39 research outputs found

    Modelling semantic transparency

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    We present models of semantic transparency in which the perceived trans- parency of English noun–noun compounds, and of their constituent words, is pre- dicted on the basis of the expectedness of their semantic structure. We show that such compounds are perceived as more transparent when the first noun is more frequent, hence more expected, in the language generally; when the compound semantic rela- tion is more frequent, hence more expected, in association with the first noun; and when the second noun is more productive, hence more expected, as the second ele- ment of a noun–noun compound. Taken together, our models of compound and con- stituent transparency lead us to two conclusions. Firstly, although compound trans- parency is a function of the transparencies of the constituents, the two constituents differ in the nature of their contribution. Secondly, since all the significant predictors in our models of compound transparency are also known predictors of processing speed, perceived transparency may itself be a reflex of ease of processing

    Enforcing IPR Through Informal Institutions: The Possible Role of Religion in Fighting Software Piracy

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    The existence of formal IPR laws can be considered a prerequisite for having efficient law enforcement but does not imply efficient enforcement in itself. A simple model is constructed to explain the interplay between the IPR law and human behavior within counterfeiting countries. It shows how a politically monitored IPR enforcement strategy is able to alter formal IPR laws or institutions but might not affect informal institutions, or human morals and behavior, to the same extent, hence barely affecting piracy situation. The model shows the essential role of informal institutions and its sanction mechanisms in the enforcement process. The main obstacle of IPR enforcement is that people are still not convinced that IPR violations are unethical. Religion can be considered an informal institution that might support or hinder formal laws issued with regards to IPR and hence influence de facto enforcement of laws, especially in countries with high piracy rate if a high adherence to religion is found. As the Religion-Loyalty Index (RLI) developed by this study shows, Muslim countries have the highest religiosity level among different religions. Consequently, an investigation of how Islamic jurisprudence views IPR piracy is conducted. As Islam generally prohibits IPR piracy, a set of policy recommendations based on new institutional perspective is presented that can effectively help in minimizing IPR piracy in developing countries in general and Muslim ones in specific

    Continental Arc Plutonism in a Juvenile Crust: The Neoproterozoic Metagabbro-Diorite Complexes of Sinai, Northern Arabian-Nubian Shield

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    Based on new field, petrographic, and whole-rock geochemistry data, we investigated three discrete metagabbro-diorite complexes (MGDC) across the E-W Sinai to contribute to increasing knowledge of the evolution of the juvenile continental crust of the Neoproterozoic Arabian–Nubian Shield. The three MGDCs vary in the dominance of the gabbroic versus dioritic rock types among each of them. Gabbroids are distinguished into pyroxene-hornblende gabbros and hornblende gabbros, whereas dioritic rocks have been subdivided into diorites and quartz diorites. The studied MGDC rocks are almost metaluminous and possess prevalent calc-alkaline characteristics over subsidiary tholeiitic and alkaline affinities. The most distinctive feature in the profiles of the investigated MGDCs on the N-MORB-normalized spider diagrams is the coincidence of stout negative Nb anomalies and projecting positive Pb spikes, which is typical of igneous rocks evolved in subduction zones. The three MGDC samples exhibit variably LREE-enriched patterns [(La/Yb)N = 4.92–18.55; av. = 9.04], either lacking or possessing weak to negligible positive and negative Eu anomalies. The calculated apatite and zircon crystallization temperatures reveal the earlier separation of apatite at higher temperatures, with the obvious possibility of two genetic types of apatite and zircon in the magma (cognate vs. xenocrystic) since both accessories have yielded very wide ranges of crystallization temperatures. The investigated MGDCs were formed in a continental arc setting, particularly a thick-crust arc (>39 km). The parent magmas comprised components derived from the melting of the mantle wedge, subducting oceanic lithosphere, and subducting overlying sediments. The mantle input was from a spinel–garnet transitional mantle source at a depth of ca. 75–90 km. The impact of slab-derived fluids was much greater than that of slab-derived melts, and so subduction-related fluids had a crucial effect on metasomatizing the partially melted mantle source. The parent mantle-derived magma has been subjected to substantial crustal contamination as a dominant mechanism of differentiation

    Geochemistry of the North Gondwana Paleozoic Araba and Naqus formation siliciclastics, Sinai: implications for provenance, paleoweathering, and tectonic setting

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    The Araba and Naqus formations in Ras Milan, Sinai, constitute part of the major continuous Paleozoic clastic belt stretching across northern Gondwana. They are sandstone-dominated successions, resting on Precambrian granitic basement, with lowermost thin basal polymictic conglomerate deposits (1–2 m), marking the unconformity. The Araba Formation section is composed mainly of varicoloured violet to reddish brown, fine to coarse-grained laminated and planner and overturned cross-bedded sandstones, while the overlying Naqus Formation is characterized by chaotically distributed poorly sorted quartz pebbles to cobbles within a moderately-sorted coarse- to medium-grained quartz arenite and by abundance and variety of large-scale tabular and trough cross bedding. Modal QFL classification of Araba and Naqus formation sandstones revealed that they are merely quartzose sandstones (quartz arenites). Geochemistry of the succession shows extremely wide compositional ranges for almost all major elements, but the Araba Formation is relatively enriched in SiO2, TiO2, Fe2O3*, Na2O, P2O5, and depleted in Al2O3, MgO, CaO and K2O relative to Naqus Formation. Only the Araba Formation samples are depleted in the transition elements Ni, Cr and Co and oppositely possess extreme enrichment in the HFSEs (i.e. Zr, Hf, Y, Nb, Ta, Th, U), whereas both formations show variable depletion in the LILE Rb, K and Ba, and excessive REE abundances relative to the PAAS and UCC, and LREE-enriched patterns with marked negative Eu anomalies. The provenance of the Naqus and Araba formations could be an earlier felsic magmatic source, which has undergone extensive sedimentary recycling. They possess high compositional maturity and were subjected to intensive to moderate weathering during humid climatic conditions. Passive margin tectonic setting is implied which denotes the derivation of Araba and Naqus formation siliciclastics from stable continental regions or plate interiors and deposition in intracratonic basins.</p

    Petrologic and geochemical characterization and mineralization of the metavolcanic rocks of the Heib Formation, Kid Metamorphic Complex, Sinai, Egypt

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    Metavolcanic rocks hosting base metal sulphide mineralization, and belonging to the Kid Metamorphic Complex, are exposed in the Samra-Tarr area, Southern Sinai. The rocks consist of slightly metamorphosed varicolored porphyritic lavas of rhyolite-to-andesite composition, and their equivalent pyroclastics. Geochemically, these metavolcanics are classified as high-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous andesites, trachyandesites, dacites, and rhyolites. The geochemical characteristics of these metavolcanics strongly point to their derivation from continental crust in an active continental margin. The sulphide mineralization in these metavolcanics occurs in two major ore zones, and is represented by four distinct styles of mineralization. The mineralization occurs either as low-grade disseminations or as small massive pockets. The associated hydrothermal alterations include carbonatization, silicification, sericitization and argillic alterations. The base metal sulphide mineralization is epigenetic and was formed by hydrothermal solutions associated with subduction-related volcanic activity

    Mating systems and male reproductive success in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in breeding hapas: A microsatellite analysis

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    Fry production in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus is typically achieved by mass spawning of males and females stocked in large hapas suspended in ponds. In such spawning aggregations, territorial behavior and reproductive competition among males may lead to a large variance in reproductive success among individual males. We analyzed parentage and quantified male reproductive success of O. niloticus under commercial hatchery conditions in two breeding hapas each stocked with 12 males and 25 females. Eleven microsatellite markers were used to estimate the reproductive success of individual males and females. In total, 760 offspring from 76 spawnings were included in the paternity analysis. Mating patterns in Nile tilapia ranged from single pair to promiscuous mating. Multiple paternity was detected in 70% of the broods, with up to 4 males fertilizing a single clutch. Multiple maternity was also detected in over 30% of the clutches analyzed. There was a very high variance in male reproductive success, with one third of males siring more than 70% of the offspring. Male condition factor had a significant effect on reproductive success with larger males siring a large proportion of offspring. The high reproductive variance resulted in a Ne of around 16 for hapas A and B, and a low Ne/N ratio, 0.43 and 0.45 for hapas A and B, respectively. The rate of inbreeding, ¿F, for each hapa, was estimated to be around 3.0% per generation, which is about twice the inbreeding expected in an idealized population of the same census size. When designing fish breeding programmes based on mass spawning, the higher inbreeding and lower effective population size should be taken into consideratio

    Quenching of quorum sensing in multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: insights on halo-bacterial metabolites and gamma irradiation as channels inhibitors

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    Abstract Background Anti-virulence therapy is a promising strategy to treat multi-drug resistant (MDR) pathogens. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a potent opportunistic pathogen because of an array of virulence factors that are regulated by quorum sensing systems. Methods The virulence features of four multi-drug resistant P. aeruginosa strains were investigated upon exposure to the sub-lethal dose of gamma rays (1 kGy), and sub-inhibitory concentrations of bioactive metabolites recovered from local halophilic strains in comparison to control. Then, the gene expression of AHL-mediated quorum sensing systems (las/rhl) was quantitatively determined in treated and untreated groups by real-time PCR. Results The bioactive metabolites recovered from halophilic strains previously isolated from saline ecosystems were identified as Halomonas cupida (Halo-Rt1), H. elongate (Halo-Rt2), Vigibacillus natechei (Halo-Rt3), Sediminibacillus terrae (Halo-Rt4) and H. almeriensis (Halo-Rt5). Results revealed that both gamma irradiation and bioactive metabolites significantly reduced the virulence factors of the tested MDR strains. The bioactive metabolites showed a maximum efficiency for inhibiting biofilm formation and rhamnolipids production whereas the gamma irradiation succeeded in decreasing other virulence factors to lower levels in comparison to control. Quantitative-PCR results showed that AHL-mediated quorum sensing systems (las/rhl) in P. aeruginosa strains were downregulated either by halo-bacterial metabolites or gamma irradiation in all treatments except the upregulation of both lasI internal gene and rhlR intact gene in P. aeruginosa NCR-RT3 and both rhlI internal gene and rhlR intact gene in P. aeruginosa U3 by nearly two folds or more upon exposure to gamma irradiation. The most potent result was observed in the expression of lasI internal gene that was downregulated by more than ninety folds in P. aeruginosa NCR-RT2 after treatment with metabolites of S. terrae (Halo-Rt4). Analyzing metabolites recovered from H. cupida (Halo-Rt1) and H. elongate (Halo-Rt2) using LC–ESI–MS/MS revealed many chemical compounds that have quorum quenching properties including glabrol, 5,8-dimethoxyquinoline-2-carbaldehyde, linoleoyl ethanolamide, agelasine, penigequinolones derivatives, berberine, tetracosanoic acid, and liquidambaric lactone in the former halophile and phloretin, lycoctonine, fucoxanthin, and crassicauline A in the latter one. Conclusion QS inhibitors can significantly reduce the pathogenicity of MDR P. aeruginosa strains; and thus can be an effective and successful strategy for treating antibiotic resistant traits