5,035 research outputs found
The Geopolitical Context of Chamorro Cultural Preservation in Guam, U.S.A.
An unincorporated Pacific Island territory of the United States, Guam has been under American rule since 1 898. While proudly Chamorro, the descendants of indigenous islanders have been American citizens since 1 950. U.S. foreign policy, Americanization of island institutions, immigration flows from Asia and Micronesia, and economic uncertainty present challenges to the perpetuation of Chamorro culture-a syncretic blend of indigenous, Spanish, and American influences that has endured through centuries of foreign domination. As a gateway from the East to the United States and a frequent destination for Micronesian immigrants from the Compacts of Free Association, Guam regularly receives immigrants from Asia and other Micronesian islands. Many immigrants arrive on Guam to fill labor shortages as professionals or construction workers, while others arrive with limited resources and skills that don\u27t easily transfer across cultures. Adding to this mix, a major U.S. military build-up is underway to transform Guam into a forward base in the Pacific. This article provides a case study of Guam through an overview of historical influences on Chamorro culture, a description of the island\u27s contemporary multicultural society, and a discussion of current geopolitical and social forces impacting Chamorro culture in the land where America\u27s day begins. Keywords: Chamorro studies, ethnic studies, cultural preservation, ethnic stratification, indigenous studies, colonialis
Efecto de la temperatura sobre las propiedades de los materiales carbonosos provenientes de la pirólisis de lodos residuales y su aplicación como sorbentes de iones en soluciones bimetalicas de cadmio y cromo
Como resultados de los análisis de los materiales carbonosos y en base lo encontrado en la literatura (propiedades) se eligieron tres materiales carbonosos (MC 500, MC600 y MC 700) para evaluar la capacidad de sorción con una solución bimetálica de cadmio y cromo. Primero se realizo la cinética de sorción para determinar el tiempo de equilibrio y el porcentaje remoción de cada uno de los metales. Posteriormente, los datos experimentales obtenidos los tres materiales carbonosos se ajustaron a los diferentes modelos cinéticos linealizados (primer orden, segundo orden y pseudo- ecuación de segundo orden) para conocer el tipo de adsorción que se lleva acabo,En este trabajo de investigación se obtuvieron 5 materiales carbonosos provenientes de la pirólisis de lodos residuales a diferentes temperaturas 400, 500, 600, 700 y 750 ºC basados en el análisis termogravimétrico (TGA) y térmico diferencial (DTA) del lodo residual seco, el incremento en la temperatura de pirólisis le confirió al material carbonoso diversas propiedades estructurales, morfológicas y texturales. Estas variaciones en las propiedades se determinaron a partir de las siguientes técnicas: Micronanalisis elemental por Dispersión de Energía de Rayos-X (EDS), Espectroscopia Infrarroja (IR), Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (MEB) y Fisisorción de Nitrógeno.UAE
The metal abundance of circumnuclear star forming regions in early type spirals. Spectrophotometric observations
We have obtained long-slit observations in the optical and near infrared of
12 circumnuclear HII regions (CNSFR) in the early type spiral galaxies NGC
2903, NGC 3351 and NGC 3504 with the aim of deriving their chemical abundances.
Only for one of the regions, the [SIII] 6312 \AA was detected
providing, together with the nebular [SIII] lines at 9069,
9532 \AA, a value of the electron temperature of T([SIII])= 8400K. A semi-empirical method for the derivation of abundances in
the high metallicity regime is presented.
We obtain abundances which are comparable to those found in high metallicity
disc HII regions from direct measurements of electron temperatures and
consistent with solar values within the errors. The region with the highest
oxygen abundance is R3+R4 in NGC 3504, 12+log(O/H) = 8.85, about 1.5 solar if
the solar oxygen abundance is set at the value derived by Asplund et al.
(2005), 12+log(O/H) = 8.660.05. Region R7 in NGC 3351 has the
lowest oxygen abundance of the sample, about 0.6 times solar. In all the
observed CNSFR the O/H abundance is dominated by the O/H contribution,
as is also the case for high metallicity disc HII regions. For our observed
regions, however, also the S/S ratio is larger than one, contrary to
what is found in high metallicity disc HII regions for which, in general, the
sulphur abundances are dominated by S/H...Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, accepted by MNRA
Properties of the ionized gas of circumnuclear star-forming regions in early type spirals
(Abbr.) A study of cicumnuclear star-forming regions (CNSFRs) in several
early type spirals has been made in order to investigate their main properties:
stellar and gas kinematics, dynamical masses, ionising stellar masses, chemical
abundances and other properties of the ionised gas. Both high resolution (R20000) and moderate resolution (R ~ 5000) have been used.
In some cases these regions, about 100 to 150 pc in size, are seen to be
composed of several individual star clusters with sizes between 1.5 and 4.9 pc
estimated from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images. Stellar and gas velocity
dispersions are found to differ by about 20 to 30 km/s with the H
emission lines being narrower than both the stellar lines and the [OIII]
5007 \AA lines. The twice ionized oxygen, on the other hand, shows
velocity dispersions comparable to those shown by stars. We have applied the
virial theorem to estimate dynamical masses of the clusters, assuming that
systems are gravitationally bounded and spherically symmetric, and using
previously measured sizes. The measured values of the stellar velocity
dispersions yield dynamical masses of the order of 10 to 10 solar
masses for the whole CNSFRs.
...Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, proceeding of the meeting "Young massive star
clusters - Initial conditions and environments", Granada, Spain, 200
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