93 research outputs found

    Peculiar Labial Duct in the Camel Philtrum: Structure and Feasible Functions

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    The philtrum is well known as a median groove within the upper lip of mammalian species. However, a peculiar serpentine duct was identified within the mucosal surface of the camel philtrum. To the best of the author’s knowledge, the available literature did not mention any information regarding the presence of a complete duct in such location. For these, this study was aimed to reveal the gross and microscopic structure as well as to discuss the possible functions of this labial duct in dromedary. Twenty snouts from 20 camel heads were used. The labial duct had unique morphological and microscopic structure. It was a median highly tortuous duct with proximal and distal segments connected to each other through a capillary portion. The latter revealed only at the microscopic level. The duct had two entrances, the proximal and distal papillae. Importantly, the microscopic studies revealed that it also had an olfactory portion. In conclusion, the labial duct in camels is a peculiar anatomical structure, which may function as an organ of alarm

    A developed IoT technique and P&O-MPPT to enhance the output power of solar cell systems

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    Abstract- Given the urgent need for continuous development in solar cell systems to increase their efficiency, in this study, a developed IoT technique was built to monitor the solar irradiance fluctuation around the solar cell systems, and a Perturbation and observation algorithm (P&O) was developed to increase the output power from the PV systems. In order to save energy, the IoT technique has been supported with a light-dependent resistor to operate and shut down with sunlight. The whole IoT technique was fed from the PV system to save energy and avoid a power outage. The measured solar irradiance profile was displayed online on the ubidots. Then, the measured solar power irradiance through IoT was introduced to the MATLAB simulation program to study the performance of the proposed P&O maximum power point tracking (P&O-MPPT) algorithm. The P&O-MPPT algorithm was used to control the voltage and current by continuous adjustments in the duty cycle to improve the output power of the studied solar system. The obtained results showed the efficiency of the monitoring system based on IoT in recording changes in solar radiation and the improvement in the output power as a result of the developed P&O-MPPT system

    A developed IoT technique and P&O-MPPT to enhance the output power of solar cell systems

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    Abstract- Given the urgent need for continuous development in solar cell systems to increase their efficiency, in this study, a developed IoT technique was built to monitor the solar irradiance fluctuation around the solar cell systems, and a Perturbation and observation algorithm (P&O) was developed to increase the output power from the PV systems. In order to save energy, the IoT technique has been supported with a light-dependent resistor to operate and shut down with sunlight. The whole IoT technique was fed from the PV system to save energy and avoid a power outage. The measured solar irradiance profile was displayed online on the ubidots. Then, the measured solar power irradiance through IoT was introduced to the MATLAB simulation program to study the performance of the proposed P&O maximum power point tracking (P&O-MPPT) algorithm. The P&O-MPPT algorithm was used to control the voltage and current by continuous adjustments in the duty cycle to improve the output power of the studied solar system. The obtained results showed the efficiency of the monitoring system based on IoT in recording changes in solar radiation and the improvement in the output power as a result of the developed P&O-MPPT system

    Expression of Vimentin, α-SMA and TGF-β in Different Grades of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Abstract Background: Oral Squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is typically discovered at an early stage; nevertheless, regional lymph node metastases are prevalent; therefore, surgical excision of the primary tumor is commonly coupled with neck dissection and radiotherapy. Cancer cells become invasive by acquiring a mesenchymal phenotype, a process known as the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Vimentin, α-SMA and TGF-β expressions are believed to take part in EMT and tumor progression. Aim: this work aimed to evaluate the expression of Vimentin, α-SMA and TGF-β on OSCC progression and hence propose potential role as potential prognostic markers or therapeutic targets. Materials and methods: twenty-four specimens of different OSCC grades were divided according to Broader`s classification into three groups I, II and III. Mean area fraction of immunopositivity for Vimentin, α-SMA and TGF-β expressions as well as clinical lymph-node involvement was evaluated for each group. Results: α-SMA and TGF-β were significantly upregulated in poorly differentiated OSCC and α-SMA expression correlated with lymph node involvement. Vimentin expression was highest in moderately differentiated OSCC and didn’t correlate with lymph-node involvement. Conclusion: α-SMA is suggested to be a better prognostic factor than vimentin for OSCC progression

    The environmental impact on the hydrogeochemical characterization of the Kurkar aquifer system, Gaza strip, Palestine.

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    The Gaza strip is suffering groundwater deterioration as a result of high population density where the outflow exceeds inflow by about 20 Mm3/y. This quantity of water is believed to be replaced by deep seawater intrusion and/or upconing of deep brines in the southern areas or by anthropogenic wastewater. Large cones of depression have been formed over the last 40 years within the Gaza, Khan Younis, and Rafah governorates. The salinity increases in the northwestern and the southeastern parts of Gaza Strip. Nitrate and chloride exceed the WHO maximum permissible limits and are considered as the major pollutants of the aquifer, their high concentration values are attributed to agricultural activity and leaked wastewaters as well as the scarcity of the resource. The cluster analysis (Q-mode) classified the data into 5 clusters and 3 independent cases depending upon salinity and nitrate concentrations. The rotated factor analysis identified 3 factors. The AquaChem program clarified that the study area was supersaturated with calcite and dolomite and undersaturated with gypsum and anhydrite minerals. In general, the groundwater was unsuitable for drinking according to their TDS and NO3 contents. The groundwater can be used in permeable soils for irrigation purposes

    Organic Petrological and Geochemical Evaluation of Jurassic Source Rocks from North Iraq

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    Immature Jurassic oil shale is widely distributed and frequently outcropping in North Iraq. The organic-rich Jurassic sedimentary sequence, including prolific oil shale, was recorded in Banik area in Duhok Governorate of North Iraq. This sequence was systematically sampled from the geological formations; Sehkanyian, Sargelu and Naokelekan. The organic geochemical parameters were analyzed for 72 samples as well as one oil sample. A detailed study of petrologic properties was carried out for 12 samples. Based on TOC content, the Sargelu and Naokelekan formations can be considered as good to excellent source rocks, whereas Sehkanyian Formation has no potential since the TOC does not exceed 0.1 %. The samples of Sargelu and Naokelekan formations contain both kerogen types I and II indicating marine organic matter mainly derived from algae and phytoplankton organisms proposing typical oil prone source kerogen. This is further confirmed by the predominance of alginite and liptodetrinite macerals, where liptinite maceral group contribute more than 90% relative to other maceral contents. In general, Sargelu Formation samples have Production Index (PI), Tmax and fluorescence parameters (λmax and red/green quotient) suggesting immature to early mature stage of thermal maturity. The calculated ratios of Pr/Ph, Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18for the extracted bitumen and the oil sample, suggest generation of bitumen from marine organic matter deposited under reducing conditions at an early thermal maturity stage

    Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Using Different Overlay and Index Methods for Quaternary Aquifer of Wadi El-Tumilat, East Delta, Egypt

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    Contamination from rapid urban development, industrialization and agricultural sources increasingly threatens the groundwater resource in the shallow phreatic Quaternary Aquifer of the Wadi El-Tumilat (QAWT), East Delta, Egypt. In this paper, fourteen environmental sensitive heavy metals and two minor elements (PO4-- and NO3-) were checked by the chemical analysis of both 25 surface and groundwater samples at 2006. An assessment of the QAWT intrinsic vulnerability was carried out in this paper based on GOD, PRAST and DRASTIC methods. The calculated vulnerability indexes resulted from the three methods showed great differences due to the different criterions used. Moreover, a weight modification was assumed to adequate the arid zone. The obtained QAWT vulnerability maps showed the high extension of medium vulnerability zones. The high vulnerability zones occupied about 35% and 31% from applying PRAST and DRASTIC methods respectively. The high vulnerability in these areas was mainly related to the low values of depth to water (less than 10 m), the high permeability of the soils (9 m/day) and the high permeability of the vadose zone materials (more than 11 m/day). The most suitable areas for new reclamation activity were located in the southern boundary of Wadi El Tumilat especially the strip south El Mahsama drain by 5 km. These resulted maps may provide planners with tools for a preliminary selection of priority areas for different forms of sustainable development

    Primjena umjetne toplinske stimulacije kao novi pristup za indukciju tendinopatije u magaraca

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    Animal models for tendonitis are essential for studying the disease’s mechanism and pathogenesis, and evaluating different therapeutic protocols. The temperature seems to play a significant role in tendinitis initiation. The aim of this study was the generation of a novel, safe and cheap tendinitis model, and validation of its reliability. The effect of microwave diathermy (30 watts for 30 min) on the flexor tendons of donkeys as animal models was investigated after 15, 30 and 60 days. The evaluation was based on geometric analysis, ultrasonography, histomorphometric analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Microwave diathermy was capable of successfully inducing well-defined lesions in the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) as well as the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT). The results showed that all the animals exhibited signs of lameness, starting on day 15 and reaching on maximum on day 30. A significant increase in limb circumference was also detected on day 30 (P<0.05). Furthermore, the geometrical analysis of the proportion of induced lesion (PIL) in correlation with the tendon diameter, revealed that PIL was at the maximum width on day 30 (20.6 ± 1.2% for SDFT and 15.7 ± 0.7% for DDFT), as detected by ultrasound. Moreover, a high number of rounded tenocytes, bleeding, severe matrix disruption, and an increase in fiber thickness were detected by histomorphometric analysis. Also, the matrix alignment was severely disrupted in both SDFT and DDFT by day 30, as confirmed by SEM. In conclusion, using microwave diathermy for induction of tendonitis in donkey is a reliable, minimally invasive, and cost-effective tendonitis model.Uporaba životinjskih modela je neophodna za proučavanje mehanizma bolesti, patogeneze i za procjenu protokola liječenje tendinitisa. Čini se da temperatura igra značajnu ulogu pri nastajanju tendinitisa. Cilj istraživanja bio je stvaranje novog, sigurnog i jeftinog modela za proučavanje tendinitisa te potvrda njegove pouzdanosti. Učinak mikrovalne dijatermije (30 vata tijekom 30 min) na tetive fleksora u magaraca kao životinjskih modela istraživan je nakon 15, 30 i 60 dana. Procjena se temeljila na geometrijskoj analizi, ultrazvuku, histomorfometrijskoj analizi i skenirajućoj elektronskoj mikroskopiji (SEM). Mikrovalna dijatermija uspješno je inducirala dobro definirane lezije u površinskoj digitalnoj tetivi fleksora (SDFT) kao i dubokoj digitalnoj tetivi fleksora (DDFT). Rezultati su pokazali da su sve životinje pokazivale znakove hromosti, počevši od 15. dana i dostižući maksimum 30. dana. Također, 30. dana je uočeno znakovito (P<0,05) povećanje opsega ekstremiteta. Nadalje, uporabom ultrazvuka i primjenom geometrijske analize udjela inducirane lezije (PIL) u korelaciji s promjerom tetive, ustanovljeno je da je PIL bio maksimalne širine 30. dana (20,6 ± 1,2% za SFT i 15,7 ± 0,7% za DDFT). Osim toga, histomorfometrijskom analizom otkriven je povećan broj zaobljenih tenocita, krvarenje, teži poremećaji u matriksu i povećanje debljine vlakana. Do 30. dana, SEM analiza je pokazala izražene poremećaje u poravnavanju matriksa i u SDFT i u DDFT. Zaključno, primjena mikrovalne dijatermije za indukciju tendinitisa kod magaraca je pouzdan, minimalno invazivan i troškovno učinkovit životinjski model za proučavanje ove bolesti