422 research outputs found

    Seasonality of Growth in Grass-Clover Swards Under Repetitive Nitrogen Application

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    The cohabitation of grass and clover is possibly due to asynchrony in their growth patterns, and to the beneficial effects of fixed nitrogen (N) on grass. Incompatibility of clover persistence with N fertilisation has been frequently reported (Nassiri and Elgersma, 2002). However, limited information is available regarding the effect of repetitive application of N in mixed swards. This research aims to study the balance between species in response to application of increasing rates of N throughout the growing season

    Modelling the Effect of a Variable Light Extinction Coefficient and Leaf Dispersion on Light Partitioning Between Species in a Grass-Clover Mixture

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    Light partitioning in a grass-clover mixture was studied using a general competition model. The model assumes a fixed extinction coefficient (k) and no leaf dispersion. This was compared with modelling the effect of different k of both species over height as well as the effect of type of leaf dispersion. These new assumptions led to a better estimation of the light partitioning between both species. For grass the effect of variable k and leaf dispersion was similar and in both cases the total absorbed light was lower than under default conditions. For clover the new assumptions led to a higher absorbed radiation than in the original model. However, in this case the effect of leaf dispersion was more important

    Comparison of methods for determining the fatty acid composition of photosynthetic tissues

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    The fatty acid (FA) composition of photosynthetic tissue differs from that in other plant or animal tissues. In leaves, the lipid fraction constitutes less than 10% of the dry weight and is mostly located in the chloroplasts. An extraction solvent should dissolve polar lipids readily, but should also overcome interactions between the lipids and the tissue matrix. A mixture of chloroform/methanol (C/M) is commonly used. However, less toxic alternative methods such as hexane/isopropanol (H/I) and ethanol (E) have been suggested. In this preliminary study we compared the effectiveness of these three methods which are used as standard extraction protocols for FA analysis of plant material at three different European Universities. C/M extraction gave the highest total FA content and H/I the lowest, suggesting that C/M is indeed the best general-purpose lipid extraction solvent. Significant differences were also observed for FA composition including the ratio of saturated to unsaturated FA indicating selectivity of the various solvents in extracting different individual FA. Further and more detailed investigations are required to confirm this hypothesi

    Fibre Degradation Rate of Perennial Ryegrass Varieties Measured Using Three Techniques: \u3cem\u3eIn Situ\u3c/em\u3e Nylon Bag, \u3cem\u3ein Vivo\u3c/em\u3e Rumen Evacuation and \u3cem\u3ein Vitro\u3c/em\u3e Gas Production

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    In Western Europe, perennial ryegrass is the most widely used grass species for grazing cattle, because of its high productivity, palatability and nutritive value. However, the low dry matter intake (DMI) of perennial ryegrass pasture has been identified as a major factor limiting milk production of high producing dairy cows. Altering the chemical, physical and mechanical characteristics that contribute to its low DMI through grass breeding and the choice of variety may be a way forward in trying to maximise its DMI. This study aimed to examine whether perennial ryegrass varieties differ in their NDF degradation rates (kdNDF)

    The influence of incubation time, sample preparation and exposure to oxygen on the quality of the MALDI-TOF MS spectrum of anaerobic bacteria

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    AbstractWith matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), bacteria can be identified quickly and reliably. This accounts especially for anaerobic bacteria. Because growth rate and oxygen sensitivity differ among anaerobic bacteria, we aimed to study the influence of incubation time, exposure to oxygen and sample preparation on the quality of the spectrum using the Bruker system. Also, reproducibility and inter-examiner variability were determined. Twenty-six anaerobic species, representing 17 genera, were selected based on gram-stain characteristics, growth rate and colony morphology. Inter-examiner variation showed that experience in the preparation of the targets can be a significant variable. The influence of incubation time was determined between 24 and 96 h of incubation. Reliable species identification was obtained after 48 h of incubation for gram-negative anaerobes and after 72 h for gram-positive anaerobes. Exposure of the cultures to oxygen did not influence the results of the MALDI-TOF MS identifications of all tested gram-positive species. Fusobacterium necrophorum and Prevotella intermedia could not be identified after >24 h and 48 h of exposure to oxygen, respectively. Other tested gram-negative bacteria could be identified after 48 h of exposure to oxygen. Most of the tested species could be identified using the direct spotting method. Bifidobacterium longum and Finegoldia magna needed on-target extraction with 70% formic acid in order to obtain reliable species identification and Peptoniphilus ivorii a full extraction. Spectrum quality was influenced by the amount of bacteria spotted on the target, the homogeneity of the smear and the experience of the examiner

    AKK-Witte Motor op Groene Brandstof

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    CONO Kaasmakers (zuivelproducent), De Heus Brokking Koudijs (diervoederproducent) en Barenbrug Holland BV (grassenveredelingsbedrijf) willen gezamenlijk duurzame melk met een betere vetzuursamenstelling produceren om gezondere kaas te ontwikkelen en in de markt te introduceren. Dit doen zij vanuit een eigen duurzaamheidsvisie en een marktgerichte oriëntatie. Er vindt wetenschappelijk onderzoek plaats naar een optimale samenstelling van voer om jaarrond melk te produceren met voldoende en de juiste onverzadigde vetzuren. Op het onderzoek volgt het selecteren en beproeven van maatregelen om de optimale kwaliteit te realiseren. Tenslotte wordt een marktconcept ontwikkeld om de verbeterde producten in de markt te positioneren. Een belangrijk resultaat is verbetering van de kwaliteit en het imago van melkvet wat gunstig kan uitwerken voor de melkveehouderij en de zuivelindustrie. Verbetering van de kaaskwaliteit (smaak, gezondheid, duurzame productie) is relevant voor de internationale concurrentiepositi

    Faculty and student perceptions of the feasibility of individual student–faculty meetings

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    The extent to which students feel involved in their education positively influences academic achievement. Individual student–faculty meetings can foster student involvement. To be effective, faculty acknowledgement of the benefit of these meetings is a prerequisite. The aim of this study was to explore faculty perceptions of individual student–faculty meetings. In addition we investigated students’ perceptions. As part of the undergraduate programme, mandatory individual intake and follow-up meetings between first-year medical students (n = 425) and senior faculty members (n = 34) have been implemented from 2009 onwards. We administered a questionnaire on faculty perceptions of the benefit and impact of intake meetings. Subsequently, after both meetings had been held, strong and weak points of the mandatory programme were explored using open-ended questions. Students’ perceptions were investigated by open-ended questions as a part of the curriculum evaluation process. Faculty enjoyed the meetings (90 %), perceived the meetings to be beneficial (74 %) and expected a positive effect on student involvement (74 %). Faculty appreciated the opportunity to give advice tailored to students’ personal needs and levels of performance. The students appreciated the meetings and the attention given to their personal situation and study progress. Faculty and student appreciation of the meetings seems to support the assumption that the individual meetings increase students’ social and academic involvement. Further research should focus on the impact of individual student–faculty meetings on students’ learning behaviours

    Species composition influences soil nutrient depletion and plantphysiology in prairie agroenergy feedstocks

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    High-diversity mixtures of perennial tallgrass prairie vegetation could be useful biomass feed-stocks for marginal farmland in the Midwestern United States. These agroenergy crops can help meet cel-lulosic agrofuel targets while also enhancing other ecosystem services on the landscape. One proposedadvantage of high-diversity prairie biomass feedstocks is that they should become nutrient limited at aslower rate than monoculture feedstocks. In this study, we examine rates of soil nutrient depletion and thephysiology and performance of a focal species (switchgrass,Panicum virgatumL.) in four prairie agroen-ergy feedstocks with different species composition and diversity. The feedstocks in this study were a1-species switchgrass monoculture, a 5-species mixture of C4grasses, a 16-species mixture of C3and C4grasses, forbs, and legumes, and a 32-species mixture of C3and C4grasses, forbs, legumes, and sedges. Toassess feedstock effects on soil, we measured changes in soil N/P/K over afive-year period. We also per-formed a greenhouse study, in which we grew switchgrass plants infield soil conditioned by each feed-stock. To assess feedstock effects on plant function, we measured four physiological traits (photosyntheticrate, chlorophyll concentration, leafflorescence, leaf N concentration) on switchgrass plants within eachfeedstock in thefield. In the soil analysis, we found that the 5-species feedstock displayed higher rates ofsoil N/P/K depletion than other feedstocks. In the greenhouse analysis, we found that switchgrass plantsgrown in soil conditioned by the 5-species feedstock were smaller than plants grown in soil conditionedby other feedstocks. In the physiological analysis, we found that switchgrass plants in the 5-species feed-stock had lower leaf N, photosynthesis, chlorophyll concentration, and higherflorescence than switchgrassplants growing in other feedstocks. Collectively, our results show that prairie agroenergy feedstocks withdifferent species composition and diversity have different rates of soil nutrient depletion, which influencesthe physiology and performance of plants within the feedstock. These differences would ultimately impactthe ecosystem services (e.g., biomass production, need for fertilizer) that these prairie agroenergyfeedstocks provide

    Functional Gene-Expression Analysis Shows Involvement of Schizophrenia-Relevant Pathways in Patients with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome

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    22q11 Deletion Syndrome (22q11DS) is associated with dysmorphology and a high prevalence of schizophrenia-like symptoms. Several genes located on chromosome 22q11 have been linked to schizophrenia. The deletion is thought to disrupt the expression of multiple genes involved in maturation and development of neurons and neuronal circuits, and neurotransmission. We investigated whole-genome gene expression of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC's) of 8 22q11DS patients and 8 age- and gender-matched controls, to (1) investigate the expression levels of 22q11 genes and (2) to investigate whether 22q11 genes participate in functional genetic networks relevant to schizophrenia. Functional relationships between genes differentially expressed in patients (as identified by Locally Adaptive Statistical procedure (LAP) or satisfying p<0.05 and fold-change >1.5) were investigated with the Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA). 14 samples (7 patients, 7 controls) passed quality controls. LAP identified 29 deregulated genes. Pathway analysis showed 262 transcripts differentially expressed between patients and controls. Functional pathways most disturbed were cell death, cell morphology, cellular assembly and organization, and cell-to-cell signaling. In addition, 10 canonical pathways were identified, among which the signal pathways for Natural Killer-cells, neurotrophin/Trk, neuregulin, axonal guidance, and Huntington's disease. Our findings support the use of 22q11DS as a research model for schizophrenia. We identified decreased expression of several genes (among which COMT, Ufd1L, PCQAP, and GNB1L) previously linked to schizophrenia as well as involvement of signaling pathways relevant to schizophrenia, of which Neurotrophin/Trk and neuregulin signaling seems to be especially notable