38 research outputs found

    Discriminant analysis for the prediction and classification of tick-borne infections in some dairy cattle herds at Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt

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    This study was undertaken to use the variable loadings in linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to determine the most important predictors for the discrimination of tick-borne diseases (TBDs), particularly babesiosis and anaplasmosis and predict the group membership from the predictors. In total, 163 cattle, from different localities at Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt, were investigated in 2012 and 2013 for the presence of TBDs. All cattle were clinically examined and a clinical index score was determined for each cow. Blood samples were also collected from each animal for adopting microscopy and diagnostic laboratory methods. Out of the examined cattle, 83 animals were acutely-ill (Babesia bovis and Anaplasma marginale were identified in 11 and 10 animals, respectively), while 80 cows were apparently healthy but having previous attacks of blood parasites (23 animals harbored anaplasma marginale (asymptomatic carriers)). The remained 119 animals were negative to TBDs. Fourteen animals were not survived and 149 cases were survived. As the result of the first LDA to discriminate babesiosis, anaplasmosis and negative to TBDs, 89.0% of animals were correctly classified; 78.8% (26/33) for anaplasma, 100% (11/11) for babesia infections, 90.8% (108/119) for negative to TBDs, respectively. The important predictors for the discrimination were oculonasal discharge, bloody feces, hemoglobinuria, bloody feces and respiratory rate. On the other hand, the second LDA discrimination showed high classification accuracy of 87.1% for the discrimination of survivors and non-survivors; 89.9% (134/149) for survivors and 57.1% (8/14) for non-survivors, while the important predictors included oculonasal discharge, recumbent posture and nervous sign

    Pozitivan učinak L-karnitina na imuno- metabolički odgovor i antioksidacijski status u koza s gravidnosnom toksemijom

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    According to the literature, there have been limited studies describing the efficacy of L-carnitine (LC) administration in goats. The present study was designed to evaluate the influence of orally administered LC on some immune- metabolic variables, as well as the redox status in goats with experimentally induced pregnancy toxemia (PT). The study included eighteen clinically healthy Baladi goats at 110 ± 5 days of gestation. The animals were randomly allocated into three equally-sized groups: control, toxemic (PT), and toxemic treated with LC (TLC). On day 110 ± 5 of gestation, the goats in the TLC group received 10 mL of LC given as an oral drench once daily. Administration of LC was continued for 20 consecutive days. At day 130 of gestation, PT was experimentally induced in the animals of the PT and TLC groups by means of feed withdrawal for 72 hours. For biochemical analyses, blood samples were collected from each investigated doe via jugular vein puncture before PT induction (T0), and once daily for five consecutive days (T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5). The clinical findings of PT appeared in all the goats of the PT group after 72 hours of feed withdrawal, while the goats of the TLC group did not show any clinical symptoms throughout the study period. Administration of LC elicited initial and sustained low serum levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), and high serum glucose, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and interleukin (IL)-10 at T0 compared with those of the control and PT groups. At T3, goats that received LC showed significantly lower values of β-hydroxybutyric acid, non-esterified fatty acid, triacylglycerols, MDA, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and higher values of total cholesterol, glutathione peroxidase, SOD, and IL-10 than those of the PT group. Our data suggest that orally administered LC could be useful in ameliorating the immune status and improving lipid metabolism in goats with PT.Prema podacima iz literature postoji ograničen broj istraživanja primjene L-karnitina (LK) u koza. Cilj ovog rada bio je procijeniti učinak oralno primijenjenog LK-a na određene imuno-metaboličke pokazatelje i redoksni status u koza u kojih je eksperimentalno izazvana gravidnosna tokesmija (GT). Istraživanje je uključilo 18 klinički zdravih koza baladi pasmine čija je gravidnost iznosila 110 ± 5 dana. Životinje su nasumično podijeljene u tri jednake skupine: kontrolnu, toksemijsku (GT) i toksemijsku kojoj je davan LK (TLK). Koze u skupini TLK su od 110. ± 5 dana gravidnosti jedanput dnevno dobivale 10 mL LK-a oralnom drenčer špricom. Primjena LK-a nastavljena je sljedećih dvadeset dana uzastopno. Na 130. dan gravidnosti GT je eksperimentalno izazvan u skupinama GT i TLK, uz uskraćivanje hrane tijekom 72 sata. U svake je koze iz jugularne vene uzeta krv za biokemijsku analizu prije izazivanja GT-a (T0) i jedanput dnevno sljedećih pet dana (T1, T2, T3, T4 i T5). Klinički je GT ustanovljen u svih koza u skupini GT 72 sata nakon što im je uskraćena hrana, dok koze iz skupine TLK nisu pokazale kliničke simptome za vrijeme istraživanja. Primjena LK-a prouzročila je niske serumske vrijednosti malondialdehida (MDA), faktora tumorske nekroze (TNF-α) i visoke serumske vrijednosti glukoze, superoksidne dismutaze (SOD) i interleukina (IL)- 10 prije izazivanja GT-a (T0) u usporedbi s kontrolnom i GT skupinom. Treći dan (T3) koze koje su primile LK pokazale su znakovito niže vrijednosti β-hidroksimaslačne kiseline, neesterificirane masne kiseline, triacilglicerola, MDA-a, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 te veće vrijednosti ukupnog kolesterola, glutation-peroksidaze, SOD-a i IL-10 od onih u skupini GT. Rezultati su pokazali da bi oralno primijenjen LK mogao pridonijeti poboljšanju imunosnog statusa i metabolizma masnoća u koza s GT-om

    Contamination Pathways can Be Traced along the Poultry Processing Chain by Whole Genome Sequencing of Listeria innocua

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    Foodborne infection with Listeria causes potentially life-threatening disease listeriosis. Listeria monocytogenes is widely recognized as the only species of public health concern, and the closely related species Listeria innocua is commonly used by the food industry as an indicator to identify environmental conditions that allow for presence, growth, and persistence of Listeria spp. in general. In our study, we analyze the occurrence of Listeria spp. in a farm-to-fork approach in a poultry production chain in Egypt and identify bacterial entry gates and transmission systems. Prevalence of Listeria innocua at the three production stages (farm, slaughterhouse, food products) ranged from 11% to 28%. The pathogenic species Listeria monocytogenes was not detected, and Listeria innocua strains under study did not show genetic virulence determinants. However, the close genetic relatedness of Listeria innocua isolates (maximum 63 SNP differences) indicated cross-contamination between all stages from farm to final food product. Based on these results, chicken can be seen as a natural source of Listeria. Last but not least, sanitary measures during production should be reassessed to prevent bacterial contamination from entering the food chain and to consequently prevent human listeriosis infections. For this purpose, surveillance must not be restricted to pathogenic species

    Characterisation of S. aureus/MRSA CC1153 and review of mobile genetic elements carrying the fusidic acid resistance gene fusC

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    While many data on molecular epidemiology of MRSA are available for North America, Western Europe and Australia, much less is known on the distribution of MRSA clones elsewhere. Here, we describe a poorly known lineage from the Middle East, CC1153, to which several strains from humans and livestock belong. Isolates were characterised using DNA microarrays and one isolate from the United Arab Emirates was sequenced using Nanopore technology. CC1153 carries agr II and capsule type 5 genes. Enterotoxin genes are rarely present, but PVL is common. Associated spa types include t504, t903 and t13507. PVL-positive CC1153-MSSA were found in Egyptian cattle suffering from mastitis. It was also identified among humans with skin and soft tissue infections in Saudi Arabia, France and Germany. CC1153-MRSA were mainly observed in Arabian Gulf countries. Some isolates presented with a previously unknown SCCmec/SCCfus chimeric element in which a mec B complex was found together with the fusidic acid resistance gene fusC and accompanying genes including ccrA/B-1 recombinase genes. Other isolates carried SCCmec V elements that usually also included fusC. Distribution and emergence of CC1153-MRSA show the necessity of molecular characterization of MRSA that are resistant to fusidic acid. These strains pose a public health threat as they combine resistance to beta-lactams used in hospitals as well as to fusidic acid used in the community. Because of the high prevalence of fusC-positive MRSA in the Middle East, sequences and descriptions of SCC elements harbouring fusC and/or mecA are reviewed. When comparing fusC and its surrounding regions from the CC1153 strain to available published sequences, it became obvious that there are four fusC alleles and five distinct types of fusC gene complexes reminiscent to the mec complexes in SCCmec elements. Likewise, they are associated with different sets of ccrA/B recombinase genes and additional payload that might include entire mec complexes or SCCmec elements

    Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis in Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): Clinical Findings and the Associated Inflammatory Response

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    The present study was carried out to describe the clinical picture of traumatic reticuloperitonitis (TRP) in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and to evaluate the inflammatory and immunologic responses for this clinical condition. Twenty-two buffalo with acute local TRP were monitored in our study. Additionally, 10 clinically healthy buffalo were randomly selected and served as controls. Acute local TRP was initially diagnosed by clinical examination and confirmed by ultrasonographic (USG) examination and/or necropsy findings. Blood samples were collected from all examined buffalo to measure the respective levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-10 and interferon gamma (INF)-γ, serum amyloid A (SAA), C-reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin (Hp), fibrinogen (Fb), and serum sialic acid (SSA). It was found that TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, SAA, CRP, Hp, Fb, and SSA were significantly higher in buffalo with TRP than the controls. Our findings suggest that the examined immunologic variables were helpful in documenting the inflammatory response in buffalo with TRP. However, their diagnostic usefulness only becomes apparent when considered in tandem with the clinical findings for any given animal, its anamnesis, and a subsequent USG assessment. Due to the frequent complications of TRP, more accurate indicators of its occurrence and severity would be useful

    Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis in Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): Clinical Findings and the Associated Inflammatory Response

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    The present study was carried out to describe the clinical picture of traumatic reticuloperitonitis (TRP) in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and to evaluate the inflammatory and immunologic responses for this clinical condition. Twenty-two buffalo with acute local TRP were monitored in our study. Additionally, 10 clinically healthy buffalo were randomly selected and served as controls. Acute local TRP was initially diagnosed by clinical examination and confirmed by ultrasonographic (USG) examination and/or necropsy findings. Blood samples were collected from all examined buffalo to measure the respective levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-), interleukin (IL)-1 , IL-6, IL-10 and interferon gamma (INF)-, serum amyloid A (SAA), C-reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin (Hp), fibrinogen (Fb), and serum sialic acid (SSA). It was found that TNF-, IL-1 , IL-6, IL-10, SAA, CRP, Hp, Fb, and SSA were significantly higher in buffalo with TRP than the controls. Our findings suggest that the examined immunologic variables were helpful in documenting the inflammatory response in buffalo with TRP. However, their diagnostic usefulness only becomes apparent when considered in tandem with the clinical findings for any given animal, its anamnesis, and a subsequent USG assessment. Due to the frequent complications of TRP, more accurate indicators of its occurrence and severity would be useful

    Significance of clinical observations and biochemical alterations in buffalo calves with dietary abomasal impaction

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    Abstract Background The present study aimed to throw light on the clinical characteristics of abomasal impaction in buffalo calves and its associated biochemical alterations. For this reason, a total of 20 male buffalo calves (Bubalus bubalis) with abomasal impaction were studied. The investigated calves were at 6 to 12 months of age and were belonged to three private farms in Dakahlia Governorate besides sporadic cases admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt. Ten apparently healthy buffalo calves were also included as controls. According to the clinical outcome, the diseased calves were categorized into survivors (n = 11) and non-survivors (n = 9). Blood samples were collected from all animals to estimate blood gases besides a panel of selected biochemical parameters. The definitive diagnosis of dietary abomasal impaction was achieved by either left flank exploratory laparotomy or by necropsy. Results Both survivors and non-survivors demonstrated common clinical findings including distension of ventro-lateral aspect of the right abdomen, and varying degrees of dehydration. The great majority of survivors (81%) and 100% of non-survivors were anorexic and had rumen stasis as well as hard texture upon ballottement of the left flank. Approximately 45% of non-survivors had frothy salivation, expiratory grunting and were being tender when strong percussion was applied on the right flank. Diseased calves had metabolic alkalosis, while plasma potassium and chloride were significantly lower in non-survivors than those of survivors (P < 0.05). Serum malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and uric acid were significantly higher in diseased buffalo than controls and in non-survivors than survivors (P < 0.05). Serum total protein, albumin, creatinine, urea, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, and total bilirubin levels were also higher in non-survivors than those of survivors (P < 0.05). Conclusion Buffalo calves with dietary abomasal impaction were associated with marked clinical and biochemical alterations that could be helpful for an accurate diagnosis of the disease