383 research outputs found


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    This article shows efficacy of competences-oriented education model, representing effectiveness of pedagogy technology and digital tools blending in transforming education while using tutor’s support. In correspondence to contemporary requirements and education system special features, connection between digital education tools and tutor technology contributing to students’ key competences development is determined. The paper contributes to the field by summarizing some theoretical issues and offering implementation suggestions for effectively integrating digital technologies into teaching and learning. The use of digital technologies in educational activities opens up new opportunities, adequate methods for dissemination and management of digital information, development of necessary competencies on the basis of digital literacy, ensuring equitable access for all who wish to obtain necessary knowledge and decision-making skills, ensuring demand for school graduates in the world labor market in situation of digital economy. Innovative technologies become a problem adding difficulties to students’ burden. Tutor becomes an intermediary between students and digital technologies to promote students’ active learning practices; there are not so many students who can appreciate digital learning practices and get the most of it. The role of tutoring in digital literacy promotion is hard to overestimate. Tutor support is a pedagogical activity in individualization of education aimed at identifying and developing students’ educational motives and interests. To form students’ key competencies in education system, it is necessary to supplement traditional education with tools of digital educational technologies, new trends in pedagogies such as tutoring, which is becoming an integral part of modern learning process

    Significance of Intercultural Interdisciplinary Projects for the Future Career of University Graduates

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    In the 21st century, interdisciplinary research has become a part of modern life. The world surrounding us is interdisciplinary in nature, so scientists have to use methods and insights of several established disciplines to broaden their research area and to find an answer to the problems posed for them. “Interdisciplinarity” is a good word to describe scholars and researchers’ combining efforts to solve problems in each separate independent academic field. This process involves University students and teachers, too. Students who are going to build their successful careers should know much more than their major. They have to make decisions and solve problems in their professional life, both of these skills demand knowledge of more than one or two single subjects. It can also be applied to complex subjects that can only be understood and investigated by combining the perspectives of two or more scientific disciplines. In professional education, in addition to core courses taught by educational studies faculty, interdisciplinary projects are offered in order to overcome the traditional barriers between sciences and to get practical results. Hence is the significance of interdisciplinary knowledge for the career of University graduates who are going to work in the 21st century

    Berufswahl von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit Serious Games fördern. Das Spiel like2be und seine Wirksamkeit

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    Die Berufswahl ist ein facettenreicher und komplexer Prozess. Mit dem Serious Game like2be kann die Berufswahl von Jugendlichen unterstützt werden. like2be erweitert den Berufswahlhorizont der Jugendlichen und ermöglicht es ihnen, ein reflektiertes Verhältnis zu den eigenen Berufswünschen zu entwickeln

    Publishing and literary situation in Tomsk in 1900-1920-ies

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    The research is focused on the specificity of regional literary collections of the 1900-1920-ies that display common features with the literature of the centre as well as specific features of Siberian literature. For the first time these collections are viewed as an integral part of Siberian book publishing process of the early 20th century. The literary collections of this period were particularly important because they promoted young writers, poets and literary critics thus developing local publishing practices and strategies. The research is based on the systems analysis that covers content, aesthetic peculiarities and interrelation between text and paratext

    Психологические особенности кибербуллинга как формы интернет-преступления

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    The aim of the investigation reported in this paper is to study the problem of Internet bullying among teenagers in and outside of school. The article describes motives, types, and modes of bullying. The authors (a) analyzed foreign studies in the field of school bullying and its features, as well as aggressive behavior, (b) showedthe connection between school bullying and cyberbullying, and (c) classified the influence of school bullying on teenagers’ psychics and behavior, their future life and professional activity.The empirical study involved 53 high-school students. The respondents answered the questions about school violence (as a victim or a witness), as well as made an assumption about persons responsible for its cease. The Internet was considered to be a harmful environment for the fragile psyche of a teenager. The authors emphasizethe necessity of parental monitoring of their children’s activities in social nets. The present study (a) offered possible ways of bullying problems solution, (b) explained the necessity of a serious approach to the problem and scientific research of its various aspects, and (c) attempted to attract attention of the scientific communityto these urgent issues. The authors paid attention to psychological consequences of cyberbullying for all the participants of interaction and explain the necessity of limiting the access to the Internet and social nets for teenagers, as well as parental monitoring and control. In conclusion, the authors offered recommendations for theprevention of cyberbullying, limitation of Internet access and mobile communication for teenagers. These recommendations are can be useful for school teachers and teenagers’ parents.Целью данной статьи стало исследование проблемы интернет-издевательств в подростковой среде в школе и за ее пределами. Описаны причины, виды и способы совершения актов кибербуллинга. Проанализированы зарубежные исследования, рассматривающие школьное насилие, его особенности, а также связь с агрессивным поведением, показана связь школьного насилия с кибербуллингом, классифицированы последствия его воздействия на психику, поведение подростков, а также на их дальнейшую жизнь и профессиональную деятельность. В проведенном анкетировании приняли участие 53 студента вуза, которые ответили на вопросы об участии в школьной травле в качестве жертвы или свидетеля, а также сделали предположение о том, кто может прекратить травлю. Интернет представлен как негативная среда для неокрепшей психики подростков, была выявлена необходимость родительского мониторинга деятельности детей в социальных сетях. Намечены возможные пути решения данной проблемы – обоснована необходимость серьезного подхода к данной проблеме, научного исследования различных ее аспектов, сделана попытка привлечь внимание научной общественности к серьезности проблемы. Уделено внимание психологическим последствиям кибербуллинга для всех участников взаимодействия, обоснована необходимость ограничения использования Интернета детьми и подростками и контроля со стороны взрослых. В качестве выводов предложены рекомендации по предотвращению кибербуллинга, а также по ограничению доступа подростков в Интернет, использования мобильной связи. Рекомендации могут быть полезны для школьных учителей и родителей подростков

    Supplier Management Improvement in Aviation Industry: A Case Study of Beriev Aircraft Company

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    In modern practice the problems of aircraft production take on a new character in an ever-changing geopolitical situation in the world. The aviation industry is one of the most promising trends for development of the national high-tech production. It requires special attention, as the potential is the source of a qualitatively new economic growth of countries in general and Russia in particular. In our research, we designated specific production of civil aircraft issues, which have, from the authors view point, the major influence on the industry product competitiveness for the aircraft factory. The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze domestic and international experience in supply chain management of the aviation industry to enhance the competitiveness of aircraft factory products. A case study applied at the aircraft factory to propose a method of selecting suppliers for improving the quality and competitiveness of the industry product. Based on undertaken analysis, the authors designated specific areas of strategy implementation for the supply chain management when entering new markets with products of aircraft factory. According to current situation at aviation industry, strategic scenario of quality management improvement with the priority of supply chain management processes is proposed after aircrafts mass production launch at aircraft factory

    Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Serious Gaming in the Field of Vocational Orientation

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    This study investigates the effectiveness of the serious game like2be, which has been developed to support the individual career orientation process of adolescents by broadening their occupational horizon. In this paper, we present results from an intervention study with n = 809 adolescents in Swiss schools at the lower secondary education level. To analyze the extent to which cognitive, affective, and motivational factors are stimulated and what influence they have on expanding knowledge about occupations (measured learning outcome), we applied confirmatory factor analysis, multiple linear regression, and a structural equation model. The results indicate that the stimulation of cognitive processes through serious gaming has a statistically significant impact on learning outcome, although such factors as enjoyment, flow experience, or self-perceived benefits in playing like2be did not significantly impact gain in knowledge about occupations

    Values in the School Curriculum from Teachers' Perspective: A mixed-methods Study

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    The transmission of human values plays a key role in the educational landscape around the world (Matthes, 2014; Beck, 1990; Halstead, 1996), and educational frameworks (c.f. OECD , 2019; Council of Europe , 2016) as well as national school curricula (c.f. National Curriculum , Ofsted, 2018 ; Lehrplan 21 , D -EDK, 2016) are based on values that are considered important. However, empirical research into how values are structurally reflected in school curricula and how these values are perceived in the school environment by teachers is very limited. This mixed-methods study is the first of its kind to provide findings based on data from Switzerland, where a new comprehensive curriculum has recently been introduced. Schwartz's theory of basic human values (1992), the most widely researched values framework, serves as its conceptual framework. A Qualitative Content Analysis of the Swiss educational curriculum ( Lehrplan 21 , D -EDK, 2016) revealed a wealth of references to values, with a focus on values belonging to Schwartz' higher order values Openness to Change (Basic values: Self-Direction and Stimulation ), Conservation ( Tradition, Conformity and Security ) and Self-Transcendence ( Benevolence and Universalism ). On the other hand, values belonging to the higher order value of Self-Enhancement ( Power and Achievement ) did not play an important role in the investigated curriculum. In a complementary quantitative study, the value statements from the Swiss educational curriculum were embedded in a questionnaire, which 108 (102 female (94.4%), 6 male (5.6%)) primary school teachers completed with regard to how they perceive the value-oriented curricular contents in their school environment. Multidimensional Scaling revealed that teachers' perception of value-oriented curricular contents in their school environment was structured alongside Schwartz's motivational continuum of values, with values of Openness to Change being opposed to values of Conservation , and values of Self-Transcendence being opposed to values of Self-Enhancement

    The relationship between young children’s personal values and their teacher-rated behaviors in the classroom

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    There has been little research on the relationships between children’s personal values and the behaviors that express such values in the school context. In the present study, we examined for the first time with children at this young age, the relations between values and their value-related behaviors, i.e., supportive, disciplined, learning-oriented, and achievement-oriented, in the primary school context. The sample consisted of 952 primary school children (51.5% boys; Mage = 7.93; SD = 0.35). Data used in this study were collected in 2022 in Switzerland. A multilevel analysis confirmed the hypothesis that systematic relationships between values and teacher-rated behaviors can be demonstrated with young children. However, gender was the strongest predictor of teacher-rated children’s classroom behaviors. The results highlight the significance of understanding children’s value-behavior relations, teachers’ possible gender stereotypes of children’s behaviors, and its practical importance in the school context

    Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones y su uso en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras/The information and communication technologies in the education of foreign languages

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    En el artículo se destaca la importancia del uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Se propone un sistema de tareas con el uso de las tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de lengua rusa en la carrera de Licenciatura en Turismo en la Universidad de Ciego de Ávila. La aplicación de estas tareas contribuye al desarrollo de las habilidades de búsqueda informacional, asimilación más rápida del nuevo vocabulario y elementos morfo-sintácticos, acercan a los estudiantes a las situaciones reales de comunicación y elevan el interés por aprender la lengua