4 research outputs found

    Maternal and neonatal health services in Sudan: Results of a situation analysis

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    This project brief is based on the results of a situation analysis (SA) study that was done collaboratively by the Population Council and Sudan Ministry of Health (MOH) with funds from UNFPA, UNICEF, and Packard Foundation. The analysis showed an uneven distribution of reproductive health (RH) staff across Sudan, and nurses and nurse midwives are the key in RH services. There was also limited access to family planning services. Antenatal care was limited, and pregnant women in the study seldom received counseling on birth spacing or birth preparedness. Birth attendants also lacked adequate knowledge and skills. Emergency obstetric care was also lacking in many secondary and tertiary care facilities, which put women suffering from labor complications at greater risk. The situation analysis has pointed to a number of gaps in the availability and quality of maternal and neonatal health services, which contribute to the high levels of maternal and neonatal mortality in Sudan

    Ecological Study to Set Alternative Strategies for Reducing Child Mortality

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    Background:  Infant and child mortality are indicators of population wellbeing. Although, Child mortality rates are declining in Egypt, national averages mask regional disparities. For that, identification and quantification of factors contributing to mortality, at the local level, through ecological correlation studies could provide a guide to more focused public health interventions for reducing mortality. The study aims to improve child health and decrease child mortality rate through recognizing ecological/environmental factors predicting child mortality among municipalities in Giza governorate. Methodology: Ecological, cross sectional study, adopting the municipalities (n=215) as unit of analysis, was conducted to examine associations between child mortality and some human development indicators. Results: High negative significant correlation between U5MR and   access to water (r=-0.966) was found. Access to sanitation and access to electricity are negatively correlated with U5MR with r=-0.955 and - 0.905 respectively. The results with IMR were similar to that with U5MR. An increase in one percentage access of household to safe water predict 1.05and 0.78 fewer U5MR and IMR (R2=0.97 and 0.98; P≤0.001) respectively. U5MR and IMR decrease, significantly, by 0.82 and 0.61deaths, respectively, with increase access to sanitation by 1%. Conclusion: Access to safe water and sanitation are strong predictors of U5MR and IMR. Increase coverage of households by safe water has the largest impact in reduction of children mortality rate. For that, the study recommends advocacy to ensure coverage of household with safe water and sanitation system

    Quality of Primary Health Care Services Within The Framework of The National Accreditation Program

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    Abstract: Accreditation program (AP) has the objective of supporting the quality of primary health care (PHC) services, within the Health Sector Reform/family medicine (FM) domain. Accreditation program is implemented in Family Health Units that represent a shift from fragmented vertical PHC services, into comprehensive, integrated and continuous services. In 2000, AP has been initiated in Egypt in selected primary health care facilities. The study aims at identification of strengths and challenges regarding the quality standards of resources and process as well as efficiency (output) of the accredited versus non-accredited rural facilities. The study is an operations research quasiexperimental/ time series analysis-test and control group design. A convenient sample of three accredited family health units (AFHUs) and a control group of three non-accredited rural health units (NRHUs) located in a purposively selected health district in 6 th October governorate. Observation quality checklist (2007 & 2008) and spread sheet to report service statistics data 2005-2008 had been used. Quality standards as well as PHC services output indicators had been calculated. Findings showed that AFHUs achieved 81% of the standard quality score versus 79% for the NRHUs. Output indicators delineated non-observed differences in service efficiency regarding immunization, maternal care services and family planning. There are remaining challenges in both types of facilities related to antenatal and postnatal care. It is concluded that both the AFHUs and NRHUs are working according to vertical program momentum, with limited response to the quality dimension related to the continuity of care

    ESICM LIVES 2016: part two : Milan, Italy. 1-5 October 2016.

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