Production of lignocellulose based biofuels


Cilj ovog preglednog rada jest analiza biogoriva na osnovi lignoceluloze, te njihova usporedba s drugim biogorivima. Pregledom i proučavanjem potrebnih predtretmana kod obrade lingocelulozne biomase, može se zaključiti o vrijednosti, isplativosti i konkurentnosti biogoriva na osnovi lignoceluloze na tržištu. Kako bi razumijevanje predtretmana bilo potpuno, potrebno je imati uvid u samu strukturu lignocelulozne biomase, stoga, u ovom radu obrađeni su osnovni dijelovi od kojih se lignocelulozna biomasa sastoji; lignin, celuloza i hemiceluloza. Obzirom na to da je fermentacijski etanol najčešće proizvedeno biogorivo iz lignoceluloze, objašnjen je proces fermentacije i navedena su određena svojstva etanola. Usporedba sintetskog i fermentacijskog etanola, njihovih troškova proizvodnje i povrata investicije omogućuju bolju procjenu fermentacijskog etanola, a time i lignoceluloznog etanola u smislu konkurentnosti i isplativosti. Zaključak rada jest da lignocelulozni etanol ima budućnost na tržištu biogoriva samo ako se smanji broj potrebnih predtretmana lignocelulozne biomase, ili snize ukupni troškovi proizvodnje biogoriva na osnovi lignoceluloze.The aim of this study is to analyze lignocellulose based biofuels, their production and used biomass material. Comparing lignocellulosic biofuel with other biofuels is necessary for estimating its potential on the market. By reviewing and studying the required pre-treatment when processing lingocelullosic biomass, conclusions can be made about the economy and profitability of the process. In order to fully understand various pre-treatment processes, having an insight into the structure of the lignocellulosic biomass is unavoidable, therefore, this paper will cover the main components of which lignocellulosic biomass is composed; lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. Given the fact that fermentation ethanol is usually the most commonly obtained biofuel from lignocellulosic biomass, an explanation of the fermentation process is provided as well as specifying certain properties of ethanol. A comparison of synthetic and fermentation ethanol, their production costs and return of investment allows a better understanding of lignocellulosic ethanol in terms of competitiveness on the market and profitability. Lignocellulosic ethanol will be more valued on the market once less pretreatments of lignocellulosic biomass are required resulting in a less expensive production process of lignocellulosic biomass

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