12 research outputs found


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    This research aimed to determine population structure and physiological condition of Hoplias malabaricus in the Capibaribe river (PE), northeastern Brazil. Monthly sampling were carried out between September/2013 and August/2014, using gill nets. The sex was identified by macroscopic and microscopic viewing of gonads, following the classification proposed by Vazzoler (1996). The specimens were distributed in length classes, being applied Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to evaluate the presence of sexual dimorphism. The length-weight relationship was calculated assessing differences through Kruskal Wallis test and physiological condition was calculated through allometric condition factor (K) between sexes, being applied the Spearman correlation test. Was collected 30 males and 42 females. No sexual dimorphism was observed relative to the size. Was observed positive allometric growth for females and negative for males. Was evidenced physiological condition variations along the year regarding seasonality. Population structure and physiological condition of the Hoplias malabaricus differed from that found in other environments, being this research, an important tool support the development of future management plans and conservation of Hoplias malabaricus, especially in this region.Keywords: population dynamics; fishing; reproduction.Esta pesquisa objetivou determinar a estrutura populacional e condição fisiológica de Hoplias malabaricus no rio Capibaribe (PE), nordeste brasileiro. Foram realizadas coletas mensais entre setembro/2013 e agosto/2014, utilizando redes de espera. O sexo foi identificado pela visualização macroscópica e microscópica das gônadas, seguindo a classificação proposta por Vazzoler (1996). Os indivíduos foram distribuídos entre classes de comprimento, sendo aplicado teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para verificar a presença de dimorfismo sexual. A relação peso-comprimento entre sexos foi calculada, avaliando diferenças pelo teste Kruskal-Wallis e a condição fisiológica foi avaliada pelo fator de condição alométrico (K) entre sexos, sendo aplicado teste de correlação de Spearman. Foram coletados 30 machos e 42 fêmeas, não sendo observado dimorfismo sexual relativo ao tamanho. Além disto, verificou-se um crescimento alométrico positivo para as fêmeas e negativo para os machos. Também foram evidenciadas variações na condição fisiológica ao longo do ano em relação à sazonalidade. A estrutura populacional e condição fisiológica de Hoplias malabaricus diferiram do encontrado em outros ambientes, sendo este estudo uma importante ferramenta para embasar o desenvolvimento de futuros planos de manejo e conservação de Hoplias malabaricus, especialmente nesta região.Palavras-chave: dinâmica populacional, pesca, manejo de recursos pesqueiros

    Novidade no mercado, novidade no ambiente: invasão do peixe não nativo acará onça no nordeste do Brasil

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    In Brazil, more than 150 non-native fish species have been introduced either intentionally or unintentionally, mainly due to aquaculture, fishery improvement and ornamental trade. The non-native jaguar guapote Parachromis managuensis was recorded in two artificial ponds, four rivers, one stream and two reservoirs, ecosystems belonging to the Una, Ipojuca, Capibaribe and Pajeú River basins, Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. The sampling period was between October 2006 and July 2015. A total of 376 individuals of P. managuensis was captured by seines, casting nets and gillnets. This species may have been introduced in the study sites by accidental release during pond drainage in fish farms, stocking for the purpose of animal protein production or by aquarium dumping. The presence of various ontogenetic life stages in all studied environments is a strong evidence that the species is established. Seven management actions are proposed to prevent further introductions of P. managuensis in other environments of the region.Keywords: exotic, bioinvasion, introduction, aquarism, freshwater fish.No Brasil, mais de 150 espécies de peixes não nativos foram introduzidas intencionalmente ou não, especialmente devido à aquicultura, pesca e aquarismo. A presença do peixe não nativo Parachromis managuensis, o acará onça, foi registrada em dois açudes, quatro rios, um córrego e duas barragens distribuídos nas bacias hidrográficas dos rios Una, Ipojuca, Capibaribe e Pajeú, no estado de Pernambuco, nordeste do Brasil. O período de amostragem ocorreu entre outubro/2006 e julho/2015. Um total de 376 indivíduos de P. managuensis foi capturado utilizando tarrafas, redes de arrasto e redes de espera. Esse peixe pode ter sido introduzido nos locais estudados por escape acidental durante a drenagem de viveiros de piscicultura, estocagem com a finalidade de produção de proteína animal e através do descarte de aquários. A presença de vários estágios ontogênicos em todos os ambientes estudados representa uma forte evidência de que a espécie está estabelecida. Ações de manejo são propostas para evitar novas introduções de P. managuensis em outros ambientes da região.Palavras-chave: exótica, bioinvasão, introdução, aquarismo, peixes de água doce

    Ichthyofauna Used in Traditional Medicine in Brazil

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    Fish represent the group of vertebrates with the largest number of species and the largest geographic distribution; they are also used in different ways by modern civilizations. The goal of this study was to compile the current knowledge on the use of ichthyofauna in zootherapeutic practices in Brazil, including ecological and conservational commentary on the species recorded. We recorded a total of 85 species (44 fresh-water species and 41 salt-water species) used for medicinal purposes in Brazil. The three most commonly cited species were Hoplias malabaricus, Hippocampus reidi, and Electrophorus electricus. In terms of conservation status, 65% of species are in the “not evaluated” category, and 14% are in the “insufficient data” category. Three species are in the “vulnerable” category: Atlantoraja cyclophora, Balistes vetula, and Hippocampus erectus. Currently, we cannot avoid considering human pressure on the population dynamics of these species, which is an essential variable for the conservation of the species and the ecosystems in which they live and for the perpetuation of traditional medical practices

    Natural Products from Ethnodirected Studies: Revisiting the Ethnobiology of the Zombie Poison

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    Wade Davis's study of Haitian “zombification” in the 1980s was a landmark in ethnobiological research. His research was an attempt to trace the origins of reports of “undead” Haitians, focusing on the preparation of the zombification poison. Starting with this influential ethnopharmacological research, this study examines advances in the pharmacology of natural products, focusing especially on those of animal-derived products. Ethnopharmacological, pharmacological, and chemical aspects are considered. We also update information on the animal species that reportedly constitute the zombie poison. Several components of the zombie powder are not unique to Haiti and are used as remedies in traditional medicine worldwide. This paper emphasizes the medicinal potential of products from zootherapy. These biological products are promising sources for the development of new drugs

    Artisanal fisheries of the Itaparica reservoir, São Francisco River, Brazil : socioeconomic profile, environmental dynamics, and management recommendations

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    Currently, artisanal fisheries in fresh water reservoirs have been losing ground to commercial fish farming and a great deal of fishery resources are being threatened by human interventions, such as reservoir management and increasing net-cage aquaculture. This study aims to understand the impacts of environmental changes on fishery resources and analyse the migratory fish breeding season as a missing link for fishery management in the semi-arid area of the São Francisco River Basin. Among the 870 fishermen operating in the Pernambuco part of the Itaparica Reservoir, 10% were interviewed and affirmed that fish stocks have been compromised due to the closed fishing period’s incoherence, exotic species insertion, and changes to the river flow caused by reservoir construction and operation. A significant correlation was observed between the Reproductive Activity Index (RAI) and precipitation (p = 0.745) as well as between the RAI and the river’s flow (p = −0.909). This shows how important it is to consider both the semi-arid climate setting and reservoir operation in determining the closed period which should safeguard fish reproduction. Monitoring the fish reproduction period and research on the reproductive biology of native fish species is needed in the São Francisco River Basin’s different stretches in order to guarantee valuable fish stocks and fisheries maintenance. Integrated action between the fish resource users, civil society, and federal bodies/agencies is essential in order to mitigate impacts and improve fish production systems, not only in Brazil, but in other regions experiencing a similar scenario

    Desenvolvimento ovariano de Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840) (Actinopterygii, Perciformes), no reservat\uf3rio de Pedra, Rio de Contas, Bahia

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    O presente estudo tem por objetivo caracterizar a organização dos ovócitos e os estádios maturacionais do ovário da pescada Plagioscion squamosissimus. As coletas foram realizadas bimestralmente no reservatório de Pedra, rio de Contas (BA), entre novembro de 2004 e setembro de 2006. As análises microscópicas foram realizadas através de cortes histológicos, corados com hematoxilina - eosina - floxina e mistura tricrômica de Gomori. Através da análise macro e microscópica, foram identificados cinco estádios maturacionais. A coloração das gônadas variou de acordo com o desenvolvimento gonadal. Para o desenvolvimento ovocitário, foram definidas seis fases: ovogônia e perinucleolar; vitelogênica e lipídica inicial; vitelogênica e lipídica intermediária; vitelogênica e lipídica avançada e pré-ovulação. Foram observadas estruturas semelhantes às de peixes marinhos, como fusão de gotículas de óleo nas fases finais de maturação e hidratação pré-ovulatória. Estas características podem ser explicadas pela origem marinha da família Sciaenidae, indicando a necessidade de estudos mais detalhados para compreender o aparecimento, desenvolvimento e função dessas estruturas ao longo do desenvolvimento ovocitário