5 research outputs found

    Sistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Penyakit Pada Ikan Konsumsi Air Tawar Berbasis Website

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    Usaha peternakan ikan merupakan salah satu peluang bisnis yang prospeknya menjanjikan khususnya ikan konsumsi air tawar. Namun masih banyaknya kendala yang ditemui oleh para pengusaha petenak ikan, sperti penyakit ikan, yang mengakibatkan peternak ikan panen tidak maksimal dan kurangnya jumlah pakar ikan sebagai tempat konsultasi. Sehingga perlu adanya media bantu berupa sistem yang dapat memberi solusi kapan saja. Dengan demikian peternak ikan dapat mengetahui penyakit yang menyerang ikan ternaknya lebih dini. Pada penelitian ini akan dibangun sebuah media konsultasi dengan pendekatan system pakar, dengan menggunakan metode penelusuran fakta forward chaining dan metode kepastiannya menggunakan theorema bayes yaitu metode untuk menghitung nilai kepastian suatu penyakit. Tahap pengembangan aplikasi diawali dengan tahapan alisis system yaitu analisis data dan deskripsi kebutuhan sistem, membangun basis pengetahuan, pembuatan Diagram Konteks, Diagram Alir Data, Entity Relationship Diagram, dan membuat struktur tabel, perancangan mapping table,dan perancangan menu antarmuka. Setelah tahap perancangan selesai maka dilanjutkan pada tahap implementasi menggunakan PHP dengan Framework Codeigniter sebagai bahasa pemrograman dan MySQL bagai database. Terakhir pengujian sistem menggunakan Black Box Tes dan Alpha Test. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan perangkat lunak ā€œSistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Penyakit Pada Ikan Konsumsi Air Tawar Berbasis Websiteā€ yang dapat bekerja seperti layaknya seorang pakar perikanan.Informasi yang dihasilkan adalah nama penyakit, definisi, penyebab, gejala ā€“ gejala yang menyertai, pengendalian dan nilai bayes sebagai total dari perhitungan pobabilitas penyakit yang diderita

    The UK National Minimum Wage's Impact on Productivity

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    Low pay poses issues for managers internationally. We examine productivity in low-paying sectors in Britain, since the introduction of the National Minimum Wage (NMW). We use a multiple channel analytical strategy, emphasizing the wage incentives channel and linking it to a model of unobserved productivity. We estimate firm-specific productivity measures and aggregate them to the level of low-paying sectors. Difference-in-differences analysis illustrates that the NMW positively affected aggregate low-paying sector productivity. These findings highlight increased wage incentive effects with implications for management practice and public policy since ā€˜livingā€™ wages may be productivity enhancing

    The UK National Minimum Wageā€™s impact on productivity

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    Low pay poses issues for managers internationally. We examine productivity in low-paying sectors in Britain, since the National Minimum Wageā€™s (NMW) introduction. We use a multiple channel analytical strategy, emphasising the wage-incentives channel and linking it to a model of unobserved productivity. We estimate firm-specific productivity measures and aggregate them to the level of low-paying sectors. Difference-in-differences analysis illustrates that the NMW positively affected aggregate low-paying sector productivity. These findings highlight increased wagesā€™ incentive effects with implications for management practice and public policy since ā€˜livingā€™ wages may be productivity enhancing

    The UK National Minimum Wage's Impact on Productivity

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    Low pay poses issues for managers internationally. We examine productivity in low-paying sectors in Britain, since the introduction of the National Minimum Wage (NMW). We use a multiple channel analytical strategy, emphasizing the wage incentives channel and linking it to a model of unobserved productivity. We estimate firm-specific productivity measures and aggregate them to the level of low-paying sectors. Difference-in-differences analysis illustrates that the NMW positively affected aggregate low-paying sector productivity. These findings highlight increased wage incentive effects with implications for management practice and public policy since ā€˜livingā€™ wages may be productivity enhancing

    Design Business Offline and Online Based on Website of Pikyeum SME in Bandung

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    Pikyeum SME created a new business idea to connect sellers and consumers, introduce products, and place online purchases. By creating a website, Pikyeum SME makes it easy for consumers throughout Indonesia to find Peuyeum chips. This case study was conducted in Pikyeum SME, located in Lot Leuwidulang No. C 02, Sub-district Pameungpeuk, Bandung, Indonesia. Data collection and analysis were conducted qualitatively and quantitatively. The purpose of this research is to measure the demand, design technical and operational aspects, design a website-based application, measure the product's financial feasibility, and measure the sensitivity level of Pikyeum food products offline and online sales. Survey data were analyzed using corrected item-total correlation as a validity testing technique and Cronbach's Alpha as a reliability testing technique with the aid of the SPSS program. Based on this research, Net Present Value (NPV) is IDR 167.006.461, Interest Rate of Return (IRR) at 36,70%, and Payback Period at 3,4 years. It can be concluded that Pikyeum SME is feasible to run because NPV > 0, payback period < asset economic life, and IRR > MARR. The increase of raw materials and packaging costs shouldn't be more than 36,76%. Meanwhile, the increase of labor cost shouldn't be more than 23,51%. The demand decreases shouldn't be more than 15,63% and selling prices shouldn't exceed 11,34%