54 research outputs found

    Amaryllis belladonna L. (Amaryllidaceae, Amaryllidoideae), first record as naturalized geophyte in Tunisia and continental North Africa

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    Abstract Amaryllis belladonna L. is recorded for the first time as a naturalized non-native geophyte new to Tunisian and continental North African flora. Additional information on its current distribution and habitat, a brief morphological description, as well as some taxonomic notes, are provided

    Echinophora spinosa L. (Apiaceae), a new species in the flora of Tunisia and second report from North Africa

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    Echinophora spinosa L. (Apiaceae), recently collected from Tabarka (Jendouba-Kroumiria, North-western of Tunisia), is reported as a new species for the terrestrial Flora of Tunisia. It is described and illustrated and notes on its ecology and phytosociological remarks are provided

    Further records and new data on the occurrence of Martyniaceae in Tunisia and North Africa

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    Proboscidea louisianica (Miller) Thell. (Martyniaceae) is newly reported for the flora of Tunisia and North Africa as a naturalised alien. Extensive field investigations in northern Tunisia allowed the discovery of three populations of P. louisianica (Miller) Thell. consisting of 18 individuals were found at the edges of “Oued Beja” and at roadside within an irrigated land in Nabeul region, where plant specimens were in flowers and fruits. Moreover, further sites were recorded for the other member of the family Martyniaceae (Ibicella lutea (Lindl.) Van Eselt.), already reported and known in Tunisia and Algeria within North Africa. Additional information for both species on their current distribution areas and their habits are provided. Details of their morphological and distinguish features are illustrated.Proboscidea louisianica (Miller) Thell. (Martyniaceae) se na novo poroča za rastlinstvo Tunizije in Severne Afrike kot naturaliziranega tujca. Obsežne terenske raziskave v severni Tuniziji so omogočile odkritje treh populacij P. louisianica (Miller) Thell. 18 oseb je bilo najdenih na robovih "Oued Beja" in ob cesti v namakani zemlji v regiji Nabeul, kjer so bili rastlinski vzorci v rožah in plodovih. Poleg tega so bila zaznana nadaljnja mesta za drugega člana družine Martyniaceae (Ibicella lutea (Lindl.) Van Eselt.), O katerem so že poročali in so znani v Tuniziji in Alžiriji znotraj Severne Afrike. Za obe vrsti so na voljo dodatne informacije o njihovih trenutnih območjih razširjenosti in njihovih navadah. Navedene so podrobnosti njihovih morfoloških in ločenih značilnosti

    Muscari baeticum (Scilloideae, Asparagaceae), a new addition to the native flora of Tunisia and third report to Mediterranean Africa

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    Muscari baeticum, originating from western Europe, is here recorded as new from the central eastern part of Tunisia. So far, it was known only from Algeria and Morocco within the southern part of the Mediterranean basin. Description of the species as well as first data about its ecology in Tunisia together with geographical distribution and diagnostic features of closely related species are given. Photographic illustrations of the new reported taxon and an updated key to the Muscari species in North Africa are also provided.Muscari baeticum, ki izvira iz Španije, je tu na novo zabeležen iz središča vzhodno Tunizije, doslej neznanega iz severozahodne obale Sredozemlja. Podan je opis vrste in prvi podatki o njeni ekologiji v Severni Afriki ter diagnostične značilnosti sorodnih vrst. Predstavljeni so geografska razširjenost, ocena IUCN, grožnje in nekateri ukrepi za ohranjanje ex situ. Na voljo so tudi fotografske ilustracije in ključ do vrste Muscari v Tuniziji

    Further species within Arecaceae (Palmae; Coryphoideae) to non-native flora of Tunisia and North Africa

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    New records of allochthonous vascular Tunisian flora are here discovered. Reported taxa (Livistona chinensis, Phoenix canariensis, P. reclinata, P. theophrasti and Washingtonia robusta) belong to the subfamily Coryphoideae (Arecaceae). Updated nomenclature, brief description, general and national distributions are provided for each species. Livistona chinensis and Phoenix theophrasti are here reported for the first time in North Africa. Analytical keys are also provided

    Phymosia (Malvaceae) a new genus for the flora of Africa, with nomenclatural notes

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    Abstract As part of ongoing studies of Tunisian Malvaceae, a population of Phymosia umbellata was discovered in Monastir city. It represents the first generic record for the national and continental flora. Morphological characters, as well as ecological data are given. A list of all the accepted names in Phymosia, their synonyms and types is also provided, with nomenclatural notes about some accepted Phymosia species

    On Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae s. str./Amaranthaceae s. l.) in Tunisia: nomenclatural and morphological notes on its infraspecific variability

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    Populations of Atriplex canescens var. gigantea were found in Lamta, Bouficha-Enfidha (central Tunisia), and Medenine (southern Tunisia). Literature data concerning the presence of this species in Tunisia are contradictory but now our data confirm its occurrence in the country. On the other hand, this variety is reported in the present paper for the first time both in Tunisia and in North Africa in general. Morphological characters and ecological data are presented, as well as notes about patterns of infraspecific variability of A. canescens. Nomenclatural notes on infraspecific names in A. canescens, as well as on the closely related species A. garrettii, are provided. The types of the names A. canescens var. laciniata, A. canescens var. macilenta, A. garrettii, Obione occidentalis var. angustifolia, and Pterochiton occidentale, that in earlier publications were erroneously considered to be holotypes, are in fact lectotypes (for most of taxa) or a neotype (for Pterochiton occidentale) under Art. 9.10 of the ICN. Isolectotypes were found at CAS (A. canescens var. laciniata and A. canescens var. macilenta), GH (A. canescens var. macilenta), and YU (Atriplex nuttallii)

    Hertia cheirifolia y H. maroccana (Asteraceae), dos especies endémicas para áfrica del norte: notas nomenclaturales, morfología, distribución y evaluación de la lista roja según la UICN

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    Hertia cheirifolia and H. maroccana (Asteraceae) are endemic North African species occurring, respectively, in Algeria and Tunisia, and Morocco. Morphological descriptions, distributions, and IUCN Red List assessments are provided in the present paper. In addition, a nomenclatural study of Battandier Hertia maroccana and Linnaean Othonna cheirifolia are carried out and these two names are typified on specimens preserved, respectively, at MPU and LINN.Hertia cheirifolia y H. maroccana (Asteraceae) son dos endemismos norteafricanos que crecen, respectivamente, en Argelia y Túnez, y en Marruecos. Presentamos en este trabajo descripciones morfológicas, distribución y categorización en la lista roja de la UICN. Además, se lleva a cabo un estudio nomenclatural de Hertia maroccana de Battandier and Othonna cheirifolia de Linneo y se tipifican ambos nombres sobre especímenes conservados, respectivamente, en MPU y LINN

    Amaryllis belladonna L. (Amaryllidaceae; Amaryllidoideae), first record as naturalised geophyte in Tunisia and North Africa

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    Amaryllis belladonna L. is recorded for the first time as a naturalized non-native geophyte of the Tunisian and N-African flora. Distribution and habitat, brief morphological description, as well as taxonomic notes, are provided. Original photographs are also given

    Amaranthus palmeri , a second record for Africa and notes on A. sonoriensis nom. nov.

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    Background: Amaranthus is a critical genus from a taxonomic point of view because of its high phenotypic variability, which has led to nomenclatural disorder, misapplication of names, and erroneous species identification. As a whole, floristic and taxonomic studies on this genus are still incomplete. Objectives: The main objective was to record the North American species Amaranthus palmeri in Tunisia for the first time and to point out a second occurrence for Africa. At the same time, we highlight some nomenclatural confusion concerning the name A. palmeri var. glomeratus which appears to be untypified and which should be treated at species rank. Method: The work is based on field surveys, analysis of relevant literature and examination of specimens preserved in the herbaria GH, FI, HFLA, K, MICH, NEBC, NY, MO, P, RO, US, and the Herbarium of Bizerta University. Results: A population of Amaranthus palmeri was discovered in Bizerta Province, representing the first record for the national flora. This record also represents the second record for Africa. Morphological characters, as well as ecological data are provided. Nomenclatural notes are provided for A. palmeri var. glomeratus (lectotype at GH, here designated; isolectotypes at MICH and US), and a new name (A. sonoriensis) is proposed. Conclusion: Amaranthus palmeri is an alien species in Tunisia, growing along roadsides and in public gardens. Future monitoring of the populations found will be necessary to verify possible naturalisation and spreading of A. palmeri in Tunisia. If this happens, actions for eradication of the plants will be necessary