42 research outputs found

    Grammatikalisierung im kindlichen Erstspracherwerb

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    Sprachbeschreibungsmodelle, die Dynamiken erfassen, sind selten. Spracherwerb ist ein dynamischer Prozess par excellence, der dennoch bisher nur im Rahmen statischer Modelle beschrieben wurde. Ausnahme ist in jüngster Zeit die pragmatisch orientierte Theorie der Konstruktionsgrammatik, die allerdings nur im Zusammenhang mit einzelnen dynamischen Phänomenen verschiedener Sprachen diskutiert, aber noch nicht für größere Fragmente von Einzelsprachen ausformuliert wurde. Theorien der Grammatikalisierung bieten dem gegenüber einen zugleich pragmatischen und systembezogenen Rahmen zur Modellierung von Sprachentwicklung. Die Arbeit exploriert die Reichweite dieser Theorie für die Beschreibung des ontogenetischen Spracherwerbs mit den dazu gehörenden spezifischen Wandelprozessen. Spracherwerb wird gefasst als Wandelprozess von holistischen diskursfunktionalen Einheiten hin zu Syntagmen, die aus Segmenten mit grammatischem Status und grammatischen Funktionen bestehen, und der motiviert ist aus situativen, kontextbezogenen Sprachverwendungen mit der Tendenz zu immer fester werdenden Strukturen, der Fixierung von Positionen, der Zuweisung grammatischer Funktionen an zuvor diskursiv unabhängig verwendete Zeichen. Damit werden bisher nur schlecht fassbare Eigenschaften kindlicher Äußerungen integriert und es eröffnet sich eine Möglichkeit spätere, z.B. mit dem Schrifterwerb einhergehende Umstrukturierungen der Sprachwahrnehmung ebenfalls zu erfassen. Den empirischen Analysen liegt eines der jüngsten Kindersprachekorpora des Leipziger Max-Planck-Instituts für evolutionäre Anthropologie zugrunde, das vollständig aligniert und in Audioversion und Transkription 65 Gigabyte groß ist. Behandelt werden folgende Entwicklungen: • Die Verwendung von „eins“ und „ein“ ausgehend von der isolierten Verwendung (ab 1 Jahr, 11 Monate) bis hin zum Zahlwort, dem pränominal topologisierten Artikel (2 Jahre, 1 Monat) und zum proklitischen, flektierten Artikel (ab 2 Jahre, 2 Monate). • Die Entwicklung des frei verwendeten Deiktikons „der/die/das“ zum Artikel und dann zum proklitischen Artikel. • Die Entwicklung der freien Verwendung von „ab“, „an“, „auf“, „durch“, „mit“ „rauf“, „runter“, „vor“ und „zu“, bis hin zu deren Verwendung als Verbpartikel. • Die Entwicklung des Präpositionengebrauchs an den Beispielen „zu“, „über“, „auf“. • Die Entwicklung von „haben“ und „müssen“ hin zu Hilfs- und Modalverben. Die genannten Beispiele fallen unter Grammatikalisierung ohne Reanalyse. Als Grammatikalisierung mit Reanalyse werden die Fälle beschrieben, in denen diskursiv funktionale Einheiten im Laufe der Entwicklung zerlegt und ihre Elemente dann weiter grammatikalisiert werden: • Z. B.: „kannmanessen“, das anfänglich als Ganzes verwendet wird. • Reanalyse des Gesprächspartikels „noch“, was unterstützt wird durch die gleichzeitige Grammatikalisierung des indefiniten Artikels. • Auflösung der beim Kind sehr häufigen Einheit „Rauchraus“ und anschließender Erwerb eines Verbpräfixes „raus“. • Beispiele für Übergeneralisierungen sind Pluralmorpheme der Substantive und Verben. • Entwicklung der Perfektbildung, wobei sich ein zeitweilig auftretendes Reduplikationsperfekt findet: „runterpfefeffert“, „bebissen“, „wewartet“ etc. • Beispiele für (Re-)Analysen in Form von Übersegmentierung wie „antgewortet“. • Übergeneralisierungen. • Sog. Mehrfachbesetzungen. Gezeigt wird eine konvergente Systematisierung dieser Einzelphänomene

    Marvel analysis of the measured high-resolution rovibrational spectra of H2S

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    44325 measured and assigned transitions of H232_2^{32}S, the parent isotopologue of the hydrogen sulfide molecule, are collated from 33 publications into a single database and reviewed critically. Based on this information, rotation-vibration energy levels are determined for the ground electronic state using the Measured Active Rotational-Vibrational Energy Levels (MARVEL) technique. The ortho and para principal components of the measured spectroscopic network of H232_2^{32}S are considered separately. The verified set of 25293 ortho- and 18778 para- H232_2^{32}S transitions determine 3969 ortho and 3467 para energy levels. The Marvel results are compared with alternative data compilations, including a theoretical variational linelist.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures, JQSRT, 201

    Methods to Elicit Forecasts from Groups: Delphi and Prediction Markets Compared

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    Traditional groups meetings are an inefficient and ineffective method for making forecasts and decisions. We compare two structured alternatives to traditional meetings: the Delphi technique and prediction markets. Delphi is relatively simple and cheap to implement and has been adopted for diverse applications in business and government since its origins in the 1950s. It can be used for nearly any forecasting, estimation, or decision making problem not barred by complexity or ignorance. While prediction markets were used more than a century ago, their popularity waned until more recent times. Prediction markets can be run continuously, and they motivate participation and participants to reveal their true beliefs. On the other hand, they need many participants and clear outcomes in order to determine pay-offs. Moreover, translating knowledge into a price is not intuitive to everyone and constructing contracts that will provide a useful forecast may not be possible for some problems. It is difficult to maintain confidentiality with markets and they are vulnerable to manipulation. Delphi is designed to reveal panelists’ knowledge and opinions via their forecasts and the reasoning they provide. This format allows testing of knowledge and learning by panelists as they refine their forecasts but may also lead to conformity due to group pressure. The reasoning provided as an output of the Delphi process is likely to be reassuring to forecast users who are uncomfortable with the “black box” nature of prediction markets. We consider that, half a century after its original development, Delphi is under-utilized

    Встановлення залежності показника міцності композитного матеріалу напірних пожежних рукавів від характеру одиночних пошкоджень

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    Experimental studies are presented and the dependence of the change in the strength of the material of a pressure head fire hose of type T with an inner diameter of 77 mm in the longitudinal direction is established, taking into account single damages. The work describes the plan of the experiment and carried out a number of field experiments to determine the effect of the length ld and the depth K damage on the strength F of the hose material, that is, obtaining the dependence F=f (ld, K). A mathematical method of experiment planning was used and a plan was drawn up for a complete multivariate experiment of type 2k with an acceptable model accuracy of 5 %. The limits of variation of the factors are set taking into account a priori information, experimental capabilities and on the basis of the results of preliminary search experiments. The dependence in the coded and natural values of the factors is obtained. The reliability of the relationship was checked using the Fisher test, the calculated value of which was 5.98, which confirms the adequacy of the described process with a probability of 95 %. Analyzing experimental studies of the dependence of the change in the strength of the hose material on the length and depth of damage, it can be said that the change in the strength of the hose almost linearly depends on the specified damage parameters. It is found that with increasing damage, the strength of the hose material significantly decreases. When varying the length factor and the greatest depth of damage, K=0.4 mm, the strength of the hose material decreases from 11.67 kN to 8.77 kN, and in percentage terms by 25 %. The results obtained can be used in practical units of emergency rescue teams, when diagnosing hidden damage in pressure head fire hoses in order to prevent their failure in case of firesПредставлены экспериментальные исследования и установлена зависимость изменения прочности материала напорного пожарного рукава типа Т с внутренним диаметром 77 мм в продольном направлении с учетом одиночных повреждений. В работе описан план проведения эксперимента и проведен ряд натурных экспериментов с целью определения влияния длины lд и глубины К повреждение на прочность F материала рукава, то есть получение зависимости F=f (lд, K). Использован математический метод планирования эксперимента и составлен план полного многофакторного эксперимента типа 2k с допустимой точностью модели 5 %. Пределы варьирования факторов устанавливаются с учетом априорной информации, экспериментальных возможностей и на основе результатов предварительных поисковых экспериментов. Получена зависимость в кодированных и натурных значениях факторов. Достоверность зависимости было проверено с помощью критерия Фишера, расчетное значение которого составляло 5,98, что подтверждает адекватность описанного процесса с вероятностью в 95 %. Анализируя экспериментальные исследования зависимости изменения прочности материала рукава от длины и глубины повреждения, можно сказать, что изменение прочности рукава почти линейно зависит от указанных параметров повреждения. Установлено, что при увеличении повреждения существенно уменьшается прочность материала рукава. При варьировании фактора длины и наибольшей глубине повреждения, К=0.4 мм, происходит уменьшение прочности материала рукава от 11.67 кН до 8.77 кН, а в процентном отношении на 25 %. Полученные результаты можно использовать в практических подразделениях аварийно-спасательных формирований, при диагностировании скрытых повреждений в напорных пожарных рукавах с целью предотвращения их выхода из строя на пожарах.Представлені експериментальні дослідження та встановлено залежність зміни міцності матеріалу напірного пожежного рукава типу «Т» з внутрішнім діаметром 77 мм у поздовжньому напрямку з урахуванням одиночних пошкоджень. Описано план проведення експерименту та було проведено низку натурних експериментів з метою визначення впливу довжини lд та глибини К пошкодження на міцність F матеріалу рукава, тобто одержання залежності F=f (lд, K). Використано математичний метод планування експерименту та складено план повного багатофакторного експерименту типу 2k з допустимою точністю моделі 5 %. Межі варіювання факторів встановлюються з урахуванням апріорної інформації, експериментальних можливостей і на основі результатів попередніх пошукових експериментів. Отримано залежність в кодованих та натурних значеннях факторів. Достовірність залежності було перевірено за допомогою критерію Фішера розрахункове значення якого становило 5,98, що підтверджує адекватність описаного процесу з вірогідністю в 95 %. Аналізуючи експериментальні дослідження залежності зміни міцності матеріалу рукава від довжини та глибини пошкодження можна сказати, що зміна міцність матеріалу рукава майже лінійно залежить від зазначених параметрів пошкодження. Встановлено, що при збільшені пошкодження суттєво зменшується міцність матеріалу рукава. При варіюванні фактору довжини та найбільшій глибині пошкодження К=0.4 мм відбувається зменшення міцності матеріалу рукава від 11.67 кН до 8.77 кН, а в процентному відношенні на 25 %. Отримані результати можливо використовувати в практичних підрозділах аварійно-рятувальних формувань при діагностуванні прихованих пошкоджень у напірних пожежних рукавах з метою запобігання виходу їх з ладу на пожежах

    Natural Selection Equally Supports the Human Tendencies in Subordination and Domination: A Genome-Wide Study With in silico Confirmation and in vivo Validation in Mice

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    We proposed the following heuristic decision-making rule: “IF {an excess of a protein relating to the nervous system is an experimentally known physiological marker of low pain sensitivity, fast postinjury recovery, or aggressive, risk/novelty-seeking, anesthetic-like, or similar agonistic-intolerant behavior} AND IF {a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) causes overexpression of the gene encoding this protein} THEN {this SNP can be a SNP marker of the tendency in dominance} WHILE {underexpression corresponds to subordination} AND vice versa.” Using this decision-making rule, we analyzed 231 human genes of neuropeptidergic, non-neuropeptidergic, and neurotrophinergic systems that encode neurotrophic and growth factors, interleukins, neurotransmitters, receptors, transporters, and enzymes. These proteins are known as key factors of human social behavior. We analyzed all the 5,052 SNPs within the 70 bp promoter region upstream of the position where the protein-coding transcript starts, which were retrieved from databases Ensembl and dbSNP using our previously created public Web service SNP_TATA_Comparator (http://beehive.bionet.nsc.ru/cgi-bin/mgs/tatascan/start.pl). This definition of the promoter region includes all TATA-binding protein (TBP)-binding sites. A total of 556 and 552 candidate SNP markers contributing to the dominance and the subordination, respectively, were uncovered. On this basis, we determined that 231 human genes under study are subject to natural selection against underexpression (significance p < 0.0005), which equally supports the human tendencies in domination and subordination such as the norm of a reaction (plasticity) of the human social hierarchy. These findings explain vertical transmission of domination and subordination traits previously observed in rodent models. Thus, the results of this study equally support both sides of the century-old unsettled scientific debate on whether both aggressiveness and the social hierarchy among humans are inherited (as suggested by Freud and Lorenz) or are due to non-genetic social education, when the children are influenced by older individuals across generations (as proposed by Berkowitz and Fromm)


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    Complex Selection on Human Polyadenylation Signals Revealed by Polymorphism and Divergence Data

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    Polyadenylation is a step of mRNA processing which is crucial for its expression and stability. The major polyadenylation signal (PAS) represents a nucleotide hexamer that adheres to the AATAAA consensus sequence. Over a half of human genes have multiple cleavage and polyadenylation sites, resulting in a great diversity of transcripts differing in function, stability, and translational activity. Here, we use available whole-genome human polymorphism data together with data on interspecies divergence to study the patterns of selection acting on PAS hexamers. Common variants of PAS hexamers are depleted of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and SNPs within PAS hexamers have a reduced derived allele frequency (DAF) and increased conservation, indicating prevalent negative selection; at the same time, the SNPs that “improve” the PAS (i.e., those leading to higher cleavage efficiency) have increased DAF, compared to those that “impair” it. SNPs are rarer at PAS of “unique” polyadenylation sites (one site per gene); among alternative polyadenylation sites, at the distal PAS and at exonic PAS. Similar trends were observed in DAFs and divergence between species of placental mammals. Thus, selection permits PAS mutations mainly at redundant and/or weakly functional PAS. Nevertheless, a fraction of the SNPs at PAS hexamers likely affect gene functions; in particular, some of the observed SNPs are associated with disease

    Effect of Central Administration of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) on Behavior and Brain Monoamine Metabolism in New Recombinant Mouse Lines Differing by 5-HT1A Receptor Functionality

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    Experiments were carried out on recombinant B6.CBA-D13Mit76C (B6-M76C) and B6.CBA-D13Mit76B (B6-M76B) mouse lines created by transferring a 102.73–118.83 Mbp fragment of chromosome 13, containing the 5-HT1A receptor gene, from CBA or C57BL/6 strains to a C57BL/6 genetic background, correspondingly. We have recently shown different levels of 5-HT1A receptor functionality in these mouse lines. The administration of BDNF (300 ng/mouse, i.c.v.) increased the levels of exploratory activity and intermale aggression only in B6-M76B mice, without affecting depressive-like behavior in both lines. In B6-M76B mice the behavioral alterations were accompanied by a decrease in the 5-HT2A receptor functional activity and the augmentation of levels of serotonin and its main metabolite, 5-HIAA (5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid), in the midbrain. Moreover, the levels of dopamine and its main metabolites, HVA (homovanillic acid) and DOPAC (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid), were also elevated in the striatum of B6-M76B mice after BDNF treatment. In B6-M76C mice, central BDNF administration led only to a reduction in the functional activity of the 5-HT1A receptor and a rise in DOPAC levels in the midbrain. The obtained data suggest the importance of the 102.73–118.83 Mbp fragment of mouse chromosome 13, which contains the 5-HT1A receptor gene, for BDNF-induced alterations in behavior and the brain monoamine system

    Forskolin-Loaded Halloysite Nanotubes as Osteoconductive Additive for the Biopolymer Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

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    Here we report the use of forskolin-modified halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) as a dopant for biopolymer porous hydrogel scaffolds to impart osteoinductive properties. Forskolin is a labdane diterpenoid isolated from the Indian Coleus plant. This small molecule is widely used as a supplement in molecular biology for cell differentiation. It has been reported in some earlier publications that forskolin can activate osteodifferentiation process by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (c-AMP) signalling activation in stem cells. In presented study it was demonstrated that forskolin release from halloysite-doped scaffolds induced the osteodifferentiation of equine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vitro without addition of any specific growth factors. The reinforcement of mechanical properties of cells and intercellular space during the osteodifferentiation was demonstrated using atomic force microscopy (AFM). These clay-doped scaffolds may find applications to accelerate the regeneration of horse bone defects by inducing the processes of osteodifferentiation of endogenous MSCs