118 research outputs found

    Production of lignocellulose based biofuels

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    Cilj ovog preglednog rada jest analiza biogoriva na osnovi lignoceluloze, te njihova usporedba s drugim biogorivima. Pregledom i proučavanjem potrebnih predtretmana kod obrade lingocelulozne biomase, može se zaključiti o vrijednosti, isplativosti i konkurentnosti biogoriva na osnovi lignoceluloze na tržištu. Kako bi razumijevanje predtretmana bilo potpuno, potrebno je imati uvid u samu strukturu lignocelulozne biomase, stoga, u ovom radu obrađeni su osnovni dijelovi od kojih se lignocelulozna biomasa sastoji; lignin, celuloza i hemiceluloza. Obzirom na to da je fermentacijski etanol najčešće proizvedeno biogorivo iz lignoceluloze, objašnjen je proces fermentacije i navedena su određena svojstva etanola. Usporedba sintetskog i fermentacijskog etanola, njihovih troškova proizvodnje i povrata investicije omogućuju bolju procjenu fermentacijskog etanola, a time i lignoceluloznog etanola u smislu konkurentnosti i isplativosti. Zaključak rada jest da lignocelulozni etanol ima budućnost na tržištu biogoriva samo ako se smanji broj potrebnih predtretmana lignocelulozne biomase, ili snize ukupni troškovi proizvodnje biogoriva na osnovi lignoceluloze.The aim of this study is to analyze lignocellulose based biofuels, their production and used biomass material. Comparing lignocellulosic biofuel with other biofuels is necessary for estimating its potential on the market. By reviewing and studying the required pre-treatment when processing lingocelullosic biomass, conclusions can be made about the economy and profitability of the process. In order to fully understand various pre-treatment processes, having an insight into the structure of the lignocellulosic biomass is unavoidable, therefore, this paper will cover the main components of which lignocellulosic biomass is composed; lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. Given the fact that fermentation ethanol is usually the most commonly obtained biofuel from lignocellulosic biomass, an explanation of the fermentation process is provided as well as specifying certain properties of ethanol. A comparison of synthetic and fermentation ethanol, their production costs and return of investment allows a better understanding of lignocellulosic ethanol in terms of competitiveness on the market and profitability. Lignocellulosic ethanol will be more valued on the market once less pretreatments of lignocellulosic biomass are required resulting in a less expensive production process of lignocellulosic biomass

    Production of lignocellulose based biofuels

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    Cilj ovog preglednog rada jest analiza biogoriva na osnovi lignoceluloze, te njihova usporedba s drugim biogorivima. Pregledom i proučavanjem potrebnih predtretmana kod obrade lingocelulozne biomase, može se zaključiti o vrijednosti, isplativosti i konkurentnosti biogoriva na osnovi lignoceluloze na tržištu. Kako bi razumijevanje predtretmana bilo potpuno, potrebno je imati uvid u samu strukturu lignocelulozne biomase, stoga, u ovom radu obrađeni su osnovni dijelovi od kojih se lignocelulozna biomasa sastoji; lignin, celuloza i hemiceluloza. Obzirom na to da je fermentacijski etanol najčešće proizvedeno biogorivo iz lignoceluloze, objašnjen je proces fermentacije i navedena su određena svojstva etanola. Usporedba sintetskog i fermentacijskog etanola, njihovih troškova proizvodnje i povrata investicije omogućuju bolju procjenu fermentacijskog etanola, a time i lignoceluloznog etanola u smislu konkurentnosti i isplativosti. Zaključak rada jest da lignocelulozni etanol ima budućnost na tržištu biogoriva samo ako se smanji broj potrebnih predtretmana lignocelulozne biomase, ili snize ukupni troškovi proizvodnje biogoriva na osnovi lignoceluloze.The aim of this study is to analyze lignocellulose based biofuels, their production and used biomass material. Comparing lignocellulosic biofuel with other biofuels is necessary for estimating its potential on the market. By reviewing and studying the required pre-treatment when processing lingocelullosic biomass, conclusions can be made about the economy and profitability of the process. In order to fully understand various pre-treatment processes, having an insight into the structure of the lignocellulosic biomass is unavoidable, therefore, this paper will cover the main components of which lignocellulosic biomass is composed; lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. Given the fact that fermentation ethanol is usually the most commonly obtained biofuel from lignocellulosic biomass, an explanation of the fermentation process is provided as well as specifying certain properties of ethanol. A comparison of synthetic and fermentation ethanol, their production costs and return of investment allows a better understanding of lignocellulosic ethanol in terms of competitiveness on the market and profitability. Lignocellulosic ethanol will be more valued on the market once less pretreatments of lignocellulosic biomass are required resulting in a less expensive production process of lignocellulosic biomass

    Traditional Practices among Rural Women to Relieve Their Common Pregnancy Minor Discomforts: A Descriptive Study

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    Background: Pregnancy is a normal process that results in ? series of both physiological and psychological changes in women that require adjustment and adaptation on the part of the mother. The observable result of physiological changes is minor discomforts. The most common discomforts are morning sickness, heartburn, constipation, backache, and leg cramps. Although minor discomforts are non-serious, their presences detract from the mother feeling of comfort and well-being in many instances they can be avoid by preventive measures or healthful practices once they do occur. Aim: This study was done to assess the practices adopted by rural pregnant women to relive their common minor discomforts. Subject & Methods: The study was conducted at six maternal and child health centers in El-Mahalla Elkobra. A sample of 300 pregnant women was selected. Data were collected by an interview questionnaire. Results: the mean age of mothers was 27.44±5.36, 61.0% of them had 3 pregnancies or more, 76.7% used antenatal care services during their previous pregnancies, and 74.4% of the study subjects had irregular follow-up visits. The majority of them used harmful measures to overcome their minor discomfort than useful ones. Women’s mothers were the main sources of women’s information about practices to overcome common minor discomforts. Significant statistical relationships were observed between traditional practices to overcome common minor discomforts and some times of women’s characteristics as educational level, occupational status, age at marriage, family income and utilization of antenatal care services by the studied subjects. Conclusion: Most of the rural dwellers used traditional measures to relieve associated pregnancy minor discomforts. Traditional practices among pregnant women to relieve common minor discomfort during pregnancy in the rural area tended to be more harmful than useful ones. Usage of traditional practiced affected by women’s education, occupation, age at marriage, family income, and regular utilization of ANC services. Recommendations: Continuous education and training programs about pregnancy and its accompanied minor discomforts should be conducted for physicians, nurses, midwives, and TBAs to manage minor discomforts. Measures to combat women’s delay in initiation antenatal care services should be taken

    Proximate Composition, Mineral Content and Secondary Metabolites of Three Medicinal Wild Fagonia Species

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    Proximate composition of the aerial parts of three Fagonia species (Fagonia arabica L., F. mollis Delile and F. cretica L.) collected from different habitats were analyzed. Macro- and micro-elements as well as some secondary metabolites were estimated. The obtained results revealed that F. creticus contains appreciable levels of nutritive components considering that its nutritional value (351.06 kcal/100g dry wt.) was remarkably higher than that of F. arabica and F. mollis (327.99 and 293.07 kcal/100g dry wt., respectively). The concentration of Na was relatively the highest among the other estimated macroelements in the studied species followed by K, Ca and Mg, respectively while Fe was the highest microelement followed by Cu, Mn and Zn, respectively. The phytochemical composition revealed that methanolic extract of F. creticus was the richest in total alkaloids and flavonoids, while F. arabica found to be the richest in total phenolics and tannins

    Assessment of Quality of Life among Beta-Thalassemia Major Patients Attending the Hematology Outpatient Clinics at Cairo University Hospital

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    AIM: This paper aimed at assessing the quality of life (QoL) among beta (β)-thalassemia major patients using the short-form-36questionnaire (SF-36) and determining the factors associated with it. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among β-thalassemia major patients who were attending the hematology outpatient clinic at Cairo University Hospital using the consecutive sampling technique. Data were collected between October 2016 and March 2017. The QoL was assessed for patients aged ≥17 years. During the study period, a total number of 112 patients were included for participation. RESULTS: The mean age of the studied group was 18.32 ± 1.33 years. Most of the included patients (93.63%) had 1 monthly blood transfusion. The mean total score of SF-36 was 44.90 ± 7.54. Among the QoL domains of the studied patients, the “general health perception” domain was the most affected one with a mean score of (add the value of the score here), while the “vitality” domain was the least affected one. No statistically significant difference was reported between males and females regarding different QoL domains except for the “vitality” domain which mean score was significantly higher in males compared to females (p = 0.05). The age at onset of the disease and at first blood transfusion was the most documented factors to be positively correlated with the QoL among the studied patients. CONCLUSION: This study revealed that the QoL in thalassemia major patients is compromised. QoL assessment should be performed for all thalassemia patients to determine and implement the necessary interventions that focus on the affected domains

    Prognostic models for predicting recurrence and survival in women with endometrial cancer

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (prognosis). The objectives are as follows: To review all prognostic models that combine two or more clinical, histological or molecular variables, or a combination of these variables, to provide an individualised assessment of risk of recurrence or death from disease and evaluate their performance to predict these outcomes in people undergoing curative treatment for endometrial cancer

    Examining Delay Intervals in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in an Egyptian Population and Its Impact on Lifestyle

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    Purpose. To examine causes as well as extent of delay in diagnosis and treatment of primary open angle glaucoma patients in a sample of Egyptians. Patients and Methods. 440 patients with primary open angle glaucoma were interviewed to evaluate delay in their diagnosis and treatment. The extent and cause of delay were investigated. The total delay interval, if any, was correlated with socioeconomic and other factors. Results. The median total delay was one year, with 50% of patients having a total delay of 1 year or less, of which 25% exhibited zero total delay. 25% of patients had a delay ranging from 1 to 3 years, and 25% had a total delay ranging from 3 to 27 years. Diagnostic delay accounted for 43.03% of cases. Longer delays were met in patients with certain socioeconomic factors. Patients with a positive family history of glaucoma displayed shorter delay periods. Conclusion. Significant delay in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma was found. Poor socioeconomic status seems to hinder timely diagnosis and treatment of POAG. Certain socioeconomic factors seem to correlate with the extent of delay. More effort is thus needed to subsidize the cost of investigations and treatment for glaucoma patients

    Epidemiological Profile of Acute Viral Encephalitis in a Sample of Egyptian Children

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    INTRODUCTION: Acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) is a considerable public health problem.AIM: This study was designed to describe the aetiology, demographic features, clinical picture, short-term outcome and risk factors of mortality of children with viral encephalitis in Egyptian children.METHODS: PCR detection of viruses in the CSF of pediatric patients admitted to the pediatric unit or ICU Cairo University Pediatric hospital presenting with encephalitis syndrome.RESULTS: Of the 96 patients included in the study, viral etiological agents were detected in 20 cases (20.8%), while 76 patients (79.2%) had no definite viral aetiology. The most abundant virus detected was Enterovirus (EV) in fourteen (14.5%), two (2.1%) were positive for human herpes simplex virus 6 (HSV-6), one (1.0%), human herpes simplex virus1 (HSV-1), one (1.0%) Epstein Barr virus (EBV), one (1.0%), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and one (1.0%) with varicella-zoster virus (VZV). On the short term outcome, 22 (22.9) patients died, and 74 (77.1%) survived. Severity outcome among survival was vegetative in three cases (4%) severe in 9 (12.16%), moderate in 14 (18.9%), mild in 29 (39.2%) and full recovery in 19 (25.6%). Mortality risk factors for younger age, the presence of apnea, the need for mechanical ventilation and the presence of abnormal CT findings were all significantly associated with fatal outcome (p < 0.05).CONCLUSION: Enterovirus was the most common cause of encephalitis among Egyptian children. Mortality was correlated with younger age and disease severity at admission. Sequelae were high among infected children

    Examining Delay Intervals in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in an Egyptian Population and Its Impact on Lifestyle

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    . Purpose. To examine causes as well as extent of delay in diagnosis and treatment of primary open angle glaucoma patients in a sample of Egyptians. Patients and Methods. 440 patients with primary open angle glaucoma were interviewed to evaluate delay in their diagnosis and treatment. The extent and cause of delay were investigated. The total delay interval, if any, was correlated with socioeconomic and other factors. Results. The median total delay was one year, with 50% of patients having a total delay of 1 year or less, of which 25% exhibited zero total delay. 25% of patients had a delay ranging from 1 to 3 years, and 25% had a total delay ranging from 3 to 27 years. Diagnostic delay accounted for 43.03% of cases. Longer delays were met in patients with certain socioeconomic factors. Patients with a positive family history of glaucoma displayed shorter delay periods. Conclusion. Significant delay in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma was found. Poor socioeconomic status seems to hinder timely diagnosis and treatment of POAG. Certain socioeconomic factors seem to correlate with the extent of delay. More effort is thus needed to subsidize the cost of investigations and treatment for glaucoma patients

    Middle Eastern Cities in a Time of Climate Crisis

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    The climate crisis is hitting around the world, including in the Middle East and its cities. Urban regions are exposed to increasingly frequent heat waves and floods that leave decision makers without immediate answers. In the context of this global crisis, this book addresses the need for a better understanding of the current model of urban expansion. Cities are major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions but they are also celebrated for their contribution to economic growth. The current moment is one of a large paradigm shift as climate change is now recognized as a legitimate public problem. This is especially true for city dwellers, who are increasingly exposed to climate change, the loss of biodiversity and heavy pollution while natural breathing spaces continue to shrink around them. The sixteen chapters of this book do not offer any off-the-rack or technical solutions, but they analyze the urban conundrum and the contribution of cities to the climate crisis. Some chapters focus on individual car ownership, land privatization, waste management and land use changes under the guise of development. Others explore local and contextual answers to urban governance issues. With the support of CEDEJ and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, researchers, experts and civil society actors explore the ongoing transformations of Middle Eastern urban environments and mobilities and question them in relation to the climate crisis. The contributions are based on empirical knowledge gathered in the Nile Delta, the Greater Cairo Region, Riyadh and Beirut. Without concessions to mainstream thinking, this book contributes to a better understanding of urban challenges, climate threats and policy responses in contexts marked by growing environmental inequalities