139 research outputs found

    Ipuinaren moldaketa bizkaierara eta bere erabilera ahozko komunikazioa lantzeko Haur Hezkuntzan

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    [EUS] Lan honetan Martin Txiki eta Basajaunak ipuinaren irakurketa ozen esanguratsuak talde zehatz bateko haurren hizkuntza- eta komunikazio-gaitasunean izan duen eragin zuzena aztertu da, beren beregi diseinatutako esku-hartze eta ikerketa baten bidez. Zehatzago, ipuina bizkaierara moldatu da eta Mungiako Legarda HLHI ikastetxeko Haur Hezkuntzako 4 urteko gela batean irakurri da, horrek haurrek duten euskalkiaren ezagutzan eta egiten duten erabileran duen eragina aztertzeko. Esku-hartzea egiteko lan moldea konstruktibismoan oinarritu da. Beraz, haurrek euskalkiaren zein jabekuntza duten zehazteko aurretiazko jarduerak egin dira. Ondoren, ipuin horren irakurketa esanguratsua burutu da euskara batuan eta mendebaldeko euskalkian, horren osteko jardueren bidez, euskalkian irakurtzeak haur ezberdinen ahozko komunikazio-gaitasunean izan duen eragina neurtzeko. Orokorrean ondorioztatu da euskalkian egindako irakurketak gaitasun hori osotu duela, nahiz eta euren ama-hizkuntzaren arabera emaitza ezberdinak eman diren

    Modular integration and on-chip sensing approaches for tunable fluid control polymer microdevices

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    228 p.Doktore tesi honetan mikroemariak kontrolatzeko elementuak diseinatu eta garatuko dira, mikrobalbula eta mikrosentsore bat zehazki. Ondoren, gailu horiek batera integratuko dira likido emari kontrolatzaile bat sortzeko asmotan. Helburu nagusia gailuen fabrikazio arkitektura modular bat frogatzea da, non Lab-on-a-Chip prototipoak garatzeko beharrezko fase guztiak harmonizatuz, Cyclic-Olefin-Polymer termoplastikozko mikrogailu merkeak pausu gutxi batzuetan garatuko diren, hauen kalitate industriala bermatuz. Ildo horretan, mikrogailuak prototipotik produkturako trantsizio azkar, erraz, errentagarri eta arriskurik gabeen bidez lortu daitezkeenetz frogatuko da

    La polarización y echo chambers en el debate de la #LeydeEutanasia en Twitter

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    Political dialogue taken to extremes and the positioning of political actors on the margins of the debate is one of the main concerns of citizens in Spain (CIS, 2020). Far from being a phenomenon exclusive to the political class, this distancing is reflected among citizens themselves who, driven by the characteristics of social networks, have developed a special tendency to listen to themselves and avoid connecting with divergent opinions (Sunstein, 2003). The main objective of this study is to analyse the polarization on Twitter around the #LeydeEutanasia debate in Spain. For the analysis of this phenomenon, NodeXL software has been used for data collection and Gephi for its visualization. In addition, an emotional framing table (Menseres, Del Campo & Rueda-Zárate, 2018) has been recreated in order to analyse the Tweets of Spanish political actors and study their content. In this way, the research has demonstrated the presence of two echo chambers or polarized groups around the debate, which are in line with the ideological blocks on the left/right axis, and which are also observed in the language used to expose their position. However, offensive language is not used in the majority of interactions with the ideological adversary. These data reaffirm the results of previous work in this field of study.El diálogo político llevado a los extremos y el posicionamiento de los actores políticos en los márgenes del debate es una de las principales preocupaciones de los ciudadanos en España (CIS, 2020). Lejos de ser un fenómeno exclusivo de la clase política, este distanciamiento tiene su reflejo entre la propia ciudadanía que, impulsada por las características de las redes sociales, ha desarrollado una especial tendencia a escucharse a sí misma, y a evitar conectar con opiniones divergentes (Sunstein, 2003). El objetivo principal del presente estudio es analizar la polarización en Twitter en torno al debate de la #LeydeEutanasia en España. Para el análisis de este fenómeno se ha utilizado el software NodeXL para la recogida de datos y Gephi para su visualización. Además, se ha recreado una tabla de encuadre emocional (Menseres, Del Campo y Rueda-Zárate, 2018) para poder analizar los tuits de los actores políticos españoles y profundizar en su contenido. De esta manera, la investigación ha demostrado la presencia de dos echo chambers o grupos polarizados en torno al debate, que se ajustan a los bloques ideológicos en el eje izquierda/derecha, y que también se observan en el lenguaje utilizado para exponer su postura, en el que sin embargo no se utiliza de forma mayoritaria un lenguaje ofensivo en las interacciones con el adversario ideológico. Estos datos reafirman los resultados de trabajos previos en este ámbito de estudio

    Dispentsarako eskubidea: 2021eko lege eraldaketaren aurreko jurisprudentzia ibilbidea eta egungo egoera

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    Dispentsarako eskubidearen inguruan asko hitz egin da. Gai oso eztabaidatua izan da Espainiako eremu prozesalean eta jurisprudentziak gora-behera ugari izan ditu horren inguruan, Auzitegi Gorenak (AG hemendik aurrera) iritzia hainbat aldiz aldatu duelarik. 2021eko ekainean dispentsaren edukia aldatu duen lege eraldaketa egon da, eta aldaketa hori aztertzea da helburu nagusia, hala nola, jurisprudentziak izan duen ibilbidea eta horrek ekarri duen eztabaida doktrinala zein izan den aztertzea, lege moldaketa hori eman den arte. Horrela lege eraldaketa horrek zein arazori ematen dion erantzuna eta zein arazo kolokan uzten duen ikusi ahal izango dugu, eta baita arazo horien inguruan egin beharreko zerbait gelditzen den identifikatzea ere

    Ipuinaren moldaketa bizkaierara eta bere erabilera ahozko komunikazioa lantzeko Haur Hezkuntzan

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    [EUS] Lan honetan Martin Txiki eta Basajaunak ipuinaren irakurketa ozen esanguratsuak talde zehatz bateko haurren hizkuntza- eta komunikazio-gaitasunean izan duen eragin zuzena aztertu da, beren beregi diseinatutako esku-hartze eta ikerketa baten bidez. Zehatzago, ipuina bizkaierara moldatu da eta Mungiako Legarda HLHI ikastetxeko Haur Hezkuntzako 4 urteko gela batean irakurri da, horrek haurrek duten euskalkiaren ezagutzan eta egiten duten erabileran duen eragina aztertzeko. Esku-hartzea egiteko lan moldea konstruktibismoan oinarritu da. Beraz, haurrek euskalkiaren zein jabekuntza duten zehazteko aurretiazko jarduerak egin dira. Ondoren, ipuin horren irakurketa esanguratsua burutu da euskara batuan eta mendebaldeko euskalkian, horren osteko jardueren bidez, euskalkian irakurtzeak haur ezberdinen ahozko komunikazio-gaitasunean izan duen eragina neurtzeko. Orokorrean ondorioztatu da euskalkian egindako irakurketak gaitasun hori osotu duela, nahiz eta euren ama-hizkuntzaren arabera emaitza ezberdinak eman diren

    Paradisu fiskalak: multinazionalen jarduteko modua eta hauen eragina gizartean. Arazoen inguruko proposamenak

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    [eus] Multinazionalek paradisu fiskaletan nola jarduten duten ulertu ondoren, hauek nola eragiten duten gizartean azaltzen da lan honetan. Gainera, lanaren arlo ezberdinetan aurkitutako arazoak konpontzeko proposamenak ere adierazten dira.[spa] Hoy en día los paraísos fiscales se han convertido en cobijo para tanto personas físicas adineradas como jurídicas. Las características más importantes de dichos lugares, así como la falta de transparencia, baja tributación u opacidad suelen utilizarse para la evasión fiscal. De hecho, para la evasión las multinacionales utilizan los precios de transferencia aprovechando así los beneficios de los paraísos fiscales. Esto hace que lo que para ellos es favorable, para la sociedad sea todo lo contrario, ya que la utilización de paraísos fiscales supone recaudar menos impuestos. Además, de esta forma se acentúa la brecha entre países ricos y pobres. Contra esto, muchos organismos tratan de reducir dichas prácticas mediante leyes internacionales, siendo BEPS un resultado de ello. Por lo tanto, una vez entendido el funcionamiento de las multinacionales, se tratará de explicar qué efectos tienen la sociedad. Asimismo, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es identificar los problemas que surgen en el análisis general sobre paraísos fiscales y dar propuestas para su arreglo.[eng] Nowadays tax havens have become shelter for both wealthy individuals and legal entities. The most important characteristics of those places, such as lack of transparency, low taxation or opacity are often used for tax evasion. In fact, for evasion, multinationals use transfer prices, so they take advantage of tax havens´ benefits. This means that what is favorable for them is quite the opposite for the society since the use of tax havens means collecting less taxes. Moreover, in this way the gap between rich and poor countries increases. Against this, many organizations try to reduce such practices through international laws, BEPS being a result of this. Therefore, once the way multinationals work is understood, we will try to explain the effects they have on society. Likewise, the main objective of this project is to identify the problems that arise in the general analysis of tax havens and to make proposals for their settlement

    Precise Integration of Polymeric Sensing Functional Materials within 3D Printed Microfluidic Devices

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    This work presents a new architecture concept for microfluidic devices, which combines the conventional 3D printing fabrication process with the stable and precise integration of polymeric functional materials in small footprints within the microchannels in well-defined locations. The approach solves the assembly errors that normally occur during the integration of functional and/or sensing materials in hybrid microfluidic devices. The method was demonstrated by embedding four pH-sensitive ionogel microstructures along the main microfluidic channel of a complex 3D printed microfluidic device. The results showed that this microfluidic architecture, comprising the internal integration of sensing microstructures of diverse chemical compositions, highly enhanced the adhesion force between the microstructures and the 3D printed microfluidic device that contains them. In addition, the performance of this novel 3D printed pH sensor device was investigated using image analysis of the pH colour variations obtained from photos taken with a conventional camera. The device presented accurate and repetitive pH responses in the 2 to 12 pH range without showing any type of device deterioration or lack of performance over time.This research was founded by the University of the Basque Country (ESPPOC 16/65 and PIF16/204), “Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación de España” grant PID2020-120313GB-I00/AIE/10.13039/501100011033, and “Gobierno Vasco” grant IT1633-22

    A cationic tetrapyrrole inhibits toxic activities of the cellular prion protein

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    Prion diseases are rare neurodegenerative conditions associated with the conformational conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) into PrPSc, a self-replicating isoform (prion) that accumulates in the central nervous system of affected individuals. The structure of PrPSc is poorly defined, and likely to be heterogeneous, as suggested by the existence of different prion strains. The latter represents a relevant problem for therapy in prion diseases, as some potent anti-prion compounds have shown strain-specificity. Designing therapeutics that target PrPC may provide an opportunity to overcome these problems. PrPC ligands may theoretically inhibit the replication of multiple prion strains, by acting on the common substrate of any prion replication reaction. Here, we characterized the properties of a cationic tetrapyrrole [Fe(III)-TMPyP], which was previously shown to bind PrPC, and inhibit the replication of a mouse prion strain. We report that the compound is active against multiple prion strains in vitro and in cells. Interestingly, we also find that Fe(III)-TMPyP inhibits several PrPC-related toxic activities, including the channel-forming ability of a PrP mutant, and the PrPC-dependent synaptotoxicity of amyloid-beta (A beta) oligomers, which are associated with Alzheimer's Disease. These results demonstrate that molecules binding to PrPC may produce a dual effect of blocking prion replication and inhibiting PrPC-mediated toxicity

    Modular micropumps fabricated by 3D printed technologies for polymeric microfluidic device applications

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    In order to facilitate the implementation of microfluidic technology for rapid point-of-care analysis, there is a demand for self-powered microfluidics. The modular architecture of degas driven plug-and-play polymeric micropumps and microfluidic cartridges arose during last decade as a powerful strategy for autonomous flow control. So far, reported polymeric micropumps were made of poly-dimethyl siloxane and were fabricated by moulding. In this work, we showed that the advantages of three-dimensional printing can greatly benefit the development of modular micropumps. In addition, micropumps were created with a geometry that cannot be manufactured with conventional techniques, making it easily assemblable to microfluidic devices. Four types of polymeric resins and three printing methods were used to create a set of functional micropumps. It was shown that the material and the design of the printed micropumps were related to their power, making them tuneable and programmable. Finally, as proof of concept, a self-powered colorimetric test for the detection of starch was demonstrated. Three-dimensional printed micropumps emerge as an innovative element in the field of self-powered microfluidics, which may be the key to develop integrated microsystems for several applications such as in rapid point-of-care analysis.Authors would like to acknowledge the funding support from Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, with Grant No. BIO2016-80417-P ((AEI/FEDER, UE); the University of the Basque Country (ESPPOC 16/65) and Gobierno Vasco Dpto. Educación for the consolidation of the research groups (IT1271-19). FBL acknowledges the Ramón y Cajal programme (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad). FBL and LBD acknowledge the “Red de Microfluídica Española” MIFLUNET (RED2018-102829-T). Authors acknowledge to Prof. Javier del Campo and to Dr. Cristian Mendes from BC Materials, Spain, for their help during the fabrication of the micropumps with the DLP technique

    Localization and Function of the Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor in the Anterolateral Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis

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    11 p.Background: The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is involved in behaviors related to natural reward, drug addiction and stress. In spite of the emerging role of the endogenous cannabinoid (eCB) system in these behaviors, little is known about the anatomy and function of this system in the anterolateral BNST (alBNST). The aim of this study was to provide a detailed morphological characterization of the localization of the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptor a necessary step toward a better understanding of the physiological roles of the eCB system in this region of the brain. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have combined anatomical approaches at the confocal and electron microscopy level to ex-vivo electrophysiological techniques. Here, we report that CB1 is localized on presynaptic membranes of about 55% of immunopositive synaptic terminals for the vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (vGluT1), which contain abundant spherical, clear synaptic vesicles and make asymmetrical synapses with alBNST neurons. About 64% of vGluT1 immunonegative synaptic terminals show CB1 immunolabeling. Furthermore, 30% and 35% of presynaptic boutons localize CB1 in alBNST of conditional mutant mice lacking CB1 mainly from GABAergic neurons (GABA-CB1-KO mice) and mainly from cortical glutamatergic neurons (Glu-CB1-KO mice), respectively. Extracellular field recordings and whole cell patch clamp in the alBNST rat brain slice preparation revealed that activation of CB1 strongly inhibits excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission. Conclusions/Significance: This study supports the anterolateral BNST as a potential neuronal substrate of the effects of cannabinoids on stress-related behaviors.Dr. Pedro Grandes' laboratory is supported by The Basque Country Government grant GIC07/70-IT-432-07, by Red de Trastornos Adictivos (RETICS), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), grant RD07/0001/2001 and MICINN grant SAF2009-07065. Nagore Puente is supported by a Basque Country University grant for PhD Researcher's Specialization. Leire Reguero is in receipt of a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Country Government. Dr. Olivier J. Manzoni's laboratory is supported by INSERM, ANR Neurosciences “Neurologie et Psychiatrie ANR-06-NEURO-043-01” and Région Aquitaine. Dr. Giovanni Marsicano's laboratory is supported by AVENIR/INSERM (with the Fondation Bettencourt-Schueller), by ANR (ANR-06-NEURO-043-01), by European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD), by the EU-FP7 (REPROBESITY, contract number HEALTH-F2-2008-223713) and European Commission Coordination Action ENINET (contract number LSHM-CT-2005-19063). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript