137 research outputs found

    PoboljÅ”anje kakvoće mljevenog mesa dodatkom praha rajčice fermentiranog s pomoću bakterija Pediococcus pentosaceus i Lactobacillus sakei

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    In this study, the infl uence of lactic acid fermentation on the quality of tomato powder was evaluated. The eff ect of adding fermented tomato powder to ready-to-cook minced pork meat to improve its nutritional value and sensory characteristics was also analysed. The cell growth of Lactobacillus sakei (7.53 log CFU/g) was more intense in the medium containing tomato powder, compared to the growth of Pediococcus pentosaceus (6.35 log CFU/g) during 24 h of fermentation; however, higher acidity (pH=4.1) was observed in the tomato powder samples fermented with Pediococcus pentosaceus. The spontaneous fermentation of tomato powder reduced cell growth by 38 % and pH values slightly increased to 4.17, compared to the fermentation with pure LAB. The lactofermentation of tomato powder increased the average Ī²-carotene and lycopene mass fractions by 43.9 and 50.2 %, respectively, compared with the nonfermented samples. Lycopene and Ī²-carotene contents in the ready-to-cook minced pork meat were proportional to the added tomato powder (10 and 30 %). Aft er cooking, Ī²-carotene and lycopene contents decreased, on average, by 24.2 and 41.2 %, respectively. The highest loss (up to 49.2 %) of carotenoids was found in samples with 30 % nonfermented tomato powder. Tomato powder fermented with 10 % Lactobacillus sakei KTU05-6 can be recommended as both a colouring agent and a source of lycopene in the preparation of ready-to-cook minced pork meat.U ovom je radu ispitan utjecaj mliječno-kiselog vrenja na kakvoću praha rajčice, te utjecaj dodatka fermentiranog praha rajčice na poboljÅ”anje kakvoće, hranjive vrijednosti i senzorskih svojstava mljevenog svinjskog mesa. U podlozi je s dodatkom praha rajčice tijekom 24 sata fermentacije zamijećen veći rast stanica bakterije Lactobacillus sakei (7,53 log CFU/g) od onog Pediococcus pentosaceus (6,35 log CFU/g). Međutim, u podlozi s dodatkom praha rajčice fermentiranoj s pomoću P. pentosaceus izmjerena je veća kiselost (pH=4.1). Spontanom je fermentacijom praha rajčice rast stanica smanjen za 38 %, a pH-vrijednost je bila neznatno veća (4,17) od one uzoraka fermentiranih s pomoću čiste kulture bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja. Osim toga, povećani su prosječni maseni udjeli Ī²-karotena za 43,9 i likopena za 50,2 %. Udjel je Ī²-karotena i likopena u mljevenom svinjskom mesu bio proporcionalan masenom udjelu dodanog praha (10 i 30 %), a nakon kuhanja se smanjio za 24,2 odnosno 41,2 %. Najveći je gubitak (do 49,2 %) karotenoida zabilježen u uzorcima s 30 % nefermentiranog praha rajčice. Zaključeno je da se prah rajčice fermentiran s pomoću 10 % Lactobacillus sakei KTU05-6 može upotrijebiti kao bojilo i izvor likopena u mljevenom svinjskom mesu

    Ovisnost količine lignana, dobivene in vitro fermentacijom, o udjelu neŔkrobnih polisaharida u žitaricama

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    Recently special attention has been paid to dietary fibre-associated phytoestrogens such as plant lignans, which are related to the prevention of different hormone-dependent diseases. Therefore, phytoestrogens associated with dietary fibre and their metabolites are of interest for investigation. The aim of this work is to investigate the formation of enterolignans: enterolactone (ENL) and enterodiol (END) from their precursors by the action of intestinal microflora and their relationship with non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in various cereal products from wheat, rye, barley and oats. For the investigation of the bioconversion of plant lignans, a technique of in vitro fermentation was used and the quantitative analysis of their metabolites ENL and END was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with coulometric electrode array detection. The enterolignan formation in various cereal products ranged from 78.3 to 321.9 nmol/g depending on the product type: END from 8.7 to 149.3 nmol/g and ENL from 64.4 to 278.3 nmol/g. The lignan production in bran was about two times higher than that in whole flour of the same kind of cereals. Close correlations were found between the total NSP content and the total amount of enterolignans and ENL; between pentoses and the total amount of enterolignans and ENL; between arabinose or xylose and ENL; and between galactose and END values. Considering the correlations between hexoses and END as well as between pentoses and ENL found in cereals, it can be assumed that pentoses are closely related to the quantities of plant lignans in cereal products and their conversion to enterolignans.U posljednje se vrijeme sve viÅ”e pozornosti posvećuje istraživanju lignana, tj. prehrambenih biljnih vlakana bogatih fitoestrogenima, koja sprečavaju razvoj različitih bolesti uzrokovanih hormonskim poremećajem. U radu su istraženi fitoestrogeni iz prehrambenih biljnih vlakana te njihovi derivati. Svrha je rada bila utvrditi ovisnost količine enterolignana, nastalih iz njihovih prekurzora pod utjecajem crijevne mikroflore, i to enterolaktona i enterodiola, o udjelu neÅ”krobnih polisaharida u različitim žitaricama (pÅ”enica, raž, ječam i zob). Pritom je provedena in vitro fermentacija žitarica, a nastali enterolaktoni i enterodioli kvantitativno su određeni pomoću visokodjelotvorne tekućinske kromatografije (HPLC) s kulometrijskim detektorom. Količina se lignana u raznim proizvodima od žitarica razlikovala od 78,3 do 321,9 nmol/g, i to od 8,7 do 149,3 nmol/g enterodiola i od 64,4 do 278,3 nmol/g enterolignana. Utvrđeno je da je količina lignana u mekinjama dvaput veća od one u integralnom braÅ”nu. Ustanovljena je neposredna ovisnost udjela neÅ”krobnih polisaharida o količini enterolignana i enterolaktona, zatim udjela pentoza o količini enterolignana i enterolaktona, udjela arabinoze ili ksiloze o količini enterolaktona, te udjela galaktoze o količini enterodiola. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da količina lignana u proizvodima od žitarica ovisi o udjelu pentoza i njihovoj konverziji u enterolignane

    Bibliometric analysis on pseudocereals

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    A bibliometric analysis on scientific documents regarding pseudocereals was performed. The literature was extracted from Web of Science database with limitations on language and index, resulting in 438 documents published until 2022. The bibliographic data were analyzed using Bibliometrix package and Biblioshiny interface available on R statistical language. The first source on pseudocereals was published in 1982 according to our data collection, and there was an increased trend of publications over the time with annual production above 11 %. The core group consisted of 11 out of 175 journals publishing on the field. Italy made the largest contribution, followed by Spain, Mexico, USA, China, among others. Collaboration network analysis was run to map associations between top countries on pseudocereals research. Six distinct sub-clusters of countries tending to collaborate together were detected. All of the publications of Israel on the area were in collaboration with other countries, whereas Argentina and Turkey published only single country publications. The most commonly used author keywords displayed with the word cloud after pseudocereals were quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, and gluten-free. Other notable keywords were food composition, antioxidant activity, fermentation, bread, celiac disease, lactic acid bacteria, etc. The objective of the current study is to illustrate emerging trends in journal performance, collaboration networks, research constituents, intellectual structure, and evolutionary nuances of the field, thus also supporting policy development to promote research on pseudocereals utilizing bibliometrics approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Non-alcoholic beverages from fermented cereals with increased oligosaccharide content

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    The aim of this study is to develop a new technology for making traditional Lithuanian non-alcoholic beverage kvass from fermented cereals by extending the spectrum of raw materials (extruded rye) and applying new biotechnological resources (xylanolytic enzymes and lactic acid bacteria (LAB)) to improve its functional properties. Arabinoxylans in extruded rye were very efficiently hydrolysed into oligosaccharides by xylanolytic complex Ceremix Plus MG. Using Ceremix Plus MG and LAB fermentation, the yield of arabinoxylooligosaccharides and xylooligosaccharides in beverage was increased to 300 and 1100 mg/L, respectively. Beverages fermented by LAB had lower pH values and ethanol volume fraction compared to the yeast fermented beverage. The acceptability of the beverage fermented by Lactobacillus sakei was higher than of Pediococcus pentosaceus- or yeast-fermented beverages and similar to the acceptability of commercial kvass made from malt extract. The results showed that extruded rye, xylanolytic enzymes and LAB can be used for production of novel and safe high-value non-alcoholic beverages.Peer reviewe

    Influence of different lactic acid bacteria strains and milling process on the solid-state fermented green and red lentils (Lens culinaris L.) properties including gamma-aminobutyric acid formation

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains (Lactiplantibacillus plantarum No.122 and Lacticaseibacillus casei No.210) and milling process on the solid-state fermented (for 24ā€‰h, at 30Ā°C) green and red lentils (Lens culinaris L.) properties, chiefly pH, LAB viable counts, color coordinates, free amino acid (FAA) profile, Ī³-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and biogenic amine (BA) concentrations, fatty acid (FA) and volatile compound (VC) profiles. Results showed that both of the tested LAB strains are suitable for the fermentation of lentils: pH of fermented lentils was <4.5 and LAB viable counts >8.0 log10 colony-forming units (CFU)/g. A very strong negative correlation was found (rā€‰=ā€‰āˆ’0.973, pā€‰ā‰¤ā€‰0.0001) between LAB counts and pH of the samples. Also, fermentation and milling process were significant factors toward color coordinates of the lentils. In most of the cases, solid-state fermentation (SSF) increased essential FAA content in lentils; however, some of the non-essential FAA content was reduced. SSF significantly increased GABA concentration in lentils and milling process was a significant factor on GABA content of the samples (pā€‰ā‰¤ā€‰0.05). The main BA in lentils was spermidine, and SSF decreased their total BA content (34.8% on average in red lentils and 39.9% on average in green lentils). The main FA in lentils were linoleic and oleic. The main VC in lentils were hexanal, 1-hexanol, hexanoic acid, D-limonene and (E)-2-nonen-1-ol. Furthermore, most of the VC showed significant correlations with pH of lentil samples, LAB counts and FA content. Finally, the LAB strain used for fermentation and the milling process of lentils are significant factors for most of the analyzed parameters in lentil. Moreover, despite the higher GABA concentration found in green non-milled SSF lentils, application of combined milling and SSF is recommended because they showed the lowest BA content in addition to higher essential FAA and GABA concentrations

    Utjecaj mliječno-kiselog vrenja rajčice na omjer cis/trans izomera likopena i udjele Ī²-karotena te L(+)- i D(-)-mliječne kiseline

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    Fermentation of tomato pulp by the bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus sakei KTU05-6, Pediococcus acidilactici KTU05-7 and Pediococcus pentosaceus KTU05-8) was applied as a preservation method for the production of tomato products. The changes in L- and D-lactic acid contents during fermentation of different tomato varieties (Ronaldo and Cunero) were analysed. Additionally, the effects of lacto-fermentation on the cis/trans lycopene ratio, Ī²-carotene content, and their relation to colour characteristics of fermented tomato products were investigated. Mass fractions of L- and D-lactic acid in the fermented tomato products varied from (4.25Ā±0.04) to (7.19Ā±0.08) mg per 100 g, and from (4.05Ā±0.05) to (6.34Ā±0.04) mg per 100 g, respectively. Fermentation with P. acidilactici or L. sakei culture resulted in the the decrease of D-lactic acid content by 43.6 and 37.7 %, respectively, compared to spontaneous fermentation. The fermentation with P. pentosaceus or L. sakei increased the content of lycopene on average from 3.70 to 5.68 mg per 100 g, and Ī²-carotene from 0.89 mg per 100 g (in Cunero var.) and from 0.28 mg per 100 g (in Ronaldo var.) to 1.14 mg per 100 g. Fermentation of tomato with selected lactic acid bacteria resulted in a greater lycopene bioavailability accompanied by an increase in cis-lycopene isomer content.Fermentacijom pulpe rajčice s pomoću bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja koje proizvode bakteriocin (Lactobaccilus sakei KTU05-6, Pediococcus acidilactici KTU05-7 i Pediococcus pentosaceus KTU05-8) produljen je rok valjanosti proizvoda od rajčica. Određeni su udjeli L- i D-mliječne kiseline tijekom fermentacije dvaju sorata rajčice (Ronaldo i Cunero). Osim toga, ispitan je i utjecaj mliječno-kiselog vrenja na omjer cis/trans likopena i udjel Ī²-karotena, te boju fermentiranih proizvoda. Udjel L-mliječne kiseline u 100 g fermentiranih proizvoda rajčice bio je u rasponu od (4.25Ā±0.04) do (7.19Ā±0.08) mg, a D-mliječne kiseline u rasponu od (4.05Ā±0.05) do (6.34Ā±0.04) mg. U usporedbi sa spontanom fermentacijom, udjel se D-mliječne kiseline nakon fermentacije s pomoću bakterije P. acidilactici smanjio za 43,6 %, a nakon fermentacije s pomoću bakterije L. sakei za 37,7 %. Fermentacijom s pomoću bakterije P. pentosaceus ili L. sakei povećao se udjel likopena u 100 g proizvoda, prosječno u rasponu od 3,70 do 5,68 mg, te Ī²-karotena od 0,89 mg u sorti Cunero i 0,28 mg u sorti Ronaldo na 1,14 mg u 100 g. Fermentacijom rajčice s odabranim bakterijama mliječno-kiselog vrenja povećan je udjel iskoristivog likopena te cis-izomera likopena
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