8 research outputs found
Ketamina eta esketaminaren erabilera depresioerresistentea tratatzeko: etorkizunerako erronkak
Depressive disorders have become one of the major public health problems in recent years, not only because of their impact on quality of life, but also because of the partial response or lack of response to antidepressant treatment. Therefore, the rapid and potent antidepressant effect of (R,S)-ketamine (ketamine) is considered one of the most important psychiatric discoveries of the last decades. Although, intravenous administration of ketamine has prevailed in most clinical trials conducted so far, the intranasal route has been considered a useful and safe alternative. Thus, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the EMA (European Medicines Agency) approved a esketamine nasal spray named Spravato for the use in treatment resistant depression, although clinical trials supporting its marketing are not long-term. In line with this, major long-term safety concerns, such as dependence and cognitive impairment, has not been assessed so far. Therefore, there is an urgent need to investigate the relevance ofrepeated administration protocols on the long-term antidepressant response and safety. In this regard, potential pharmacological interactions between ketamine and some antidepressant drugs and benzodiazepines may impact the antidepressant response. In fact, while in some clinical trials adjunctive antidepressant medication is allowed, in others it is specifically removed, and this pharmacological variability may alter the efficacy of the treatment. Consequently, it is undeniable that in addition to massive long-term clinical trials, post-marketing studies are necessary to ensure the safety and efficacy of long-term ketamine and esketamine use.; Nahasmendu depresiboak osasun publikoko arazo handienetako bat bilakatu dira azken urteotan, ez bakarrik bizi-kalitatean duten eraginagatik, baita tratamendu antidepresiboaren erantzun partzial edo erantzun ezagatik ere. Hori dela eta, (R,S)-ketaminaren (ketamina) efektu antidepresibo azkarra eta eraginkorra azken hamarkadetako aurkikuntza garrantzitsuenen artean dago psikiatria arloan. Orain arteko entseguetan ketaminaren zain barneko bidea gailendu den arren sudur bideko administrazioa aukera erabilgarri eta segurutzat jo da. Hori dela eta, FDAk (Food and Drug Administration) eta EMAk (European Medicines Agency) S-ketamina (esketamina) baimendu dute Spravato izen komertzialarekin merkaturatutako sudur-lainoztagailurako soluzio bezala, depresio erresistentea tratatzeko, farmako horren merkaturatze-baimena sostengatzen duten entsegu klinikoak epe luzekoak ez diren arren. Horregatik, epe luzeko segurtasun-profila ikertzea premiazkoa da, eta, testuinguru berean, baita administrazio-protokolo errepikatuen egokitasuna ere. Izan ere, ketaminak farmako antidepresibo batzuekin eta bentzodiazepinekin izan ditzakeen elkarrekintzak ebaluatzea gomendatzen da, tratamenduaren eragin antidepresiboa baldintza dezaketelako. Ildo horretan, orain arte egindako entseguen diseinuaren aldakortasuna kontuan hartzeko ezaugarria litzatekeela proposatu da. Izan ere, entsegu batzuetan, tratamendu antidepresibo gehigarria baztertzen da, eta beste batzuetan, berriz, mantendu egiten da; aldakortasun metodologiko horrek tratamendu antidepresiboaren eraginkortasuna alda dezake. Ondorioz, uka ezina da epe luzerako entsegu klinikoak egiteaz gain merkaturatze ondorengo farmakozaintza-azterlanak ere nahitaezkoak direla ketaminaren eta esketaminaren segurtasuna eta eraginkortasuna epe luzera bermatzeko
Analysis of Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Cell Membrane Microarrays of Brain Areas as a Screening Tool to Identify Tissue Specific Inhibitors
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is responsible for hydrolyzing the acetylcholine neurotransmitter, bringing an end point to cholinergic neurotransmission. Thus, AChE is the primary target of a wide spectrum of compounds used as pesticides, nerve agents or therapeutic drugs for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This enzyme is heterogeneously distributed in the brain showing different activity depending on the nervous region. Therefore, the aim of this work is to report a novel technology that enables the simultaneous determination of tissue specific AChE activity, as well as the analysis and screening of specific inhibitors, by using cell membrane microarrays. These microarrays were composed of cell membranes, isolated from 41 tissues, organs and brain areas, that were immobilized over a slide, maintaining the functionality of membrane proteins. To validate this platform, demonstrating its usefulness in drug discovery as a high throughput screening tool, a colorimetric protocol to detect the membrane-bound AChE activity was optimized. Thus, rat cortical and striatal AChE activities were estimated in presence of increased concentrations of AChE inhibitors, and the donepezil effect was assessed simultaneously in 41 tissues and organs, demonstrating the major potential of this microarray’s technology.The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Innpacto program: IPT-2011-1205-010000), and the Basque Government Department of Economic Development, sustainability and environment (Etorgai program: ER-2011/00015, Bikaintek program: 48-AF-W2-2019-7)
Study of Tissue-Specific Reactive Oxygen Species Formation by Cell Membrane Microarrays for the Characterization of Bioactive Compounds
The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) increases considerably in situations of cellular stress, inducing lipid peroxidation and multiple alterations in proteins and nucleic acids. However, sensitivity to oxidative damage varies between organs and tissues depending on the triggering process. Certain drugs used in the treatment of diverse diseases such as malaria have side effects similar to those produced by oxidative damage, although no specific study has been conducted. For this purpose, cell membrane microarrays were developed and the superoxide production evoked by the mitochondrial activity was assayed in the presence of specific inhibitors: rotenone, antimycin A and azide. Once the protocol was set up on cell membrane isolated from rat brain areas, the effect of six antimalarial drugs (atovaquone, quinidine, doxycycline, mefloquine, artemisinin, and tafenoquine) and two essential oils (Rosmarinus officinalis and Origanum majoricum) were evaluated in multiple human samples. The basal activity was different depending on the type of tissue, the liver, jejunum and adrenal gland being the ones with the highest amount of superoxide. The antimalarial drugs studied showed specific behavior according to the type of human tissue analyzed, with atovaquone and quinidine producing the highest percentage of superoxide formation, and doxycycline the lowest. In conclusion, the analysis of superoxide production evaluated in cell membranes of a collection of human tissues allowed for the characterization of the safety profile of these antimalarial drugs against toxicity mediated by oxidative stressThis work has been partially supported by grant Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness PID2019-106222RB-C31/SRA (State Research Agency, 10.13039/501100011033), the Basque Government Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment (PUE21-03 and Bikaintek program: 48-AF-W2-2019-7 and 007-B2/2020) and University of the Basque Country (price to the best Master Thesis in collaboration with Institutions and Business)
Evaluación del efecto de la Ketamina sobre la actividad mitocondrial y el perfil lipído en células sanguíneas de pacientes con depresión resistente al tratamiento y potencial predictivo de los biomarcadores
El capítulo 4.3.4 está sujeto a confidencialidad por la autora.
489 p.La depresión es una de las enfermedades más discapacitantes en todo el mundo. Aunque se desconocen con exactitud los mecanismos patogénicos de esta enfermedad, los estudios realizados indican que puede desencadenarse, en parte, por un metabolismo energético y perfil lipídico anormal. La ketamina, es un antidepresivo de acción rápida y mantenida, eficaz en pacientes con depresión resistente a otros tratamientos. Mediante estudios enzimáticos en microarrys, observamos que, por un lado, la ketamina aumenta la actividad de los complejos II y IV en células mononucleares de sangre periférica (PBMCs), y también, la actividad del complejo IV mitocondrial en plaquetas de pacientes con esta patología. En este sentido, la actividad del complejo IV correlacionó negativamente con las puntuaciones obtenidas en la escala BDI II antes del tratamiento y después de la octava administración de ketamina en plaquetas de pacientes con DRT. Por otro lado, mediante espectrometría de masas se observó que la ketamina produjo un cambio en ciertos lípidos, que a su vez correlacionaron las puntuaciones de la escala MADRS. Por último, se identificaron dos nuevos biomarcadores lipídicos como variables predictoras de la escala MADRS tanto para la clasificación de pacientes como para la monitorización del grado de eficacia del tratamiento con ketamina en pacientes con DRT.IMG Pharm
Neuroinflammation in the Evolution of Motor Function in Stroke and Trauma Patients: Treatment and Potential Biomarkers
Neuroinflammation has a significant impact on different pathologies, such as stroke or spinal cord injury, intervening in their pathophysiology: expansion, progression, and resolution. Neuroinflammation involves oxidative stress, damage, and cell death, playing an important role in neuroplasticity and motor dysfunction by affecting the neuronal connection responsible for motor control. The diagnosis of this pathology is performed using neuroimaging techniques and molecular diagnostics based on identifying and measuring signaling molecules or specific markers. In parallel, new therapeutic targets are being investigated via the use of bionanomaterials and electrostimulation to modulate the neuroinflammatory response. These novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies have the potential to facilitate the development of anticipatory patterns and deliver the most beneficial treatment to improve patients’ quality of life and directly impact their motor skills. However, important challenges remain to be solved. Hence, the goal of this study was to review the implication of neuroinflammation in the evolution of motor function in stroke and trauma patients, with a particular focus on novel methods and potential biomarkers to aid clinicians in diagnosis, treatment, and therapy. A specific analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities was conducted, highlighting the key challenges to be faced in the coming years
Mitochondrial Metabolism in Major Depressive Disorder: From Early Diagnosis to Emerging Treatment Options
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is one of the most disabling diseases in the world. MDD is traditionally diagnosed based on a patient’s symptoms, which can lead to misdiagnosis. Although the pathogenic mechanisms of MDD are unknown, several studies have identified mitochondrial dysfunction as a central factor in the onset and progression of MDD. In the context of MDD, alterations in mitochondrial metabolism can lead to imbalances in energy production and oxidative stress, contributing to the disorder´s underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. Consequently, the identification of mitochondrial dysfunction as a key biomarker for early and accurate diagnosis of MDD represents a significant challenge. Faced with the limits of traditional treatments with antidepressants, new pharmacological therapeutic targets are being investigated such as ketamine/esketamine, psychedelics, or anti-inflammatories. All of these drugs show potential antidepressant effects due to their speed of action and ability to modulate neuroplasticity and/or motor processing. In parallel, non-pharmacological therapeutic targets are studied, like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), recognized for their ability to modulate neuronal activity and offer treatment alternatives. As cellular activity is directly related to mitochondrial respiration, the aim of this review is examining the link between mitochondrial dysfunction and MDD, assessing how mitochondrial biomarkers could provide a more objective and precise diagnostic tool, and exploring other treatments in addition to traditional antidepressants, with a specific focus on emerging therapeutic targets. Finally, a detailed analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of these approaches was carried out, highlighting the key challenges that must be addressed.This research is supported by the Basque Government through funding from the BIKAINTEK program (File No. 006-B2/2021 and 48-AF-W2-2019-00007), by the University of the Basque Country through the PIF Industrial program (No. PIFIND21/02), and by a grant from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DIN2019-010902)
Analysis of mitochondrial function in cell membranes as indicator of tissue vulnerability to drugs in humans
Drug side effects are one of the main reasons for treatment withdrawal during clinical trials. Reactive oxygen species formation is involved in many of the drug side effects, mainly by interacting with the components of the cellular respiration. Thus, the early detection of these effects in the drug discovery process is a key aspect for the optimization of pharmacological research. To this end, the superoxide formation of a series of drugs and compounds with antidepressant, antipsychotic, anticholinergic, narcotic, and analgesic properties was evaluated in isolated bovine heart membranes and on cell membrane microarrays from a collection of human tissues, together with specific inhibitors of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Fluphenazine and PB28 promoted similar effects to those of rotenone, but with lower potency, indicating a direct action on mitochondrial complex I. Moreover, nefazodone, a drug withdrawn from the market due to its mitochondrial hepatotoxic effects, evoked the highest superoxide formation in human liver cell membranes, suggesting the potential of this technology to anticipate adverse effects in preclinical phases