17 research outputs found

    Testing three rainfall interception models and different parameterization methods with data from an open Mediterranean pine forest

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    Various models have been developed to simulate rainfall interception by vegetation but their formulations and applications rely on a number of assumptions and parameter estimation procedures. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of different model assumptions and parameter derivation approaches on the performance of the Rutter, Gash and Liu interception models. The Rutter model, in contrast to the other two daily models, was applied both on an hourly and on a daily basis. Hourly data from a meteorological station, one automatic and 28 manual throughfall gauges from a semi-arid Pinus brutia forest (Cyprus) for the period between 01/Jul/2016 and 31/May/2020 were used for the analysis. We conducted a sensitivity analysis for the assessment of the model parameters and variables: canopy storage capacity (S), canopy cover fraction (c), the ratio of mean wet evaporation rate to mean wet rainfall rate (Ēc/R̄) and potential evaporation (Eo). Three parameter derivation approaches were tested: the widely used regression method and an automatic model parameterization procedure for optimization of S and c and for optimization of S (with c observed). The parameterized models were run with daily meteorological data and compared with long-term weekly throughfall data (2008–2019). The Gash and Liu models showed low sensitivity to Ēc/R̄. Test runs with different combinations of S, c and Ēc/R̄ revealed strong equifinality. The models showed high performance for both calibration and validation periods with Kling–Gupta Efficiency (KGE) above 0.90. Gash and Liu models with the automatic model parameterization procedures resulted in higher KGEs than with the regression method. The interception losses computed from the long-term application of the three models ranged between 18 and 20%. The models were all capable of capturing the inherently variable interception process. However, a representative time series of throughfall measurements is needed to parameterize the models

    Phenology, Morphology and Physiology Responses of Deficit Irrigated ‘Koroneiki’ Olive Trees as Affected by Environmental Conditions and Alternate Bearing

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    Climate change is affecting water resources in the Mediterranean region. In olive orchards, irrigation water use efficiency could be increased by accounting for trees’ alternate bearing behaviour and growth-stage sensitivity to drought. The main objective of this study is to examine olive tree phenology, morphology and physiology in “on” and “off” productive years for the improvement of irrigation scheduling. A regulated (RDI) and a sustained (SDI) deficit irrigation treatment were applied in a ‘Koroneiki’ olive orchard in Cyprus. Flowering occurred on 11 May 2019 and on 27 April 2021, which was caused by the lower temperatures in 2019. The Kc for the irrigation season, computed from daily water balance observations, was 0.37 in 2019 (38% canopy cover) and 0.41 in 2021 (62% canopy cover). Irrigation treatments did not significantly affect plant morphology and stem water potentials. In “on” years, shoot elongation ceased early in the season and stem water potential towards the end of September (−4.0 MPa) was lower than in the “off” year. Stem water potential recovery in the September of the “off” year indicated that irrigation could be less than 35% ETc in early fall. Water savings in RDI were 24–32% in “on” and 48% in “off” years relative to SDI, with no statistically significant effects on olive yield

    Earth observation time series for the monitoring of droughts in Cyprus: Patterns and drivers of vegetation dynamics

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    With amplified climate warming, climate extremes over Europe become more frequent. Since the 2000's, many years have been characterized by extreme events such as droughts and heat waves. For example, in Central Europe, extreme droughts and heat waves took place in the years 2003 and 2018. In comparison, Cyprus experienced strong droughts during 2003 and 2016-2018. Such extreme climate events can have severe impacts on agricultural yields, the productivity of natural vegetation, and on water resources. In this regard, long-term Earth observation (EO) time series are essential to quantitatively assess and analyse changes on the land surface, including vegetation condition. In this study, a joint analysis of geoscientific time series over the last two decades, including EO-based MODIS vegetation indices and meteorological variables is performed to assess drought events and analyse trends as well as potential drivers of vegetation dynamics in Cyprus. The analysis of drought events and vegetation trends is based on the full archive of MODIS imagery at 250 m spatial resolution covering the period 2000-2022. In detail, climate-related effects on vegetation were analysed by means of the deviations of MODIS 16-day vegetation index composites from their long-term mean. Next, trends of the MODIS vegetation index were calculated to evaluate spatial patterns of vegetation change over the investigated period. These analyses were additionally performed for geographically stratified regions, including diverse vegetation classes such as cropland and grassland. Furthermore, the application of a causal discovery algorithm reveals linkages within a multivariate feature space, in particular between vegetation greenness and climatic drivers. Preliminary analyses showed that drought patterns differ with respect to seasons and the investigated vegetation class. For example, the strong drought year 2008 is clearly reflected in the results, whereas forest areas appear to be least affected by the drought during the spring months. Moreover, considering the significant trends over the last two decades, an increase in vegetation greenness could be observed

    Earth Observation in the EMMENA Region: Scoping Review of Current Applications and Knowledge Gaps

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    Earth observation (EO) techniques have significantly evolved over time, covering a wide range of applications in different domains. The scope of this study is to review the research conducted on EO in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East, and North Africa (EMMENA) region and to identify the main knowledge gaps. We searched through the Web of Science database for papers published between 2018 and 2022 for EO studies in the EMMENA. We categorized the papers in the following thematic areas: atmosphere, water, agriculture, land, disaster risk reduction (DRR), cultural heritage, energy, marine safety and security (MSS), and big Earth data (BED); 6647 papers were found with the highest number of publications in the thematic areas of BED (27%) and land (22%). Most of the EMMENA countries are surrounded by sea, yet there was a very small number of studies on MSS (0.9% of total number of papers). This study detected a gap in fundamental research in the BED thematic area. Other future needs identified by this study are the limited availability of very high-resolution and near-real-time remote sensing data, the lack of harmonized methodologies and the need for further development of models, algorithms, early warning systems, and services

    Tree Water Dynamics in a Semi-Arid, Pinus brutia Forest

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    This study aims to examine interactions between tree characteristics, sap flow, and environmental variables in an open Pinus brutia (Ten.) forest with shallow soil. We examined radial and azimuthal variations of sap flux density (Jp), and also investigated the occurrence of hydraulic redistribution mechanisms, quantified nocturnal tree transpiration, and analyzed the total water use of P. brutia trees during a three-year period. Sap flow and soil moisture sensors were installed onto and around eight trees, situated in the foothills of the Troodos Mountains, Cyprus. Radial observations showed a linear decrease of sap flux densities with increasing sapwood depth. Azimuthal differences were found to be statistically insignificant. Reverse sap flow was observed during low vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and negative air temperatures. Nocturnal sap flow was about 18% of the total sap flow. Rainfall was 507 mm in 2015, 359 mm in 2016, and 220 mm in 2017. Transpiration was 53%, 30%, and 75%, respectively, of the rainfall in those years, and was affected by the distribution of the rainfall. The trees showed an immediate response to rainfall events, but also exploited the fractured bedrock. The transpiration and soil moisture levels over the three hydrologically contrasting years showed that P. brutia is well-adapted to semi-arid Mediterranean condition

    Grid-based calibration of the WRF-Hydro with Noah-MP model with improved groundwater and transpiration process equations

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    The physically-based distributed WRF-Hydro modelling system, including the Noah land surface model with multiple parameterization options (Noah-MP) and the hydrological extension of the WRF atmospheric model (Weather Research and Forecasting model), has recently been widely used for water balance investigations, streamflow and coupled land–atmosphere simulations. Despite the multiple available physical parameterizations in the model, equations for simulating particular losses from the water balance are missing, and a grid-based calibration of distributed parameters across multiple watersheds has not been studied. To fill these gaps, this study aims: (i) to analyze the impact of soil, runoff, groundwater and vegetation parameters on water balance components; (ii) to improve baseflow and transpiration equations; and (iii) to test a grid-based calibration approach for distributed model parameters, using streamflow observations. The WRF-Hydro groundwater model was improved through the introduction of a groundwater loss factor and the Jarvis stomatal conductance model was modified to account for nocturnal transpiration. The grid-based calibration was performed for three parameters (infiltration, hydraulic conductivity and percolation) for 19 spatially-distributed classes, with the Parameter Estimation (PEST) software. The study area includes 31 small mountainous watersheds (5–115 km2) in Cyprus, in the Eastern Mediterranean. A two-year period (2011–2013) was used for calibration and a five-year period (2013–2018) for the evaluation. The baseline model set-up overestimated streamflow, on average, by 50 % in 2011–2012 and more than 100 % in 2012–2013. Overall, streamflow and evapotranspiration (ET) could vary by about ±30 % from the baseline simulation, using different model parameters and model options. The simulation of groundwater losses as a function of groundwater level reduced total streamflow, on average, by 30 %. The use of the proposed Jarvis equation for nocturnal transpiration increased the total ET, on average, by 25 %. The grid-based approach facilitated the calibration of the distributed parameters over the area of the 31 watersheds. The median Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency (NSE) was 0.49 during calibration, but 0.02 in the drier evaluation period. The calibrated WRF-Hydro model reproduced the annual variability of ET and the improved groundwater and transpiration equations reduced the substantial streamflow overestimation of WRF-Hydro. The model performance during dry years demonstrated the need for representation of more processes that occur in semi-arid environments with ephemeral streams and are not included in WRF-Hydro and Noah-MP. The grid-based WRF-Hydro parameterization can be applied to the full study area for fully-coupled atmospheric-hydrologic simulations

    Quantifying Evapotranspiration and Drainage Losses in a Semi-Arid Nectarine (<i>Prunus persica</i> var. <i>nucipersica</i>) Field with a Dynamic Crop Coefficient (<i>K<sub>c</sub></i>) Derived from Leaf Area Index Measurements

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    Quantifying evapotranspiration and drainage losses is essential for improving irrigation efficiency. The FAO-56 is the most popular method for computing crop evapotranspiration. There is, however, a need for locally derived crop coefficients (Kc) with a high temporal resolution to reduce errors in the water balance. The aim of this paper is to introduce a dynamic Kc approach, based on Leaf Area Index (LAI) observations, for improving water balance computations. Soil moisture and meteorological data were collected in a terraced nectarine (Prunus persica var. nucipersica) orchard in Cyprus, from 22 March 2019 to 18 November 2021. The Kc was derived as a function of the canopy cover fraction (c), from biweekly in situ LAI measurements. The use of a dynamic Kc resulted in Kc estimates with a bias of 17 mm and a mean absolute error of 0.8 mm. Evapotranspiration (ET) ranged from 41% of the rainfall (P) and irrigation (I) in the wet year (2019) to 57% of P + I in the dry year (2021). Drainage losses from irrigation (DR_I) were 44% of the total irrigation. The irrigation efficiency in the nectarine field could be improved by reducing irrigation amounts and increasing the irrigation frequency. Future studies should focus on improving the dynamic Kc approach by linking LAI field observations with remote sensing observations and by adding ground cover observations

    The Impact of a Check Dam on Groundwater Recharge and Sedimentation in an Ephemeral Stream

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    Despite the widespread presence of groundwater recharge check dams, there are few studies that quantify their functionality. The objectives of this study are (i) to assess groundwater recharge in an ephemeral river with and without a check dam and (ii) to assess sediment build-up in the check-dam reservoir. Field campaigns were carried out to measure water flow, water depth, and check-dam topography to establish water volume, evaporation, outflow, and recharge relations, as well as sediment build-up. To quantify the groundwater recharge, a water-balance approach was applied at two locations: at the check dam reservoir area and at an 11 km long natural stretch of the river upstream. Prediction intervals were computed to assess the uncertainties of the results. During the four years of operation, the check dam (storage capacity of 25,000 m3) recharged the aquifer with an average of 3.1 million m3 of the 10.4 million m3 year−1 of streamflow (30%). The lower and upper uncertainty limits of the check dam recharge were 0.1 and 9.6 million m3 year−1, respectively. Recharge from the upstream stretch was 1.5 million m3 year−1. These results indicate that check dams are valuable structures for increasing groundwater resources in semi-arid regions

    Linear Parks along Urban Rivers: Perceptions of Thermal Comfort and Climate Change Adaptation in Cyprus

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    The development of green space along urban rivers could mitigate urban heat island effects, enhance the physical and mental well-being of city dwellers, and improve flood resilience. A linear park has been recently created along the ephemeral Pedieos River in the urban area of Nicosia, Cyprus. Questionnaire surveys and micrometeorological measurements were conducted to explore people’s perceptions and satisfaction regarding the services of the urban park. People’s main reasons to visit the park were physical activity and exercise (67%), nature (13%), and cooling (4%). The micrometeorological measurements in and near the park revealed a relatively low cooling effect (0.5 °C) of the park. However, the majority of the visitors (84%) were satisfied or very satisfied with the cooling effect of the park. Logistic regression analysis indicated that the odds of individuals feeling very comfortable under a projected 3 °C future increase in temperature would be 0.34 times lower than the odds of feeling less comfortable. The discrepancies between the observed thermal comfort index and people’s perceptions revealed that people in semi-arid environments are adapted to the hot climatic conditions; 63% of the park visitors did not feel uncomfortable at temperatures between 27 °C and 37 °C. Further research is needed to assess other key ecosystems services of this urban green river corridor, such as flood protection, air quality regulation, and biodiversity conservation, to contribute to integrated climate change adaptation planning

    Stormwater Retention and Reuse at the Residential Plot Level—Green Roof Experiment and Water Balance Computations for Long-Term Use in Cyprus

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    Green roofs can provide various benefits to urban areas, including stormwater retention. However, semi-arid regions are a challenging environment for green roofs as long dry weather periods are met with short but intense rainfall events. This requires green roofs to retain maximum volumes of stormwater, while being tolerant to minimal irrigation supplies. The objectives of this study are (i) to quantify the stormwater retention of two substrate mixtures with two plant species under natural rainfall; (ii) to assess the performance of two plant species under two levels of deficit irrigation; and (iii) to compute stormwater runoff reduction and reuse by green roofs and rooftop water harvesting systems for three standard residential plot types in urban Nicosia, Cyprus. A rooftop experiment was carried out between February 2016 and April 2017 and results were used to compute long-term performance. Average stormwater retention of the 16 test beds was 77% of the 371-mm rainfall. A survival rate of 88% was recorded for Euphorbia veneris and 20% for Frankenia laevis, for a 30% evapotranspiration irrigation treatment. A combination of a green roof, rainwater harvesting system and 20-m3 tank for irrigation and indoor greywater use reduced stormwater runoff by 47&#8722;53%, for the 30-year water balance computations