7 research outputs found

    Régulation de l’excitabilité musculaire par le canal potassique EGL-23 et la voie de signalisation LIN-12/Notch chez le nématode C. elegans

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    Two-pore domain potassium channels (K2P) are major regulators of cell excitability, playing a central role in the establishment and maintenance of the resting potential of animal cells. Despite their fundamental role, little is known about the cellular processes that control K2P channels function in vivo. In particular, we know only few factors that directly control thenumber, activity, and localization of K2P on the cell surface.During my thesis, I used state-of-the art genome engineering technologies combined with genetic approaches to characterize the C. elegans potassium channel EGL-23. For this, I realized a phenotypic suppressor screen of the egg-laying defective mutant egl-23(n601) and a visual screen on an egl-23 translational fluorescent reporter. Using whole genome sequencing, I was able to clone for new genes involved in EGL-23 regulationLes canaux potassiques à deux domaines pore (K2P) sont des régulateurs principaux de l’excitabilité cellulaire car ils jouent un rôle central dans l’établissement et le maintien du potentiel de repos des cellules animales. Malgré leur rôle fondamental, peu d’informations sont connues sur les processus cellulaires qui contrôlent la fonction des canaux K2P in vivo. En particulier, nous ne connaissons que quelques facteurs qui contrôlent directement le nombre, l’activité et la localisation des K2P à la surface des cellules.Durant ma thèse, j’ai utilisé des stratégies d’ingénierie du génome que j’ai associé à des approches génétiques afin de caractériser le canal potassique EGL-23. Pour cela, j’ai réalisé un crible suppresseur du phénotype de défaut de ponte du mutant egl-23(n601) et un crible visuel sur le rapporteur fluorescent traductionnel egl-23::TagRFP-T. Grâce au reséquençagecomplet du génome, j’ai pu cloner 4 gènes impliqués dans la régulation du canal EGL-23

    Regulation of muscle excitability by the potassium channel EGL-23 and the LIN-12/Notch pathway in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Les canaux potassiques à deux domaines pore (K2P) sont des régulateurs principaux de l’excitabilité cellulaire car ils jouent un rôle central dans l’établissement et le maintien du potentiel de repos des cellules animales. Malgré leur rôle fondamental, peu d’informations sont connues sur les processus cellulaires qui contrôlent la fonction des canaux K2P in vivo. En particulier, nous ne connaissons que quelques facteurs qui contrôlent directement le nombre, l’activité et la localisation des K2P à la surface des cellules.Durant ma thèse, j’ai utilisé des stratégies d’ingénierie du génome que j’ai associé à des approches génétiques afin de caractériser le canal potassique EGL-23. Pour cela, j’ai réalisé un crible suppresseur du phénotype de défaut de ponte du mutant egl-23(n601) et un crible visuel sur le rapporteur fluorescent traductionnel egl-23::TagRFP-T. Grâce au reséquençagecomplet du génome, j’ai pu cloner 4 gènes impliqués dans la régulation du canal EGL-23.Two-pore domain potassium channels (K2P) are major regulators of cell excitability, playing a central role in the establishment and maintenance of the resting potential of animal cells. Despite their fundamental role, little is known about the cellular processes that control K2P channels function in vivo. In particular, we know only few factors that directly control thenumber, activity, and localization of K2P on the cell surface.During my thesis, I used state-of-the art genome engineering technologies combined with genetic approaches to characterize the C. elegans potassium channel EGL-23. For this, I realized a phenotypic suppressor screen of the egg-laying defective mutant egl-23(n601) and a visual screen on an egl-23 translational fluorescent reporter. Using whole genome sequencing, I was able to clone for new genes involved in EGL-23 regulatio

    Reliable CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Engineering in Caenorhabditis elegans Using a Single Efficient sgRNA and an Easily Recognizable Phenotype

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    International audienceCRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering strategies allow the directed modification of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome to introduce point mutations, generate knock-out mutants, and insert coding sequences for epitope or fluorescent tags. Three practical aspects, however, complicate such experiments. First, the efficiency and specificity of single-guide RNAs (sgRNA) cannot be reliably predicted. Second, the detection of animals carrying genome edits can be challenging in the absence of clearly visible or selectable phenotypes. Third, the sgRNA target site must be inactivated after editing to avoid further double-strand break events. We describe here a strategy that addresses these complications by transplanting the protospacer of a highly efficient sgRNA into a gene of interest to render it amenable to genome engineering. This sgRNA targeting the dpy-10 gene generates genome edits at comparatively high frequency. We demonstrate that the transplanted protospacer is cleaved at the same time as the dpy-10 gene. Our strategy generates scarless genome edits because it no longer requires the introduction of mutations in endogenous sgRNA target sites. Modified progeny can be easily identified in the F1 generation, which drastically reduces the number of animals to be tested by PCR or phenotypic analysis. Using this strategy, we reliably generated precise deletion mutants, transcriptional reporters, and translational fusions with epitope tags and fluorescent reporter genes. In particular, we report here the first use of the new red fluorescent protein mScarlet in a multicellular organism. wrmScarlet, a C. elegans-optimized version, dramatically surpassed TagRFP-T by showing an eightfold increase in fluorescence in a direct comparison

    A single nucleotide change underlies the genetic assimilation of a plastic trait

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    Genetic assimilation – the evolutionary process by which an ancestral environmentally sensitive phenotype is made constitutive – is a fundamental concept in biology. Its evolutionary relevance is debated, and our understanding of its prevalence, and underlying genetics and molecular mechanisms, is poor. Matricidal hatching is an extreme form of maternal provisioning induced by adverse conditions, which varies among Caenorhabditis elegans populations. We identified wild isolates, sampled from natural populations across multiple years and locations, that express a derived state of near-constitutive matricidal hatching. A single amino acid change in kcnl-1 , encoding a small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel subunit, explains most of this variation. A gain-of-function mutation altering the S6 transmembrane domain causes inappropriate activation of the K + channel, leading to reduced vulval muscle excitability, and thus reduced expulsion of embryos, irrespective of environment. Using reciprocal allelic replacements, we show that this amino acid change is sufficient to induce constitutive matricidal hatching whilst re-establishing the ancestral protein abolishes matricidal hatching and restores egg-laying, thereby doubling lifetime reproductive fitness under benign conditions. While highly deleterious in the laboratory, experimental evolution showed that KNCL-1(V530L) is maintained under fluctuating resource availability. Selection on a single point mutation can therefore underlie the genetic assimilation of an ancestrally plastic trait with drastic life-history consequences.Genetic assimilation-the evolutionary process by which an ancestral environmentally sensitive phenotype is made constitutive-is a fundamental concept in biology. Its evolutionary relevance is debated, and our understanding of its prevalence, and underlying genetics and molecular mechanisms, is poor. Matricidal hatching is an extreme form of maternal provisioning induced by adverse conditions, which varies among Caenorhabditis elegans populations. We identified wild isolates, sampled from natural populations across multiple years and locations, that express a derived state of near-constitutive matricidal hatching. A single amino acid change in kcnl-1, encoding a small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel subunit, explains most of this variation. A gain-of-function mutation altering the S6 transmembrane domain causes inappropriate activation of the K + channel, leading to reduced vulval muscle excitability, and thus reduced expulsion of embryos, irrespective of environment. Using reciprocal allelic replacements, we show that this amino acid change is sufficient to induce constitutive matricidal hatching whilst re-establishing the ancestral protein abolishes matricidal hatching and restores egg-laying, thereby doubling lifetime reproductive fitness under benign conditions. While highly deleterious in the laboratory, experimental evolution showed that KNCL-1(V530L) is maintained under fluctuating resource availability. Selection on a single point mutation can therefore underlie the genetic assimilation of an ancestrally plastic trait with drastic life-history consequences

    Mutation of a single residue promotes gating of vertebrate and invertebrate two-pore domain potassium channels

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    Mutations that modulate the activity of ion channels are essential tools to understand the biophysical determinants that control their gating. Here authors reveal the role played by a single residue in the second transmembrane domain of vertebrate and invertebrate two-pore domain potassium channels