46 research outputs found

    Quality Assurance of Food Raw Materials and Food Products as the Main Factor of Safety of the Consumer Market

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    Ensuring food safety in the consumer market of the country, region, city is one of the priority activities to improve the quality of life of the population. To ensure the quality and safety of food products in the consumer market of the country needs consistent work. Necessary implementation of measures on formation of culture of healthy eating, food security, improving the nutritional status of the population and protection of health. Most businesses manufacture and sell products that comply with the requirements of the current normative-technical documentation, although this documentation, the experts have questions. But despite this, in the consumer market there is low-quality, non-standard and adulterated food products. One of the most pressing issues of concern to the public authorities, manufacturers, retailers, public organizations and, of course, the customers, is the prevention of falsification and counterfeiting. When exercising the state control over observance of requirements of technical regulations on food products throughout the Russian Federation the complex of measures aimed at curbing the production and trafficking of counterfeit food products. The focus is on the dairy industry, childcare, healthcare organizations, trade enterprises. And require further tightening, so as to completely solve the problem of falsification and counterfeiting is not impossible to solve. In order to prevent receipt of the consumer market of the country, the region, poor-quality food raw materials and food products necessary to intensify the work of public associations (manufacturers, distributor, wholesalers), to ensure the publicity of product quality from manufacturers, to achieve a reliable assessment of the quality of their products by manufacturers or Association

    Detection of the interdependence of economic development and environmental performance at the industry level

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    The aim of the research is to identify the connection between economic development and environmental performance at the industrial level. The subject of the research is a set of processes of correlation analysis of economic and environmental indicators of the oil and gas producing industry. The urgency of the task of mitigating anthropogenic climate change caused by rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is proven. Statistical data on emissions for the past 15 years are analyzed, change trends are identified. The authors establish the cause of the growth in greenhouse gas emissions, the energy sector being the main contributor. A description of the mechanism of the effect of greenhouse gases on the climate system is provided. The requirements set by international agreements and Russian documents aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions are unified. The main gases that cause the greenhouse effect are identified, their classification and brief characteristics are provided in the article. The necessity to promote the monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and reporting system at the global level is substantiated. The purpose of the advanced metering system is to obtain relevant and reliable data for timely response to and planned reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In accordance with the recommendations of the international standard for non-financial reporting, GRI, the effectiveness of reducing greenhouse gas emissions should be disclosed in the aspect of "Emissions". The progress of economic science has made it important to take into account the natural component, and the value of bioresources will increase over time, therefore, the company's economic development can not be isolated. In accordance with the hypothesis, it is assumed that the economy and ecology are interrelated and affect each other. To determine economic development and its environmental footprint at the industry level in the aspect of global warming, new approaches and methods must be applied. Based on statistical methods, a correlation model between economic development and environmental performance has been developed to identify their interrelations based on non-financial reporting data. The developed model can be used by the owners of oil and gas companies and its general principles by the companies of different industries. The results may be of interest to all categories of non-financial reporting users, including government agencies in managing sustainable development at the industry level. The correlation model was tested on the non-financial reports of the oil and gas industry represented by the largest companies - British Petroleum, Lukoil, Shell and Surgutneftegas. Approbation showed different types of interrelations between the two development systems of individual companies: economy and ecology. Thus, the correlation coefficients prove the hypothesis that there is a connection between economic development and environmental performance. The overall result for the industry presented a weak positive relationship. The results obtained show the difference in the approach of companies to the issue of environmental and the lack of attention to the environment at the industry level. Further research in this area, using detailed data from a larger number of industry participants, will improve our understanding of the relationship between the two most important systems of sustainable development and will help to draw practical conclusions.Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation's project [17-02-00179

    Differentiated approach to the diagnostics of economic security and resilience of Russian regions (case of the Volga federal district)

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    Relevance. Given the volatile global economy, unfriendly policy towards Russia and other external challenges, it is necessary to improve tools for predicting threats and risks to regional economic security and resilience. To this end, individual projections and indicators, as well as complex models should be examined.Research objective. The study aims to develop a new differentiated approach to diagnostics of indicators (projections) of economic security and resilience at the regional level, which can help visualize and evaluate threats to economic meso-systems.Data and Methods. Comparative and indicative approaches, ranking, piecewise linear approximation (scaling) and correlation analysis were used in the study.Results. As a result, the study presents the author's system of indicators of economic security and risks to the regional economy based on a differentiated approach. 36 indicators were grouped into 4 projections – general economic, social, technological and financial – and divided into sub-projections. In order to provide adequate and comparable estimates in the regional and temporal context, various methodological principles were used: application of relative indicators; assessment of cost indicators of regional development using the number of fixed market baskets (FMB) of the region (ratio of the regional cost indicator and the cost of a fixed market basket). Such approach allowed us to evaluate regional economic security in dynamics. The diagnostics of resilience of regional economic systems was performed in the context of individual projections by comparing crisis and relatively stable periods.Conclusions. The methodology was tested using data from regions of the Volga Federal District. The study revealed specific projections, sub-projections and indicators affected by threats, as well as demonstrated the ability of regions of the Volga Federal District to face the crisis and, in particular, resist sanctions

    Diagnostics of Threats to Regional Fiscal Security

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    Nowadays, the influence of negative factors on the fiscal system has been strengthening at both the country and regional levels. In particular, income differentiation and fiscal capacity are increasing, inflation rate exceeds the target, negative trends of growing household debt and enterprise unprofitability are observed. Such factors are not fully considered by existing diagnostic methodologies for analysing fiscal and economic security indicators and threats. Thus, in order to adjust stabilisation decisions and implement relevant fiscal policies, it is necessary to update these approaches, especially in regions. The paper examines key definitions of threats and risks to regional fiscal security and presents the author’s classification of threats according to the incidence. Based on the analysed approaches to threat assessment and a proposed diagnostic mechanism, the research developed a method for diagnosing threats to regional fiscal security by bringing the actual values of indicators to standardised points. In addition, to determine the danger level of threats, indicator values were distributed by security zones. The suggested methodology, which includes 12 indicators, was used to analyse the fiscal security of the Komi Republic. As a result, significant threats to the regional fiscal security were identified in the economic, budget, tax, investment, innovation, price, banking, corporate and social spheres. Baseline data were obtained from Federal State Statistics Service, Federal Customs Service of Russia, Federal Taxation Service of Russia and the Bank of Russia. The proposed methodology is an effective diagnostic tool for analysing threats to fiscal security on the basis of important regional indicators. Federal and local authorities can use this particular method for monitoring regional fiscal systems

    The pandemic period in Russia: overcoming the problems of the rapid transition to distance learning in the system of higher education

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    The article tests the hypothesis about the need to change the methodology concept for training economists in the higher education system when switching to distance learning. The authors use the empirical method of students and teachers’ survey in Russian universities, statistical methods for processing results, and an analysis of research results published by Russian scientists on the effectiveness of distance learning. The lack of proposals from specialists and scientists to overcome the problems of distance learning predetermine the need for this research. The authors divide problems into four groups: software-technical, socio-psychological, organizational and methodological. The analysis of systematized problems made it possible to propose a transition to an active interaction between a teacher and a student, which is of theoretical importance. Implementing this concept contribute to the restoration of social communication in the educational environment, creation of methodological support in the conditions of distance learning. It is of great practical importance for organizing the distance educational process. Keywords: higher education, distance learning, problems, socio-psychological, organizational, methodological

    Diagnostics of Threats to Regional Fiscal Security

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    Nowadays, the influence of negative factors on the fiscal system has been strengthening at both the country and regional levels. In particular, income differentiation and fiscal capacity are increasing, inflation rate exceeds the target, negative trends of growing household debt and enterprise unprofitability are observed. Such factors are not fully considered by existing diagnostic methodologies for analysing fiscal and economic security indicators and threats. Thus, in order to adjust stabilisation decisions and implement relevant fiscal policies, it is necessary to update these approaches, especially in regions. The paper examines key definitions of threats and risks to regional fiscal security and presents the author’s classification of threats according to the incidence. Based on the analysed approaches to threat assessment and a proposed diagnostic mechanism, the research developed a method for diagnosing threats to regional fiscal security by bringing the actual values of indicators to standardised points. In addition, to determine the danger level of threats, indicator values were distributed by security zones. The suggested methodology, which includes 12 indicators, was used to analyse the fiscal security of the Komi Republic. As a result, significant threats to the regional fiscal security were identified in the economic, budget, tax, investment, innovation, price, banking, corporate and social spheres. Baseline data were obtained from Federal State Statistics Service, Federal Customs Service of Russia, Federal Taxation Service of Russia and the Bank of Russia. The proposed methodology is an effective diagnostic tool for analysing threats to fiscal security on the basis of important regional indicators. Federal and local authorities can use this particular method for monitoring regional fiscal systems

    Diagnostics and monitoring of economic entities security

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    The article shows the place and role of economic entities in the system of economic security of territories. Various approaches to the definition of the term “economic security of small businesses” are considered. The main factors and threats to the economic security of economic entities of the territories are presented. Presents the author’s system of basic indicators of estimation of economic safety of economic entities of the territory. Offers on carrying out diagnostics and monitoring of risks are given. Recommendations as a rating of economic security of economic entities of territories are given. The procedure for monitoring the economic security of economic entities of the territories based on a risk-based approach can be represented in the form of five interrelated stages. This is the stage of collecting data on enterprises and the calculation of the necessary indicators. The stage of formation of the system of indicators, they are risk factors. Stage of processing indicators. The stage of building an integrated model of potential and risk assessment. In addition, the final stage of assessment of the complex level of economic security of economic entities of the territories. This will allow making management decisions in the field of development and support of small businesses at the territorial level

    Blockchain as a trust layer for more efficient finance market

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    This article covers a variety of topics on blockchain and the impact that digital encryption and social engineering will have on finance society. In modernized mortgage market, exchange would happen naturally, allowing users to benefit from a web of trust, where parties do not need to be in a direct relationship with each other to reap rewards from referrals that originate from multiple parties. Pseudonymity and honesty are properties that blockchains handle natively, and this is a candidate solution to the “transparency” problem in lending and borrowing, which acts as a trust inhibitor at scale for many interactions

    Methodology for assessing the budgetary security of regional infrastructure provision (case study of the Komi Republic)

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    The aim of the study is to analyze methodological approaches to assessing the budget component of financial and budgetary security and to develop a methodology for assessing the budgetary security of a region on their basis. In the process of research, statistical and mathematical methods were used, a comparison method, an indicative method, analysis and synthesis methods. A brief description of the main approaches and methods for assessing the regional budget security is given, and the most significant indicators are selected that allow diagnosing threats to the budget component of the regional financial and budget security. The article presents the author’s methodology for assessing the budget component of the financial and budgetary security of the region, a set of indicators and threshold values for its implementation is formed. The proposed methodology has been tested on the example of the analysis of budget security indicators of the Komi Republic