127 research outputs found

    Auditory processing, temporal resolution and gap detection test: literature review

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    TEMA: processamento auditivo temporal e resolução temporal. OBJETIVO: realizar revisão teórica sobre processamento auditivo e resolução temporal, bem como sobre os diferentes parâmetros de marcadores utilizados em testes de detecção de gap e como eles podem interferir na determinação dos limiares. CONCLUSÃO: o processamento auditivo e a resolução temporal são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento da linguagem. Em virtude dos diferentes parâmetros que podem ser utilizados no teste em questão, os limiares de detecção de gap podem variar consideravelmente.BACKGROUND: temporal auditory processing and temporal resolution. PURPOSE: promote a theoretical approach on auditory processing, temporal resolution, and different parameters of markers used at various gap detection tests and how they can interfere in threshold determination. CONCLUSION: auditory processing and temporal resolution are key-factors for language development. The diverse parameters that can be used in the study of gap detection thresholds can result in quite discrepant thresholds

    Sensitivity and specificity of auditory steady‐state response testing

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    INTRODUCTION: The ASSR test is an electrophysiological test that evaluates, among other aspects, neural synchrony, based on the frequency or amplitude modulation of tones. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of auditory steady-state response testing in detecting lesions and dysfunctions of the central auditory nervous system. METHODS: Seventy volunteers were divided into three groups: those with normal hearing; those with mesial temporal sclerosis; and those with central auditory processing disorder. All subjects underwent auditory steady-state response testing of both ears at 500 Hz and 2000 Hz (frequency modulation, 46 Hz). The difference between auditory steady-state response-estimated thresholds and behavioral thresholds (audiometric evaluation) was calculated. RESULTS: Estimated thresholds were significantly higher in the mesial temporal sclerosis group than in the normal and central auditory processing disorder groups. In addition, the difference between auditory steady-state response-estimated and behavioral thresholds was greatest in the mesial temporal sclerosis group when compared to the normal group than in the central auditory processing disorder group compared to the normal group. DISCUSSION: Research focusing on central auditory nervous system (CANS) lesions has shown that individuals with CANS lesions present a greater difference between ASSR-estimated thresholds and actual behavioral thresholds; ASSR-estimated thresholds being significantly worse than behavioral thresholds in subjects with CANS insults. This is most likely because the disorder prevents the transmission of the sound stimulus from being in phase with the received stimulus, resulting in asynchronous transmitter release. Another possible cause of the greater difference between the ASSR-estimated thresholds and the behavioral thresholds is impaired temporal resolution. CONCLUSIONS: The overall sensitivity of auditory steady-state response testing was lower than its overall specificity. Although the overall specificity was high, it was lower in the central auditory processing disorder group than in the mesial temporal sclerosis group. Overall sensitivity was also lower in the central auditory processing disorder group than in the mesial temporal sclerosis group.Coordenação e Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    Teste de fala comprimida em português

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    INTRODUCTION: The time-compressed speech test has existed since the 1970s. It is sensitive for evaluating auditory closure. However, it is not used in Brazil because until recently, it had not been developed in Portuguese. PURPOSE: To develop a compressed speech test in Portuguese, to apply it to normal-hearing adults, and to verify which of the compressed lists (50%, 60%, or 70%) is the most appropriate to be part of a set of auditory processing tests. METHODS: 144 normal-hearing adults, distributed homogeneously between both genders, were assessed. The compressed speech tests were applied using monosyllables and disyllables according to 8 previously established sequences, and the results were compared with respect to the initial ear, to the order of presentation, and to the kind of test. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between ears. The 50%, 60% and 70% presentation order produced a better average of correct responses than the 70%, 60% and 50% one. There was a significant difference (PINTRODUÇÃO: O teste de fala comprimida existe há mais de 30 anos, é sensível para avaliar o fechamento auditivo, porém não é usado no Brasil, já que, até os dias de hoje, ainda não havia sido desenvolvido para o português do Brasil. OBJETIVOS: Elaborar um teste de fala comprimida em português e aplicá-lo em adultos normo-ouvintes, verificar qual das listas comprimidas (50, 60 e 70%) é a mais apropriada para integrar o grupo de testes de Processamento Auditivo. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 144 indivíduos adultos, distribuídos homogeneamente entre os gêneros masculino e feminino. Foram aplicados os testes de fala comprimida com monossílabos e dissílabos, de acordo com oito seqüências previamente estabelecidas para em seguida comparar os resultados de acordo com a orelha inicial, ordem de apresentação e tipo de teste. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as orelhas, a ordem crescente de apresentação mostrou uma média de acertos melhor que a decrescente, os testes com monossílabos apresentaram maior média de acertos que os dissílabos e em ambos os testes (com monossílabos e com dissílabos) a média de acertos diminui com o aumento da compressão. CONCLUSÃO: As listas de monossílabos e dissílabos com compressão de 60% mostraram-se mais estáveis que as outras, com média de acerto em torno de 90%

    (Central) auditory processing disorders in individuals with and without dyslexia

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    TEMA: comparação do transtorno do processamento auditivo (central) em indivíduos com e sem dislexia. OBJETIVO: comparar o transtorno do processamento auditivo (central) em crianças brasileiras com e sem dislexia, por meio dos testes fala com ruído, dicótico de dígitos e padrão de freqüência. MÉTODO: foram avaliadas 40 crianças de 7:0 a 12:11 anos, sendo 20 pertencentes ao grupo com dislexia e 20 pertencentes ao grupo TPA(C). Os testes aplicados envolveram habilidades de fechamento auditivo, figura-fundo para sons lingüísticos e ordenação temporal. RESULTADOS: os indivíduos do grupo TPA (C) apresentaram maior probabilidade de alteração nos testes de fala com ruído e dicótico de dígitos do que os pertencentes ao grupo dislexia. CONCLUSÃO: os sujeitos do grupo dislexia apresentam padrões diferentes de transtorno de processamento auditivo (central), com alteração maior em testes que avaliam o processamento temporal do que em testes que avaliam outras habilidades auditivas.BACKGROUND: comparison of (central) auditory processing disorders in children with and without dyslexia. AIM: to compare the (central) auditory processing disorders in Brazilian children with and without dyslexia using speech in noise, dichotic digits and pattern of frequency tests. METHOD: forty-five children with ages ranging between 7:0 and 12:11 years were assessed; twenty children composed the dyslexic group and twenty composed the (Central) auditory processing disorder group. The tests used involved closing aural, auditory figure-ground and temporal ordering abilities. RESULTS: individuals of the (Central) auditory processing disorder group presented a higher alteration probability in the speech in noise and dichotic digits tests than those from the dyslexic group. CONCLUSION: subjects from the dyslexic group presented different patterns of (central) auditory processing disorder, with greater alteration in the tests that evaluate the temporal processing when compared to the tests that evaluate other auditory abilities

    Effects of different types of auditory temporal training on language skills: a systematic review

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    Previous studies have investigated the effects of auditory temporal training on language disorders. Recently, the effects of new approaches, such as musical training and the use of software, have also been considered. To investigate the effects of different auditory temporal training approaches on language skills, we reviewed the available literature on musical training, the use of software and formal auditory training by searching the SciELO, MEDLINE, LILACS-BIREME and EMBASE databases. Study Design: Systematic review. Results: Using evidence levels I and II as the criteria, 29 of the 523 papers found were deemed relevant to one of the topics (use of software - 13 papers; formal auditory training - six papers; and musical training - 10 papers). Of the three approaches, studies that investigated the use of software and musical training had the highest levels of evidence; however, these studies also raised concerns about the hypothesized relationship between auditory temporal processing and language. Future studies are necessary to investigate the actual contribution of these three types of auditory temporal training to language skills

    Correlations between reading, phonological awareness and auditory temporal processing

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    TEMA: influência do processamento auditivo no aprendizado da leitura. OBJETIVO: analisar a correlação entre leitura, consciência fonológica e processamento temporal auditivo em crianças brasileiras com dislexia. MÉTODO: foram avaliadas sessenta crianças de nove a doze anos, sendo trinta e três pertencentes ao grupo com dislexia e trinta e três ao grupo controle. Os testes aplicados envolveram habilidades de leitura, consciência fonológica e processamento auditivo temporal. RESULTADOS: ambos os grupos apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os desempenhos nos testes de leitura, consciência fonológica e processamento auditivo temporal, sendo que o grupo de crianças com dislexia apresentou desempenho estatisticamente pior em todos os testes aplicados. Foi encontrada correlação apenas entre os desempenhos nos testes de leitura e consciência fonológica. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de o grupo de crianças com dislexia ter apresentado pobre desempenho nos testes de processamento auditivo temporal, não é possível afirmar que este esteja relacionado ao pobre desempenho em tarefas envolvendo leitura ou consciência fonológica.BACKGROUND: auditory temporal processing and reading. AIM: to analyse the potential correlations between reading acquisition, phonological awareness, and auditory temporal processing in Brazilian children with dyslexia. METHOD: this study evaluated sixty children, nine to twelve years of age, divided into two groups: a control group of twenty seven children without dyslexia and a study group of thirty three children with dyslexia. The children in both groups were submitted to tests designed to assess reading skills, phonological awareness, and auditory temporal processing. RESULTS: in the results of all three tests, significant differences were found between the dyslexic children and those in the control group, with poorer results for the dyslexic group. However, for both groups, correlations were found only between the performance on the reading test and the performance on the phonological awareness test. CONCLUSION: dyslexic children demonstrated poorer results in all tests when compared to their controls. However, there was no definitive evidence that their poor performance on the auditory temporal processing tests was directly related to their phonological awareness skills, or even to their reading skills

    Temporal resolution in individuals with neurological disorders

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    OBJECTIVE:Temporal processing refers to the ability of the central auditory nervous system to encode and detect subtle changes in acoustic signals. This study aims to investigate the temporal resolution ability of individuals with mesial temporal sclerosis and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the gaps-in-noise test in identifying this type of lesion.METHOD:This prospective study investigated differences in temporal resolution between 30 individuals with normal hearing and without neurological lesions (G1) and 16 individuals with both normal hearing and mesial temporal sclerosis (G2). Test performances were compared, and the sensitivity and specificity were calculated.RESULTS:There was no difference in gap detection thresholds between the two groups, although G1 revealed better average thresholds than G2 did. The sensitivity and specificity of the gaps-in-noise test for neurological lesions were 68% and 98%, respectively.CONCLUSIONS:Temporal resolution ability is compromised in individuals with neurological lesions caused by mesial temporal sclerosis. The gaps-in-noise test was shown to be a sensitive and specific measure of central auditory dysfunction in these patients


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    Auditory brainstem evoked potentials in crack and multiple drugs addicts

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar os potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico em usuários de crack e múltiplas drogas, bem como levantar as possíveis queixas auditivas e de equilíbrio nesta população. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 40 usuários de drogas (20 com uso há mais de cinco anos e 20 há menos de cinco anos) e 20 não usuários, do sexo masculino, com idades entre 19 e 46 anos, com limiares auditivos dentro da normalidade. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas dos potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico dos usuários de drogas quando comparados ao grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: Os potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico dos usuários de drogas não diferiram significantemente do grupo controle. As queixas apresentadas pelos usuários de drogas foram hiperacusia, alucinação auditiva, zumbido e alteração de equilíbrio.PURPOSE: To study the findings of auditory brainstem evoked potentials in crack and multiple drugs users, as well as to raise possible auditory and balance complaints in this population. METHODS: A total of 40 drugs addicts (20 who had been using drugs for over five years and 20 for less than five years) and 20 non-users were evaluated. Subjects were all male, with ages ranging from 19 to 46 years, and had auditory thresholds within normal. RESULTS: No significant statistical differences were found regarding the auditory brainstem evoked potentials findings of the addicts group, when compared to the non-users. CONCLUSION: Auditory brainstem evoked potentials in crack and multiple drugs users did not differ significantly from the control group. Complaints presented by drugs addicts were hyperacusis, auditory hallucination, tinnitus and altered balance

    Auditory training: assessment of the benefit of hearing aids in elderly individuals

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    BACKGROUND: hearing impairment has a negative impact on communication. This impact can be minimized by hearing aids fitting and auditory training. AIM: to verify the effectiveness of auditory training in elderly individuals, new users of hearing aids, regarding the benefit in fitting. METHOD: forty-two individuals with mild to moderate neurosensorial hearing loss, ranging in age from 60 to 90 years, were selected. Individuals were new users of bilateral hearing aids and were divided in two groups: Experimental Group (EG) and Sham Group (SG). The EG was submitted to training in an acoustic cabin during six sessions. Both groups were assessed through the following tests: Speech in Noise, Dichotic Digits and the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit Aphab self-assessment questionnaire, without the hearing aids, four and eight weeks after they were fitted. RESULTS: there was a statistically significant difference between the groups in both of the used tests, and for the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit Aphab in the second and third assessments in the sub-scales of: Communication Easiness, Reverberation and Environmental Noise. CONCLUSION: auditory training favored the improvement in the auditory processing abilities and benefited the hearing aid fitting process.TEMA: a deficiência auditiva acarreta dificuldades na comunicação, as quais podem ser minimizadas por meio da adaptação de próteses auditivas e do treinamento auditivo. OBJETIVO: o objetivo geral deste estudo foi verificar a efetividade do treinamento auditivo em idosos novos usuários de próteses auditivas, quanto ao benefício no processo de adaptação. MÉTODO: foram selecionados 42 indivíduos, portadores de deficiência auditiva neurossensorial de grau leve a moderado, com idades entre 60 e 90 anos, novos usuários de próteses auditivas bilaterais, distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo Experimental (GE) e Grupo Sham (GS). O GE foi submetido a um programa de treinamento auditivo em cabina acústica durante seis sessões. Ambos os grupos foram avaliados com os testes de Fala com Ruído, Escuta com Dígitos, e questionário de auto-avaliação Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB), em três momentos: sem próteses (primeira avaliação), quatro semanas (segunda avaliação), e oito semanas (terceira avaliação), após a adaptação das próteses. RESULTADOS: houve diferença estatisticamente significante para os dois testes aplicados, e para o questionário Aphab (quanto ao benefício) na segunda e na terceira avaliações, nas subescalas: Facilidade de Comunicação, Reverberação e Ruído Ambiental. CONCLUSÃO: o programa de treinamento auditivo em cabina acústica foi efetivo com relação ao benefício durante o processo de adaptação das próteses auditivas.Empresa Phonak do Brasil Sistemas Audiológicos LtdaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de FonoaudiologiaUSP Departamento de Fisioterapia, Fonoaudiologia e Terapia OcupacionalUNIFESP, Depto. de FonoaudiologiaSciEL