143 research outputs found
Electronic circuit implementation of chaos synchronization
In this paper, an electronic circuit implementation of a robustly chaotic
two-dimensional map is presented. Two such electronic circuits are realized.
One of the circuits is configured as the driver and the other circuit is
configured as the driven system. Synchronization of chaos between the driver
and the driven system is demonstrated
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Solvent-mediated repair and patterning of surfaces by AFM
A tip-based approach to shaping surfaces of soluble materials with nanometer-scale control is reported. The proposed method can be used, for example, to eliminate defects and inhomogeneities in surface shape, repair mechanical or laser-induced damage to surfaces, or perform 3D lithography on the length scale of an AFM tip. The phenomenon that enables smoothing and repair of surfaces is based on the transport of material from regions of high- to low-curvature within the solution meniscus formed in a solvent-containing atmosphere between the surface in question and an AFM tip scanned over the surface. Using in situ AFM measurements of the kinetics of surface remodeling on KDP (KH{sub 2}PO{sub 4}) crystals in humid air, we show that redistribution of solute material during relaxation of grooves and mounds is driven by a reduction in surface free energy as described by the Gibbs-Thomson law. We find that the perturbation from a flat interface evolves according to the diffusion equation where the effective diffusivity is determined by the product of the surface stiffness and the step kinetic coefficient. We also show that, surprisingly, if the tip is instead scanned over or kept stationary above an atomically flat area of the surface, a convex structure is formed with a diameter that is controlled by the dimensions of the meniscus, indicating that the presence of the tip and meniscus reduces the substrate chemical potential beneath that of the free surface. This allows one to create nanometer-scale 3D structures of arbitrary shape without the removal of substrate material or the use of extrinsic masks or chemical compounds. Potential applications of these tip-based phenomena are discussed
Domination spaces and factorization of linear and multilinear summing operators
[EN] It is well known that not every summability property for multilinear operators leads to a factorization theorem. In this paper we undertake a detailed study of factorization schemes for summing linear and nonlinear operators. Our aim is to integrate under the same theory a wide family of classes of mappings for which a Pietsch type factorization theorem holds. Our construction includes the cases of absolutely p-summing linear operators, (p, sigma)-absolutely continuous linear operators, factorable strongly p-summing multilinear operators, (p(1), ... , p(n))-dominated multilinear operators and dominated (p(1), ... , p(n); sigma)-continuous multilinear operators.Supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) under Grant MTM2015-66823-C2-2. Supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) under Grant MTM2012-36740-C02-02.Achour, D.; Dahia, E.; Rueda, P.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2016). Domination spaces and factorization of linear and multilinear summing operators. Quaestiones Mathematicae. 39(8):1071-1092. https://doi.org/10.2989/16073606.2016.1253627S1071109239
Energy efficient target detection through waveform selection for multi-sensor RF sensing based Internet of Things
—In this paper, we explore multi-sensor Radio Frequency (RF) sensing based Internet of Things (IoT) for surveillance applications. RF sensing techniques are the next generation
technologies which offer distinct advantages over traditional
means of sensing. Traditionally, Energy detection (ED) has been
used for surveillance applications due to its low computational
complexity. However, ED is unreliable due to high false detection
rates. There is a need to develop surveillance strategies which offer reliable target detection rates. In this paper, we have proposed a multi-sensor RF sensing based target detection architecture for IoT. To perform surveillance within IoT, multiple
sensor nodes are required to co-exist while performing the desired tasks. Interfering waveforms from the neighbouring sensor nodes have a significant impact on the target detection reliability of IoT. n this paper, a waveform selection criterion has been proposed to optimise the target detection reliability and power consumption within IoT in the presence of interfering waveforms
A Phase II pilot trial to evaluate safety and efficacy of ferroquine against early Plasmodium falciparum in an induced blood-stage malaria infection study
Background: Ferroquine (SSR97193) is a candidate anti-malarial currently undergoing clinical trials for malaria. To better understand its pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) parameters the compound was tested in the experimentally induced blood stage malaria infection model in volunteers. Methods: Male and non-pregnant female aged 18-50 years were screened for this phase II, controlled, single-centre clinical trial. Subjects were inoculated with ~1800 viable Plasmodium falciparum 3D7A-infected human erythrocytes, and treated with a single-dose of 800 mg ferroquine. Blood samples were taken at defined time-points to measure PK and PD parameters. The blood concentration of ferroquine and its active metabolite, SSR97213, were measured on dry blood spot samples by ultra-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Parasitaemia and emergence of gametocytes were monitored by quantitative PCR. Safety was determined by recording adverse events and monitoring clinical laboratory assessments during the course of the study. Results: Eight subjects were enrolled into the study, inoculated with infected erythrocytes and treated with 800 mg ferroquine. Ferroquine was rapidly absorbed with maximal exposure after 4-8 and 4-12 h exposure for SSR97213. Non-compartmental PK analysis resulted in estimates for half-lives of 10.9 and 23.8 days for ferroquine and SSR97213, respectively. Parasite clearance as reported by parasite reduction ratio was 162.9 (95 % CI 141-188) corresponding to a parasite clearance half-life of 6.5 h (95 % CI: 6.4-6.7 h). PK/PD modelling resulted in a predicted minimal parasiticidal concentration of 20 ng/mL, and the single dosing tested in this study was predicted to maintain an exposure above this threshold for 454 h (37.8 days). Although ferroquine was overall well tolerated, transient elevated transaminase levels were observed in three subjects. Paracetamol was the only concomitant treatment among the two out of these three subjects that may have played a role in the elevated transaminases levels. No clinically significant ECG abnormalities were observed. Conclusions: The parameters and PK/PD model derived from this study pave the way to the further rational development of ferroquine as an anti-malarial partner drug. The safety of ferroquine has to be further explored in controlled human trials. Trial registration anzctr.org.au (registration number: ACTRN12613001040752), registered 18/09/201
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Localized planarization of optical damage using laser-based chemical vapor deposition
Dynamique de la conductance hydraulique chez l'olivier de table (Olea europaea L., cv Meski)
Hydraulic Conductance Dynamic in Olive Table Tree (Olea europaea L. cv Meski). Cette étude expose les effets de l'aménagement des pâturages par la digue filtrante sur la dynamique de la végétation. Dans les régions sahéliennes, de nombreuses techniques sont appliquées sur les sols pour la restauration des parcours dégradés. La digue filtrante s'intéresse particulièrement aux axes de drainage ou bas-fonds en dégradation. La méthode d'étude a consisté à évaluer l'impact des digues filtrantes par l'inventaire de la végétation, la mesure de la biomasse produite, et l'analyse chimique d'échantillons de fourrage et de sol. Ces observations ont été faites à la fois sur l'espace aménagé et sur un espace témoin représentatif en deux fois durant cinq ans. Les observations sur l'espace aménagé (stations d'observation d'un ha) ont été faites en fonction du gradient par rapport à la digue filtrante tandis que sur le témoin (station d'observation d'un ha), les mesures ont été homogénéisées sur l'ensemble de la parcelle. Les résultats obtenus des inventaires de végétation montrent un effet positif de l'aménagement sur la dynamique de la végétation qui se maintient après cinq années. Les effets concernent la composition floristique pour laquelle certaines espèces connaissent une amélioration. Il s'agit de Panicum laetum (+ 5,9% en 1999 et + 1,9% en 2003), Setaria pallide fusca (+ 2,4 à + 8,6%), Cassia obtusifolia (+ 13,6% à + 9,3%) et Zornia glochidiata (- 2,9% à + 1,7 %). Les espèces en régression sont surtout composées de Schoenefeldia gracilis (+ 1,7% à - 12%) et Microchloa indica (- 28,9% à - 12,1% entre 1999 et 2003). L'écart de recouvrement du sol entre la parcelle aménagée et le témoin a été de -0,4% en 1999 contre + 14,6% en 2003. La biomasse produite et la capacité de charge ont connu une expansion allant de 3,14 à 4,5 fois par rapport à l'espace non aménagé. Cependant, des suivis doivent encore être maintenus en associant surtout les effets de l'exploitation (fauche et pâture) pour mieux préciser l'efficacité et la durabilité de ces aménagements sur les zones pastorales en même temps que des stratégies sont définies au niveau village sur la gestion de ces espaces restaurés
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