10 research outputs found

    Estimating truck operating costs for domestic trips – case studies from Greece

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    "jats:p" The transport sector represents a vital component of national economies and has significant impacts on productivity and social welfare. In 2012, the transport sector in Europe was estimated to account for 3.7% of the European Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 5.1% for employment. Road transport proves to be the predominant mode for moving goods within Europe holding a share of approximately 45.8% in 2012 (in ton-kms). In Greece, the share of road freight transport is significantly higher (98%) indicating the importance of this sector for the Greek economy. To this end and considering the existing needs of road freight transport operators in Greece, the objective of this research is to establish an analytical and documented basis for estimating the operating cost of a truck on specific urban or national freight transport routes. To achieve this goal, an extended literature review has been conducted resulting in the identification of the main components comprising the total truck operating cost, which were then updated and validated through a series of personal interviews with selected road freight transport professionals. An excel-based application tool was also developed in order to facilitate operating cost estimates for different cases, through selection of the proper values of the relevant parameters. The resulting tool was used to analyse four test cases, which demonstrate the tool’s usability and applicability. Results from this analysis have been also validated by industry experts and they reflect real-world transport scenarios. Document type: Articl

    Parking Policies for Supporting Sustainable Mobility

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    AbstractParking policies have become an integral part of modern urban planning strategies as transportation planners and engineers have recognized the substantial impact they may have on mode choice and travel routes, directly affecting urban mobility characteristics. For parking policies to be truly valuable and effective, they should be carefully integrated into a transport development plan aiming to achieve the long–term targets of sustainable mobility. To this end, this paper investigates the impact of parking policies on urban mobility characteristics and then highlights, through a case study in a medium–sized Greek city, the actions to be undertaken for their successful implementation

    Risk analysis of innovative maritime transport solutions using the extended failure mode and effects analysis fmea methodology

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    This paper presents a validated set of innovative maritime solutions analyzing, based on the extended"br" Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) methodology, the main risks that could potentially hinder or delay"br" their implementation, thus providing a set of appropriate strategies and measures that can be adopted for"br" mitigating those risks. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    Estimating truck operating costs for domestic trips

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    The transport sector represents a vital component of national economies and has significant impacts on productivity and social welfare. In 2012, the transport sector in Europe was estimated to account for 3.7% of the European Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 5.1% for employment. Road transport proves to be the predominant mode for moving goods within Europe holding a share of approximately 45.8% in 2012 (in ton-kms). In Greece, the share of road freight transport is significantly higher (98%) indicating the importance of this sector for the Greek economy. To this end and considering the existing needs of road freight transport operators in Greece, the objective of this research is to establish an analytical and documented basis for estimating the operating cost of a truck on specific urban or national freight transport routes. To achieve this goal, an extended literature review has been conducted resulting in the identification of the main components comprising the total truck operating cost, which were then updated and validated through a series of personal interviews with selected road freight transport professionals. An excel-based application tool was also developed in order to facilitate operating cost estimates for different cases, through selection of the proper values of the relevant parameters. The resulting tool was used to analyse four test cases, which demonstrate the tool’s usability and applicability. Results from this analysis have been also validated by industry experts and they reflect real-world transport scenarios

    Διεθνείς εμπορευματικές μεταφορές και logistics: διερεύνηση της σχέσης και της αλληλεπίδρασης λιμένων - ενδοχώρας στο πλαίσιο διεθνών εφοδιαστικών αλυσίδων

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    This doctoral dissertation aims to further enhance port-hinterland intelligence by analysing first the current state-of-the-art and by devising next a new corridor-based, value-oriented approach. More specifically, a port-hinterland research taxonomy is devised within the dissertation, categorizing relevant contributions that have been published to-date into four thematic clusters: (i) port-hinterland concept evolution, (ii) port-hinterland transport and logistical integration, (iii) port competition from a hinterland perspective, and (iv) coordination and cooperation strategies of port-hinterland stakeholders. The analysis that was performed allowed to draw valuable insights on all key elements that are now shaping and characterizing the port-hinterland context, as well as on existing gaps that are still to be addressed (less attention found to be placed on corridor-based and value-oriented approaches for analysing the port-hinterland context, lower emphasis provided on the opportunities that port-hinterland corridor management initiatives have to offer for inducing further efficiencies into the hinterland transport and logistics system). Building upon those insights and addressing the aforementioned research gaps, a port-hinterland corridor value system is developed within the dissertation, which can provide corridor managing bodies as well as the whole port-hinterland community with a new and holistic perspective of analysis and business thinking, considerably strengthening the collaborative environment among corridor members. The value system comprises of two sub-systems, where in the first the corridor to be examined is defined by the evaluator, and in the second the four evaluation mechanisms are set i.e. the evaluation perspective (core value) and the corresponding evaluation dimensions, sub-dimensions and key value indicators (KVIs). Once determined, values of the latter are normalized following a hybrid method that combines the ‘Distance to target’ and ‘Min-max’ methods, and a 5-layer aggregation process then takes place with values at each layer being equally weighted. This process has been structured based on fuzzy logic, with a cascaded (combined) fuzzy tree presenting how the core value of the port-hinterland corridor under examination is determined at the last layer. The system was applied on a real-world operational corridor for testing its adaptability and ease of application. It enabled to extract useful insights and set targeted recommendations for further increasing the corridor’s value, thus allowed to highlight (a) how the system may be transferred to other contexts, and (b) how this line of research may be further extended in the near future.Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή στοχεύει να ενισχύσει περαιτέρω τη γνώση όσον αφορά τη διασύνδεση των λιμένων με την ενδοχώρα, αναλύοντας αρχικά τη πρόοδο της σχετικής έρευνας, και εισάγοντας στη συνέχεια μια νέα προσέγγιση η οποία εστιάζει σε εμπορευματικούς διαδρόμους και προσανατολίζεται περισσότερο στην έννοια της αξίας. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, καταρτίζεται στη διατριβή μια ταξινόμηση της υφιστάμενης έρευνας σε αυτό το επιστημονικό πεδίο, με τις σχετικές εργασίες να κατηγοριοποιούνται σε τέσσερα θεματικά πεδία: (i) εξέλιξη των γενικότερων εννοιών που αφορούν το δίπολο λιμάνι-ενδοχώρα, (ii) ένταξη στο δίπολο αυτό του συστήματος μεταφορών και εφοδιαστικής, (iii) ανταγωνιστικότητα των λιμένων από την πλευρά της ενδοχώρας, και (iv) στρατηγικές συντονισμού και συνεργασίας των σχετικών εμπλεκόμενων φορέων. Η ανάλυση της προόδου της υφιστάμενης σχετικής έρευνας επέτρεψε τη εξαγωγή χρήσιμων συμπερασμάτων σε ότι αφορά τα κύρια στοιχεία που δομούν και χαρακτηρίζουν σήμερα το δίπολο λιμάνι-ενδοχώρα, καθώς και την αναγνώριση υφιστάμενων ελλείψεων που χρήζουν αντιμετώπισης (μικρότερη προσοχή σε προσεγγίσεις που εστιάζουν σε εμπορευματικούς διαδρόμους και προσανατολίζονται στη έννοια της αξίας, μικρότερη έμφαση στις ευκαιρίες που δύναται να παρέχουν οι διαχειριστές των εμπορευματικών διαδρόμων για την περαιτέρω ενίσχυση της αποδοτικότητας των χερσαίων συστημάτων μεταφορών και εφοδιαστικής). Με βάση αυτές τις πληροφορίες και με στόχο την αντιμετώπιση των παραπάνω ελλείψεων, αναπτύχθηκε ένα σύστημα αξίας για εμπορευματικούς διαδρόμους διασύνδεσης των λιμένων με την ενδοχώρα, το οποίο δύναται να παρέχει στους εκάστοτε διαχειριστές, καθώς και στη σχετική κοινότητα του εμπορευματικού διαδρόμου, μια ολιστική οπτική ανάλυσης και επιχειρηματικής διεργασίας, η οποία δύναται να ενδυναμώσει σημαντικά το υφιστάμενο περιβάλλον συνεργασίας των σχετικών εμπλεκόμενων φορέων. Το σύστημα αξίας που αναπτύχθηκε αποτελείται από δύο υποσυστήματα, όπου στο πρώτο ο αξιολογητής ορίζει τα χαρακτηριστικά του διαδρόμου που θα εξεταστεί, ενώ στο δεύτερο καθορίζονται οι μηχανισμοί αξιολόγησης ήτοι η οπτική αξιολόγησης (βασική αξία) και οι αντίστοιχες διαστάσεις, υπό-διαστάσεις και κύριοι δείκτες αξίας. Αφού καθοριστούν οι τιμές των τελευταίων, κανονικοποιούνται ακολουθώντας μια υβριδική μέθοδο που συνδυάζει τις μεθόδους «Απόσταση από το στόχο» και «Ελάχιστο-Μέγιστο», ενώ στη συνέχεια λαμβάνει χώρα μια διαδικασία ενοποίησης αποτελούμενη από πέντε επίπεδα, με τις τιμές σε κάθε επίπεδο να θεωρούνται ισοβαρείς. Η διαδικασία αυτή δομήθηκε με βάση την ασαφή λογική, με ένα κλιμακωτό (συνδυαστικό) ασαφές δέντρο να παρουσιάζει πως η βασική αξία ενός εμπορευματικού διαδρόμου διασύνδεσης ενός λιμένα με την ενδοχώρα του υπολογίζεται στο τελευταίο επίπεδο. Το σύστημα εφαρμόστηκε στη συνέχεια σε έναν πραγματικό λειτουργικό εμπορευματικό διάδρομο με στόχο να ελεγχθεί η προσαρμοστικότητά του καθώς και η ευκολία εφαρμογής και χρήσης του. Η εφαρμογή του συστήματος επέτρεψε την εξαγωγή χρήσιμων συμπερασμάτων και τη διαμόρφωση στοχευμένων προτάσεων για τη αύξηση της αξίας το εν λόγω εμπορευματικού διαδρόμου, ενώ παράλληλα κατέδειξε (α) πως το σύστημα δύναται να εφαρμοστεί σε άλλες περιοχές του κόσμου, καθώς και (β) πως αυτή η ερευνητική κατεύθυνση μπορεί να επεκταθεί περαιτέρω στο εγγύς μέλλον

    Key Trends and Developments in the European Port Sector: Main Implications for the Port Labour Industry

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    The paper presents key trends and developments in the maritime and ports sector, with emphasis on the European ports sector. These trends are grouped around five main categories, i.e. market, business, technology, socio-economic evolution and environment related, based on a series of workshops and interviews with key industry experts. Their implications to the port labour industry are discussed. The aim is to provide a better and deeper understanding of the resulting changes in the nature of port work, thus fostering the identification of the main requirements for shaping future human resource demand profiles, skills and training needs, and to contribute towards a better trained EU port labour force and consequently to more competitive European ports

    Estimating truck operating costs for domestic trips – case studies from Greece

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    The transport sector represents a vital component of national economies and has significant impacts on productivity and social welfare. In 2012, the transport sector in Europe was estimated to account for 3.7% of the European Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 5.1% for employment. Road transport proves to be the predominant mode for moving goods within Europe holding a share of approximately 45.8% in 2012 (in ton-kms). In Greece, the share of road freight transport is significantly higher (98%) indicating the importance of this sector for the Greek economy. To this end and considering the existing needs of road freight transport operators in Greece, the objective of this research is to establish an analytical and documented basis for estimating the operating cost of a truck on specific urban or national freight transport routes. To achieve this goal, an extended literature review has been conducted resulting in the identification of the main components comprising the total truck operating cost, which were then updated and validated through a series of personal interviews with selected road freight transport professionals. An excel-based application tool was also developed in order to facilitate operating cost estimates for different cases, through selection of the proper values of the relevant parameters. The resulting tool was used to analyse four test cases, which demonstrate the tool’s usability and applicability. Results from this analysis have been also validated by industry experts and they reflect real-world transport scenarios