6 research outputs found

    Proposed Development Models of Islamic Movements in Post Reformation Indonesia

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    Abstract: This article tries to analyze the models of Islamic movements in post-reformation Indonesia. The major research problem posed is to highlight the main theoretical underpinnings of the momentum of reformation and its impact on various movements, particularly the Islamic ones. The focus here is to explain how these Islamic movements have developed strategies and models to face and circumvent the challenges. This is qualitative research that used documentary analysis and the Focused Group Discussion (FGD) in collecting information and data for analysis. In analyzing the data, the authors used Nvivo 12 Plus. This research found  that the Islamic movements of Indonesia, in their quest for development and influence, have availed themselves of several developmental models, such as transnational and national Islamic movements, political and non-political movements, democratic and anti-democratic, and moderate and radical Islamic movements.المللخص: تحلّل هذه المقالة نماذج الحركات الإسلامية في إندونيسيا بعد الإصلاح. تتمثل المشكلة الرئيسية للبحث التي أثيرت في إبراز النظري الأساسي لزخم الإصلاح وتأثيره على الحركات المختلفة، وخاصة الحركة الإسلامية. ينصب التركيز هنا على شرح كيفية قيام هذه الحركات الإسلامية بتطوير استراتيجيات ونماذج لمواجهة التحديات التي تواجهها وحلها. هذا البحث هو بحث نوعي يستخدم أساليب التحليل الوثائقي والمناقشة الجماعية المركزة (ف.غ.د) في جمع المعلومات وتحليل البيانات. في تحليل البيانات، يستخدم الباحث ن.فيفو 12 بلس. تتمثل النتائج الرئيسية لهذا البحث في أن الحركة الإسلامية في إندونيسيا استجابة للدستور الحالي قد تطورت إلى عدة نماذج، مثل الحركات الإسلامية عبر الوطنية والوطنية، والحركات السياسية وغير السياسية، والديمقراطية ومناهضة الديمقراطية، وكذلك الحركات الإسلامية المعتدلة والمتطرّفة.Abstrak: Artikel ini menganalisis model gerakan Islam pasca reformasi di Indonesia. Permasalahan utama penelitian yang dikemukakan adalah menyoroti landasan teori utama momentum reformasi dan dampaknya terhadap berbagai gerakan khususnya gerakan Islam. Fokus di sini adalah menjelaskan bagaimana gerakan-gerakan Islam tersebut mengembangkan strategi dan model untuk menghadapi dan menyelesaikan tantangan mereka hadapi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode documentary analysis dan Focused Group Discussion (FGD) dalam pengumpulan informasi dan analisis data. Dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan Nvivo 12 Plus. Temuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa gerakan Islam di Indonesia dalam merespon konstilasi yang ada telah berkembang menjadi beberapa model, seperti gerakan Islam transnasional dan nasional, gerakan politik dan non-politik, demokrasi dan anti-demokrasi, serta gerakan Islam moderat dan radikal

    Ethics and values towards environmental sustainability during COVID’19

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    This article is supposed to explore the ethical dimensions of environmental sustainability during, with and post Covid’19. It is contended in the paper to focus on the ethical grounding for environmental sustainability with an effect of Covid’19 that changed the health on Earth planet suddenly and without notifications. The conception of nature suggests the belief of sustainability as a positive value in the society specially with the effect of Covid’19. In the case of nature as environment, nature becomes the natural habitat of man and is always supportive of human, animal and plant existence. The second issue that alarms the present paper relates to ethical sustainability of environment, which is based on the ethical commitments of average human beings if tolerable environmental shield is to occur for our survival on this planet. As such, environmental ethics is alarmed with the problem of accountable individual behavior with respect to sustainability of natural resources specially after Covid’19. The ethical issue at present is the recovery of nature or restoring the nature as an environment rather than as an ordinary entity

    The failure of former African liberation movements to transition to democracy after ascension to power: a descriptive analysis of eritrean people's liberation front

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    This paper investigates the perplexing issue of the democratic deficit in Africa's postliberation states. It seeks to answer why former African liberation movements failed to make a genuine transition to democracy during the second stage of the national liberation struggle, instead ofleaving behind authoritarian military regimes and one-party states that disappointed people. The paper's primary goal is to study the transitional path offormer liberation movements in Africa and examine thefactors that contribute to thefailure ofthe transformation process from armed resistance to conventional politics. The research is descriptive and analytical in nature, conducted using the qualitative research method The findings show that former liberation movements in Africa failed as governments due to a variety offactors, the most important ofwhich is elite resistance to democratisation, which led to the transition to dictatorship, the absence or weakness of political institutions due to the persistence of the liberation era's political culture, and the tinkering with the constitution and failure to put some of its key principles into effect. Furthermore, the study showed that anti-colonial revolutions in Africa only liberated the state, not the people. Finally, the paper ends with some recommendations i.e. several steps to be taken in order for African countries to overcome the dilemma of the liberation movement's democratic transition failure. Keywords: Eritrea, EPLF, Liberation Movements, Urica, Transition to Democracy, Failur

    Environmental Ethics and Sustainability During Pandemic Era

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    The relationship between human beings and environment is not new, it started with the creation of mankind and his availability on earth, the communication between them was at a high level of trust, but with wrong doings of human on earth and for his selfishness, the earth started to change her face, as such many disasters happened as earthquake, flooding, and the worse was the pandemic diseases. Water, solid and air are the main components for environment, and misbalance in them may result to sort of crises, but the serious one among the three environmental components is the air, without it all livings will be affected, and this is what happened at this serious COVID-19 pandemic and lock down to the people’s life on earth. This paper focused on why such pandemic crises happened on earth, who is responsible for it, and why it may continue to happen and how can we sustain our living on earth with ethics, values, and norms

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with paediatric cancer in low-income, middle-income and high-income countries: a multicentre, international, observational cohort study

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    OBJECTIVES: Paediatric cancer is a leading cause of death for children. Children in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) were four times more likely to die than children in high-income countries (HICs). This study aimed to test the hypothesis that the COVID-19 pandemic had affected the delivery of healthcare services worldwide, and exacerbated the disparity in paediatric cancer outcomes between LMICs and HICs. DESIGN: A multicentre, international, collaborative cohort study. SETTING: 91 hospitals and cancer centres in 39 countries providing cancer treatment to paediatric patients between March and December 2020. PARTICIPANTS: Patients were included if they were under the age of 18 years, and newly diagnosed with or undergoing active cancer treatment for Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, Wilms' tumour, sarcoma, retinoblastoma, gliomas, medulloblastomas or neuroblastomas, in keeping with the WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: All-cause mortality at 30 days and 90 days. RESULTS: 1660 patients were recruited. 219 children had changes to their treatment due to the pandemic. Patients in LMICs were primarily affected (n=182/219, 83.1%). Relative to patients with paediatric cancer in HICs, patients with paediatric cancer in LMICs had 12.1 (95% CI 2.93 to 50.3) and 7.9 (95% CI 3.2 to 19.7) times the odds of death at 30 days and 90 days, respectively, after presentation during the COVID-19 pandemic (p<0.001). After adjusting for confounders, patients with paediatric cancer in LMICs had 15.6 (95% CI 3.7 to 65.8) times the odds of death at 30 days (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected paediatric oncology service provision. It has disproportionately affected patients in LMICs, highlighting and compounding existing disparities in healthcare systems globally that need addressing urgently. However, many patients with paediatric cancer continued to receive their normal standard of care. This speaks to the adaptability and resilience of healthcare systems and healthcare workers globally

    Twelve-month observational study of children with cancer in 41 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Childhood cancer is a leading cause of death. It is unclear whether the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted childhood cancer mortality. In this study, we aimed to establish all-cause mortality rates for childhood cancers during the COVID-19 pandemic and determine the factors associated with mortality