7 research outputs found

    Avaliação da germinação e dormência de sementes de arroz vermelho e branco

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    White rice seeds have dormancy, but of lower intensity than red rice seeds. However some red rice genotypes have been observed with similar intensity to the dormancy of white rice seeds. After the physiological maturity stage, seeds can be exposed to less favorable conditions. Thus, the objectives were to determine the physiological maturity stage and to monitor germination and dormancy at 0, 30 and 60 days after the seed harvest of red and white rice genotypes. The experiment to determine the physiological maturity stage was a completely randomized block subdivided into plots and five replications. Data was obtained by regression analysis. Germination and dormancy data in each storage period was submitted to variance analysis, according to a completely randomized block design, analyzed as a 4 (genotypes) x 3 (1 and 2 control treatments break dormancy) factorial, with fi ve replications. Means were compared by the Student-Newman-Keuls at 5% probability level. Physiological maturity of seeds from rice genotypes Vermelho Pequeno, Vermelho Virgínia, SCSBRS Tio Taka and EPAGRI109 is reached at dent stage. A 30-day storage period is effi cient at overcoming the seed dormancy of the Vermelho Pequeno genotype but a 60-day period is required by the other genotypes.As sementes de arroz branco possuem dormência, porém de intensidade menor que as de arroz vermelho. Entretanto, já foram observados alguns genótipos de arroz vermelho com dormência de intensidade semelhante à de sementes de arroz branco. Após o estádio de maturidade fisiológica, a semente pode ficar exposta a condições menos favoráveis. Com isso, os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar o estádio de maturidade fisiológica e monitorar a germinação e a dormência, aos 0, 30 e 60 dias após a colheita, de sementes de genótipos de arroz vermelho e de arroz branco. O delineamento experimental para a determinação do ponto de maturidade fisiológica foi o de blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas com cinco repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de regressão. Para avaliação da germinação e dormência em cada época de armazenamento foi feita a análise da variância conjunta, segundo o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 4 (genótipos) x 3 (1 controle e 2 tratamentos de quebra de dormência), com cinco repetições. A comparação de médias foi realizada pelo teste de Student-Newman-Keuls a 5% de probabilidade. A maturidade fisiológica das sementes dos genótipos Vermelho Pequeno, Vermelho Virgínia, SCSBRS Tio Taka e EPAGRI109 é atingida no estádio duro. O período de 30 dias de armazenamento é suficiente para a superação da dormência das sementes do genótipo Vermelho Pequeno e para os genótipos Vermelho Virgínia, EPAGRI109 e SCSBRS Tio Taka o período necessário é de 60 dias de armazenamento

    Validação de cartilha educacional sobre prevenção do Câncer Colorretal / Validation of educational booklet on Colorectal Cancer prevention

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    Objetivo: validar uma cartilha sobe CCR, a fim de acrescentar conhecimento e, através disso, contribuir para a diminuição de casos e a melhoria da saúde pública. Materiais e método: Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de validação de material educativo no formato de cartilha impressa, sob a análise e método da literatura de Pasquali, utilizando o seu modelo trinário. Resultados: enriquecimento textual com a inclusão de fatores de risco, retirada de termos técnicos, harmonia entre o texto e visual trazendo o material a alcance da população. Conclusão: Destacou-se a importância da avaliação e identificação dos trechos não compatíveis com a efetividade da comunicação, trazendo uma linguagem de fácil entendimento e assimilação de informações, o que proporciona formas de prevenção, levando o usuário ao autocuidado

    Embebição, condicionamento fisiológico e efeito do hipoclorito de sódio na germinação de sementes de alface.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar métodos alternativos para melhorar a germinação e o vigor de sementes de alface, cultivar Regina, em altas temperaturas. Utilizaram-se três métodos de condicionamento fisiológico: hidrocondicionamento em papel, hidrocondicionamento por imersão em água destilada e osmocondicionamento em solução de PEG 6000 -1,5 Mpa, e sementes testemunhas. Foram avaliados a imersão ou não das sementes em solução de hipoclorito de sódio (NaClO) no teste de germinação. Inicialmente determinaram-se as marchas de absorção de água em cada método e esses resultados foram submetidos à análise de regressão. Os resultados dos efeitos dos métodos de condicionamento e tratamento com NaClO foram submetidos à análise de variância em um arranjo fatorial 4 x 2 e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey,


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    The red rice in Brazil is cultivated mainly in the Northwester region and practically unknown for major of the Brazilian population. This culture have a great importance for small farmers, but needs more studies. The objective of this research was evaluate agronomics traits, the seed physiological quality and the crude protein content of selected cultivars of red rice, Vermelho Pequeno and Vermelho Virgínia, from cultivation and selection in the UFRRJ, contrasting with the commercial cultivars, Caiapó and BRS Primavera, of white rice. The experiment was installed in November of 2004, in Seropédica, RJ, in the experimental design of randomized blocks with four repetitions. It was evaluated: plant height; harvest index; number of viable tillers/ m²; number of spikiest/panicle; percentage of fertile spikelets/panicle; weight of a thousand spikelets; seed water content; weight of 1000 spikelets; productivity; germination; first counting of the germination test and crude protein content. The Vermelho Pequeno cultivar presented higher productivity of grain, higher tillering capacity, higher spikelets production, medium size, index of harvest, crude protein content and quality seed to similar to that of commercial cultivars

    Geospatial Insights into Aridity Conditions: MODIS Products and GIS Modeling in Northeast Brazil

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    Northeast Brazil (NEB), particularly its semiarid region, represents an area highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change, including severe droughts, and intense anthropogenic activities. These stresses may be accelerating environmental degradation and desertification of soil in NEB. The main aim of this study was to gain geospatial insights into the biophysical parameters of surface energy balance and actual evapotranspiration on a multi-temporal scale, aiming to detect and analyze the spectral behavioral patterns of areas vulnerable to degradation processes, based on thematic maps at the surface, for NEB and mainly the semiarid region of NEB from 2000 to 2019. Geospatial data from 8-day MODIS sensor products were used, such as surface reflectance (Terra/MOD09A1 and Aqua/MYD09A1), surface temperature (Terra/MOD11A2 and Aqua/MYD11A2), and actual evapotranspiration (Terra/MOD16A2 and Aqua/MYD16A2), version 6. Therefore, in this study, pixel-to-pixel values were processed by calculating the average pixel statistics for each year. From the reflectance product, digital processing of the surface albedo and spectral vegetation indices was also carried out, using computational programming scripts and machine learning algorithms developed via the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. The study also presents a seasonal analysis of these components and their relationships over 20 years. Through vegetation indices and statistical correlations, a new predictive model of actual evapotranspiration was developed. The quantitative and spatiotemporal spectral patterns of the parameters were assessed through descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency and dispersion, and statistical error analyses and correlation indices. Thematic maps highlighted the pixel-to-pixel results, with patterns of high temperature distribution mainly in the central and northeastern part of NEB and the semiarid region of NEB, highlighting the formation of persistent heat islands over time. Meanwhile, in these areas, the maps of actual evapotranspiration showed a drastic reduction due to the lesser availability of energy. Over time, the semiarid region of NEB presented areas with little and/or no vegetation cover, which were highly well-defined between the years 2012 and 2019, confirming that these areas are extremely vulnerable to degradation and desertification processes due to significant loss of vegetative and water resilience. The components of energy balance were highly interconnected to climatological and environmental conditions, showing the severe results of drought and accentuation of the water deficit in NEB, presenting a greater condition of aridity in the semiarid region of NEB over time

    Dynamics of Fire Foci in the Amazon Rainforest and Their Consequences on Environmental Degradation

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    Burns are common practices in Brazil and cause major fires, especially in the Legal Amazon. This study evaluated the dynamics of the fire foci in the Legal Amazon in Brazil and their consequences on environmental degradation, particularly in the transformation of the forest into pasture, in livestock and agriculture areas, mining activities and urbanization. The fire foci data were obtained from the reference satellites of the BDQueimadas of the CPTEC/INPE for the period June 1998–May 2022. The data obtained were subjected to descriptive and exploratory statistical analysis, followed by a comparison with the PRODES data during 2004–2021, the DETER data (2016–2019) and the ENSO phases during the ONI index for the study area. Biophysical parameters were used in the assessment of environmental degradation. The results showed that El Niño’s years of activity and the years of extreme droughts (2005, 2010 and 2015) stand out with respect to significant increase in fire foci. Moreover, the significant numbers of fire foci indices during August, September, October and November were recorded as 23.28%, 30.91%, 15.64% and 10.34%, respectively, and these were even more intensified by the El Niño episodes. Biophysical parameters maps showed the variability of the fire foci, mainly in the south and west part of the Amazon basin referring to the Arc of Deforestation. Similarly, the states of Mato Grosso, Pará and Amazonas had the highest alerts from PRODES and DETER, and in the case of DETER, primarily mining and deforestation (94.3%) increased the environmental degradation. The use of burns for agriculture and livestock, followed by mining and wood extraction, caused the degradation of the Amazon biome