25 research outputs found

    The construction of a Quality of Life Wellbeing Index for cancer patients in follow-up: the ONCORELIEF project

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    ONCORELIEF aims to improve post-treatment health status, wellbeing, and follow-up care of cancer patients in a patient-centric way: independent of the specific treatment and pathway points, but specific to each patient’s experience and needs, incorporating the patient’s illness experience and the psychosocial context

    Psychosocial Issues in Long-Term Survivors of Testicular Cancer

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    Testicular cancer is the most frequent tumor in young males aged 15–39 years. As cure rates are currently around 90%, the prevalence of survivors is increasing. However, a disease-free condition does not necessarily correspond to a life free of physical and psychosocial health problems. The aim of this review was to explore psychosocial morbidity among testicular cancer survivors. A literature search was conducted in three electronic databases (PubMed, Medline, and Embase). The results of the search on cancer survivors were then combined with those of the search on psychosocial concerns and work performance. Eighty-four publications met the inclusion criteria. Physical, psychological, work-related problems and changing perspectives about work and life in general influenced life and career decisions among testicular cancer survivors. Individual health, sexual relationships and work problems, affect several important aspects of survival and significantly influence the QoL of long-term survivors

    A vision towards low carbon economy: new challenges for agriculture and forestry sectors

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    The main result of CARBON.CARE project is the elaboration of recommendations and strategies (including also legislative, technical, incentive-based initiatives to be included in the Rural Development Programmes) in the forest and agricultural local sequestrations and scaling-up of benefits through consultation processes with local authorities. Being the project part of LoCaRe programme, an INTERREG IVC initiative promoted by the European Union, the higher purpose is to diffuse the project results at a larger scale in Europe through the development of exchange schemes and networking processes with other territories that share similar challenges. CARBON.CARE project is coordinated by LT Land&WaterTech (Tecnopolo, University of Ferrara, Italy) and is participated by CETEMAS Centro TecnolĂłgico Forestal de la Madera (Spain) and the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development Kranj

    Verso un'economia a basso impatto ambientale: una nuova sfida anche per l'agricoltura locale?

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    CARBON.CARE nasce all’interno di un programma comunitario più ampio, ovvero il progetto Lo.Ca.Re, finanziato dal Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale attraverso il Programma INTERREG IVC, nel corso del quale sei Regioni europee hanno unito le proprie forze per realizzare una iniziativa comune volta a ridurre le emissioni di CO2 nei propri territori. La comparazione di diverse modalità di gestione agronomica e forestale per giungere a tecniche più efficaci di fissazione del carbonio è stato il cuore pulsante delle iniziative intraprese dai tre partner nelle tre aree di progetto. A seguito dei risultati raggiunti dalle analisi effettuate nella provincia di Ferrara, questa pubblicazione esprime alcune riflessioni di carattere tecnico-scientifico sull’opportunità e sui vantaggi potenziali derivanti dall’effettiva applicazione di modelli energetici a basso impatto di CO2 su scala regionale nel settore primario

    Brightly Luminescent and Moisture Tolerant Phenyl Viologen Lead Iodide Perovskites for Light Emission Applications

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    Lead halide perovskites are outstanding materials for optoelectronics, but they typically feature low stability against external agents. To overcome this drawback, LHPs based on quaternary ammonium cations, such as phenyl viologen lead iodide (PhVPI), were found to be promising candidates, being water-resistant and thermally stable. In this Letter, the optoelectronic properties of the PhVPI are investigated by a combined experimental-theoretical approach. Although the as-prepared material is photoluminescence-inactive, a short thermal (5 min @ 290 °C) or laser annealing turns PhVPI into a highly luminescent material, in the 600-1000 nm range. The PhVPI PL emission was characterized at different annealing conditions, and the structural evolution following thermal treatments was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction, Raman, and NMR spectroscopies. Besides this, the electronic structure and emission properties were investigated by density functional theory simulations. The intense optical emission and high stability make PhVPI an intriguing material for applications related to light-emitting devices

    Role of Psychosocial Variables on Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting and Health-Related Quality of Life among Cancer Patients: A European Study.

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    Background: Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) continue to be a distressing problem still reported by cancer patients, with negative consequences on quality of life (QoL). Aims: To prospectively explore the association of psychosocial variables, including emotional distress, maladaptive coping styles and the doctor-patient relationship, with CINV and QoL among cancer outpatients. Methods: A prospective study was conducted on 302 consecutive cancer patients (response rate 80.9%) in Austria, Italy and Spain. The Distress Thermometer (DT), the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer (Mini-MAC), and the Patient Satisfaction with Doctor Questionnaire (PSQ) were used to assess psychosocial variables before chemotherapy. In the 5 days after chemotherapy, CINV was examined by using a daily diary, and the Functional Living Index for Emesis (FLIE) was used to assess QoL. Results: More than half of the patients reported nausea (54%), and a small percentage reported vomiting (14%). CINV had a negative impact on QoL (FLIE caseness, p < 0.01). Maladaptive coping (i.e. hopelessness-helplessness and anxious preoccupation) and emotional distress were associated with CINV (p < 0.05) and poorer QoL (p < 0.05). In logistic regression analysis, nausea was predicted by Mini-MAC/H (OR = 1.1, p = 0.03) and younger age (OR = 0.97, p = 0.04); negative impact on QoL was predicted by grade of chemotherapy emetogenesis (OR = 1.7, p < 0.01) and Mini-MAC/H (OR = 1.2, p = 0.04). Conclusions: Screening and assessment of psychological variables, especially coping, could help in identifying cancer patients at risk for chemotherapy-induced nausea, in spite of the use of antiemetic treatment

    Transizioni educative nella Scuola Secondaria. Lo sviluppo di competenze per una positiva integrazione in nuovi contesti formativi e professionali

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    La scelta se continuare i propri studi all\u2019Universit\ue0 o inserirsi nel mondo del lavoro costituisce uno dei momenti cruciali della vita di uno studente (Hern\ue1ndez, 2004; \uc1lvarez, Bizquerra, e al., 2007; Santana Vega, 2009; Bertagna e Puricelli, 2008; Johnston, 2013). Le fasi della decisione e della conseguente transizione possono essere disorientanti se non si \ue8 sviluppata nel/nella giovane una certa consapevolezza di s\ue9 in termini di attitudini, interessi, capacit\ue0 e competenze, nonch\ue9 una realistica prospettiva verso la futura attivit\ue0 professionale. Nello scorso anno scolastico 2014/15, il Servizio Orientamento dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Padova ha avviato una serie di indagini, nell\u2019ottica di supportare le azioni del Tavolo Tecnico Territoriale per l\u2019orientamento, la prevenzione della dispersione e la promozione del successo formativo di Padova con informazioni capaci di mettere in luce le reali necessit\ue0 degli studenti. In collaborazione con 16 Scuole Secondarie di 2\ub0 grado, e un Istituto Comprensivo di 1\ub0 grado, ha quindi avviato la prima fase del Progetto sperimentale \u201cDropout e gestione delle transizioni\u201d (Azioni personalizzate per gestire le transizioni da percorsi formativi ad altri percorsi formativi, o al lavoro, promuovere il rendimento scolastico e prevenire il drop out). Sono stati raccolti i dati relativi a 3.999 studenti della secondarie di 2\ub0 grado della provincia di Padova (18% della popolazione studentesca del territorio di riferimento: 1634 studenti del 1\ub0 anno, 1243 del 3\ub0 anno e 1122 del 5\ub0 anno), ma l\u2019auspicio \ue8 di avviare un sistema di monitoraggio e di intervento continuo, integrato e sinergico sul territorio. Sono stati utilizzati due differenti strumenti di rilevazione, adattati da questionari gi\ue0 utilizzati dal gruppo di ricerca spagnolo GUFOI (http://www.gufoi.ull.es/j2/) (1.Cuestionario de Expectativas hacia la Formaci\uf3n del Alumnado de Secundaria, 2. Planificaci\uf3n del Proyecto Formativo y Profesional del alumnado) (Alvarez Perez, 2014). Dai risultati emergono alcuni elementi significativi. Le richieste di supporto per gestire la transizione da parte degli studenti decisi di andare all\u2019Universit\ue0 riguardano l\u2019avere maggiori capacit\ue0 personali e abilit\ue0 sociali (12,6%), maggiori informazioni (9,3%), maggiori conoscenze (9,7%) e sostegno esterno (solo 2,5%); gli studenti indecisi del 5\ub0 anno che \u201cforse\u201d si iscriveranno all\u2019Universit\ue0 dichiarano di aver bisogno di maggiori capacit\ue0 personali e abilit\ue0 sociali (7,7%), maggiori informazioni (4,9 %), maggiori conoscenze (4,3%) e sostegno (solo l\u20191%); gli studenti del 5\ub0 anno che intendono transitare al mondo del lavoro dichiarano di aver bisogno di maggiori capacit\ue0 personali (13,8%), stage ed esperienza (8%), conoscenze (5,8%) e informazioni o sostegno esterno (3,6%). Queste risposte evidenziano la necessit\ue0 di supportare gli studenti a individuare, fin dalle secondarie di 1\ub0 grado, un obiettivo scolastico/professionale, a saper progettare il proprio futuro pianificandone gli step, il tutto nell\u2019ottica di valorizzare la richiesta intrinseca degli studenti di autonomia nella presa di decisione. Una possibile strategia educativa, atta a rispondere a queste esigenze si pu\uf2 ritrovare nel modello spagnolo di Tutor\ueca Formativa, solitamente realizzato in contesto universitario, ma facilmente adattabile anche alla Scuola Secondaria. Il Tavolo Tecnico Territoriale, che prevede la presenza della maggior parte degli attori che nel territorio erogano servizi di orientamento o accompagnamento, intende rispondere ai bisogni espressi adottando la prospettiva della co-progettazione con le Scuole e con gli studenti (entrambi rappresentati al Tavolo). Le azioni sperimentali che seguiranno nel prossimo anno scolastico 2015/16 saranno quindi il prodotto di una forte sinergia con le Scuole e gli attori principali del progetto: gli studenti, i docenti e i familiari

    Cancer patients' emotional distress, coping styles and perception of doctor-patient interaction in European cancer settings

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    Objective: As a part of a European study, we cross-culturally examined the rate of emotional distress and maladaptive coping and their association with cancer patients' satisfaction with their interactions with the physician responsible for their care. Methods: Cancer patients (n = 302) from one Middle European (Austria) and two Southern European (Italy, Spain) countries completed the NCCN Distress Thermometer (DT), the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer (Mini-MAC) Anxious Preoccupation (AP) and Hopelessness (H) sub-scales, and the Physician Patient Satisfaction with Doctors Questionnaire (PSQ). Results: The prevalence of emotional distress (DT caseness) was 60% (26.1% mild, 18.8% moderate, and 14.9% severe distress). Maladaptive coping (Mini-MAC cases) was found in 22.8% (hopeless cases), and 22.5% (anxious preoccupation cases). PSQ-MD was significantly correlated with Mini-MAC/H and Mini-Mac/AP, while PSQ-PS was negatively correlated with Mini-MAC/H. DT cases and those with higher levels of hopelessness reported higher scores on PSQ-MD and lower on PSQ-PS than non-cases. Some differences were found between countries both as far as patients' coping and perception of the interaction with doctors. In hierarchical multiple regression analysis, after adjusting for socio-demographic and medical variables, Mini-MAC/H significantly predicted the scores on PSQ-MD (positive direction) and PSQ-PS (negative direction). Significance of results: The study confirms that about one out of three cancer patients have moderate to high level of emotional distress and about one out of four, clinically significant maladaptive coping. Also, patients showing hopelessness and distress tended to perceive their doctors as both disengaged and less supportive. These results highlights the need for physicians to monitor their patient's level of distress and coping mechanisms and to adjust their own relational and communication style according to patients' psychological condition. Also, cross-cultural issues should be taken into account when exploring psychosocial variables and cancer patients' perception of and satisfaction with the interaction with their doctors