearing capacity after a length of L=3B was negligible. BCR and effective reinforcement depth were not affected when cohesion of the soil changed. Keywords: Strip footing, bearing capacity, Finite Element method, clay soil.Geosentetikler zeminin taşıma gücünü arttırmakta donatı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kohezyonlu zeminlerde geosentetik donatıların etkilerini daha iyi anlayabilmek için donatılı kil zemine oturan yüzeysel şerit temellerin taşıma kapasiteleri analiz edilmiştir. Hesaplamalarda sonlu elemanlar kodu Plaxis kullanılmıştır. Temel zemini Mohr Coulomb ve donatı lineer elastik malzeme olarak modellenmiştir. Analizlerde Phi-c azaltma metoduyla güvenlik sayıları bulunarak taşıma kapasiteleri hesaplanmıştır. İlk olarak donatısız kil zeminde temel genişliği, sürşarj yükü ve zemin kohezyonunun etkileri incelenmiştir. Nihai taşıma kapasiteleri hesaplanarak literatürdeki limit analiz sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Daha sonra, donatının etkisini araştırmak amacıyla parametrik bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Donatı sayısı, etkin ilk donatı derinliği, donatılar arası düşey mesafe, donatı genişliği ve zemin kohezyonu parametre olarak seçilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda donatı sayısı arttıkça taşıma kapasitesinin 6 donatı için %17’ye kadar arttığı, etkin ilk donatı derinliğinin 0.4B (B=Temel genişliği) olduğu görülmüştür. Kohezyonlu zeminde donatının çalışmasının zemin kohezyonundan etkilendiği, donatı sayısı 6 iken taşıma kapasitesini kohezyon cinsinden 0.9c kadar arttırdığı görülmüştür. Donatılar arası düşey mesafe arttıkça taşıma kapasitesindeki değişimi gösteren eğrinin eğiminin dikleştiği ve taşıma kapasitesinin büyüdüğü görülmüştür. Donatı genişliğinin temel genişliğinin 3 katından büyük olduğu durumlarda taşıma kapasitesi sabit kalmıştır. Taşıma kapasitesi oranları (BCR) ve etkin donatı derinliği zemin kohezyonundan bağımsız çıkmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Şerit temel, taşıma kapasitesi, Sonlu Elemanlar metodu, kil zemin

    Use of Mindray MC-80 digital morphology analyzer’s estimated platelet counts as adjunct to automated hematology analyzer

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    Introduction: Automated hematology analyzer platelet counts can be performed using either the impedance (PLT-I) method or the fluorescent nucleic acid staining (PLT-O) method. Estimated platelet counts (PLT-E) can be calculated using a digital morphology analyzer by evaluating the peripheral blood smear. Our objective was to compare the platelet values detected on a Mindray BC-6200 device to the PLT-E count on a Mindray MC-80 digital morphology analyzer. Material and methods: Complete blood cell count findings between 1 September and 11 October, 2022 were obtained from the data storage units of the devices. We selected two groups of blood: a first group with thrombocytopenia (n = 49) and a second group that gave an aggregation and/or platelet clumping flag (n = 32). The results of 190 consecutive patients with normal platelet counts, and no aggregation flag, were evaluated as a control group. Pearson’s correlation coefficients, Bland-Altman plots, and paired t-tests were calculated. Results: The plot of the difference between PLT-I and PLT-O counts showed that the mean difference was –43.6 (95%: –17.2 to –69.9); when we compared PLT-O to PLT-E, bias was improved to –6.1 (95%: –18.26 to 6.1) in samples with aggregation and/or clumping flags (Bland-Altman plots). In samples with thrombocytopenia without aggregation and/or clumping, on the Bland-Altman plot, the differences in means were all close to zero, and there were no definite biases. Conclusions: Examining blood samples using the Mindray MC-80 digital morphology analyzer system on samples that show platelet clumps has the potential to improve PLT-I results in day-to-day laboratory routine

    Ekstrakraniyal malign germ hücreli tümör tanılı hastaların klinik özellikleri ve tedavi sonuçları; 20 yıllık tek merkez deneyimi

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    Introduction: Germ cell tumors account for 2–3% of all pediatric tumors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical features and treatment outcomes of pediatric patients treated and followed up for extragonadal MGCTs in our center. Materials and Methods: A total of 41 patients diagnosed with MGCTs in the pediatric oncology department of Akdeniz University between June 1999 and June 2019 were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Twenty-nine (71%) of the patients were girls and female dominance (p<0.001). The median age was 3.22 (0–18) years. The most patients in the ≤ 5year age group (p<0.001). Nineteen (44%) of the tumors were gonadal and 22 (54%) were extragonadal. The most common histolology of MGCTs were yolk sac tumor (36%), mixed GCTs (29%), immature teratoma (20%), and dysgerminoma (15%). Twenty-five (61%) patients presented with advanced stage disease and 37 patients (90%) were treated with chemotherapy. The patients with stage I testicular and stage I ovarian germ cell tumors underwent complete tumor resection followed by a watch-and-wait approach with alpha fetoprotein monitoring without chemotherapy. Of six patients with relapse/refractory disease, two patients survived. Two patients who underwent autologous stem cell transplantation showed complete response but later died due to infection. The median follow-up period of the patients was 34.9 (4–190.6) months and the 10-year overall and disease-free survival rates were 77.1±6.8% 77.1±6.8%. Two relapsed refractory patients who underwent autologous transplantation survived at a mean of 33.21 months. Conclusions: The clinical features and treatment outcomes of the patients in our study were consistent with the literature. The fact that most of our patients were symptomatic at presentation and had advanced stage disease when diagnosed highlights the importance of detailed evaluation and examination. Although good outcomes are achieved in patients with early stage disease, new treatment approaches are needed for patients with advanced and relapsing diseaseGiriş: Germ hücreli tümör tüm pediatrik tümörlerin %2-3’ünü oluşturur. Özellikle platin bazlı kemoterapi rejimlerinin uygulanmasından sonra sağ kalım oranları %85’lerden fazladır. Malign germ hücreli tümörler (MGHT) çocuklarda oldukça heterojen bir gruptur. Bu çalışma ile ekstrakraniyal MGHT tanılı hastalarımızın klinik özellikleri ve tedavi sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Çocuk Onkoloji Kliniği’nde 1999 –2019 Haziran tarihleri arasında ekstrakraniyal MGHT tanısı alan 41 hasta geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların 29 (%71) `i kız olup K/E cinsiyet oranı: 1,75 olup anlamlı olarak kız cinsiyet hakimdi (p<0.001). Ortanca tanı yaşı 3,22 yıl (0-18 yaş) olup hastalar ağırlıklı olarak (%56 hasta) ≤ 5 yaş idi (p<0.001). Tümörlerin 19 (%44) `ü gonadal, 22 (%54) `ü ekstragonadal olup en sık ekstagonadal yerleşim yeri sakrokoksigeal bölge (%22) idi. Histolojik değerlendirmede sırasıyla yolk sak tümörü (%36), mikst GHT (%29), immatür teratom (%20) ve disgerminom (%15) saptandı. Hastaların 25 (%61)`i ileri evre hastalık ile başvurmuştu. Hastaların 37 (%90)’ına kemoterapi verildi. Evre I testis ve evre I over GHT hastalarında tümörün cerrahi olarak tam çıkartılmasının ardından αFP değerleri takip edilerek “bekle ve izle” yaklaşımı ile kemoterapi verilmedi. Tanı sonrası relaps refrakter hastalık ile seyreden 6 hastanın ikisi progresif hastalıktan kaybedildi. Otolog kök hücre nakli yapılan iki hastada nakil sonrası kür sağlanmasına rağmen enfeksiyon nedeni ile kaybedildi. Hastaların ortanca izlem süresi 34.9 ay (4-190,6 ay), 5 ve 10 yıllık genel ve hastalıksız yaşam oranları 81.9±6.3%, 81.9±6.3% ve 77.1±6.8% 77.1±6.8 ve %77,1±6,8 olarak bulundu. Nakil yapılan iki hastanın sağkalım süresi ortalama 33.21 ay olarak hesaplandı. Sonuç: Ekstrakraniyal MGHT`lerin tedavisinde, konservatif cerrahi, evre I hastalar için “bekle ve gör” yaklaşımı ve platin bazlı kemoterapi rejimleri ile başarılı sonuçlar alınmaktadır. İlk başvuruda hastaların yakınmalarının olmasına rağmen çoğu hastanın ileri evre hastalık ile başvurduğunun saptanması hekimlerin ayrıntılı değerlendirme ve muayenelerinin önemine dikkat çekmektedir. Erken evre hastalarda sonuçlar başarılı iken ileri evre ve relaps hastalarda yeni tedavi yaklaşımlarına ihtiyaç vardır

    Children in 2077: Designing Children’s Technologies in the Age of Transhumanism

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    What for and how will we design children’s technologies in the transhumanism age, and what stance will we take as designers? This paper aims to answer this question with 13 fictional abstracts from sixteen authors of different countries, institutions and disciplines. Transhumanist thinking envisions enhancing human body and mind by blending human biology with technological augmentations. Fundamentally, it seeks to improve the human species, yet the impacts of such movement are unknown and the implications on children’s lives and technologies were not explored deeply. In an age, where technologies can clearly be defined as transhumanist, such as under-skin chips or brain-machine interfaces, our aim is to reveal probable pitfalls and benefits of those technologies on children’s’ lives by using the power of design fiction

    Design, Performance, and Calibration of the CMS Hadron-Outer Calorimeter

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    The CMS hadron calorimeter is a sampling calorimeter with brass absorber and plastic scintillator tiles with wavelength shifting fibres for carrying the light to the readout device. The barrel hadron calorimeter is complemented with an outer calorimeter to ensure high energy shower containment in the calorimeter. Fabrication, testing and calibration of the outer hadron calorimeter are carried out keeping in mind its importance in the energy measurement of jets in view of linearity and resolution. It will provide a net improvement in missing \et measurements at LHC energies. The outer hadron calorimeter will also be used for the muon trigger in coincidence with other muon chambers in CMS

    Paradoxal tolerans : En argumentationsanalys av debatten om Lars Vilks Muhammedteckningar i kulturjournalistiska texter

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    Freedom of expression is vital to our ability to convey opinions, beliefs, and to meaningfully participate in democracy. Although the laws on freedom of expression have restrictions, it is often difficult to pinpoint exactly what is allowed or not. The aim of this study is to analyze cultural journalistic texts that deal with the Lars Vilks Muhammad drawings controversy in order to gain a greater understanding of the possibilities, problems and limitations of freedom of expression. An argumentation analysis is applied based on the arguments John Durham Peters addresses in Courting the Abyss to see what arguments and positions can be identified and to see what issues the debate concentrates on. Some of the writers agree all opinions, no matter how grotesque they are, must be discussed while some take ethical and moral positions into account. Freedom of speech is a rational principle and the only way to preserve and promote rationality is to strive for virtue. The fear of censorship as a consequence suffocates the artistic expression and the public sphere poorer. The writers criticize institutes and the general public for not standing up for the principle and in some cases, criticize each other for hypocrisy and double standards.