263 research outputs found

    Cosmological Models with Fractional Derivatives and Fractional Action Functional

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    Cosmological models of a scalar field with dynamical equations containing fractional derivatives or derived from the Einstein-Hilbert action of fractional order, are constructed. A number of exact solutions to those equations of fractional cosmological models in both cases is given.Comment: 14 page

    A formulation of the fractional Noether-type theorem for multidimensional Lagrangians

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    This paper presents the Euler-Lagrange equations for fractional variational problems with multiple integrals. The fractional Noether-type theorem for conservative and nonconservative generalized physical systems is proved. Our approach uses well-known notion of the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative.Comment: Submitted 26-SEP-2011; accepted 3-MAR-2012; for publication in Applied Mathematics Letter

    Noether's Theorem for Fractional Optimal Control Problems

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    We begin by reporting on some recent results of the authors (Frederico and Torres, 2006), concerning the use of the fractional Euler-Lagrange notion to prove a Noether-like theorem for the problems of the calculus of variations with fractional derivatives. We then obtain, following the Lagrange multiplier technique used in (Agrawal, 2004), a new version of Noether's theorem to fractional optimal control systems.Comment: To be presented at FDA'06 - 2nd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, 19-21 July 2006, Porto, Portugal. Accepted (07-March-2006) for the Conference Proceeding

    Fractional Noether's theorem in the Riesz-Caputo sense

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    We prove a Noether's theorem for fractional variational problems with Riesz-Caputo derivatives. Both Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations are obtained. Illustrative examples in the fractional context of the calculus of variations and optimal control are given.Comment: Accepted (25/Jan/2010) for publication in Applied Mathematics and Computatio

    Primjena dijelnog učinu-sličnog varijacijskog načela za rast crnih jama i energiju skupljanja

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    Some interesting aspects and features of black hole growth and accretion energy rather than evaporation are discussed within the framework of fractional action-like variational approach recently introduced by the author.U okviru dijelnog učinu-sličnog varijacijskog načela, nedavno uvedenog ovim autorom, raspravljaju se neki zanimljivi izgledi i odlike rasta crnih jama i energije skupljanja, umjesto isparavanja crnih jama

    Izmijenjena Gauss-Bonnet-Brans-Dickeova kozmologija sa zamrznutim skalarnim potencijalima

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    In this letter, we discuss the late-time dynamics of a modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity theory `a la Brans-Dicke, dominated by freezing potentials V (φ) ∝ φ −n, n ∈ R. For a certain choice of the parameter n, it is observed that the universe is dominated by dark energy, accelerated in time and controlled by the Gauss-Bonnet invariant term. Besides, the Brans-Dicke parameter ω ≫ 1 compatible with some recent reports where this bound is updated by several thousands following from the bound on “˜γ − 1” from the Cassini mission, ˜γ being the PPN parameter. Many additional interesting features are raised and discussed in some details.Razmatramo kasnovremensku dinamiku izmijenjene Gauss-Bonnetove gravitacijske teorije u kojoj prevladavaju zamrznuti skalarni potencijali V (φ) ∝ φ −n, n ∈ R. Primjećuje se kako za neki izbor parametra n u svemiru prevladava tamna tvar, ubrzana u vremenu i upravljana Gauss-Bonnetovim invarijantnim članom. K tome je Brans-Dickeov parametar ω ≫ 1 u skladu s nedavnim izvješćima gdje je ta granica obnovljena više tisuća puta na osnovi granice za “γ˜ − 1” određene sondom Cassini, gdje je ˜γ PNP parametar. Više drugih pitanja se postavlja i podrobno raspravlja