111 research outputs found


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    Menopause is a condition when physiological menstruation cycle concerning the human growing older. The increase in the number of growing old women will have its own problem with complaints about menopause. Although it does not cause death, it brings about uncomfortable condition and sometimes disturbs daily activities so that it can influence the life quality of menopause women. The research used analytic descriptive method with cross sectional design. It was conducted at Kabanjahe Puskesmas, Karo Regency, from February until June, 2018. The population was 103 menopause women who regularly visited Kabanjahe Puskesmas, taken by using purposive sampling technique. The result of univariate analysis showed that 71 respondents (68.9%) had good life quality. The result of bivariate analysis, using chi square test, showed that the factors which influenced life quality of menopause women were education (p=0.003), occupation (p=0.001), the duration of menopause (p= <0.001), but parity did not have any influence on the life quality of menopause women.The conclusion was that there was the correlation of education, occupation, duration of menopause, with the life quality of menopause women. It is recommended that menopause clinic and health care board which is related to health care providers be established

    Quantitative determination of secondary compounds in populations of Eryngium foetidum L. from India

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    Eryngium foetidum L. belongs to the family Apiaceae is known as, cilantro or spiny coriander. It is an arom. herb contg. 0.1-​0.95 % of essential oil. The herb is used as a substitute to coriander and contains iron, carotene, riboflavin, calcium, vitamins and a peculiar saponin. It is widely used as food flavoring and seasoning herb for variety of dishes. The present study aims at quant. anal. of total phenols, flavonoids, tannin and vitamin C content present in different ecotypes of E. foetidum collected from Andaman, Darjeeling and Karnataka. The investigations showed that a significant variation in secondary compds. from the three different regions collected. The phenolic content was high in Darjeeling sample whereas, Andaman sample showed high amt. of flavonoids and tannins. The sample from Karnataka was rich in vitamin C content. The study shows that variation in ecotypic condition has lead to the difference in percentage of secondary compd. synthesis


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    Resumo: A África, de modo invariável, é quase sempre representada de forma negativa. Os filmes produzidos pela indústria cinematográfica hollywoodia­na, neste aspecto, reforçam um quadro em que a África se define ora pela guerra, ora pela miséria e a fome, ora pela corrupção generalizada. As revis­tas em quadrinhos se constituem em outra excelente possibilidade de mostrar uma África primitiva e habitada por selvagens incapazes de se autogoverna­rem. Os jornais constituem outra fonte de desinformação sobre a África. No geral, apenas notícias sobre golpes de Estado, doenças e graves acidentes são veiculadas. Neste sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir as repre­sentações do continente africano a partir destes três meios — cinema, revistas em quadrinhos e jornais — indicando a existência de estereotipias que se constituíram em chavões cristalizados para se referir ao continente africano. Palavras-Chave: Histórias em Quadrinhos. Cinema. Jornal. África. História da África. Abstract: Africa, so invariable, it is almost always represented in negative form. The films produced by the Hollywood film industry, in this respect, strengthen a framework in which Africa is now defined by war, poverty and hunger by now, sometimes by widespread corruption. The comic books cons­titute another excellent possibility to show a primitive Africa and inhabited by savages incapable of self-government. The newspapers are another sour­ce of misinformation about Africa. Overall, only news about coups, diseases and serious accidents are transmitted. Thus, this paper has as an objective to discuss the representations of the African continent from these three media — movies, comics and newspapers — indicating the existence of stereotypes that formed crystallized platitudes to refer to the African continent. Key Words: Comics. Movies. Newspaper. Africa. Africa History


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    Resumo: A África, de modo invariável, é quase sempre representada de forma negativa. Os filmes produzidos pela indústria cinematográfica hollywoodia­na, neste aspecto, reforçam um quadro em que a África se define ora pela guerra, ora pela miséria e a fome, ora pela corrupção generalizada. As revis­tas em quadrinhos se constituem em outra excelente possibilidade de mostrar uma África primitiva e habitada por selvagens incapazes de se autogoverna­rem. Os jornais constituem outra fonte de desinformação sobre a África. No geral, apenas notícias sobre golpes de Estado, doenças e graves acidentes são veiculadas. Neste sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir as repre­sentações do continente africano a partir destes três meios — cinema, revistas em quadrinhos e jornais — indicando a existência de estereotipias que se constituíram em chavões cristalizados para se referir ao continente africano. Palavras-Chave: Histórias em Quadrinhos. Cinema. Jornal. África. História da África. Abstract: Africa, so invariable, it is almost always represented in negative form. The films produced by the Hollywood film industry, in this respect, strengthen a framework in which Africa is now defined by war, poverty and hunger by now, sometimes by widespread corruption. The comic books cons­titute another excellent possibility to show a primitive Africa and inhabited by savages incapable of self-government. The newspapers are another sour­ce of misinformation about Africa. Overall, only news about coups, diseases and serious accidents are transmitted. Thus, this paper has as an objective to discuss the representations of the African continent from these three media — movies, comics and newspapers — indicating the existence of stereotypes that formed crystallized platitudes to refer to the African continent. Key Words: Comics. Movies. Newspaper. Africa. Africa History

    Machine Learning Techniques for Credit Card Fraud Detection

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    The term “fraud”, it always concerned about credit card fraud in our minds. And after the significant increase in the transactions of credit card, the fraud of credit card increased extremely in last years. So the fraud detection should include surveillance of the spending attitude for the person/customer to the determination, avoidance, and detection of unwanted behavior. Because the credit card is the most payment predominant way for the online and regular purchasing, the credit card fraud raises highly. The Fraud detection is not only concerned with capturing of the fraudulent practices, but also, discover it as fast as they can, because the fraud costs millions of dollar business loss and it is rising over time, and that affects greatly the worldwide economy. . In this paper we introduce 14 different techniques of how data mining techniques can be successfully combined to obtain a high fraud coverage with a high or low false rate, the Advantage and The Disadvantages of every technique, and The Data Sets used in the researches by researcher

    Поиск предикторов достижения минимальной активности болезни на фоне терапии тофацитинибом у больных псориатическим артритом

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    Objective: to search predictors of achieving minimal disease activity (MDA) during therapy in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA).Materials and methods. The study included 41 patients, predominantly men (58.9 %), with a confirmed PsA diagnosis and a disease duration of at least 6 months. In all cases, the diagnosis fulfilled the CASPAR criteria. The mean age of the patients at the time of enrolment in the study was 43.0±10.1 years, the duration of PsA was 7.7±7.1 years, the duration of psoriasis was 18.6±10.4 years, and the DAPSA index was 44.2±17.1. All patients were prescribed tofacitinib at a dose of 5 mg twice daily, followed by a possible dose increase to 10 mg twice daily. In addition to a general clinical examination and a standard rheumatological examination, the level of secreted DKK-1 protein and health-related quality of life (HRQoL, using a special PsAID-12 questionnaire) were determined. Multivariate stepwise discriminant analysis was used to search for predictors for the achievement of MDA in patients with PsA and to calculate the coefficients.Results and discussion. Based on the results obtained, a predictor for the achievement of MDA (PMDA) was developed: PMDA=-1.165 × number of inflamed entheses + DKK-1 level (pmol/l) + 3.086 × PsAID-12 “Skin lesions” scale value (if this indicator was ≤3 points, it was assigned a value of 1, if it was >3 points – 0) + 2.568 × PsAID-12 “Pain” scale (if this indicator was ≤6 points, it was assigned a value of 1, if it was >6 points – 0).The ROC analysis, which reflects the prognostic significance of this index, showed AUC (area under the curve) of 0.803 (95% confidence interval 0.739–0.867; p=0.02). PMDA=3.89 was chosen as the cut-off value; the sensitivity of this indicator was 91 %, the specificity – 79 %. Therefore with a PMDA ≥3.89, the probability of the patient achieving a MDA after 3 months is high; with a PMDA ˂ 3.89, it is low.Conclusion. We identified factors influencing the achievement of MDA in patients with PsA and developed a mathematical model. It allows timely assessment of the quality of treatment and its correction if necessary, thereby slowing disease progression.Цель исследования – поиск предикторов достижения минимальной активности болезни (МАБ) на фоне терапии у больных псориатическим артритом (ПсА).Материал и методы. В исследование включен 41 больной, преимущественно мужчины (58,9%), с подтвержденным диагнозом ПсА и длительностью заболевания не менее 6 мес. Во всех случаях диагноз соответствовал критериям CASPAR. Средний возраст пациентов на момент включения в исследование составлял 43,0±10,1 года, длительность ПсА – 7,7±7,1 года, псориаза – 18,6±10,4 года, индекс DAPSA – 44,2±17,1. Всем больным назначался тофацитиниб по 5 мг 2 раза в сутки с последующим возможным увеличением дозы до 10 мг 2 раза в сутки. Наряду с общеклиническим обследованием и стандартным ревматологическим осмотром проводили оценку уровня секретируемого белка DKK-1 и качества жизни, связанного со здоровьем (КЖСЗ), с помощью специфического опросника PsAID-12. Поиск предикторов достижения МАБ у пациентов с ПсА и расчет коэффициентов осуществляли с помощью многофакторного пошагового дискриминантного анализа.Результаты и обсуждение. На основании полученных результатов был разработан предиктор достижения МАБ (ПМАБ). ПМАБ = -1,165 × число воспаленных энтезисов + уровень DKK-1 (пмоль/л) + 3,086 × значение показателя шкалы «Поражение кожи» PsAID12 (если этот показатель составлял ≤3 балла, ему присваивали значение 1, а при величине >3 баллов – 0) + 2,568 × шкала «Боль» PsAID-12 (если этот показатель равнялся ≤6 баллам, ему присваивали значение 1, при уровне >6 баллов – 0).ROC-анализ, отражающий прогностическую значимость данного индекса, показал, что AUC (площадь под кривой) составила 0,803 (95% доверительный интервал 0,739–0,867; p=0,02). В качестве пограничного значения был выбран ПМАБ=3,89; чувствительность этого показателя составила – 91%, специфичность – 79%. Таким образом, при ПМАБ ≥3,89 вероятность того, что пациент достигнет МАБ через 3 мес, высокая, а при ПМАБ ˂ 3,89 – низкая.Заключение. Выявлены факторы, влияющие на достижение МАБ у пациентов с ПсА, разработана математическая модель, позволяющая своевременно оценивать качество проводимого лечения и при необходимости осуществлять его коррекцию, что замедляет прогрессирование заболевания

    The Impact of Food Crisis on Government Debt in the Arab Region

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    This study explores the Impact of Food Prices Crisis on budget deficits in the Arab region. Panel data is used for the period of 2000 to 2012 in sixteen countries in the region. We run multi regression models which are used to estimate the Impact of food crisis on government debt in high, middle and low income countries before and after the food crisis period in 2006. The analysis reveals that the changes in food prices have a negative and significant impact only on the low and middle income countries' government debt before the crisis. We also found that the slow growth in GDP after the global economic and food crisis period, political instability, lagged deficits, real interest rates, and unemployment were also important determinants of government debt in most of the models estimated

    The Impact of Food Crisis on Government Debt in the Arab Region

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    This study explores the Impact of Food Prices Crisis on budget deficits in the Arab region. Panel data is used for the period of 2000 to 2012 in sixteen countries in the region. We run multi regression models which are used to estimate the Impact of food crisis on government debt in high, middle and low income countries before and after the food crisis period in 2006. The analysis reveals that the changes in food prices have a negative and significant impact only on the low and middle income countries' government debt before the crisis. We also found that the slow growth in GDP after the global economic and food crisis period, political instability, lagged deficits, real interest rates, and unemployment were also important determinants of government debt in most of the models estimated


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    This experiment was carried out during 2015 and 2016 experimental seasons to investigate the effect of spraying with moringa extract at 3%, garlic extract at 3% or ascorbic acid at 300 ppm on fruit set, yield and fruit quality of Khadrawi date palm cultivar. Anyhow, bunches were sprayed at three times (3 hours before pollination then 4 and 8 weeks after pollination). The present results indicated that spraying date palm bunches with moringa extract or garlic extract recorded the highest initial fruit set in the first and second seasons, respectively. As well as, moringa extract gave the highest fruit retention and yield in both seasons. In addition, all treatments improved some fruit physical characteristics i.e. fruit weight, flesh weight, fruit volume and fruit length compared to the control treatment in the two studied seasons. Also, results showed that moringa extract or ascorbic acid increased TSS%, total sugars % and reducing sugars % in both seasons compared to the control. Meanwhile, the lowest fibers % was obtained by garlic extract in the two seasons. Also, all treatments had no significant effect on total acidity % and tannins content in both seasons

    Young boy with a long history of splenomegaly and cytopenia

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    A 15-year-old boy was admitted with a history of cytopenia (white blood cell count 3.170/μm, platelets 90.000/μm) associated with splenomegaly, found during investigations for recurrent mild jaundice due to Gilbert's syndrome.He was in good general health, without systemic symptoms; therefore, the leading causes of asymptomatic splenomegaly were excluded. Coagulation, liver tests and abdomen ultrasound (US) were normal, showing a hepatopetal portal flow to the colour-Doppler. There was no sign of haemolysis on haematology investigations. The C reactive protein, immune globulins levels and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were normal, excluding both an infective and an immune regulation disorder. We excluded the haematological malignancy and lymphoproliferative disorders through a peripheral blood smear and a bone marrow biopsy.His history was remarkable for neonatal sepsis, which required umbilical venous catheter during hospitalisation in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The patient follow-up was interrupted for a while, probably due to his good health condition.At age 17 years, the child accessed our emergency department. for a minor trauma to the limbs, and his physical examination was unremarkable, except for the splenomegaly. We repeated the abdomen US, with colour flow Doppler (figure 1).edpract;archdischild-2019-318626v1/BLKF1F1BLK_F1Figure 1B-mode shows 1.4 cm of maximum calibre of portal vein at hilus with slightly perihilar hyperechogenicity; colour and power Doppler US shows preserved hepatopetal flow and PSV of 41 cm/s (normal range 20-40 cm/s). PSV, peak systolic velocity; US, ultrasound. QUESTIONS: What is the most likely diagnosis?Portal vein obstructionGaucher diseaseAutoimmune sclerosing cholangitisLeukemic hepatic infiltrationWhat is the gold standard imaging for diagnosis?Abdomen Doppler USContrast-enhanced CTCT without contrastUltrasound-based elastographyHow should this child be managed?Upper gastrointestinal endoscopyBeta-blocker therapyLeft-mesenteric portal vein bypass (Meso-Rex bypass)Transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt Answers can be found on page 02