16 research outputs found

    Učinak temperature razrjeđivanja dvaju različitih razrjeđivača na kvalitetu sperme nerasta

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    This study investigated the quality characteristics and the field fertility of boar semen after dilution with OptimIA, a common extender at 23 (n = 20, group A23) or at 30 °C (n = 20, group A30), and after dilution with OptimIA commercial extender at 23 °C (n = 20, group 23A) or with Androhep Plus, a membrane protective extender at 23 °C (n = 20, group 23B). Each sample of extended semen was stored (16-18 °C) and used for a double artificial insemination at 48 h and 72 h after its collection at the farm (n = 30 per group). The semen was assessed in the laboratory (kinetic parameters, morphology and DNA fragmentation) at collection (0 h) and at insemination hours (48 and 72 h). Most of the semen laboratory parameters deteriorated from 48 h to 72 h, regardless of dilution temperature or the use of the protective extender. However, in the special protective extender the percentages of rapid movement spermatozoa, VCL (curvilinear velocity), VAP (average path velocity) and WOB (wobble) did not differ between 48 h and 72 h. A lower farrowing rate was observed in the common extender group at 23 °C, and a lower number of live born piglets in the protective extender group compared to the other two groups. In conclusion, one step dilution of boar semen at 23 °C compared to dilution at 30 °C did not dramatically affect its in vitro quality characteristics after 72 h of storage, although field fertility was negatively influenced. Some of these negative effects can be compensated for by the use of a membrane protective extender.Istražena je kvaliteta i plodnost nerastove sperme u terenskim uvjetima nakon razrjeđivanja s dva različita razrjeđivača: OptimaIA – standardni razrjeđivač na 23 °C (oznaka skupine A23, n = 20) ili na 30 °C (oznaka skupine A30, n = 20) i OptimaIA - komercijalni razrjeđivač na 23 °C (oznaka skupine 23A, n = 20) ili sa zaštitnikom membrane Androhep Plus na 23 °C (oznaka skupine 23B, n = 20). Svaki uzorak razrijeđene sperme bio je pohranjen na 16-18 °C i korišten za dvokratno umjetno osjemenjivanje nakon 48 h i 72 h od prikupljanja na farmi (n = 30 po skupini). Sperma je u laboratoriju ocijenjena (pokazatelji pokretljivosti, morfologija i DNA fragmentacija) prilikom prikupljanja (0 h) i prilikom osjemenjivanja (48 h i 72 h). Većina pokazatelja je, bez obzira na temperature razrjeđivanja ili uporabu zaštitnog razrjeđivača, pokazala pogoršanje u laboratorijskim uvjetima od 48 h na 72 h. Ipak, kod posebnog zaštitnog razrjeđivača, razlike između 48 h i 72 h nisu utvrđene za postotak brzo pokretljivih spermija, valovitost gibanja, prosječnu brzinu i oscilirajuće pokretanje (treperenje). U usporedbi s ostalim dvjema skupinama, niža stopa oprasivosti opažena je kod primjene standardnog razrjeđivača na 23 °C, a niži broj živorođenih odojaka opažen je nakon primjene zaštitnog razrjeđivača. Zaključno, iako postoji negativni utjecaj na plodnost u terenskim uvjetima, nakon 72 sata pohranjivanja, jedan korak razrjeđivanja nerastove sperme na 23 °C, u usporedbi s 30 °C, ne utječe dramatično na njezinu kvalitetu in vitro. Neki od negativnih utjecaja mogu se nadomjestiti uporabom razrjeđivača koji štite membranu spermija

    Impact of Mt. Olympus Honeys on Virulence Factors Implicated in Pathogenesis Exerted by <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>

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    The aim of this study was to examine the impact of twenty honey samples, harvested in Mt. Olympus (Greece), on the virulence factors implicated in P. aeruginosa pathogenesis. Six key virulence factors (protease and elastase activity, pyocyanin and pyoverdine concentration, biofilm formation, and swimming motility) were selected in order to assess the effect of the tested honeys compared with Manuka honey. All tested honeys demonstrated a significant inhibition of protease and elastase activity compared with the control. Six and thirteen honeys exerted superior protease (no inhibition zone) and elastase (values lower than 55%) activity, respectively, compared with Manuka honey. Seventeen tested honeys exhibited reduced pyoverdine production compared with the control; all tested honeys, except for one, showed an inhibitory effect on pyocyanin production compared with the control. Regarding swimming motility, nine tested honeys demonstrated significantly higher inhibition compared with Manuka honey. Honey concentrations (6% v/v and 8% v/v) had the most profound impact, as they reduced biofilm formation to less than 20% compared with the control. Overall, our data demonstrate a significant inhibition of the virulence factors in the tested Mt. Olympus honeys, highlighting the strong antimicrobial activity against P. aeruginosa, an antibiotic-resistant pathogen of growing concern, which is implicated in severe nosocomial infections globally

    Prevalence and Risk Factors of Intestinal Parasite Infections in Greek Swine Farrow-To-Finish Farms

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    Intestinal parasites, helminths, and protozoa challenge health and welfare of pigs and deteriorate the sustainability of swine farms leading to monetary losses. A multicentric survey was conducted for approximately one year. Overall, 1150 fecal samples were collected from eight intensive farms in Greece at regular intervals and examined by flotation and Ziehl-Neelsen techniques. Age, season, and time of last recorded antiparasitic treatment were assessed as possible risk factors using binary regression models. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasitism in pigs was 44.7%. The most frequently detected parasites in the studied population were the protozoa Balantidium coli (37.8%), followed by Entamoeba spp. (8.3%), Cystoisospora suis (6.0%), and the nematodes Ascaris suum (3.7%), Trichuris suis (2.5%), and Oesophagostomum spp. (1.4%). Distribution of intestinal parasites in different age groups was as expected. In autumn, the prevalence of Balantidium coli infection enhanced whereas the prevalence of Entamoeba spp. and Cystoisospora suis infections increased in spring. Time of last recorded antiparasitic treatment influenced Balantidium coli and Trichuris suis infection levels. Our results demonstrated that swine intestinal parasitism in intensive farms of Greece seems to be relatively common and highlighted the importance of proper laboratory examinations, as well as the need for tailored made control programs

    Heterologous Challenge with PRRSV-1 MLV in Pregnant Vaccinated Gilts: Potential Risk on Health and Immunity of Piglets

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the potential risks of the four commercial PRRS-1 MLV vaccines in pregnant vaccinated gilts at the last stage of gestation under field conditions. The study was conducted at four pig farms, including 25 gilts from each farm (25 &times; 4 = 100 gilts), which were equally allocated to five different study groups. A PRRS-1 MLV vaccination was applied on the 100th day of their pregnancy with the different commercial vaccines that are available in the Greek market. The results indicated virus congenital infection and viremia in piglets (20/200 = 10% PRRSV infected piglets), and detection of PRRSV-specific antibodies (181/200 = 90.5% piglets found with PRRSV antibodies). The subsequent phylogenetic analyses revealed high percentages of similarity between the PRRSV-1 strain detected in infected litters and the PRRSV-1 vaccine strain to which the study gilts had been previously exposed to. Health status analyses of trial piglets resulted in differences between litters from vaccinated sows and litters from non-vaccinated sows at 110th day of gestation as regards the number of weak-born piglets, mummies, and piglets with splay-leg and/or respiratory symptoms. The current study&rsquo;s results indicate several potential dangers of the PRRS MLV vaccination in late gestation

    Heterologous Challenge with PRRSV-1 MLV in Pregnant Vaccinated Gilts: Potential Risk on Health and Immunity of Piglets

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the potential risks of the four commercial PRRS-1 MLV vaccines in pregnant vaccinated gilts at the last stage of gestation under field conditions. The study was conducted at four pig farms, including 25 gilts from each farm (25 × 4 = 100 gilts), which were equally allocated to five different study groups. A PRRS-1 MLV vaccination was applied on the 100th day of their pregnancy with the different commercial vaccines that are available in the Greek market. The results indicated virus congenital infection and viremia in piglets (20/200 = 10% PRRSV infected piglets), and detection of PRRSV-specific antibodies (181/200 = 90.5% piglets found with PRRSV antibodies). The subsequent phylogenetic analyses revealed high percentages of similarity between the PRRSV-1 strain detected in infected litters and the PRRSV-1 vaccine strain to which the study gilts had been previously exposed to. Health status analyses of trial piglets resulted in differences between litters from vaccinated sows and litters from non-vaccinated sows at 110th day of gestation as regards the number of weak-born piglets, mummies, and piglets with splay-leg and/or respiratory symptoms. The current study’s results indicate several potential dangers of the PRRS MLV vaccination in late gestation

    A randomized controlled study on the efficacy of a novel combination vaccine against enzootic pneumonia (Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae) and porcine Circovirus type 2 (PCV2) in the presence of strong maternally derived PCV2 immunity in pigs

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    Abstract Background Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyo) and Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) are major pathogens that cause significant health problems in swine worldwide. Maternal derived immunity (MDI) has been suggested as a significant immediate defence factor for newborn piglets and may interfere with piglet’s vaccination-induced immunity. The study aimed to assess the efficacy of a novel combination vaccine (consisting of PCV2 subunits and inactivated M. hyo strain J), against PCV2 and M. hyo natural infection [Porcilis® PCV M Hyo (MSD Animal Health, Boxmeer, the Netherlands)], in the presence of strong maternally derived PCV2 immunity (antibody titre averaged 11.08 log2), under field conditions. The study was performed according to a controlled, randomized and blinded design in a Greek swine unit with Enzootic Pneumonia (EP) and subclinical PCV2 infection. In total, 600 healthy three-week-old suckling piglets were allocated randomly, either to treatment (vaccinated with the test product) or control group (injected with sterile buffered saline). Results Vaccination significantly reduced the severity of lung lesions at slaughter (lesions of cranio-ventral pulmonary consolidation) (P < 0.001). The overall mean lung lesion score (LLS) was 9.6 in the vaccinated group and 12.2 in controls. The level of PCV2 viraemia was significantly reduced in vaccinated pigs. Furthermore, 25 g higher average daily weight gain (ADWG) was observed during the finishing phase (P < 0.001) and 18 g greater ADWG overall (P < 0.001). Conclusions Results of LLS, PCV2 viremia and ADWG support the test product’s efficacy in the face of strong maternally derived PCV2 immunity

    Effects of palygorskite dietary supplementation on back fat mobilization, leptin levels and oxidative stress parameters in sows

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. The effects of dietary supplementation of palygorskite on the metabolic and oxidative parameters during the peripartal period and performance of sows were assessed. Upon insemination sows were allocated to treatments: a) CON (n = 23): sows were fed a basal diet; b) PAL (n = 21): sows were fed the basal diet supplemented with 7 g/kg feed palygorskite; and c) PAL + (n = 23): sows were fed the basal diet supplemented with 8 g/kg feed of a palygorskite compound product. Sow plasma samples (n = 10/treatment) were obtained at days 108 of gestation, 1 and 14 postpartum. Leptin levels were higher in PAL and PAL + groups (P < 0.001). The levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) were higher in the CON group (P = 0.001 and P = 0.003, respectively). PAL sows exhibited higher back fat (BF) loss from late gestation to weaning (P = 0.015). Litter weight at weaning and litter weight gain during lactation were higher in CON sows (P < 0.001). Overall, palygorskite supplementation affected peripartal energy balance of sows, which was characterized by the increased leptin levels and BF mobilization and accompanied by a decreased oxidative stress.status: publishe