31 research outputs found

    At the Gates: The Tantalum-Rich Phase Hf3Ta2O11 and its Commensurately Modulated Structure

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    Generic mixtures in the system (Zr,Hf)O2–(Nb,Ta)2O5 are employed as tunable gate materials for field-effect transistors. Whereas production processes and target compositions are well-defined, resulting crystal structures are vastly unexplored. In this study, we summarize the sparse reported findings and present the new phase Hf3Ta2O11 as synthesized via a sol–gel route. Its commensurately modulated structure represents the hitherto unknown, metal(V)-richest member of the family (Zr,Hf)x(Nb,Ta)2O2x+5. Based on electron, neutron, and X-ray diffraction, the crystal structure is described within modern superspace [Hf1.2Ta0.8O4.4, Z = 2, a = 4.7834(13), b = 5.1782(17), c = 5.064(3) Å, q = 1/5c*, orthorhombic, superspace group Xmcm(00Îł)s00] and supercell formalisms [Hf3Ta2O11, Z = 4, a = 4.7834(13), b = 5.1782(17), c = 25.320(13) Å, orthorhombic, space group Pbnm]. Transmission electron microscopy shows the microscopic structure from film-like aggregates down to atomic resolution. Cation ordering within the different available coordination environments is possible, but no significant hint at it is found within the limits of standard diffraction techniques. Hf3Ta2O11 is an unpredicted compound in the above-mentioned oxide systems, in which stability ranges have been disputably fuzzy and established only by syntheses via solid-state routes so far.DFG, SPP 1613, Regenerativ erzeugte Brennstoffe durch lichtgetriebene Wasserspaltung: AufklĂ€rung der Elementarprozesse und Umsetzungsperspektiven auf technologische Konzept

    IrOx core-shell nanocatalysts for cost- and energy-efficient electrochemical water splitting

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    A family of dealloyed metal–oxide hybrid (M1M2@M1Ox) core@shell nanoparticle catalysts is demonstrated to provide substantial advances toward more efficient and less expensive electrolytic water splitting. IrNi@IrOx nanoparticles were synthesized from IrNix precursor alloys through selective surface Ni dealloying and controlled surface oxidation of Ir. Detailed depth-resolved insight into chemical structure, composition, morphology, and oxidation state was obtained using spectroscopic, diffraction, and scanning microscopic techniques (XANES, XRD, STEM-EDX, XPS), which confirmed our structural hypotheses at the outset. A 3-fold catalytic activity enhancement for the electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction (OER) over IrO2 and RuO2 benchmark catalysts was observed for the core-shell catalysts on a noble metal mass basis. Also, the active site-based intrinsic turnover frequency (TOF) was greatly enhanced for the most active IrNi@IrOx catalyst. This study documents the successful use of synthetic dealloying for the preparation of metal-oxide hybrid core-shell catalysts. The concept is quite general, can be applied to other noble metal nanoparticles, and points out a path forward to nanostructured proton-exchange-electrolyzer electrodes with dramatically reduced noble metal content.DFG, STR 596/3-1, Nanostructured mixed metal oxides for the electrocatalytic oxidation of waterBMBF, 03SF0433A, Verbundvorhaben MEOKATS: Effiziente edelmetallfreie Katalysatorsysteme basierend auf Mangan und Eisen fĂŒr flexible Meerwasserelektrolyseur

    Transformation of ACC into aragonite and the origin of the nanogranular structure of nacre

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    Currently a basic tenet in biomineralization is that biominerals grow by accretion of amorphous particles, which are later transformed into the corresponding mineral phase. The globular nanostructure of most biominerals is taken as evidence of this. Nevertheless, little is known as to how the amorphousto-crystalline transformation takes place. To gain insight into this process, we have made a highresolution study (by means of transmission electron microscopy and other associated techniques) of immature tablets of nacre of the gastropod Phorcus turbinatus, where the proportion of amorphous calcium carbonate is high. Tablets displayed a characteristic nanoglobular structure, with the nanoglobules consisting of an aragonite core surrounded by amorphous calcium carbonate together with organic macromolecules. The changes in composition from the amorphous to the crystalline phase indicate that there was a higher content of organic molecules within the former phase. Within single tablets, the crystalline cores were largely co-oriented. According to their outlines, the internal transformation front of the tablets took on a complex digitiform shape, with the individual fingers constituting the crystalline cores of nanogranules. We propose that the final nanogranular structure observed is produced during the transformation of ACC into aragonite

    In Situ Formed “Sn1–XInX@In1–YSnYOZ” Core@Shell Nanoparticles as Electrocatalysts for CO2 Reduction to Formate

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    Electrochemical reduction of CO2 (CO2RR) driven by renewable energy has gained increasing attention for sustainable production of chemicals and fuels. Catalyst design to overcome large overpotentials and poor product selectivity remains however challenging. Sn/SnOx and In/InOx composites have been reported active for CO2RR with high selectivity toward formate formation. In this work, the CO2RR activity and selectivity of metal/metal oxide composite nanoparticles formed by in situ reduction of bimetallic amorphous SnInOx thin films are investigated. It is shown that during CO2RR the amorphous SnInOx pre‐catalyst thin films are reduced in situ into Sn1–XInX@In1–YSnYOz core@shell nanoparticles composed of Sn‐rich SnIn alloy nanocores (with x < 0.2) surrounded by InOx‐rich bimetallic InSnOx shells (with 0.3 < y < 0.4 and z ≈ 1). The in situ formed particles catalyze the CO2RR to formate with high faradaic efficiency (80%) and outstanding formate mass activity (437 A gIn+Sn−1 @ −1.0 V vs RHE in 0.1 m KHCO3). While extensive structural investigation during CO2RR reveals pronounced dynamics in terms of particle size, the core@shell structure is observed for the different electrolysis conditions essayed, with high surface oxide contents favoring formate over hydrogen selectivity.DFG, 53182490, EXC 314: Unifying Concepts in CatalysisBMBF, 03X5524, EDELKAT - Hydrophobe Nanoreaktor Templatierung - Eine Tool-Box fĂŒr optimierte ElektrokatalysatorenBMBF, 01FP13033F, Förderung der Vorgriffsprofessur im Fach "Anorganische Funktionsmaterialien" im Rahmen des Professorinnenprogramms II an der Albert-Ludwigs-UniversitĂ€t FreiburgEC/H2020/101006701/EU/Renewable Electricity-based, cyclic and economic production of Fuel/EcoFue

    Identifying Key Structural Features of IrO<sub>x</sub> Water Splitting Catalysts

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    Hydrogen production by electrocatalytic water splitting will play a key role in the realization of a sustainable energy supply. Owing to their relatively high stability and activity, iridium (hydr)­oxides have been identified as the most promising catalysts for the oxidation of water. Comprehensive spectroscopic and theoretical studies on the basis of rutile IrO<sub>2</sub> have provided insight about the electronic structure of the active X-ray amorphous phase. However, due to the absence of long-range order and missing information about the local arrangement of structural units, our present understanding of the active phase is very unsatisfying. In this work, using a combination of real-space atomic scale imaging with atomic pair distribution function analysis and local measurements of the electronic structure, we identify key structural motifs that are associated with high water splitting activity. Comparison of two X-ray amorphous phases with distinctively different electrocatalytic performance reveals that high activity is linked to the ratio between corner- and edge-sharing IrO<sub>6</sub> octahedra. We show that the active and stable phase consists of single unit cell sized hollandite-like structural domains that are cross-linked through undercoordinated oxygen/iridium atoms. In the less active phase, the presence of the rutile phase structural motif results in a faster structural collapse and deactivation. The presented results provide insight into the structure–activity relationship and promote a rational synthesis of X-ray amorphous IrO<sub>x</sub> hydroxides that contain a favorable arrangement of structural units for improved performance in catalytic water splitting

    Rh doped Pt-Ni octahedral nanoparticles: Correlation between elemental Distribution and ORR stabilty

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    Thanks to their remarkably high activity toward oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), platinum-based octahedrally shaped nanoparticles have attracted ever increasing attention in last years. Although high activities for ORR catalysts have been attained, the practical use is still limited by their long-term stability. In this work, we present Rh-doped Pt–Ni octahedral nanoparticles with high activities up to 1.14 A mgPt–1 combined with improved performance and shape stability compared to previous bimetallic Pt–Ni octahedral particles. The synthesis, the electrocatalytic performance of the particles toward ORR, and atomic degradation mechanisms are investigated with a major focus on a deeper understanding of strategies to stabilize morphological particle shape and consequently their performance. Rh surface-doped octahedral Pt–Ni particles were prepared at various Rh levels. At and above about 3 atom %, the nanoparticles maintained their octahedral shape even past 30 000 potential cycles, while undoped bimetallic reference nanoparticles show a complete loss in octahedral shape already after 8000 cycles in the same potential window. Detailed atomic insight in these observations is obtained from aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. Our analysis shows that it is the migration of Pt surface atoms and not, as commonly thought, the dissolution of Ni that constitutes the primary origin of the octahedral shape loss for Pt–Ni nanoparticles. Using small amounts of Rh we were able to suppress the migration rate of platinum atoms and consequently suppress the octahedral shape loss of Pt–Ni nanoparticles