20 research outputs found

    Effect of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. seeds hydrostatic pressure pretreatment on biological properties of the extract by Drosophila melanogaster example

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    The article analyzes the feeding intensity, chemotaxis of larvae and changes in the expression of the sqh gene in D. melanogaster individuals cultivated on a nutrient medium with the introduction of ethanol extract from S. marianum seeds under pretreatment with hydrostatic pressure of 5, 10, 15 and 20 MPa. The preferred chemotaxis of larvae with respect to seed extract without prior pressure exposure was revealed. Changes in the intensity of nutrition in individuals of the experimental groups were not registered. A hypo-expressive direction of changes in the activity of the sqh gene was found when growing individuals on a medium with the introduction of an extract from seeds treated with pressure levels of 15 and 20 MPa. Variants of further experiments are proposed

    Биоэнергетическая эффективность возделывания арбуза столового в зависимости от используемых агроприемов

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    Relevance The relevance of the bioenergy assessment follows from the requirements of modern production: energy saving per unit of output. Methods The article presents the data of bioenergy evaluation of the use of table predecessors, types of fertilizers and growth regulators in the technology of watermelon cultivation. Results The results of studies have shown that from the energy point of view, the proposed methods of cultivation of watermelon, are effective, because the coefficient of energy efficiency in all the studied variants is more than one. Studies have revealed the advantage of a layer of perennial grasses as a precursor to watermelon: CEE – 2.55 at its values according to the predecessor of winter rye – 1.70. The use of mineral fertilizers dose N60P90K60 in rain conditions leads to a significant increase in energy consumption of commercial products, 1.7 times more in the formation of perennial grasses and 1.3 times more than the predecessor of winter rye. A decrease in the CEE and an increase in the cost of total energy and energy intensity of 1 ton of products using manure 27 t / ha in relation to mineral fertilizers. Comparative energy analysis showed high efficiency of using water-soluble fertilizers and growth regulators for soaking seeds and processing of vegetating plants in watermelon cultivation. The use of these agricultural practices can reduce the energy costs of total energy by 70-79% compared with the introduction of mineral fertilizers dose N60P90K60, with an increase in the energy efficiency coefficient from 1.54 to 2.68-2.77. As shown by calculations from the energy point of view, the best was the reception of cultivation of watermelon table using for seed soaking and processing plants in vegetation water-soluble fertilizer master special with the addition of growth regulator megapol, the value of the EPS was amounted to 2.99, which is 7.9% and 11.5% more in comparison with potassium Humate and Ribav-extra, respectively.Актуальность Актуальность биоэнергетической оценки вытекает из требований современного производства: экономии энергии на единицу получаемой продукции. Материал и методы В статье приведены данные биоэнергетической оценки использования в технологии выращивания арбуза столового предшественников, видов удобрений и регуляторов роста. Результаты Результаты исследований показали, что с энергетической точки зрения, предлагаемые приемы возделывания арбуза столового, являются эффективными, т.к. коэффициент энергетической эффективности во всех изучаемых вариантах больше единицы. Исследованиями выявлено преимущество пласта многолетних трав в качестве предшественника под арбуз столовый: Кээ – 2,55 при его значениях по предшественнику рожь озимая – 1,70. Применение минеральных удобрений в дозах N60P90K60 в богарных условиях приводит к значительному увеличению энергоемкости товарной продукции: в 1,7 раза больше по пласту многолетних трав и в 1,3 раза больше по предшественнику рожь озимая. Отмечено снижение Кээ и увеличение затрат совокупной энергии и энергоемкости 1 т продукции при использовании навоза 27 т/га по отношению к минеральным удобрениям. Сравнительный энергетический анализ показал высокую эффективность использования для замачивания семян и обработки вегетирующих растений при выращивании арбуза столового водорастворимых удобрений и регуляторов роста. Применение данных агроприемов позволяет снизить энергетические затраты совокупной энергии на 70-79% по сравнению с внесением минеральных удобрений в дозах N60P90K60, с повышением значений коэффициента энергетической эффективности с 1,54 до 2,68-2,77. Как показали расчеты, с энергетической точки зрения лучшим был прием возделывания арбуза столового с использованием для замачивания семян и обработки растений во время вегетации водорастворимого удобрения Мастер специальный с добавлением регулятора роста Мегафол, величина Кээ составила 2,99, что на 7,9-11,5% больше, по сравнению с Гуматом калия и Рибав-экстра соответственно

    Charge collection in Si detectors irradiated in situ at superfluid helium temperature

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    Volume: 796Silicon and diamond detectors operated in a superfluid helium bath are currently being considered for the upgrade of the LHC beam loss monitoring system. The detectors would be installed in immediate proximity of the superconducting coils of the triplet magnets. We present here the results of the in situ irradiation test for silicon detectors using 23 GeV protons while keeping the detectors at a temperature of 1.9 K Red laser (630 nm) Transient Current Technique and DC current measurements were used to study the pulse response and collected charge for silicon detectors irradiated to a maximum radiation fluence of 1 x 10(16) p/cm(2). The dependence between collected charge and irradiation fluence was parameterized using the Hecht equation and assumption of a uniform electric field distribution. The collected charge was found to degrade with particle fluence for both bias polarities. We observed that the main factor responsible for this degradation was related to trapping of holes on the donor-type radiation-induced defects. In contrast to expectations, along with formation of donors, acceptor-type defects (electron traps) are introduced into the silicon bulk. This suggests that the current models describing charge collection in irradiated silicon detectors require an extension for taking into account trapping at low temperatures with a contribution of shallow levels. New in situ irradiation tests are needed and planned now to extend statistics of the results and gain a deeper insight into the physics of low temperature detector operation in harsh radiation environment. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Bioenergetic efficiency of cultivation of watermelon depending on agricultural practices

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    Relevance The relevance of the bioenergy assessment follows from the requirements of modern production: energy saving per unit of output. Methods The article presents the data of bioenergy evaluation of the use of table predecessors, types of fertilizers and growth regulators in the technology of watermelon cultivation. Results The results of studies have shown that from the energy point of view, the proposed methods of cultivation of watermelon, are effective, because the coefficient of energy efficiency in all the studied variants is more than one. Studies have revealed the advantage of a layer of perennial grasses as a precursor to watermelon: CEE – 2.55 at its values according to the predecessor of winter rye – 1.70. The use of mineral fertilizers dose N60P90K60 in rain conditions leads to a significant increase in energy consumption of commercial products, 1.7 times more in the formation of perennial grasses and 1.3 times more than the predecessor of winter rye. A decrease in the CEE and an increase in the cost of total energy and energy intensity of 1 ton of products using manure 27 t / ha in relation to mineral fertilizers. Comparative energy analysis showed high efficiency of using water-soluble fertilizers and growth regulators for soaking seeds and processing of vegetating plants in watermelon cultivation. The use of these agricultural practices can reduce the energy costs of total energy by 70-79% compared with the introduction of mineral fertilizers dose N60P90K60, with an increase in the energy efficiency coefficient from 1.54 to 2.68-2.77. As shown by calculations from the energy point of view, the best was the reception of cultivation of watermelon table using for seed soaking and processing plants in vegetation water-soluble fertilizer master special with the addition of growth regulator megapol, the value of the EPS was amounted to 2.99, which is 7.9% and 11.5% more in comparison with potassium Humate and Ribav-extra, respectively

    Effect of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. seeds hydrostatic pressure pretreatment on biological properties of the extract by Drosophila melanogaster example

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    The article analyzes the feeding intensity, chemotaxis of larvae and changes in the expression of the sqh gene in D. melanogaster individuals cultivated on a nutrient medium with the introduction of ethanol extract from S. marianum seeds under pretreatment with hydrostatic pressure of 5, 10, 15 and 20 MPa. The preferred chemotaxis of larvae with respect to seed extract without prior pressure exposure was revealed. Changes in the intensity of nutrition in individuals of the experimental groups were not registered. A hypo-expressive direction of changes in the activity of the sqh gene was found when growing individuals on a medium with the introduction of an extract from seeds treated with pressure levels of 15 and 20 MPa. Variants of further experiments are proposed

    Beam Loss Monitors for the Cryogenic LHC Magnets

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    The Beam Loss Monitoring system of the Large Hadron Collider close to the interaction points contains mostly gas ionization chambers working at room temperature, located far from the superconducting coils of the magnets. The system records particles lost from circulating proton beams, but is also sensitive to particles coming from the experimental collisions, which do not contribute significantly to the heat deposition in the superconducting coils. In the future, with beams of higher brightness resulting in higher luminosity, distinguishing between these interaction products and dangerous quench-provoking beam losses from the circulating beams will be difficult. It is proposed to optimise by locating beam loss monitors inside the cold mass of the magnets, housing the superconducting coils, in a superfluid helium environment, at 1.9 K. This contribution will present results of radiation hardness test of p⁺-n-n+ silicon detectors which, together with single crystal Chemical Vapour Deposition diamond, are the main candidates for these future cryogenic beam loss monitors

    Features of the course of COVID-19 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Aim. To identify the features of the course of COVID-19 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), depending on the intake of hypoglycemic therapy at the prehospital stage, in conjunction with the functional state of the kidneys. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 291 case histories of patients with COVID-19 and T2DM hospitalized in the infection department of Semashko Regional Clinical Hospital from January to December 2021, including the main clinical and laboratory parameters. Results. Among hospitalized patients with COVID-19, patients with T2DM had a higher mortality rate. An analysis of the case histories of deceased patients with COVID-19 and T2DM showed that at admission, body mass index (BMI), C-reactive protein, and creatinine were higher than those of survivors and amounted to BMI – 33 [30; 39] and 33 [28; 36] kg/m3; p=0.039, C-reactive protein – 77 [47.5; 106.0] and 57 [27.0; 89.0] mg/l; p=0.015, in terms of creatinine level – 89 [70.0; 144.0] and 82 [66.0; 101.0] µmol/l; p=0.039, respectively. It was found that in the second week of hospitalization in the group of deceased patients with COVID-19 and T2DM, the creatinine level was statistically significantly higher than in surviving patients and amounted to 94.5 [71.5; 141.0] and 72.5 [57.0; 88.0] µmol/L; p0.001, respectively. The probability of death in hospitalized patients with type 2 COVID-19 and T2DM depended on BMI and creatinine levels at the second week of hospitalization. Patients with prehospital correction of hyperglycemia dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (iDPP-4)/ glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (agGLP-1)/ sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (iSGLT-2) had significantly lower creatinine levels at week 2 of hospitalization. Conclusion. In patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 with concomitant T2DM, special attention should be paid to the combination of high BMI and creatinine in the second week of hospitalization, which is a prognostically unfavorable predictor of death in such patients

    Effect of SiO2_{2} passivating layer in segmented silicon planar detectors on the detector response

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    Silicon detectors with a fine segmentation (micropixel and microstrip) are the main type of detectors used in the inner trackers of LHC experiments. Due to the high luminosity of the LHC machines they are required to have a fast response to fit the short shaping time of 25 ns and to be radiation hard. Evaluation of silicon microstrip detectors developed for the ATLAS silicon tracker and carried out under collaboration of CERN and PTI has shown the reversal of the pulse polarity in the detector response to short- range radiation. Since the negative signal is of about 30% of the normal positive one, the effect strongly reduces the charge collection efficiency in irradiated detectors. The investigation presents the consideration on the origin of a negative response in Si microstrip detectors and the experimental proof of the model. The study of the effect has been carried out using "baby" strip detectors with a special design: each strip has a window in a metallization, which covers the p/sup +/ implant. The scan of the laser across the strips clearly shows that the negative response is observed along the scan in the inter-strip gap. As soon as the light spot is placed on the strip p/sup +/ implant the negative response disappears and the value of the charge collected by the active strip proportionally increases. A phenomenological model considers the origin of the negative response as the effect of carrier trapping at the Si/SiO/sub 2/ interface between the strips

    CERN-RD39 collaboration activities aimed at cryogenic silicon detector application in high-luminosity Large Hadron Collider

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    Beam Loss Monitors (BLM) made of silicon are new devices for monitoring of radiation environment in the vicinity of superconductive magnets of the Large Hadron Collider. The challenge of BLMs is extreme radiation hardness, up to 10 16 protons/cm 2 while placed in superfluid helium (temperature of 1.9 K). CERN BE-BI-BL group, together with CERN-RD39 collaboration, has developed prototypes of BLMs and investigated their device physics. An overview of this development—results of the in situ radiation tests of planar silicon detectors at 1.9 K, performed in 2012 and 2014—is presented. Our main finding is that silicon detectors survive under irradiation to 1×10 16 p/cm 2 at 1.9 K. In order to improve charge collection, current injection into the detector sensitive region (Current Injection Detector (CID)) was tested. The results indicate that the detector signal increases while operated in CID mode