420 research outputs found

    Implicit And Explicit Racial Attitudes: Moderation Of Racial Typicality Evaluations

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    Previous research has shown that racial images representing more typical Afrocentric phenotypic characteristics result in more negative evaluations, whether assessed by explicit or implicit attitudes measures. However, the factors that define and moderate the perception of racial typicality have not been sufficiently explored. The current research investigated additive and interactive influences of skin tone and facial physiognomy on racial typicality evaluations, as well as the degree to which those effects were moderated by explicit and implicit racial attitudes, ethnicity of participants, and availability of cognitive resources. Using a 6-point scale ranging from very African American to very Caucasian, participants: N = 250) judged faces varying on 10 levels of facial physiognomy: from very Afrocentric to very Eurocentric) and 10 levels of skin color: from very dark to very light). Additionally, time constraints were manipulated by having participants complete the racial typicality judgments three times without a response deadline, with a deadline equal to their median response during the no-deadline condition, and with a deadline equal to their 25th percentile response during the no-deadline condition. Skin color and facial physiognomy interacted to influence racial typicality ratings, and this interaction was further qualified by the time constraint manipulation. Under time constraints, participants primarily relied on skin color when rating faces of extreme levels of facial physiognomy, whereas they relied on both skin color and facial physiognomy when rating faces of intermediate levels of facial physiognomy. Other results indicated that the relationship between skin color and participants\u27 ratings of racial typicality was stronger for those with higher implicit racial attitudes. European American and Asian American participants relied upon skin color more than African American participants, and African American participants relied upon facial physiognomy more than European American and Asian American participants. Conceptual, methodological and practical implications for race-relevant decisions are discussed

    Power-laws in art

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    We provide evidence of a cubic law of art prices that hints to a general pattern for the distribution of artistic talent. The persistence across heterogeneous markets from historical ones to contemporary art auctions of a power law in the distribution of the average price per artist suggests the possibility of a universal law for talent distribution. We explore scale-free networks of teacher–students to investigate the diffusion of talent over time

    Entry of painters in the Amsterdam market of the Golden Age

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    We analyze the evolution of the entry of painters and price of paintings in the XVII century Amsterdam art market. In line with evolutionary theory, demand-driven entry in the market was first associated with product innovations and a rapid increase in the number of painters. After reaching a peak, the number of painters started to decrease in parallel with a price decline and the introduction of process innovations. To test for the role of profitability in the art market as a determinant of endogenous entry of painters, we build a price index for the representative painting inventoried in Dutch houses. This is based on hedonic regressions controlling for characteristics of the paintings (size, genre, placement in the house), the owners (job, religion, value of the collection, size of the house) and the painters. After a peak at the beginning of the century, the real price of paintings decreased until the end of the century. We provide anecdotal evidence for which high initial prices attracted entry of innovators, and econometric evidence on the causal relation between price movements and entry

    Art collections and taste in the Spanish Siglode Oro

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    We analyze art pricing in a unique dataset on Madrid inventories between 1600 and 1750. We estimate a price index for the Spanish art market that is used for a general historical analysis of art during this period, showing a large increase in the real price of paintings during the XVII century. Then we examine the price differential between domestic and foreign paintings: At the beginning of the century domestic production was priced substantially below imported paintings, but the price gap was gradually reduced during the century. We argue that such a price convergence was not the fruit of variations in real exchange rate, relative supply or home bias, but was associated with increasing prices for the new domestic painters of the XVII century. Increasing remuneration for painting may have induced artistic innovations by domestic producers and created the conditions for the development of the Siglo de Oro of Spanish art

    Alcohol Priming and Attribution of Blame in an Acquaintance Rape Vignette

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    Research on nonpharmacological effects of alcohol shows that exposure to alcohol-related cues (i.e., alcohol priming) can increase behaviors associated with actual alcohol consumption. Attributions of responsibility to female victims in sexual assault scenarios are affected by whether or not alcohol was consumed by a victim and/or perpetrator. Victims often receive higher levels of blame if they consume alcohol prior to the assault. This work extends the research on nonpharmacological effects of alcohol into a novel domain of blame attribution toward rape victims. In two studies, participants in lab settings (Study 1; N = 184) and online (Study 2; N = 421) were primed with alcohol or neutral beverage advertisements as part of a purportedly separate ad-rating task and then were presented with a vignette depicting an acquaintance rape where the characters consumed beer or soda. Participants subsequently completed a questionnaire assessing victim blame and perpetrator blame. Across both studies, participants blamed the victim most when they were exposed to both contextual (story) and noncontextual (ads) alcohol cues; this effect was especially prominent in males in Study 1. Findings for perpetrator blame were inconsistent across studies. Implications of nonpharmacological effects of alcohol on blame attribution toward rape victims are discussed in the context of courtroom situations and bystander intervention

    Structural transformations and their impact on the mechanical and antifriction properties in the process of alloying graphitized hypereutectoid steel with copper

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    The purpose of the work is to develop a cast antifriction material based on an iron-carbon alloy with a high copper content for use in large, heavy duty sliding friction units. Using the casting method in self-hardening liquid glass mixtures, two specimens of hypereutectoid graphitized steel with different copper contents (0.09 and 8.76 wt.%) were produced. To obtain graphite in the steel structure, modification with the silicocalcium (SiCa) was used. The microstructural examination was carried out using optical metallography, SEM and TEM methods. The impact of copper on the structure as well as the mechanical and antifriction properties of graphitized hypereutectoid steel was studied. It was found that adding 8.76 wt.% of copper to the steel composition leads to an increase in the Brinell hardness level of the material from 250 to 300 HB, ultimate tensile strength from 250 to 380 MPa and compressive strength from 1050 to 1200  MPa, which is associated with an increase in the microhardness of pearlite from 350 to 420 HV. To assess the impact of copper on the sliding friction coefficient of graphitized hypereutectoid steel, a curve of sliding friction coefficient vs applied load was plotted; the experiment was carried out according to the liner-on-disk scheme. The wear resistance of materials under sliding friction conditions was also assessed using this method. Copper alloying has a positive effect on the wear resistance of graphitized hypereutectoid steel by increasing the mechanical properties of the material and also by reducing the level of the sliding friction coefficient under boundary lubrication conditions

    Attractiveness as a Function of Skin Tone and Facial Features: Evidence From Categorization Studies

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    Participants rated the attractiveness and racial typicality of male faces varying in their facial features from Afrocentric to Eurocentric and in skin tone from dark to light in two experiments. Experiment 1 provided evidence that facial features and skin tone have an interactive effect on perceptions of attractiveness and mixed-race faces are perceived as more attractive than single-race faces. Experiment 2 further confirmed that faces with medium levels of skin tone and facial features are perceived as more attractive than faces with extreme levels of these factors. Black phenotypes (combinations of dark skin tone and Afrocentric facial features) were rated as more attractive than White phenotypes (combinations of light skin tone and Eurocentric facial features); ambiguous faces (combinations of Afrocentric and Eurocentric physiognomy) with medium levels of skin tone were rated as the most attractive in Experiment 2. Perceptions of attractiveness were relatively independent of racial categorization in both experiments

    Печати и евлогии монастыря Святого Симеона Столпника Младшего

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    Article is devoted to eulogiai and seals of the Monastery of Symeon Stylites the Younger, one of the most known centers of pilgrimage in Byzantium. If numerous eulogiai with the image of this Saint are well studied, the seals of this monastery and of its higoumenoi (about 10 specimens) dated to the 11th – early 12th c., are known much less. The iconography of these seals is more la-conic, than of eulogiai: it is limited by the figure of Saint Symeon himself on a colomn. The special group includes the objects with an inscription of “Eulogia of Saint Symeon” of the late 10th – 11th c. Possibly they intended for sealing con-tainers in which the miraculous earth gathered near the column footing of Saint Symeon was placed.Статья посвящена евлогиям и печатям монастыря св. Симеона Младшего Дивногорца, одного из самых известных центров паломничества в Византии. Если многочисленные евлогии с изображением этого святого, изготовленные в самом монастыре, хорошо изучены, то печати монастыря и его игуменов (около 10 экземпляров), ХI – начала XII в., известны намного меньше. Иконография печатей более лаконична, чем евлогий: она ограничена образом самого Святого Симеона на столпе. Особую группу представляют предметы с надписью «Евлогия Святого Симеона» конца X – XI в. Вероятно, они предназначались для опечатывания неких емкостей, в которые помещалась чудодейственная земля, собранная у подножия столпа св. Симеона

    Византийские печати и святыни Камулианы

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    Article is devoted to two unique Byzantine seals of the 8th century from the State Hermitage museum. The legend of one of them is read as follows: «Sacred forces of Kamoulianoi, help Kosmas, hypatos and spatharokiandidatos». Probably, «Sacred forces of Kamoulianoi» refers to acheiropaeic image of Christ («image not made by the hand of man») from Kamoulianoi, the city in Cappadocia the First. This icon is mentioned only in three sources of the second half of the 6th – 8th centuries. Only George Kedrinos (9th / 12th centuries) writes about its transportation to Constantinople in 574 where it was esteemed some decades as palladium of the Empire and the leader of Christian troops in campaigns against unorthodoxes. In the 8th century traces of this holy relic are lost. John, anagnostos, doulos the Mother of God of Kamoulianoi was the owner of another molybdoboullos. Anagnostos is the reader, originally secular one, then the clergyman of a low rank, whose main service includes the reading of texts of apostolic constitutions from an ambon. The phrase «the doulos of the Mother of God» can indicate that John belonged to a diakonia, informal community of clergymen and laymen, established with the pious purposes (for example, for joint worship to some holy icon) and for mutual aid for its members. John was associate at the church of the Mother of God of Kamoulianoi in which the icon of the Mother of God of Kamoulianoi or its copy was stored. This icon is celebrated on May 28 on Gregorian Style or on May 15 on Old Style. It is interesting to note that some important data on this icon coincide with the legend of the acheiropaeic image of Christ from Kamoulianoi. Possibly, already in ancient sources there was an ambiguity con-cerning division of these two wonder-working images. In a number of manuscripts it is spoken about not made by hand icon of the Mother of God from Kamoulianoi instead of the image of Christ. The scholars propose even that there were two different images of Christ and the Mother of God which came from Kamoulianoi and had been equally revered in Constantinople. The future researches will probably answer this question and the seals of Kosmas and John will take there an important place, as the authentic evidences of worship of the image of Kamoulianoi (one or probably two) in the early Byzantine times.Article is devoted to two unique Byzantine seals of the 8th century from the State Hermitage museum. The legend of one of them is read as follows: «Sacred forces of Kamoulianoi, help Kosmas, hypatos and spatharokiandidatos». Probably, «Sacred forces of Kamoulianoi» refers to acheiropaeic image of Christ («image not made by the hand of man») from Kamoulianoi, the city in Cappadocia the First. This icon is mentioned only in three sources of the second half of the 6th – 8th centuries. Only George Kedrinos (9th / 12th centuries) writes about its transportation to Constantinople in 574 where it was esteemed some decades as palladium of the Empire and the leader of Christian troops in campaigns against unorthodoxes. In the 8th century traces of this holy relic are lost. John, anagnostos, doulos the Mother of God of Kamoulianoi was the owner of another molybdoboullos. Anagnostos is the reader, originally secular one, then the clergyman of a low rank, whose main service includes the reading of texts of apostolic constitutions from an ambon. The phrase «the doulos of the Mother of God» can indicate that John belonged to a diakonia, informal community of clergymen and laymen, established with the pious purposes (for example, for joint worship to some holy icon) and for mutual aid for its members. John was associate at the church of the Mother of God of Kamoulianoi in which the icon of the Mother of God of Kamoulianoi or its copy was stored. This icon is celebrated on May 28 on Gregorian Style or on May 15 on Old Style. It is interesting to note that some important data on this icon coincide with the legend of the acheiropaeic image of Christ from Kamoulianoi. Possibly, already in ancient sources there was an ambiguity con-cerning division of these two wonder-working images. In a number of manuscripts it is spoken about not made by hand icon of the Mother of God from Kamoulianoi instead of the image of Christ. The scholars propose even that there were two different images of Christ and the Mother of God which came from Kamoulianoi and had been equally revered in Constantinople. The future researches will probably answer this question and the seals of Kosmas and John will take there an important place, as the authentic evidences of worship of the image of Kamoulianoi (one or probably two) in the early Byzantine times

    “Our family was called the ‘blessed family’ in the city...” (to the biography of Alexander Nikolaevich Pypin)

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    The work deals with the questions of the biography of the outstanding Russian scientist-humanitarian, academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences A. N. Pypin (1833–1904). The purpose of the study is to identify and summarize materials about the Saratov period of the scientist’s life, to present the history of his family, to reveal the role of his father and mother in intellectual and spiritual development. The study of a wide range of memoirs, documentary and epistolary sources resulted in establishing that the history of the noble family of the Pypins dates back to 1791. The ancestors on the father’s side, N. D. Pypin, were clerical workers, on the side of the mother A.E. Golubeva they were priests. It is shown that A. N. Pypin was brought up in a religious family, with high moral ideals, in the atmosphere of love and care. The role of parents in the formation of his humanitarian interests is significant. It is noted that the love of books and reading that distinguished Alexander Nikolaevich from an early age came from his family, from his mother, and was a natural necessity for all younger family members. Parents formed a picture of the world of their son by various means. If the mother did so through literature, primary educational knowledge, then the father formed it by means of contact with real life. He introduced his son to the world of peasant life, of serfdom. According to the scientist, N. D. and A. E. Pypins had a significant impact on the formation of his personality, influenced the choice of life priorities. The paper publishes for the first time the primary source about the birth of A. N. Pypin, the record in the metrical book of Saratov Church of the Holy Saviour, the formulary lists of his great-grandfather, grandfather and father. &nbsp