92 research outputs found

    A Two-Stage Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach for Green Supplier Selection

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    Awareness of environmental protection and sustainability in the manufacturing industry has grown making the green image a more critical factor in the supplier selection process. Supplier evaluation and selection are well studied in the literature. However, studies with a green focus are relatively limited. In order to fill this gap, this paper proposes a green supplier evaluation and selection (GSES) method that evaluates suppliers according to their green competencies and environmental performances. In this regard, a combined multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach capable of handling imprecise quantitative and qualitative data is proposed. To demonstrate the functionality of the approach, a case study is conducted on a U.S. based company that manufactures and distributes plastic closures and dispensing systems, internationally. The results of the approach along with the discussion for future research are also provided

    Examining the relationship of home and child care chaos to children’s executive functions

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    Çevresel kaos yüksek seviyede gürültülü, düzensiz, kalabalık ve çocukların kendilerini güvende hissetmelerini sağlayan rutinlerin eksik olduğu mikrosistemleri tanımlamaktadır. Mevcut çalışmalar ev ortamındaki kaosun yarattığı karmaşıklığın, öngörülemezliğin ve dikkat dağıtıcı uyaranların çok olmasının bilişsel esneklik, çalışma belleği ve ketleyici kontrol bileşenlerinden oluşan yönetici işlev gelişimi ile negatif yönde ilişkili olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Ancak, okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarındaki çevresel kaosun yönetici işlev becerileri ile ilişkisi ve ev ortamındaki çevresel kaos düzeyi ile olan etkileşimi daha önce incelenmemiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, evdeki ve okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarındaki çevresel kaos ile çocukların yönetici işlev becerileri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Çalışmaya 244 okul öncesi dönemdeki çocuk (%50’si kız, Ortyaş = 60.89 ± 8.39 ay) ile bu çocukların anne ve öğretmenleri katılmıştır. Anne tarafından doldurulan Aile Çevresi Kaos Ölçeği (AÇKÖ) ve öğretmen tarafından doldurulan Erken Çocukluk Programlarında Yaşam Ölçeği (EÇPYÖ) aracılığıyla sırasıyla evdeki ve okul öncesi eğitim kurumundaki kaos düzeyi ölçülmüştür. Çocukların yönetici işlev becerileri dört görevden oluşan bir batarya kullanılarak doğrudan gözlem yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Korelasyona dayalı bulgular, evdeki ve okul öncesi eğitim kurumundaki çevresel kaos ile çocukların yönetici işlev becerileri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ve negatif yönde ilişki olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Çevresel kaosun temel ve etkileşimli ilişkilerinin incelendiği düzenleyici değişken analizi bulguları, evdeki ve okul öncesi eğitim kurumundaki çevresel kaos arasında anlamlı düzeyde bir etkileşim olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu etkileşim, evdeki kaos düzeyi yüksek olan çocuklar için okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarındaki sakin, yapılandırılmış ve öngörülebilir bir çevrenin koruyucu rolüne; öte yandan ev ve okul öncesi eğitim ortamlarının her ikisinin de yüksek düzeyde kaos içermesinin “çifte olumsuzluk” oluşturarak çocuklar için yüksek risk yaratan bir durum olduğuna işaret etmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular, uygulamaya yönelik olarak çevresel kaos düzeyi yüksek koşullarda yaşayan çocukların yönetici işlevlerini desteklemeye yönelik müdahale programlarının nasıl geliştirilebileceğine dair tartışılmıştır.Environmental chaos refers to microsystems with high levels of noise, disorganization, crowding, and a lack of routines that make children feel safe. Available studies point out that home chaos-related commotion, unpredictability, and sources of distraction are negatively associated with the development of executive functions, which consist of the components of cognitive flexibility, working memory, and inhibitory control. Meanwhile, no study has yet examined the relationship between executive functions and child care chaos or the interaction between home and child care chaos. The present study aims to investigate the relationship of home and child care chaos with children’s executive functions. The participants involve 244 preschoolers (121 girls and 123 boys, Mage = 60.89 ± 8.39 months), as well as their mothers and teachers. Home and child care chaos were measured respectively by having mothers fill out the Confusion, Hubbub, and Order Scale (CHAOS; Matheny et al., 1995) and the teachers fill out the Life in Early Childhood Programs Scale (LECP; Kontos & Wachs, 2000). Children’s executive functions were assessed using the direct observation method with a battery of four tasks. The correlation-based findings reveal statistically significant and negative associations for home and child care chaos with children’s executive functions. The study conducted a moderation analysis to test the main and interactive relations of home and child care chaos, with the result showing a significant interaction between the chaos levels in both environments. These findings point to the protective role of a calm, structured, and predictable environment in child care for children with high levels of home chaos. On the other hand, high levels of environmental chaos both at home and child care pose the greatest risk for children by creating a double jeopardy. The study discusses these findings in terms of practical applications for intervention programs that aim to support the executive functions of children who are exposed to high levels of environmental chaos

    Evaluating the home isolation of COVID-19 patients in primary care

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    Background: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of home isolation and medical follow-up by analyzing data collected over the phone from isolated individuals. Methods: A cross-sectional phone-based survey designed to evaluate the home isolated COVID-19 suspected patients at the Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Family Health Center in Istanbul city between 16th  March  5th May 2020.  A semi-structured questionnaire and the universal sampling technique were recruited to collect data about the socio-demographic and the COVID-19 related laboratory and clinical findings. The SPSS for Windows program was used to perform a univariate and bivariate statistical analysis. The Statistical alpha significance level was accepted at less than 0.05. Results: A total of 463 confirmed, probable, or suspected cases of COVID-19 took part in this study with a mean age of 35.38 ∓17.1 (range: 0-86 years). Tow-third 310 (67.0%) underwent the PCR tests, and 67 (21.6%) confirmed positive results. Moreover, one-third (159, 34.3%) exposed to CT scans; however, 51(32.3%) were compatible with COVID-19. The median age of individuals with PCR positive was 38 years. More than half (40, 59.7%) were males, compared to 27 (40.3%) were females. There was no significant relationship between PCR positivity and pandemic period, age, or gender (P = 0.149; P = 0.545; P = 0.285), respectively. Although older individuals had a higher rate of CT scan compatible with COVID-19, the relation between increased age and COVID-19 compatible CT was found not to be statistically significant (P = 0.053). Moreover, there was  significant relationship between CT scan positivity and coughing, the tobacco smoking and diabetes (P = 0.003; P = 0.032; P = 0.016),  respectively. Conclusion: Combining PCR, symptoms, and CT together doubles the likelihood of a correct diagnosis. Quarantined patients must be regularly monitored


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    Objectives: The management of deep caries lesions in immature permanent molars might be challenging in clinical practice. Minimally invasive caries removal methods can maintain apexogenesis by preventing extensive tissue loss. Here we compare the chemo-mechanical caries removal (CMCR) gel and the polymer bur in terms of time spent on caries removal, patient acceptability, and clinical success. Materials and Methods: The teeth of 30 children were randomly divided into two groups. The duration of each method, the level of cooperation during each method, and the child’s choice of caries removal method were recorded. Patients were followed at 6-month intervals for at least 2 years. Results: The difference between the patients’ preferences was not statistically significant, while the average caries removal time of the polymer bur method was significantly shorter (p < 0.05). The rates of apical closure without pathology in CMCR and polymer bur groups were 63.2% and 73.7%, respectively, whereas 10% of each group underwent further treatments due to the clinical and/or radiographic pathology. Conclusions: These methods were thought to serve as an interim treatment in managing immature permanent teeth with deep caries. Furthermore, these methods, which do not involve water cooling, can also minimize the risk of contamination and cross-infection

    Effect of octreotide on oxidative stress in the erythrocyte and kidney tissue in adriamycin-induced experimental nephrotic syndrome model

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    Abstract Introduction: Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is one of the reasons of end-stage kidney disease, and elucidating the pathogenesis and offer new treatment options is important. Oxidative stress might trigger pathogenesis systemically or isolated in the kidneys. Octreotide (OCT) has beneficial antioxidant effects. We aimed to investigate the source of oxidative stress and the effect of OCT on experimental NS model. Methods: Twenty-four non-uremic Wistar albino rats were divided into 3 groups. Control group, 2 mL saline intramuscular (im); NS group, adriamycin 5 mg/kg intravenous (iv); NS treatment group, adriamycin 5 mg/kg (iv) and OCT 200 mcg/kg (im) were administered at baseline (Day 0). At the end of 21 days, creatinine and protein levels were measured in 24-hour urine samples. Erythrocyte and renal catalase (CAT) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) were measured. Renal histology was also evaluated. Results: There was no significant difference among the 3 groups in terms of CAT and TBARS in erythrocytes. Renal CAT level was lowest in NS group, and significantly lower than the control group. In treatment group, CAT level significantly increased compared with NS group. In terms of renal histology, tubular and interstitial evaluations were similar in all groups. Glomerular score was significantly higher in NS group compared with control group and it was significantly decreased in treatment group compared to NS group. Conclusions: Oxidative stress in NS might be due to the decrease in antioxidant protection mechanism in kidney. Octreotide improves antioxidant levels and histology in renal tissue and might be a treatment option

    Characteristics of food allergy in children: National multicenter study

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    Conference: Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI) Location: Lisbon, PORTUGAL Date: JUN 01-05, 2019Background : Food allergies impose a significant burden on the life of the child and the family. In this study, to determine the demographic characteristics of food allergies, we investigated the characteristics of patients with food allergies in different regions of Pediatric Allergy- Immunology departments in Turkey. Method : Turkey ' s National Study of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society has conducted a Study Group on Food Allergies. 25 centers participated in this multicenter, cross- sectional and descriptive study.European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunolog

    Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample

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    Physiological Correlates of Volunteering

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    We review research on physiological correlates of volunteering, a neglected but promising research field. Some of these correlates seem to be causal factors influencing volunteering. Volunteers tend to have better physical health, both self-reported and expert-assessed, better mental health, and perform better on cognitive tasks. Research thus far has rarely examined neurological, neurochemical, hormonal, and genetic correlates of volunteering to any significant extent, especially controlling for other factors as potential confounds. Evolutionary theory and behavioral genetic research suggest the importance of such physiological factors in humans. Basically, many aspects of social relationships and social activities have effects on health (e.g., Newman and Roberts 2013; Uchino 2004), as the widely used biopsychosocial (BPS) model suggests (Institute of Medicine 2001). Studies of formal volunteering (FV), charitable giving, and altruistic behavior suggest that physiological characteristics are related to volunteering, including specific genes (such as oxytocin receptor [OXTR] genes, Arginine vasopressin receptor [AVPR] genes, dopamine D4 receptor [DRD4] genes, and 5-HTTLPR). We recommend that future research on physiological factors be extended to non-Western populations, focusing specifically on volunteering, and differentiating between different forms and types of volunteering and civic participation

    Post-mortem serum triptaz düzeyi ve ölüm nedenlerine göre irdelenmesi

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.ÖZET Sebebi bilinmeyen ölümlerde anafilaksinin rolü uzun yıllardan beri adli tıp alanında tartışılmaktadır. Son yıllarda anafilaksiye bağlı ölümlerin tanısında serum triptaz düzeyinin postmortem bakılmasının değerli olabileceği öne sürülmektedir. Buradan hareketle biz de bu çalışmada, kendi olgularımızda postmortem serum triptaz düzeylerini belirlemek ve ölüm nedenleri ile serum triptaz düzeyi arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını araştırmayı amaçladık. İzmir Adli Tıp Kurumu Morg ihtisas Dairesinde Mart 2001 ile Mayıs 2001 tarihleri arasında 3 aylık bir dönemde otopsisi yapılan rast gele seçilmiş 10' u kadın 26' sı erkek toplam 36 olgu çalışmaya alındı. Tüm olgularda yaş, cinsiyet, ölüm yeri, ölüm zamanı, otopsi tarih ve saati, öykü (alınabilirse), orijine ait bilgiler kaydedildi. Olgular böcek ısırığı, pikür izleri açısından dikkatle incelendi. Otopsi sonrasında yapılan histopatolojik ve toksikolojik inceleme sonuçları da kaydedildi. Olgulara ait serum örneklerinde triptaz düzeyi çalışıldı. Yaş ortalaması 41 ±2.4 (15-70) yıl olarak bulunan olguların hiç birisinde allerji öyküsüne rastlanmadı. Ortalama serum triptaz düzeyi 15.06±2.12 (2.7-51) (^g/l) bulundu. Ortalama post-mortem interval 1.3±0.11 (0-3) gün idi. Olguların 22' sinde (%61) serum triptaz düzeyi 10 p.g/1 nin altındaydı. Gruplarda; yaş, PMI ve triptaz düzeyleri ile cinsiyete göre yaş, PMI ve triptaz düzeyleri arasında anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı (p> 0.05). PMI süresi arttıkça serum triptaz düzeyinin de buna paralel olarak arttığı saptandı. Yapılan korelasyon analizinde yaş ile serum triptaz düzeyi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı pozitif bir ilişki saptandı (p 0.05). Ancak serum triptaz düzeyi ile PMI arasında da bir pozitif korelasyon saptanmasına rağmen bu ilişki istatistiksel olarak anlamlılığa ulaşmadı (p=0.06). ölüm nedenlerine göre olgular 29gruplandığında; serum triptaz düzeyi sırasıyla ateşli silah yarası ve kardiyak nedenli ölüm olgularında daha yüksek bulundu (p> 0.05). Sonuç olarak, serum triptaz düzeyinin post-mortem araştırılması, anafilaksiye bağlı ölümlerin doğrulanması, anafilaksiye bağlı ölümlerin tanınması amacıyla kullanılabilecek basit, kolay bir yöntemdir. Saptanan 10 ng/ml' nin üzerindeki düzey; allerjik yönden öykü ve laboratuvar yönünden ileri araştırma (serum IgE, spesifik IgE ve RAST düzeyinin bakılması) yapılması için yol gösterici olabilir. 3