11 research outputs found

    Прогулка по кладбищу в первой трети XIX века: медицина, мемориальная политика, эстетика, литература

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    The undertaken thorough historical and literary analysis of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “When lost in thought I wander beyond the town…” (“Kogda za gorodom zadumchiv ia brozhu…”, 1836) reveals its pretexts and likely sources among which the most important ones are G. G. Byron’s epigram “On Lord Elgin”, the 5th, 8th and 11th letters of A. Pichot’s “Voyage historique et littéraire en Angleterre et en Ecosse” and the 1st part of W. Wordsworth’s «Essay upon Epitaphs». Meanwhile, the article outlines a broader representative spectrum of sociocultural, psychological and aesthetical ideas which determine how the authors of the end of the 18th—the first third of the 19th century deal with funerary and memorial topics. The article shows how medical and healthcare attitudes of the epoch, as well as some ideological shifts, which paved the way for European cemetery reform, filter the choices and the ways of textual representations of traditional literary rhetorics (Horatian topos of beatus ille in particular). On the other hand, the study demonstrates how narrative models conventional for the first third of 19th century function as the universal language suitable for describing utterly different graveyard spaces. The important research subject is the authors’ critical attitude to the official state commemorative politics, which involved a major change in aesthetic trends of the epoch. Development of associanist perception and sentience theory constitutes new demands for funerary and commemorative material culture and, in the case of Pushkin’s poem, stimulates the rethinking and transformation of well-established elegiac figurative and narrative patterns. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2022.11.1.9Предпринятый в статье детальный историко-литературный анализ стихотворения А. С. Пушкина «Когда за городом, задумчив, я брожу…» (1836) выявляет его новые претексты и вероятные источники, ближайшие из которых –– эпиграмма Дж.-Г. Байрона «На лорда Элгина», письма V, VIII и XI «Исторического и литературного сочинения по Англии и Шотландии» А. Пишо, 1-я часть «Эссе об эпитафиях» У. Вордсворта. Наряду с этим исследование позволяет очертить более широкий репрезентативный спектр социокультурных, психологических и эстетических представлений, определяющих взаимодействие авторов конца XVIII –– первой трети XIX в. с погребальной и мемориальной топикой. Статья демонстрирует, как медицинские и гигиенические концепции эпохи, а также идеологические подвижки, подготовившие европейскую кладбищенскую реформу, становятся фильтром, обусловливающим выбор и способы текстовой актуализации традиционной литературной риторики (в частности, горацианского топоса «похвалы сельской жизни»). С другой стороны, исследование показывает, что устоявшиеся в первой трети XIX в. нарративные модели функционируют в качестве универсального языка описания принципиально отличных друг от друга кладбищенских локусов. Важный предмет анализа составляет критическое отношение авторов рассматриваемых произведений к государственной коммеморативной политике, сопряженное с кардинальным изменением доминирующей эстетической оптики. Развитие и распространение ассоцианистских представлений о психологии эмоционального восприятия предъявляет новые требования к материальным формам мемориальной культуры (кладбищенской скульптуре, эпитафии), стимулирует поиски нового поэтического языка и ведет к переосмыслению и трансформации прочно устоявшихся к 1830-м гг. элегических образных и сюжетных паттернов.DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2022.11.1.

    Поэтическая фразеология перевода А. С. Пушкина «Из А. Шенье»: источники и контексты

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    This article extensively explores the poetic language of Pushkin’s poem From A. Chénier («The cover, soaked by caustic blood…»), which is a translation of A. Chénier’s eclogue «Œta, mont ennobli par cette nuit ardente…». The differences between plots, images and lexical-semantic components of the original text and the translation constitute the material for verification, revision and expansion of currently known literary sources and contexts of Pushkin’s poem. Philological and literary analysis shows that Pushkin’s translation novelties are not rooted directly in antique sources, as previously alleged, but stem from their French translations or more or less distant literary adaptations that Pushkin read and knew well (the list includes A. Banier’s prosaic translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses and the 15th book of Fénelon’s The Adventures of Telemaque). The article also demonstrates close genetic and typological links between the poetic language of Pushkin’s translation and a range of contemporary literary images and poetic “formulas” that were traditionally used for depicting excruciating amorous passion and battle frenzy. The complicated palimpsest of allusions links Pushkin’s translation in the first case to the 3rd book of Virgil’s Georgics, Thomson’s Seasons and, in a broader context, to the elegiac topos of “amorous folly” (see Chénier’s «Hier, en te quittant, enivré de tes charmes…» and Pushkin’s To a Dreamer), and in the second case — to I. I. Dmitriev’s poem Ermak. Emphasizing the diversity of stylistic and semantic grounds for the translator’s choice of phraseological toolkit, the article regards Pushkin’s text as one of the multiple literary representations of poetic topoi typical for the first third of the 19th century. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.2.8Статья содержит подробное исследование поэтического языка стихотворения Пушкина «Из А. Шенье» («Покров, упитанный язвительною кровью…»), представляющего собой перевод 1-го фрагмента идиллий А. Шенье «Œta, mont ennobli par cette nuit ardente…» («Эта, гора, освященная той пылающей ночью…») из собрания 1819 г. Сюжетные, образные и лексико-семантические различия перевода и оригинала служат отправной точкой для верификации, уточнения и расширения литературных источников и контекстов пушкинского стихотворения, введенных к настоящему моменту в научный оборот. Историко-литературный анализ показывает, что переводческие новации Пушкина не восходят непосредственно к античным источникам, как утверждалось ранее, но обусловлены, прежде всего, их французскими переложениями и сюжетными адаптациями, входившими в круг чтения поэта (в их числе –– выполненный А. Банье прозаический перевод «Метаморфоз» Овидия, 15-я книга романа Фенелона «Приключения Телемака», 2-я книга поэмы Дж. Мильтона «Потерянный рай»). Кроме того, статья демонстрирует тесную генетическую и типологическую связь языка перевода с рядом литературных образов и поэтических «формул», устойчиво ассоциированных к началу 1830-х гг. с изображением мучительной любовной страсти и батального неистовства. Сложный палимпсест аллюзий, выявляемых в процессе анализа, связывает пушкинский перевод в первом случае с 3-й книгой «Георгик» Вергилия, поэмой Томсона «Времена года» и шире –– с традиционной элегической топикой «любовного безумия» (репрезентативными примерами служат 35-я элегия Шенье из собрания 1819 г. «Hier, en te quittant, enivré de tes charmes…» («Вчера, когда я покинул тебя, опьяненный твоими чарами…») и стихотворение Пушкина «Мечтателю»), а во втором –– со стихотворением И. И. Дмитриева «Ермак». Подчеркивая разнообразие стилистических и семантических оснований, предположительно обусловливающих выбор переводчиком фразеологического инструментария, автор статьи рассматривает пушкинский текст как одну из множества репрезентаций устойчивой для первой трети XIX в. поэтической топики. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.2.

    Pt/CeO2 and Pt/CeSnOx catalysts for low-temperature CO oxidation prepared by plasma-arc technique

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    We applied a method of plasma arc synthesis to study effects of modification of the fluorite phase of ceria by tin ions. By sputtering active components (Pt, Ce, Sn) together with carbon from a graphite electrode in a helium ambient we prepared samples of complex highly defective composite PtCeC and PtCeSnC oxide particles stabilized in a matrix of carbon. Subsequent high-temperature annealing of the samples in oxygen removes the carbon matrix and causes the formation of active catalysts Pt/CeOx and Pt/CeSnOx for CO oxidation. In the presence of Sn, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) show formation of a mixed phase CeSnOx and stabilization of more dispersed species with a fluorite-type structure. These factors are essential for the observed high activity and thermic stability of the catalyst modified by Sn. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) reveals the presence of both Pt2+ and Pt4+ ions in the catalyst Pt/CeOx, whereas only the state Pt2+ of platinum could be detected in the Sn-modified catalyst Pt/CeSnOx. Insertion of Sn ions into the Pt/CeOx lattice destabilizes/reduces Pt4+ cations in the Pt/CeSnOx catalyst and induces formation of strikingly high concentration (up to 50% at.) of lattice Ce3+ ions. Our DFT calculations corroborate destabilization of Pt4+ ions by incorporation of cationic Sn in Pt/CeOx. The presented results show that modification of the fluorite lattice of ceria by tin induces substantial amount of mobile reactive oxygen partly due to affecting geometric parameters of ceria by tin ions

    Pt/CeO2 and Pt/CeSnOx Catalysts for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation Prepared by Plasma-Arc Technique

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    We applied a method of plasma arc synthesis to study effects of modification of the fluorite phase of ceria by tin ions. By sputtering active components (Pt, Ce, Sn) together with carbon from a graphite electrode in a helium ambient we prepared samples of complex highly defective composite PtCeC and PtCeSnC oxide particles stabilized in a matrix of carbon. Subsequent high-temperature annealing of the samples in oxygen removes the carbon matrix and causes the formation of active catalysts Pt/CeOx and Pt/CeSnOx for CO oxidation. In the presence of Sn, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) show formation of a mixed phase CeSnOx and stabilization of more dispersed species with a fluorite-type structure. These factors are essential for the observed high activity and thermic stability of the catalyst modified by Sn. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) reveals the presence of both Pt2+ and Pt4+ ions in the catalyst Pt/CeOx, whereas only the state Pt2+ of platinum could be detected in the Sn-modified catalyst Pt/CeSnOx. Insertion of Sn ions into the Pt/CeOx lattice destabilizes/reduces Pt4+ cations in the Pt/CeSnOx catalyst and induces formation of strikingly high concentration (up to 50% at.) of lattice Ce3+ ions. Our DFT calculations corroborate destabilization of Pt4+ ions by incorporation of cationic Sn in Pt/CeOx. The presented results show that modification of the fluorite lattice of ceria by tin induces substantial amount of mobile reactive oxygen partly due to affecting geometric parameters of ceria by tin ions

    Dose–Response Effect of Antibodies to S100 Protein and Cannabinoid Receptor Type 1 in Released-Active Form in the Light–Dark Test in Mice

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    Earlier studies have shown that combination of antibodies to S100 protein and to cannabinoid receptor type 1 in released-active form (Brizantin) may possess anxiolytic properties and decrease nicotine dependence. Released-active form of antibodies is a novel approach that permits to modify natural functions of the target molecule (antigen) under investigation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the anxiolytic-like effect of Brizantin in the light–dark test in mice, according to its ability to influence the number of entries into the lit compartment and the total time spent there. Three doses of Brizantin (2.5, 5, and 10 mL/kg) were compared with diazepam (1 mg/kg), placebo, and vehicle control. Anxiolytic-like effect of the tested drug was shown to be dose dependent, with an increasing trend from 2.5 to 10 mL/kg. Brizantin in its highest dose significantly increased studied behavioral parameters, although its effect was less pronounced than that of the reference drug diazepam (1 mg/kg)

    Transformation of a Pt–CeO2 mechanical mixture of pulsed‐laser‐ablated nanoparticles to a highly active catalyst for carbon monoxide oxidation

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    The pulsed laser ablation (PLA) in alcohol and water media was employed to prepare Pt and CeO2 PLA‐nanoparticles of different sizes and degrees of defectiveness. Interactions of metallic platinum and ceria particles were studied using the thermal activation of Pt–CeO2 mechanical mixtures in the CO+O2 reaction medium or O2 atmosphere. The thermal activation resulted in oxidized Pt2+/Pt4+ states of platinum in the surface solid solutions PtCeOx and/or PtOx clusters. Catalysts formed after calcination of the PLA‐ablated Pt–CeO2 mixtures in oxygen at 450–600 °C revealed CO conversion at very low temperatures up to 70 % depending on the conditions of PLA particles preparation and thermal activation of Pt–CeO2 mechanical mixture

    CO oxidation activity of Pt/CeO2 catalysts below 0 °C: platinum loading effects

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    Reducing the operating temperature of oxidation catalysts is important for designing energy efficient processes, extending catalyst lifetime, and abating pollutants, especially in cold climates. Herein, high CO oxidation activity at sub-ambient temperatures is reported for Pt/CeO2 catalysts with high content of Pt in the form of dispersed Pt2+ and Pt4+ centers. Whereas the reference 1 wt%Pt catalyst was active for CO oxidation only above 100ᵒC, the 8 and 20 wt%Pt catalysts converted 60 and 90 % of CO, respectively, below 0ᵒC. Ionic platinum was shown to facilitate oxygen release from ceria and lower the light-off temperature of the reaction occurring through the Mars-van-Krevelen mechanism. However, the remarkable activity observed at sub-ambient temperatures for the ≥8 wt%Pt catalysts is proposed to involve O2 and CO reactants weakly adsorbed on PtOx clusters. The synergies between ionic platinum and nanostructured ceria reported in this work advance the knowledge-driven design of catalysts for low-temperature oxidation reactions

    Bimetallic NiM/C (M = Cu and Mo) Catalysts for the Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction: Deciphering the Role of Unintentional Surface Oxides in the Activity Enhancement

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    Emerging interest in the platinum group metal (PGM)-free electrocatalysts calls for a fundamental understanding of the key factors determining their activity, the latter being critical for the development of efficient catalysts. Ni-based materials show high promises as PGM-free anodes of anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs). However, their hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) activity can differ by several orders of magnitude, and the factors responsible for this are still being debated. In this work, the effect of unintentional surface oxides in Ni/C and NiM/C (M = Cu and Mo) is revealed by benchmarking either the catalysts conventionally stored under ambient conditions or purposely reduced “oxide-free” materials. The analysis of electrocatalytic data complemented by detailed material characterization, Monte Carlo simulations, and density functional calculations, underlines the key importance of surface oxides in the HOR catalysis on Ni, NiCu, and NiMo electrodes. These findings underscore the need to measure the HOR activity of Ni-based catalysts in the absence of surface oxides in order to unambiguously interpret the influence of other factors (such as the electronic effect of the second element) on activity enhancement