11 research outputs found

    Stability of Subsequent-to-Leading-Logarithm Corrections to the Effective Potential for Radiative Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

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    We demonstrate the stability under subsequent-to-leading logarithm corrections of the quartic scalar-field coupling constant λ\lambda and the running Higgs boson mass obtained from the (initially massless) effective potential for radiatively broken electroweak symmetry in the single-Higgs-Doublet Standard Model. Such subsequent-to-leading logarithm contributions are systematically extracted from the renormalization group equation considered beyond one-loop order. We show λ\lambda to be the dominant coupling constant of the effective potential for the radiatively broken case of electroweak symmetry. We demonstrate the stability of λ\lambda and the running Higgs boson mass through five orders of successively subleading logarithmic corrections to the scalar-field-theory projection of the effective potential for which all coupling constants except the dominant coupling constant λ\lambda are disregarded. We present a full next-to-leading logarithm potential in the three dominant Standard Model coupling constants (tt-quark-Yukawa, αs\alpha_s, and λ\lambda) from these coupling constants' contribution to two loop β\beta- and γ\gamma-functions. Finally, we demonstrate the manifest order-by-order stability of the physical Higgs boson mass in the 220-231 GeV range. In particular, we obtain a 231 GeV physical Higgs boson mass inclusive of the tt-quark-Yukawa and αs\alpha_s coupling constants to next-to-leading logarithm order, and inclusive of the smaller SU(2)×U(1)SU(2)\times U(1) gauge coupling constants to leading logarithm order.Comment: 21 pages, latex2e, 2 eps figures embedded in latex file. Updated version contains expanded analysis in Section

    Pade/renormalization-group improvement of inclusive semileptonic B decay rates

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    Renormalization Group (RG) and optimized Pade-approximant methods are used to estimate the three-loop perturbative contributions to the inclusive semileptonic b \to u and b \to c decay rates. It is noted that the \bar{MS} scheme works favorably in the b \to u case whereas the pole mass scheme shows better convergence in the b \to c case. Upon the inclusion of the estimated three-loop contribution, we find the full perturbative decay rate to be 192\pi^3\Gamma(b\to u\bar\nu_\ell\ell^-)/(G_F^2| V_{ub}|^2) = 2065 \pm 290{\rm GeV^5} and 192\pi^3\Gamma(b\to c\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell)/(G_F^2|V_{cb}|^2)= 992 \pm 198 {\rm GeV^5}, respectively. The errors are inclusive of theoretical uncertainties and non-perturbative effects. Ultimately, these perturbative contributions reduce the theoretical uncertainty in the extraction of the CKM matrix elements |V_{ub}| and |V_{cb}| from their respective measured inclusive semileptonic branching ratio(s).Comment: 3 pages, latex using espcrc2.sty. Write-up of talk given at BEACH 2002, UBC, Vancouve

    Renormalization Group Determination of the Five-Loop Effective Potential for Massless Scalar Field Theory

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    The five-loop effective potential and the associated summation of subleading logarithms for O(4) globally-symmetric massless λϕ4\lambda\phi^4 field theory in the Coleman-Weinberg renormalization scheme d4Vdϕ4ϕ=μ=λ\frac{d^4V}{d\phi^4}|_{\phi = \mu} = \lambda (where μ\mu is the renormalization scale) is calculated via renormalization-group methods. An important aspect of this analysis is conversion of the known five-loop renormalization-group functions in the minimal-subtraction (MS) scheme to the Coleman-Weinberg scheme.Comment: 5 pages. Write-up of talk given at Theory Canada III, June 2007, University of Albert

    Optimal Renormalization-Group Improvement of Two Radiatively-Broken Gauge Theories

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    In the absence of a tree-level scalar-field mass, renormalization-group (RG) methods permit the explicit summation of leading-logarithm contributions to all orders of the perturbative series for the effective-potential functions utilized in radiative symmetry breaking. For scalar-field electrodynamics, such a summation of leading logarithm contributions leads to upper bounds on the magnitudes of both gauge and scalar-field coupling constants, and suggests the possibility of an additional phase of spontaneous symmetry breaking characterized by a scalar-field mass comparable to that of the theory's gauge boson. For radiatively-broken electroweak symmetry, the all-orders summation of leading logarithm terms involving the dominant three couplings (quartic scalar-field, t-quark Yukawa, and QCD) contributing to standard-model radiative corrections leads to an RG-improved potential characterized by a 216 GeV Higgs boson mass. Upon incorporation of electroweak gauge couplants we find that the predicted Higgs mass increases to 218 GeV. The potential is also characterized by a quartic scalar-field coupling over five times larger than that anticipated for an equivalent Higgs mass obtained via conventional spontaneous symmetry breaking, leading to a concomitant enhancement of processes (such as W+WZZW^+ W^- \to ZZ) sensitive to this coupling. Moreover, if the QCD coupling constant is taken to be sufficiently strong, the tree potential's local minimum at ϕ=0\phi = 0 is shown to be restored for the summation of leading logarithm corrections. Thus if QCD exhibits a two-phase structure similar to that of N=1N = 1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, the weaker asymptotically-free phase of QCD may be selected by the large logarithm behaviour of the RG-improved effective potential for radiatively broken electroweak symmetry.Comment: latex2e using amsmath, 36 pages, 7 eps figures embedded in latex. Section 8.3 errors asociated with electroweak coupling effects are correcte

    Renormalization-Group Improvement of Effective Actions Beyond Summation of Leading Logarithms

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    Invariance of the effective action under changes of the renormalization scale μ\mu leads to relations between those (presumably calculated) terms independent of μ\mu at a given order of perturbation theory and those higher order terms dependent on logarithms of μ\mu. This relationship leads to differential equations for a sequence of functions, the solutions of which give closed form expressions for the sum of all leading logs, next to leading logs and subsequent subleading logarithmic contributions to the effective action. The renormalization group is thus shown to provide information about a model beyond the scale dependence of the model's couplings and masses. This procedure is illustrated using the ϕ63\phi_6^3 model and Yang-Mills theory. In the latter instance, it is also shown by using a modified summation procedure that the μ\mu dependence of the effective action resides solely in a multiplicative factor of g2(μ)g^2 (\mu) (the running coupling). This approach is also shown to lead to a novel expansion for the running coupling in terms of the one-loop coupling that does not require an order-by-order redefinition of the scale factor ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD}. Finally, logarithmic contributions of the instanton size to the effective action of an SU(2) gauge theory are summed, allowing a determination of the asymptotic dependence on the instanton size ρ\rho as ρ\rho goes to infinity to all orders in the SU(2) coupling constant.Comment: latex2e, 30 pages, 2 eps figures embedded in mansucript. v2 corrects several minor errors in equation

    The Renormalization Group with Exact beta-Functions

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    The perturbative β\beta-function is known exactly in a number of supersymmetric theories and in the 't Hooft renormalization scheme in the ϕ44\phi_4^4 model. It is shown how this allows one to compute the effective action exactly for certain background field configurations and to relate bare and renormalized couplings. The relationship between the MS and SUSY subtraction schemes in N=1N = 1 super Yang-Mills theory is discussed