2,066 research outputs found

    Scattering mechanisms and electronic transport properties in a Hg1-xCdxTe medium-infrared detector

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    We report here transport properties measurements and theoretical results on modeling carrier charge mobility in Hg 1-xCdxTe (x =0.22). Conductivity and Hall Effect were measured in the temperature range 4.2 - 300 K. Our measurements indicate that the sample is n-type semiconductor. In intrinsic regime, the slope of the curve RH T3/2 indicates a gap of 178 meV which agree well with Eg (x = 0.22, 300 K) = 183 meV. Our theoretical calculations, according to the Kane model, show that the Fermi energy EF increases with temperature. The calculated donor state Ed is 3 meV above the conduction band at 4.2 K and agrees well with 0.67 meV of low field Hall effect measurements. Our theoretical calculations on the mobility shows that ionized impurity scattering dominate below 25 K, optical phonons scattering at high temperatures (>70K) and the mobility is generated by the both mechanisms of scattering in the intermediate temperature regime. At high temperatures, an excellent agreement between experimental and calculated scattering mobility is obtained by introducing a trial function. The detection wave length  situates the sample as medium-infrared detector

    Effect of water quality on the performance of the galena and blend flotation: case of Draa Sfar complex sulphide ore, Morocco.

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    To contribute to the process optimization project of MCG (Mining Company of Guemassa-Marrakech, Morocco), a study was carried out on the effect of water quality on the performance of galena and blend flotation, using recycling tailings dam water. Flotation tests were carried out on a galena and blend ore provided by the Mining Company of Guemassa-Marrakech, Morocco (MCG).The obtained results showed that the mixture between the two types of water (Clear and tailing dam waters) in Pb circuit provides a lead recovery (72, 70 %) with a good quality of the final concentrate and selectivity toward (Cu, Zn and Fe). In the case of Zn circuit, the tailing dam water gives a good Zn recovery compared to those obtained in the case of clear water (≈ 70 %), but a low quality of the final Zn concentrate (42 %) than in the case of clear water (48 %) and the mixture water (45%)

    Evaluation of the impact of wastewater in the rural commune of Jmaa Moulblad on the bacteriological water quality of the Grou River (Rabat region, Morocco)

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    In the region of Rabat, shallow watercourses are currently threatened by the magnitude of urban and industrial discharges, mainly due to its growing demography and the continuous development of the agricultural and industrial sectors. This study aims to evaluate the impact of wastewater from the rural commune of Jmaa Moulblad on the bacteriological water qualityof the Grou River. In order to measure the pollution levels of this watercourse, our study focused on the enumeration of fecal contamination indicator bacteria such as total coliforms (TC), faecal coliforms (FC) and intestinal enterococci (EI), as well as the detection of salmonella. Water samples were taken by season during the 2016/2017 period at four stations on the Grou River. The results obtained describe a worrying state of the watercourse, particularly at the S2 station located directly at the mouth of the wastewater of the rural commune of Jmaa Moulblad which is rejected without prior treatment. If protective measures are not taken, the perpetual degradation of the quality of these waters would certainly lead to the loss of this watercourse, which is of paramount importance in the region.

    Feather’s Passer domesticus as a non invasive bio-indicator tool of urban heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Cd) pollution in Rabat-SalĂ© (Morocco).

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      The purpose of this study is to evaluate the rate of heavy metals (Zinc, Lead and Cadmium) in industrial and urban areas of Rabat using Feather’s  Passer domesticus as a non invasive  bio-indicator method. The collection was made on 50 house sparrows (Passer domesticus) males and females, which were captured in five different sites of Rabat, (ten specimens by site), according to the road traffic and industrial activities, the results obtained indicate the presence of metals in all the analyzed samples. Cd is above the threshold of contamination (0.1 ppm) for all sites, while the Pb far exceeds the threshold (4 ppm) for two study sites. These results suggest that we have two major sources of contamination by heavy metals: Road traffic, and Industrial activities

    Étude de la performance de la STEP du centre emplisseur de la sociĂ©tĂ© Salam Gaz – Skhirat, Maroc

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    Le prĂ©sent travail a pour but de vĂ©rifier l’efficacitĂ© du fonctionnement de la STEP de la sociĂ©tĂ© Salam Gaz. Les eaux traitĂ©es sont rĂ©utilisĂ©es durant le procĂ©dĂ© de production de la sociĂ©tĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats de la caractĂ©risation physicochimique des eaux usĂ©es brutes ont montrĂ© que les paramĂštres analysĂ©s dĂ©passent les valeurs limites de rejets directes ou indirectes. Les valeurs moyennes en MES, DBO5 et DCO de l’eau brute sont respectivement 3429, 447 et 698 mg/L. Les rendements d’éliminations des paramĂštres MES, DCO et DBO5 par la STEP sont respectivement 99%, 86%, et 84% alors que l’abattement de la teneur en chrome, cuivre, cadmium et plomb dĂ©passe 90%. Ceci montre que la STEP fonctionne correctement. Toutefois, des amĂ©liorations sont nĂ©cessaires pour amĂ©liorer d’avantages la performance de la STEP. En outre, les eaux usĂ©es Ă©purĂ©es ont montrĂ© un pH acide variant autour de 5 ce qui nĂ©cessite une optimisation de la dose du coagulant injectĂ© et une neutralisation avant rejet des eaux traitĂ©es dans le milieu rĂ©cepteur.Mots-clĂ©s : eaux usĂ©es, diagnostic, performances, recyclage, Salam Gaz – Skhirat, Maroc.Study of the performance of the WWTP filling station company Salam Gas - Skhirat MoroccoThe present work designed to verify the operating effectiveness of society Step Salam Gas. The treated water is reused in the production process of the company. The characterization results at selected tapping points show that the majority of the analyzed parameters exceed the limit values for discharges. The mean values of TSS, BOD5 and COD of raw water are respectively 3429, 447 and 698 mg/l. Yields eliminations parameters TSS, COD and BOD5 by STEP are respectively 99%, 86% and 84% while the reduction of chromium, copper, cadmium and lead in excess of 90%. This shows that STEP is working properly. However, improvements are needed to improve the performance benefits of STEP. In addition, the treated wastewater showed an acidic pH ranging around 5 which requires an optimization of the dose of coagulant injection and neutralization prior to discharge treated wastewater into the receiving environment.Keywords : Wastewater, diagnostic, performance, recycling performance, Salam Gaz – Skhirat, Morocco

    L'accumulation des métaux lourds au niveau des cultures : Cas des cultures maraßchÚres du bassin de Sebou au Maroc

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    Le Bassin de Sebou prĂ©sente une importance socio-Ă©conomique pour le Maroc. En effet, il est sujet de diverses utilisations ; eau potable, eau d’irrigation et eau industrielle. Toutefois, ce bassin subit des pressions multiples, notamment par la pollution mĂ©tallique. ConsidĂ©rant le risque de bioaccumulation des mĂ©taux par les cultures, base de la chaĂźne  alimentaire, cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite pour Ă©valuer la charge mĂ©tallique au niveau dudit Bassin. Elle a portĂ© sur les trois supports; eau d’irrigation, sols agricoles et cultures maraĂźchĂšres dont les graines (blĂ©, mais), fruits (courgette), feuilles (laitue) et racines (navet). C’est ainsi que ces Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s durant la pĂ©riode 2006-2010 et les sept Ă©lĂ©ments mĂ©talliques Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb et Zn ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s par ICP. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des concentrations faibles Ă  moyennes dĂ©passant parfois les normes requises notamment pour le Cr et le Cd. L’origine possible de cette charge mĂ©tallique peut ĂȘtre les rejets urbains et particuliĂšrement industriels, notamment ceux des activitĂ©s artisanales outre l’activitĂ© agricole intense et ses pratiques inappropriĂ©es.Mots-clĂ©s : bassin de Sebou, pollution mĂ©tallique, mĂ©taux lourds, cultures maraĂźchĂšres

    In silico evaluation of antiviral activity of flavone derivatives and commercial drugs against SARS-CoV-2 main protease (3CLpro).

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    In this paper the in silco evaluation of the antiviaral activity against the current spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome novel coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) of several anti-viral components such as Chloroquine, Simeprevir, Lopinavir and a series of five natural and synthesized flavone derivative was investigated.Results of the molecular docking revealed that among of the five flavones studied and Chloroquine, Simeprevir and Lopinavir, three compounds correlate with a high affinity for the same binding sites with the major protein 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro) and a small negative binding energy compared with the control N3 molecule in protein 6LU7 and the control WK1 molecule in protein 2OP9. This may disrupt the 3CLpro main protease function and efficiency

    Deciphering the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant: Antiviral Compound Efficacy by Molecular Docking, ADMET, and Dynamics Studies

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    This research was conducted to discover potential antiviral compounds effective against the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 through computational screening methods. Our investigation encompassed nine established antiviral medications—Ritonavir, Remdesivir, Lopinavir, Ivermectin, Favipiravir, Ribavirin, Clofoctol, Chlorpromazine, and Artemisinin—and a flavone derivative, 2-(4-((6-hydroxyhexyl)oxy)phenyl)-4H-chroman-4-one (4c). These compounds were evaluated for their binding affinity to the Delta variant’s spike protein and their stability within the complex. We also examined their ADMET profiles and pharmacokinetic properties. he study found that all compounds exhibited strong binding to key amino acid residues within the spike protein’s active site, potentially inhibiting the enzyme’s function. Binding energy values ranged from -3.966 to -6.392 kcal/mol for the for the known drugs, with the flavone derivative exhibiting the highest binding affinity of -7.895 kcal/mol and an optimal ADMET profile. Molecular dynamics simulations further confirmed the stability of the 4c-spike protein complex. Our results indicate that the flavone derivative 4c is a promising lead for the development of novel antiviral therapies targeting the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2

    Diagnostic du dĂ©ficit immunitaire primitif du au dĂ©faut d’expression des molĂ©cules HLA de classe II au Maroc

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    L’expression membranaire des molĂ©cules du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilitĂ© de classe II (CMH-II) joue un rĂŽle crucial dans les phĂ©nomĂšnes de prĂ©sentation des antigĂšnes aux lymphocytes T CD4+ et de dĂ©clenchement de la rĂ©ponse immune. Les dĂ©ficits immunitaires dus au dĂ©faut d’expression de ces molĂ©cules constituent un ensemble hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne d’affections hĂ©rĂ©ditaires rares de transmission autosomique rĂ©cessive. Ce dĂ©sordre est dĂ» Ă  la prĂ©sence d’une anomalie gĂ©nĂ©tique de l’un des 4 gĂšnes CIITA, RFXANK, RFX5 et RFXAP codants pour les protĂ©ines impliquĂ©es dans la rĂ©gulation de la transcription des gĂšnes CMH II. La majoritĂ© des cas rapportĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature sont d’origine maghrĂ©bine. Ce dĂ©ficit est caractĂ©risĂ© cliniquement par de nombreuses infections notamment digestives et pulmonaires qui apparaissent tĂŽt dans la vie. C’est une affection encore mĂ©connue dans notre pays par les cliniciens. Ce travail rĂ©sume la stratĂ©gie de diagnostic du dĂ©ficit des molĂ©cules CMH II suivie par l’UnitĂ© d’Immunologie Clinique du CHU Ă  Casablanca qui a introduit pour la premiĂšre fois au Maroc, le diagnostic molĂ©culaire en collaboration avec l’Institut Pasteur du Maroc de Casablanca

    The therapeutic relationship from the perspective of patients and nurses in the first days of admission: A cross‐sectional study in acute mental health units

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    The therapeutic relationship (TR) is essential in mental health nursing care and plays a fundamental role in the understanding and treatment of the patient's health status. Despite being a bidirectional construct, limited evidence is available to shed light on this issue in mental health units and even less so in the first days of admission. This study aimed to examine the association and differences between nurses' and patients' perspectives on the establishment of the therapeutic relationship in acute mental health units during the first days of hospitalization. A cross-sectional study was carried out in 12 Spanish mental health units. Data were collected from patients and nurses using the Working Alliance Inventory-Short (WAI-S) questionnaire. A total of 234 cases were analysed, including 234 patients and 58 nurses. The results showed a positive association between nurses' and patients' perspectives on the therapeutic relationship, but also revealed significant differences on each WAI-S dimension. Nurses assigned higher scores compared to patients on the perception of the quality of the therapeutic relationship. The dimensions with the greatest weight from the patients' perspective regarding the quality of the therapeutic relationship were the perception of greater agreement on goals and tasks among nurses. This study demonstrates the importance of establishing shared goals and tasks with nurses from the first days of hospitalization to improve the quality of the therapeutic relationship as perceived by patients. These findings underline the need to consider the different perspectives of both parties to promote a high-quality therapeutic relationship
