49 research outputs found

    Fratura toracolombar tipo explosão: classificação de McCormack e falha de instrumentação posterior

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    OBJETIVOS: Verificar a associação entre o colapso sagital, falha da instrumentação posterior e a classificação de McCormack nos portadores de fratura toracolombar tipo explosão submetidos à artrodese posterior maior do que um nível acima e um abaixo da fratura. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com base em prontuários e radiografias de 22 pacientes operados entre janeiro de 1990 e dezembro de 2006. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: piora da cifose (Cobb), disfunção neurológica (Frankel) e falha do tratamento cirúrgico (quebra ou soltura do implante). RESULTADOS: Não houve correlação entre o colapso sagital e a pontuação da classificação de McCormack (r = 0,221; P = 0,322). Verificamos ainda inexistência de associação entre a falha do implante posterior e a pontuação desta classificação (p = 0,85). CONCLUSÃO: Nossos achados sugerem a falta de aplicabilidade desta classificação em pacientes submetidos a artrodese posterior maior do que um nível acima e um abaixo da fratura.OBJECTIVES: To assess the relationship between sagittal collapse, implant failure and load sharing classification of patients suffering a thoracolumbar burst fracture treated with posterior instrumentation. METHODS: Retrospective review of radiographs and medical records of 26 patients operated on between January 1990 and December 2006. Kyphotic worsening (Cobb), neurologic dysfunction (Frankel) and the failure of surgical treatment (implant breaking or loosening) were studied. RESULTS: No relationship was found between kyphotic deformity and higher scores in the load sharing classification (r = 0,221; P = 0,322). No relationship was found between implant failure and this classification. (p = 0.85). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that this classification is not applicable in patients with an arthrodesis larger than one unit above and below the fracture

    Surgical treatment of scoliosis in spinal muscular atrophy with pedicle screws (third generation instrumentation) and early complications

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    OBJECTIVES: to report the results on the treatment of scoliosis in spinal muscular atrophy, using posterior arthrodesis with pedicle screws. METHODS: a retrospective study was carried out with 16 patients who underwent posterior spinal fusion with pedicle screws. The general status of the patients, correction of the Cobb angle, correction of pelvic obliquity and early complications were analyzed. RESULTS: the initial Cobb angle mean was 94.6º (65 to 132º) turning into 40,4º (2 to 20º) after the surgery, correction of 57.2%. The initial pelvic obliquity mean was 34.7º(25 to 56º) turning into 11.3º (0 to 20º), correction of 67.4%. CONCLUSIONS: the treatment of scoliosis in spinal muscular atrophy using posterior arthrodesis with pedicle screws presents a great potential of correction for the coronal deformity and pelvic obliquity, without serious early complications.OBJETIVO: avaliar a utilização de artrodese via posterior com parafusos pediculares para correção da escoliose em pacientes com amiotrofia espinhal. MÉTODOS: realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo de 16 pacientes com amiotrofia espinhal submetidos à artrodese via posterior exclusiva, com parafusos pediculares. Foi avaliado o perfil geral dos pacientes e o potencial de correção do ângulo de Cobb e da obliquidade pélvica, além das complicações precoces. RESULTADOS: o ângulo de Cobb pré-operatório foi em média de 94,6º (65 a 132º), no pós-operatório de 40,4º (2 a 70º), percentual de correção de 57,2%. A obliquidade pélvica pré-operatória foi em média 34,7º (25 a 56º), no pós-operatório foi para 11,3º (0 a 20º), com percentual de correção de 67,4%. Cinco pacientes tiveram complicações precoces (31,2%) com boa resolução. CONCLUSÕES: o tratamento cirúrgico da escoliose em pacientes com amiotrofia espinhal por meio de artrodese via posterior utilizando parafusos pediculares tem grande potencial de correção da deformidade coronal e da obliquidade pélvica, sem grandes complicações no pós-operatório precoce.OBJETIVO: evaluar la utilización de la artrodesis vía posterior con tornillos pediculares para la corrección de la escoliosis en pacientes con amiotrofia espinal. MÉTODOS: fue realizado un estudio retrospectivo de 16 pacientes con amiotrofia espinal sometidos a la artrodesis vía posterior exclusiva, con tornillos pediculares. Fue evaluado el perfil general de los pacientes, y el potencial de corrección del ángulo de Cobb y de la oblicuidad pélvica, además de las complicaciones precoces. RESULTADOS: el ángulo de Cobb preoperatorio fue en promedio 94.6º (65 a 132º), en el postoperatorio 40.4º (2 a 70), porcentual de corrección de 57.2%. La oblicuidad pélvica preoperatoria fue en media 34.7º (25 a 56º), en el postoperatorio fue para 11.3º (0 a 20º), porcentual de corrección de 67.4%. Cinco pacientes tuvieron complicaciones precoces (31.2%) con buena resolución. CONCLUSIÓN: el tratamiento quirúrgico de la escoliosis en pacientes con amiotrofia espinal, con artrodesis vía posterior utilizando tornillos pediculares, tiene gran potencial de corrección de la deformidad coronal y de la oblicuidad pélvica, sin grandes complicaciones en el postoperatorio precoz.9810

    BINGO-ABDUS: a radiotelescope to unveil the dark sector of the Universe

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    we review the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations (BINGO) telescope, an international collaboration, led by Brazil and China, aiming to explore the Universe history through integrated post-reionization 21cm signals and fast radio emissions. For identifying individually fast radio sources, the Advanced Bingo Dark Universe Studies (ABDUS) project has been proposed and developed and will combine the current BINGO construction with the main single-dish telescope and stations of phased-array and outrigger.Comment: 23 pages, work presented in Syros, Greece, September 2022, to appear in Springe

    Genetic aspects of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in a family with multiple affected members: a research article

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The etiology of idiopathic scoliosis remains unknown and different factors have been suggested as causal. Hereditary factors can also determine the etiology of the disease; however, the pattern of inheritance remains unknown. Autosomal dominant, X-linked and multifactorial patterns of inheritances have been reported. Other studies have suggested possible chromosome regions related to the etiology of idiopathic scoliosis. We report the genetic aspects of and investigate chromosome regions for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in a Brazilian family.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Evaluation of 57 family members, distributed over 4 generations of a Brazilian family, with 9 carriers of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The proband presented a scoliotic curve of 75 degrees, as determined by the Cobb method. Genomic DNA from family members was genotyped.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Locating a chromosome region linked to adolescent idiopathic scoliosis was not possible in the family studied.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While it was not possible to determine a chromosome region responsible for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis by investigation of genetic linkage using microsatellites markers during analysis of four generations of a Brazilian family with multiple affected members, analysis including other types of genomic variations, like single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) could contribute to the continuity of this study.</p

    Evaluation of the pain and local morbidity of the insertion taken out from the iliac crest to the anterior cervical arthrodesis

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the possible complications associated to the removal of the insertion of the anterior iliac crest in surgery to the anterior cervical arthrodesis, especially to the residual pain. METHODS: the retrospective study with the medical records analysis and the application of a form by telephone with 20 patients in a period from August 2008 to November 2009 were performed. All patients were submitted to the same surgical technique for the crest extraction, and were operated by the same team at Hospital das Clínidas da Unicamp (HC Unicamp). The variants analyzed were: residual, pain infection rate, neurologic or vascular lesion and occurrence of the fracture of the iliac wing. The data was placed in a table and the average and percentage were calculated. RESULTS: of the 20 patients, 12 men and 8 women, with average age of 51.75 years (29-74) and mean follow-up of 11,83 months (2-29), we did not find any serious lesion like fracture, arterial or neurologic lesion. There was a case of superficial infection (5%), and 25% of the patients complained about light discomfort and not incapacitating difficulty to prowl. CONCLUSION: the removal of the anterior iliac crest is associated to many complications. It is important to know of other insertion options and make the patient aware of the possible complications. Through this research, we did not find any serious complications, and the patients' percentage with residual pain are the same as in the literature, and can be diminished through a careful dissection of the iliac crest.OBJETIVO: avaliar as possíveis complicações associadas à retirada de enxerto da crista ilíaca anterior em cirurgia para artrodese cervical anterior, em especial a dor residual. MÉTODOS: foi realizado estudo retrospectivo com análise de prontuários e aplicação de questionário via telefone com 20 pacientes no período compreendido entre Agosto de 2008 e Novembro de 2009. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à mesma técnica cirúrgica para extração do enxerto, sendo operados pela mesma equipe no Hospital de Clinicas da Unicamp (HC Unicamp). As variantes analisadas foram dor residual, taxa de infecção, lesão neurológica ou vascular e ocorrência de fratura da asa do ilíaco. Os dados foram colocados em uma tabela e as médias e porcentagens foram calculadas. RESULTADOS: dos 20 pacientes, 12 homens e 8 mulheres, com média de idade de 51,75 anos (29-74) e follow-up médio de 11,83 meses (2-29), não houve nenhuma lesão grave, como fratura, lesão arterial ou neurológica. Houve um caso de infecção superficial (5%) e 25% dos pacientes queixaram-se de desconforto leve e dificuldade para deambular não incapacitante. CONCLUSÃO: a retirada de enxerto da crista ilíaca anterior está associada a muitas complicações, sendo importante o conhecimento de outras opções de enxerto e exposição ao paciente das possíveis complicações. Por meio deste levantamento, não verificamos nenhuma complicação grave, e o percentual de pacientes com dor residual acompanha os achados na literatura, podendo ser diminuído com uma dissecção cuidadosa da crista ilíaca.OBJETIVO: evaluar las posibles compilaciones asociadas a la retirada del injerto de la cresta ilíaca anterior en cirugía para artrodesis cervical anterior, principalmente los dolores residuales. MÉTODOS: fue realizado un estudio retrospectivo con análisis de prontuarios y con aplicación de cuestionario por teléfono para 20 pacientes entre agosto de 2008 y noviembre de 2009. Todos los pacientes fueron sometidos al mismo procedimiento cirúrgico para la retirada del injerto, siendo que fueron operados por el mismo equipo en el Hospital de Clínicas de la Unicamp (HC Unicamp). Las variantes analizadas fueron: dolor residual, tasa de infección, lesión neurológica o vascular y aparición de fractura en el ala ilíaca. Los datos fueron colocados en una tabla, y las mediciones y porcentajes fueron calculados. RESULTADOS: de los 20 pacientes, 12 hombres y 8 mujeres, con edad media de 51,75 años (29-74), acompañamiento medio de 11,83 meses (2-29). No tuvo ninguna lesión grave como fractura, lesión arterial o neurológica. Hubo un caso de infección superficial (5%), y 25% de los pacientes se quejaron de malestar leve y dificultades para andar no incapacidad. CONCLUSIÓN: la retirada del injerto de la cresta ilíaca anterior esta relacionada a muchas complicaciones, siendo importante el conocimiento de otras opciones de injerto y exposición al paciente de las posibles complicaciones. A través del levantamiento, no se verificó ninguna complicación grave y el porcentual de pacientes con dolor residual pude se comparar con los encontrados en literatura, pudiendo ser reducidos a través de una disección cuidadosa de la cresta ilíaca.42442

    The BINGO Project IX: Search for Fast Radio Bursts -- A Forecast for the BINGO Interferometry System

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    The Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations (BINGO) radio telescope will use the neutral Hydrogen emission line to map the Universe in the redshift range 0.127z0.4490.127 \le z \le 0.449, with the main goal of probing BAO. In addition, the instrument optical design and hardware configuration support the search for Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). In this work, we propose the use of a BINGO Interferometry System (BIS) including new auxiliary, smaller, radio telescopes (hereafter \emph{outriggers}). The interferometric approach makes it possible to pinpoint the FRB sources in the sky. We present here the results of several BIS configurations combining BINGO horns with and without mirrors (44 m, 55 m, and 66 m) and 5, 7, 9, or 10 for single horns. We developed a new {\tt Python} package, the {\tt FRBlip}, which generates synthetic FRB mock catalogs and computes, based on a telescope model, the observed signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) that we used to compute numerically the detection rates of the telescopes and how many interferometry pairs of telescopes (\emph{baselines}) can observe an FRB. FRBs observed by more than one baseline are the ones whose location can be determined. We thus evaluate the performance of BIS regarding FRB localization. We found that BIS will be able to localize 23 FRBs yearly with single horn outriggers in the best configuration (using 10 outriggers of 6 m mirrors), with redshift z0.96z \leq 0.96; the full localization capability depends on the number and the type of the outriggers. Wider beams are best to pinpoint FRB sources because potential candidates will be observed by more baselines, while narrow beams look deep in redshift. The BIS can be a powerful extension of the regular BINGO telescope, dedicated to observe hundreds of FRBs during Phase 1. Many of them will be well localized with a single horn + 6 m dish as outriggers.(Abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, submitted to A&

    The BINGO Project VI: HI Halo Occupation Distribution and Mock Building

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    BINGO (Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations.) is a radio telescope designed to survey from 980 MHz to 1260 MHz, observe the neutral Hydrogen (HI) 21-cm line and detect BAO (Baryon Acoustic Oscillation) signal with Intensity Mapping technique. Here we present our method to generate mock maps of the 21-cm Intensity Mapping signal covering the BINGO frequency range and related test results. (Abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&

    The BINGO Project IV: Simulations for mission performance assessment and preliminary component separation steps

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    The large-scale distribution of neutral hydrogen (HI) in the Universe is luminous through its 21 cm emission. The goal of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations -- BINGO -- radio telescope is to detect baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) at radio frequencies through 21 cm intensity mapping (IM). The telescope will span the redshift range 0.127 <z<< z < 0.449 with an instantaneous field-of-view of 14.75×6.014.75^{\circ} \times 6.0^{\circ}. In this work we investigate different constructive and operational scenarios of the instrument by generating sky maps as they would be produced by the instrument. In doing this we use a set of end-to-end IM mission simulations. The maps will additionally be used to evaluate the efficiency of a component separation method (GNILC). We have simulated the kind of data that would be produced in a single-dish IM experiment such as BINGO. According to the results obtained, we have optimized the focal plane design of the telescope. In addition, the application of the GNILC method on simulated data shows that it is feasible to extract the cosmological signal across a wide range of multipoles and redshifts. The results are comparable with the standard principal component analysis method.Comment: 16 pages. Version to appear in A&