59 research outputs found
Evaluation of a New Modification of Pancreaticogastrostomy after Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Anastomosis of the Pancreatic Duct to the Gastric Mucosa with Invagination of the Pancreatic Remnant End into the Posterior Gastric Wall for Patients with Cancer Head of Pancreas and Periampullary Carcinoma in terms of Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula Formation
Background/Objectives. Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) remains the main problem after pancreaticoduodenectomy and determines to a large extent the final outcome. We describe a new modification of pancreaticogastrostomy which combines duct to mucosa anastomosis with suturing the pancreatic capsule to posterior gastric wall and then invaginating the pancreatic remnant into the posterior gastric wall. This study was designed to assess the results of this new modification of pancreaticogastrostomy. Methods. The newly modified pancreaticogastrostomy was applied to 37 consecutive patients after pancreaticoduodenectomy for periampullary cancer (64.86%) or cancer head of the pancreas (35.14%). Eighteen patients (48.65%) had a soft pancreatic remnant, 13 patients (35.14%) had firm pancreatic remnant, and 6 patients (16.22%) had intermediate texture of pancreatic remnant. Rate of mortality, early postoperative complications, and hospital stay were also reported. Results. Operative mortality was zero and morbidity was 29.73%. Only three patients (8.11%) developed pancreatic leaks; they were treated conservatively. Eight patients (16.1%) had delayed gastric emptying, one patient (2.70%) had minor hemorrhage, one patient (2.70%) had biliary leak, and four patients (10.81%) had superficial wound infection. Conclusions. The new modified pancreatogastrostomy seems safe and reliable with low rate of POPF. However, further prospective controlled trials are essential to support these results
Dynamic analysis and buckling of variable thickness laminated composite beams using conventional and advanced finite element formulations
The behavior of variable thickness laminated composite beams has not so far been fully understood. In the present thesis, a finite element formulation is established for uniform and variable thickness composite beams (externally and mid-plane tapered composite beams). First the conventional formulation is used to establish the stiffness, geometric stiffness (for constant axial load, uniformly distributed axial load, and non-uniformly distributed axial load), and mass matrices. Second a new formulation (advanced formulation) is established, which considers not only the geometric boundary conditions, but also the natural boundary conditions. This means that at each node there will be four degrees of freedom, that are deflection, slope, bending moment, and shear force, such that all physical parameters that can be encountered in any practical situation can be included in the element formulation. The new stiffness, geometric stiffness, and mass matrices corresponding to the new formulation are set up. These matrices are provided into the MATLAB ® environment to obtain the natural frequencies and the critical buckling load
Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Primary School Children With and Without Learning Disabilities: A Comparative Study
The aim of this study was to investigate the behavioral and emotional problems of children with and without learning disabilities. The study sample consisted of 15 teachers and 424 primary school children with and without learning disabilities were selected from two governmental primary schools at Beni-Suef City, using case –control research design. Data were collected by the teachers using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) for children and adolescents aged 4-16 years. The results conducted that the prevalence of total difficulties scores among primary school children with learning disabilities was 98.1% abnormal difficulties compared to 79.7% of normal children. Results also found that statistical significant differences were found between children with and without learning disability in all sub domains of emotional and behavioral disorders. This study documents that the high prevalence of difficulties among primary school children is an alarming condition that needs attention and early intervention. The study recommended that a periodic screening test should be provided for early detection of emotional and behavioral problems for children with learning disabilities. Key words: Primary school children, learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral problem
La fouille du Boubasteion d’Alexandrie : présentation préliminaire
Rescue excavations conducted in 2009-2010 by the Supreme Council of antiquities under the supervision of Dr. Abd El Maksoud, have produced surprising results of great importance by revealing the existence of a sanctuary dedicated to Boubastis and by underlining the popularity of this goddess in Alexandria over the long term (from the first wave of immigration to the Roman period). Prior to this discovery, no-one had supposed the existence of a sanctuary dedicated to Boubastis in Alexandria. Furthermore, the offerings to the goddess shed new light on the population of Alexandria at the beginning of its existence
دراسة اقتصادیة لبعض مزارع بط التسمین بمحافظة الشرقیة
تعتبرصناعة الدواجن وخاصة تربیة البط من أحد الصناعات الزراعیة الهامة فى جمهوریة مصر العربیة ککل وبمحافظة الشرقیة بشکل خاص نظرا لترکز صناعة البط فى محافظة الشرقیة. لذا یهدف البحث الى دراسة الملامح الرئیسیة لصناعة انتاج البط فى محافظة الشرقیة بصفة خاصة. کما استهدف دراسة اقتصادیات هذه الصناعة بتقدیر دوال الانتاج. وحصر أهم المشاکل والمعوقات التى تواجه التوسع فى القطاع الانتاجى للبط. وتمثلت مشکلة البحث فی تقلص فى أعداد تربیة البط وعدم اهتمام معظم المربیین بالمزارع وعدم توفر آلیة واضحة من قبل الدولة للاهتمام بقطاع انتاج البط بالجمهوریة ککل وبمحافظة الشرقیة بشکل خاص بالرغم من الممیزات العدیدة لتربیة البط ومعامل تحویله الغذائى العالى ومقاومته العالیة للأمراض، الأمر الذى دفع بالباحث الى دراسة اقتصادیات بعض المزارع المتخصصة بتربیة البط بالمحافظة، وحصر أهم المشاکل والمعوقات التى تواجه أصحاب هذه المزارع. أعتمدت الدراسة على استخدام أسلوب التحلیل الوصفى والکمى وأسالیب الانحدار البسیط والمتعدد. کما اعتمدت الدراسة علی البیانات الثانویة بمدیریة الزراعة بمحافظة الشرقیة، بالإضافة إلى بیانات أولیة جمعت بواسطة استمارة استبیان. وکانت اهم النتائج:ان اکثر المشاکل الانتاجیة المتعلقة بالکتاکیت، تمثلت فی ارتفاع أسعار الکتاکیت وعدم جودتها وعدم توافر مصدر شراء الکتکوت، بینما المشاکل الانتاجیة المتعلقة بالأعلاف کان أرتفاع أسعارها وعدم تعامل الشرکة مع المربى مباشرة وعدم جودته وسوء التخزین وشراء اعلاف مجهولة المصدر وعدم توافر مصدر شراء العلف، بالاضافة الى المشاکل المتعلقة بالادویة والخدمات البیطریة وتمثلت فی مشکلة ارتفاع اسعار الادویة وعدم وجود الادویة وعدم توافر الاشراف البیطری، هذا بالاضافة الى المشاکل المتعلقة بالعمالة والمتمثلة فی قلة العمالة المدربة وارتفاع الاجر, وهناک مشاکل اخرى مثل مشکلة عدم توافر مصادر الوقود وعدم توافر مصادر الفرشة. کما تبین من دالة الناتج الکلی (Q) أن أهم العناصر الانتاجیة ذات التأثیر المعنوی علی الناتج الکلی للدورة الواحدة من مزارع بط التسمین تتمثل فى کمیة العلیقة المقدمة وعدد العمال وعدد الکتاکیت فی اغلب السعات الانتاجیة.وأوصى البحث بما یلى : 1. العمل على نشر ثقافة التدریب وذلک لتوفیر العمالة الفنیة المدربة.2. توفیر حملات توعیة بیطریة , وتوفیر أمصال ولقحات فعالة.3. توفیر الأعلاف باسعار مناسبة
Hormonal and inflammatory modulatory effects of hesperidin in hyperthyroidism-modeled rats
The goal of the current study was to investigate the hormonal modulatory efficiency of hesperidin, through its regulatory potential of immunological, inflammatory, and/or antioxidant changes in on hyperthyroidism modeled adult female albino rats. Both normal and hyperthyroidism modeled rats (140-160g) were randomly divided into four groups (10 animals each) as follows: 1) healthy animals were daily ingested with saline for six weeks, and served as control group, 2) healthy animals were intraperitoneally injected with hesperidin (50 mg/kg/day) for a similar period, 3) hyperthyroidism-modeled animals without any treatment acted as positive control, and 4) hyperthyroidism-modeled animals were treated intraperitoneally with hesperidin for a similar period. The findings showed that hesperidin significantly modulated hyperthyroidism deteriorations, this was evidenced by a remarkable decline in serum T4, FT4, T3, FT3, TNF-α, IL1β-, IL4-, IL-6, and IL-10 levels, with a minor increase in TSH and significant raise in CD4+ level. Similarly, valuable improvement was observed in the oxidative status; serum SOD, GPx, CAT, and GSH levels were dramatically enhanced, associated with remarkable drop in MDA and NO levels. Also, hesperidin demonstrated nephro-hepatoprotective and anti-atherogenic potential, this was achieved from the notable reduction in ALAT and ASAT activities as well as urea, creatinine, cholesterol, and triglyceride close to the corresponding values of healthy group. These findings were supported by histological and immunohistochemical ones that showed a notable decrease in the expression of the calcitonin antibody. In conclusion, hesperidin possesses anti-hyperthyroidism, immunoinflammatory regulatory, and antioxidant activities that evidenced from the improvement of physio-architecture of the thyroid gland, reduction of inflammation and restoration of the impaired oxidative stress. This effect might be mechanized through immunological, inflammatory, apoptotic, and/or antioxidant modulatory pathways
Genome-wide identification, characterization, and validation of the bHLH transcription factors in grass pea
Background: The basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor is a vital component in plant biology, with a significant impact on various aspects of plant growth, cell development, and physiological processes. Grass pea is a vital agricultural crop that plays a crucial role in food security. However, the lack of genomic information presents a major challenge to its improvement and development. This highlights the urgency for deeper investigation into the function of bHLH genes in grass pea to improve our understanding of this important crop.Results: The identification of bHLH genes in grass pea was performed on a genome-wide scale using genomic and transcriptomic screening. A total of 122 genes were identified as having conserved bHLH domains and were functionally and fully annotated. The LsbHLH proteins could be classified into 18 subfamilies. There were variations in intron-exon distribution, with some genes lacking introns. The cis-element and gene enrichment analyses showed that the LsbHLHs were involved in various plant functions, including response to phytohormones, flower and fruit development, and anthocyanin synthesis. A total of 28 LsbHLHs were found to have cis-elements associated with light response and endosperm expression biosynthesis. Ten conserved motifs were identified across the LsbHLH proteins. The protein-protein interaction analysis showed that all LsbHLH proteins interacted with each other, and nine of them displayed high levels of interaction. RNA-seq analysis of four Sequence Read Archive (SRA) experiments showed high expression levels of LsbHLHs across a range of environmental conditions. Seven highly expressed genes were selected for qPCR validation, and their expression patterns in response to salt stress showed that LsbHLHD4, LsbHLHD5, LsbHLHR6, LsbHLHD8, LsbHLHR14, LsbHLHR68, and LsbHLHR86 were all expressed in response to salt stress.Conclusion: The study provides an overview of the bHLH family in the grass pea genome and sheds light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the growth and evolution of this crop. The report covers the diversity in gene structure, expression patterns, and potential roles in regulating plant growth and response to environmental stress factors in grass pea. The identified candidate LsbHLHs could be utilized as a tool to enhance the resilience and adaptation of grass pea to environmental stress
L’enfant et la mort dans l’Antiquité III. Le matériel associé aux tombes d’enfants
Ce volume rassemble les communications presentées à la troisième et dernière réunion scientifique organisée dans le cadre du programme « L’enfant et la mort dans l’Antiquité : des pratiques funéraires à l’identité sociale » (EMA), financé par l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) de novembre 2007 à novembre 2011. Les 26 contributions - rédigées en français, en italien ou en anglais - envisagent la question du matériel associé aux tombes d’enfants. Dépose-t-on autant d’objets auprès des tout-petits, des enfants de 6-7 ans et de 12-13 ans ? La nature de ces offrandes varie-t-elle en fonction du sexe ? Dans quelle mesure certaines d’entre elles - « biberons », vases miniatures, astragales, figurines en terre cuite sont-elles caractéristiques des sépultures d’immatures ? Ces questions se posent-elles de la même façon dans les différentes régions du monde méditerranéen et tout au long des douze siècles environ que couvre notre enquête ? Les articles réunis ici envisagent ces problèmes dans un cadre plus large que celui du monde méditerranéen classique - Grèce et Rome -, en intégrant des études relatives à l’Égypte préhellénistique, à Carthage, au monde celtique du Midi et à la Gaule non méditerranéenne. Certaines de ces contributions présentent des découvertes récentes, partiellement ou entièrement inédites.Ce volume rassemble les communications presentées à la troisième et dernière réunion scientifique organisée dans le cadre du programme « L’enfant et la mort dans l’Antiquité : des pratiques funéraires à l’identité sociale » (EMA), financé par l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) de novembre 2007 à novembre 2011. Les 26 contributions - rédigées en français, en italien ou en anglais - envisagent la question du matériel associé aux tombes d’enfants. Dépose-t-on autant d’objets auprès des tout-petits, des enfants de 6-7 ans et de 12-13 ans ? La nature de ces offrandes varie-t-elle en fonction du sexe ? Dans quelle mesure certaines d’entre elles - « biberons », vases miniatures, astragales, figurines en terre cuite sont-elles caractéristiques des sépultures d’immatures ? Ces questions se posent-elles de la même façon dans les différentes régions du monde méditerranéen et tout au long des douze siècles environ que couvre notre enquête ? Les articles réunis ici envisagent ces problèmes dans un cadre plus large que celui du monde méditerranéen classique - Grèce et Rome -, en intégrant des études relatives à l’Égypte préhellénistique, à Carthage, au monde celtique du Midi et à la Gaule non méditerranéenne. Certaines de ces contributions présentent des découvertes récentes, partiellement ou entièrement inédites
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